special care needed economist suntribune october 8 1986 c5 hanging plants can survive winter by nancy hoskin plants that have been hanging outdoors all summer in contain ers will need some late season care to survive the coming win ter in anticipation bring them in doors continue to follow procee- dures that have maintained their summer health generally plants suitable for hanging containers are easy to care for hanging baskets ex posed to the sun use moisture rapidly and should be checked for water often during dry spells during rainy periods contain ers without drainage holes should be taken down and the excess wa ter be drained off before the first frost bring creative space use has rewards creative use of existing space becomes critical in homes and apartments where every square inch counts if handled effectively not only floor dimensions but the wall area can add to the amenities that make life pleasanter and a big price tag is often not necessary for example the corner of a small bedroom can become an in timate hideaway for watching tv listening to favorite music reading and doing needlework simply by adding wall units en gineered to fulfill multi- functions in a modern bedroom a work corner can be created easily and at very moderate cost with assembleyourself coordinated pieces set up to go around the corner they fit neatly under the eave and unify two disparate size innable nursery limited 5201 highway 7 east unionvilje markham ontario l3r 1n3 now only 88723 bulbs left in stock telephone 4771231 attention all home owners now is the time to plant trees thanksgiving clearance sale large trees our specialty maples ashes locusts lindens birches fruit trees pines spruces douglas firs shrubs evergreens ornamental trees and woodchips saveupto sunland landscape we are located on bloomington road 1 mile east of 404 open monfri 8 am6 pm v phone 8881962 hanging baskets of annual plants you want to grow again next spring indoors first check carefully for pest infestation such as white fly and use the appropriate spray to eradicate it repot with sterilized soil to prevent unwanted insects from entering your house most plants that have been out side all summer are probably overgrown and can be improved by cutting back most of the bran ches to 8 or 10 inches do this with fushia ivy geranium and lantana other plants suitable for hang ing baskets include flame violet impatiens christmas cactus bougainvillea and petunias these need containers from 6 to 10 inches in diameter suitable for a 3 to 4 inch contain ers are the trailing type of african violet nasturtium and trailing lobelia hanging basket begonias can also be brought indoors through the fall and winter and will bounce back in the spring you will notice that all indoor plants go through a natural dor mant stage during the cooler months they will need less atten tion during this time attractive foliage plants for hanging containers include asparagus fern coleus wander ing jew philodendrons pothos spider plants and english iyy all are suited for 6 to 8 inch con tainers if you have always main tained that these plants are only for indoors try hanging some of these varieties on a shaded bal cony or deck next summer pinch vining plants occasional ly this will stimulate new growth make sure that these plants now being housed inside for the winter are continuing to draw natural sunlight but kept away from cold drafts walls adding valuable storage capacity a cabinet with closed doors stores cassettes droplid opening holds thetv and the equipment is housed in the ample shelfspace magazines which always seem to accumulate faster than they get read are stashed neatly on the lower shelves a closed wardrobe unit supple ments limited closet space and provides room for hanging clothes as well as precious addi tional shelf space for flatfolded items surfaced in easycare white laminate the pieces easily assembled with a dowel screw and molly connector system take advantage of a corner that might otherwise be wasted and add a cheery light bright character to the room 1m cottie and help lis celebrate 0ur 33 anniversary sauk 33 savings ft save 33 crysw j86t chandeliei bulbs save 33 95 reg 13000 reg si 35 sale 3 sale save 33 reg- 495 b0 i fixture ftcrystol r tleoner cleans plastic andcowtawestoo i save 33 re9 a0 crystal hah fixture regs8500 ifrom 29 dimmers smrt33 a rbrook sale runs from oct 14thn0v1st alder shopping centre sale 6 regs99 saturday 9 am5pm ask for joe sales dept fiolfnctfkville wing 4778137 ebsilmmmfill lower level in the west wing