p26weekender october 4 1986 religion economist sun the tribune 2942200 6402100 its world communion sunday st james presbyterian sunday oct 5 is world wide communion sunday guest speaker at the 11 am worship service will be dr klaus poser director of c1carws commis sion on interchurch aid refugee and world service of the world council of churches everyone is welcome st james is located at 101 main st e stouffville milliken wesleyan construction will begin within two weeks of the 300seat 9730 sq ft sanctuary on the new kennedy rd across from cullen barns to be built by grace develop ments on 37 acres of land the church is scheduled to open in march or april a nursery school is planned for next september milliken wesleyan currently meets sundays 11 am worship service and sundav school in milliken mills public school risebrough circle and bir- chmount rd st andrews united world wide communion sun day oct 5 will also feature re ception of new members in the 10 am service phyllis spencer new parttime minister will preach on the topic the call to risk church school will be held at 10 am with baby and toddler care provided at 7 pm hic group meets in the church located on main st markham st philips anglican sunday oct 5 s 15 9 15 and 1 1 am st philips celebrates har vest thanksgiving parishioners will bring in their gifts of harvest flowers fruits nuts vegetables breads preserves etc which will be used to decorate the church for harvest following the services these donations will be delivered to the needy st philips is located on main st unionville unionville baptist an invitation is extended to all persons interested in a 12week course a survey of the new testament taught by brian alli son of ontario bible college the 30minute sessions are being held wednesdays 730 pm this course is especially suited for those with a basic knowledge of the bible call the church office 4790942 for more informa tion markham gospel chapel good news club for boys and girls kindergarten to age 12 has begun monday nights 030 to 730 pm all children are welcome to attend this time of crafts quizzes songs stories held in the church 11 church st markham people plus the monthly meeting is sche duled for saturday oct 4 8 pm in grace anglican church park way ave markham the film hazels people will be shown admission if 4 re freshments will be served people plus is a group for widowed divorced separated single christians for more in formation call paul 8899808 or ella 4711861 markham missionary the building permit has been issued and construction is well underway for the new missionary church on major mackenzie drive designed to seat over 600 peo ple the new 24000 sq ft facility will have a 50 x 64 ft gym an ele vator and adequate christian education space the 49 acre site was a gift to the congregation north markham nursery school will continue to operate from the new facilities sunday oct 5 11 am pastor myles toop will speak at 630 pm the character of a disciple part 4 of the film series the cost of discipleship by stuart and jill briscoe will be shown the public is invited to attend these services at the church 313 main st n markham central united on sunday oct 5 world wide communion sunday the sacra ment of communion is scheduled for both the 930 and 11 am ser vices together with a reception of new members monday oct 6 7 pm the senior youth group sponsors a special evening on the consequ ences and penalties of drinking and driving guest speakers will be wendy crawford of the ministry of the attorney general and constable fred williams of metropolitan toronto police force wendy age 21 is a quadraple- gic having been in a car accident involving a man who was driving while impaired the senior youth group urges parents and youth to make this evening a priority central united is located on main st unionville locust hill united sunday oct 5 945 am com munion service and sunday school a teacher training seminar for all sunday school teachers is planned for oct 7 730 pm at locust hill church sunday oct 5 the gap is plan ning to see the movie cry from the mountain for details phone 8879564 centennial baptist the 19th anniversary services are scheduled for sunday oct 5 11 am and 7 pm include guest speaker dr roy lawson and esther penny and carol miller ministering in music home bible studies are in prog ress wednesday and thursday evenings for information call the church 2941147 continued page 27 morning worship sunday school 1100 am a friendly community church in the methodist tradition meeting at milliken mills public school risebrough circle birchmount rd pastor allan summers 2947434 m markham pentecostal church affiliated with the pentecostal assemblies of canada pastor dean skinner 2946716 945 am christian education hour 1 1 00 am communion service pastor dean skinner preaching 600 pm service of praise pastor bob skinner preaching a growing church in a growing community netherlands reformed congregation 14th ave west of markham road services on sunday biblically based reformed preaching teachings 1000 am and 530 pm clerk r coates 2948462 the village baptist church meetins at john xxiii catholic school 125 krieshoff ave unionville 1030 am worship 1 1 00 am junior sunday school 1140 am sunday school classes pastor rev ralph 6 neil bscbd 4790765 affiliation canadian baptist federation centennial baptist church 8252 mccowan rd south pastor harvey peters asst g thorogood 2941147 sunday oct 5 19th anniversary 1 1 00 am morning worship 700 pm evening service dr roy lawson will be speaking at both services he is the general secretary of the fellowship of evangelical baptist churches of canada special music proposed new building unionville presbyterian church of the presbyteran church in canada t 1100 am worship commissioning of church school staff world communion sunday caring nursery provided church school william bercy public school 120 carlton rd rev jost krepun 476233 a warm welcome awaits you first presbyterian church of unionville 945 am family learning centre 1100 morning worship heritage centre 17 anna russel way rev michael w goheen 4777497 nursery provided unionville baptist church 243 main st 4790942 pastor dr ray reed asst brian morris sunday oct 5 1100 am dr ray reed preaching 630 pm fellowship around the lords table study courses starting in oct nt survey weds 730 pm teacher brian allison o bc ladies life of christ class start oct 14 10001 130 am teacher dr ray rood tbs supervision of children provided the end of your search for a friendly church markham missionary church 313 main st n 2945081 pastors grant sloss myles toop sunday oct 5 945 am sunday school 1 1 00 am morning worship pastor toop speaking 600 pm evening service film 4 the character of the disciple wednesay oct 8 700 pm awana clubs 6- you are invited to be part of a friendly caring church rooted in his word growing in his spirit building people unionville alliance church 4771104 pastor dave petrescue sunday oct 5 930 am sunday school 1100 am worship service 630 pm evening service all services at unionville public school 300 main street