wednesday september 28 1983 ma15 m- cgyiofw ieimsri3ii a tsss og xkv asav kxj- a6tet- sale prices shown available to all customersthursvfrivsati sept29oct11983 pkg of 41s velour bathroom tissue 200g hostess chips m 450ml revlon flex shampoo or conditioner 1 litre sunlight liquid detergent 10 s gillette trac d or atra blades arvuhh diovol suspension 350ml or tablets 50 s 100s super paramettes vitamins pkg of 2s hidri prints paper towels 200 ml gillette foamy or trac d shave cream pkg 01 2s shoppers drug mart rubber gloves 200s kleenex facial tissues any popular brand canadian cigarettes regular or king size wynmg health and vfctlaf e canada advss mat dangcmo health net eamis milh amount smovod avad inhaling 75 s tums antacid tablets 500ml plus 1 25 ml bonus listerine mouthwash pkq ol 10s red saver garbage bags looml aquafresh toothpaste aq aq 6009 selection chocolates 400 ml vaseline intensive care lotion 104 s polident denture cleanser neilson family size chocolate bar assorted types a sizes pkg ol3s irish spring deodorant soap irish spring i ir 3 mro fab detergent a eekba we reserve the right to limit quantities while quantities last mm