90 tribune july 2 1986 a19 osts mini world cup of soccer above stouffville panther defender mario geraci left blocksi tfie kick of a montreal opponent during saturday robbie tourna ment action middle panther richie holdeh celebrates a goal thardribbled past a shocked montreal keeper far right paufher jim sebyk right is first to the ball z i kelly connelly school track awards stouffville athletic awards were presented to summitview public school students last wednesday several of the students won awards for both inschool and regional athle tic acheivements tdayle lewis baron ellis todd stover and michelle hofstee were all presented with athletic letters in rec ognition of outstanding performance throughout the school year sa presentation was also made to the summitview atom girls track and field teamfortheir first place finish at me regional relay meet held at un- st lonville high school in may and in the area 2track meet held in aurora the pennants won by these girls willbe displayed in the auditorium at sum mitview students also received trophies for achieving the highest individual points in track and field within their school these students are jason reesor and kristina schwartz tyke tanya couperthwaite and derek har rison atom stephen fockler and julie sanford junior and michelle hofstee joel clark and baron ellis intermediate mr shepherds class was honored asschool meet winner for overall par- ticipation in the school track and field meet eobbie soder stouffville panthers m semifinal royals jtiat- by injuries and referees mistake for details i supexdt air conditioning that saves you money a heat pump is a central air condi- itionirig system and dehumidifier as well as a heating system so efficient in winter that added to a standardefficiency gas or oil sfurnace it actually reduces your heating bills 56 when youre thinking about air conditioning this summer why hot have air conditioning that reduces your heating bills as well we reserve the right to limit quantities and to correct printers errors f super x drugs bonus coupon hostess super x drugs bonus coupon white swan i j00f bqnus ii you add a heat pump 10 your oil or gas furnace you jar automatically qualify for sfoo or more jbf enermarkoqmplm4 financed by the i royal bank at interest rates below prime potato chips j paper towels j oil w ckage mm 200 g assorted varieties with this coupon limiltwopercouponpercuslomer limitone coupon with this h coupon b limit two per coupon per customer limit one coupon expires july6 1986 ill u w t vvvf wl fui vujluimvii uiiiiuviiu wwwpuii 1miiiuiiu pbl liuuuvm yjfjt ujiuiiiui liii kj percustomer coupon expires july6 1986 p percuslomercouponexpiresju mm iss wm bh n n sa bh wbm h super x drugs bonus coupon super x drugs bonus gerber strained i baby food- juice i coupon antihistamine seldane nonsedating formula12s 128 ml f with this coupon limit two per coupon percustomer limit one coupon h i i i i with this coupon limit two percoupon percustomer limitone coupon 1986 f percuslomercouponexpiresjuly6 1986 percustomer coupon expires july 6 1986 jfjl b super x drugs bonus coupon super x drugs bonus coupon ontario hydro newmarket area office 301 mulock drive newmarket ontario 18002632070 8958605 gj colgate i toothpaste regular winterfresh gel or tartar i98 limit twoper coupon percustomer limit ono coupon m percustomer couponexpiresjuly6 198g markham 100 ml with this coupon i i i i i coupon super x dishwashing i liquid il m 158 ga with this j1 i i coupon m save 81 limit two percoupon per customer limit one coupon percustomer couponcxpiresjuly6 1986 g sherwood plaza wellington st w at hwy 7 ph 47157821