psweekender march 14 1987 we accept all food store coupons early week specials canada grade a o0 vegetable wl chefmaster margarine a off jane rweh fochute cracked wheat bread monday tuesday only macaroni s cheese instant rcguiar oecaffelnateo op continental 6uno tasters choice coffee savel60 corned beef brisket 439 st patricks special readyto scrve assorted waftetles habitant soups a off canada no i product 0 us a si pmfttck s wtoal green cabbage 86 monday tuesday only weight watchers j entrees m fmnftiyimmffwwr coupon 96 oaa ti with mi cstroa kraft dinner s uut t coupon m umif purctmm vaud march wft irti ttw ffmuntpnoimhou coupon tvuo vch slouttvllle mate si w opn til 9 pjn monday totaday wadiwsday 4 saturday now open thurc a frl fl am10 pjn 11190 bayvlew avenue thomhill now optn 74 houn monday f am saturday 9 pm 1 01 l ll i f i 1 r i a ford farewell jessica diekow presented a collage to parkview public school principal doug ford and got a bug in return mr ford has been transferred to german mills public school the students and staff gathered in an assembly last week to send him off with good wishes sjoerd witteveen v i fvff r io r i i i i i t i ill crazy golf tournament march 1621 fi p join the fun excitement lv as we present our 1st annual crazy golf tournament lowest score each day in our 4 categories will be invited back on saturday march 21 for the playoffs prizes for the winners age categories 9 years old 13 15 years old 12 years old 16 over finals 12 noon saturday march 21st winners will be notified o woodside square lvlujim i ii