p16 weekender october 4 1986 stephanie vaux 5 of markham drapery cleaning special off 0 reg price izsam sm we guarantee no shrinkage take down and rehang service now available drapes being decorator pleated ask about our carpet upholstery cleaning estimates 2942353 are your clothes becoming to you or should they be coming to us were proud of the way you look morkhom cleaners across from mr grocer 7 am pm famous i platers j i ihumij fffidtfjivilte cinemas iflthe mflrkuihe shopplnfl cewre hifv 7s hccovvftn ftd telcth6mj77g314 dgofls open daily 110 8640 pm free parking pirtcilyvti rni nfciilfi now playing m o crocodile dundee fri monthurs 710 920 sat sun 140 340 710 920 tough guys i fri monthurs 700 910 sat 8 700 910 sun 145345 coarse language transformers the movie matinee sat sun 1 30 only top gun fri monthurs 710 925 sat sun 320 710 925 tjivy contest winners the mattel my child doll color ing contest wrapped up last weekend with the final entry being published entries are still being accepted until oct 9 for the grand prize of a 200 wardrobe doll winners were drawn from the entries to contests published in the issues of wednesday sept 17 and saturday sept 20 stephanie vaux 5 of markham was the winner of the draw for sept 17 millikens elaine chen won a doll for sept 20 recent winners of coloring books which go to the first 20 en trants for each contest include christine shelston virginia gomez de la torre nicole mox- ley melanie vicars stephanie vaux jennifer pemberton anna maria durante and carrie tabone also tiffany zaplitney shar- lene halozan wendy nabzdyk dorilyn cooper terri macdon- nell michelle ghazal michelle levy meggan rogalski tracy james emma whiston marian ne noviella and jodie adams police briefs gjj tispw ip in jfe mb mfwi j j ic l i fsa v x t elaine chen of milliken paula crowell 2 arrested in assault information received from crime stoppers has led to the arrest of two people charged with assaulting a stouffville man york regional police arrested two stouffville residents 18 and 19 years of age both were released to appear in court oct 20 two other men were arrested earlier for assaulting and smashing the guitar of the same victim police arrested a 20 year old from sunderland and a 19 year old from sandford regarding the incident tobowtos largest bazaar the sunday market exhibition place arts crafts hobbies building grand opening this sunday open every sunday 9 am 5 pm jewellery furniture arts handicrafts antiques sportswear toys farmers market much rnuch more over 230 vendors vendors enquiry admission free 4779930 newrelease trisha romance 29500 special christmas commission winter twilight 17v2x23v4 orders taken until nov 291986 mctttml ufrafflit ijs do it yourself picture framing workshop and gallery 4186 finch at midland 2977144 store hours tueswed 106 thursfri 109 sal 930500 b aswc ficfuv fofvrs assaoafcn they too were released to appear in court oct 20 warrant issued a warrant has been issued for a pefferlaw man charged with tak ing a ring from a gormley woman the ring valued at 3500 was taken from 8a centre st in mar kham green n growing by elaine gordon small fruits are speckling varieties of trees and shrubs to help sustain feathered wild life and the occasional mis guided robin who chose not to journey south with summer this invigorating season of rust ling leaves winds and warm sweaters is a favorite time of year for my husband and i well use almost any reason to be outdoors this marriage of autumns col or panorama among tree limbs in cool weather is an important event because gardens need a helping hand to challenge winter if valid excuses are needed for being outside perhaps the follow ing may be useful give lawns a fall feeding espe cially if the only lush green color to look at was on television nature programmes grass must breathe too so keep on raking those leaves check the sturdiness of stakes supporting young trees and stan dards adjust existing ties to accommodate past growth in areas prone to rodents wrape the lower third of young trunks with protective guards remove the wrap next spring support for new trees can be given by cutting sections from an old garden hose or a skipping rope and inserting wire through the middle before circling the tree and tying to stakes wire alone must be avoided as it cuts into the bark cut back prennials discard tired annuals and remove de cayed foliage from beds this is not only leaves insects homeless over winter and helps fend off dis ease but everything looks nicer think of the head start youll have on an always busy spring gladiola tuberous begonia dahlia and canna lily bulbs cant survive if left in the earth gently lift them and store indoors in a cool dry spot when putting heavy fertilizer bags in a dry area be kind to your back and use a shovel as a sled when moving them the little birds depend on our generous daily handouts so dont forget to repair andfill the feeder consider encouraging more activity and song in the yard by establishing another station- perhaps on a windowsill when placing the feeder for your watch ing enjoyment keep in mind a location where the birds will be safe from predators