p26weekender december 6 1986 relationships demand egostrength by ed meade when you burn your finger you feel pain you run cold water over it blow on it a few times and even maybe say a nasty word but when you feel pain in the rela tionship of a marriage there is something else to be considered there is another person involved separation and divorce inevit ably brings pain no way to avoid the pain its like two people burning their fingers at the same time each must be responsible for his and her part in that pain it does not help to say look what you made me do if you say that and keep saying it there is a very good chance you will end up burn- a perfect catch for christmas youve heard about them youve seen them on tv and they are finally here just in time for christmas fish t the perfect gift for someone who has everything fish ties are made in canada and available in tuna trout salmon pike muskie or pickerel for only ing your finger again no now is the time to say what is my part in this pain what have i done to contribute to this breakdown in our relationship this can be painful in itself it leads us to take responsibility in accepting that we have not made a wise choice in life that we must look at our own strength at what we want as an individual that perhaps we have been treating ourselves like we were a doormat or an incomplete person or a no thing relationships demand ego- strength they demand that the two people have selfworth and have achieved autonomy from their parents separations and divorces are proliferating at an alarming rate perhaps it is our changing roles our increased mobility our changing values that are afford ing more choices in life one of which is to break a marriage bond that is no longer meaningful at any rate separation and divorce brings about crisis where the help of an objective third party is called for editors note ed meade is direc tor of markham family life centre dressed up with conservative navy blue suits we suggest the salmon model with gray suits the rainbow trout and for weekend partying theres always the yellow blue and black designer tuna isos i the christmas gift store markville sc 4776100 hume collectables inc for all your gift giving needs limited edition plates prints accessories collectable dolls marci lipman collectable ts the original laurentian lighter back in shape videotape showroom open to the public 7291 victoria park ave suite 11 special holiday season hours nov 29th to dec 24th 1986 9 am5 pm evenings by appointment saturdays 10 am6 pm gift catalogue call 47503 1 6 house sparrows take note by art briggsjude heres a note addressed espe cially to a certain family of birds living and breeding in our area so if youre not a chirper dont bother to read any further however if youre an alien en glish sparrow commonly called a house sparrow but in reality a weaver finch by way of europe and africa bend your ear a little in this direction you must understand before you fly off the handle that theres not too much we humans dont xnpw about you my feathered friend for instance your birdbrained forefathers were brought over here in the mid1850s and initial ly released in brooklyn new york by one mr nicolas pike it was quite obvious there was something fishy about this whole idea right from the very start for though your benefactor was in reality a director of the brooklyn institute he somehow missed his calling he should have been a professional con artist because he convinced a lot of other wellmeaning but short sighted individuals to record release me became a favorite pasttime throughout many parts of canada and the united states in some ways old np was out to set a few records and make a name for himself using you guys as i hate to say this stool pi geons well mr pike succeeded for you house sparrow birds hed introduced took of f at such a fast rate they completely occu pied all of the north american continent in about 40 years faster than a speeding pullet your house sparrow clan made the occupation of this country by that other intruder the starling a relatively slow process then in a twist of irony you showed your true flight colors and pulled the proverbial stool right out from under the man whose hand had fed you when the other feathered friends headed south for the win ter months you eager weavers told them you were staying put in that way youd be all set when the first housing opened up in the spring and have the best choice of family units not only that a little bird told us the other day you were a hard boiled lot when it came time for egglaying while other birds were doing their thing youd slip in and bust up their homes and throw their youngsters out on the street not a very nice gesture towards the host country id say looking down on things from an eagles perspective however even in the depths of despair there is a ray of hope you house sparrows could re deem yourselves if you would only listen pause under the nearest oak or poplar tree and feel the rain of pellets coming down then in true chirper tradi tion rise above all this fly amongst those chewing gypsy moth larvae and cut a killing swath through their teeming ranks after all caterpillars were supposed to be your bag so lets see you do something good for a change and go out and get your limit rr i awmsfrv 3050 off all genuine leather handbags jackets ifcbsfe handbags acccssorics- 127 main sknlh kja markham fl