t 1 1 1 f j r r i i ifrwyi the economist and son arel- comes community calendar sab- missions from nonprofit groups and organizations for the promo- rtion of upcoming events of com- inanity interest write the eco nomist and sun 72b main st n markham or telephone 2942200 sthe deadline for submissions is 3 vpm on the friday prior to pub- i lication space permitting items i are repeated each week until the event occurs wed dec 15 james robinson public school intermediate band will be holding a concert at the mar kham district high school at730 pm pm there will also be old fashioned strolling carolers throughout the mall films for children at the markham library at 2 pm the two films presented will be the night before christmas and christmas carol fri dec 24 candlelight service for christmas eve will be held at the cherrywood united church 3rd concession durham east of altona rd startine at 1130 pm shabbat services of the- markhamunionville hebrew congregation will be held at the synagogue located on the north side of hwy 7 west of mccowan rd at 815 pm for further in formation call 4757687 thurs dec 16 slm dec 26 concerned citizens for nuclear disarmament will meet at 8 pm at central united church house 129 main street unionville members of the pub- lie are welcome sweet charity carolers will be performing at the mark- ville shopping centre at630pm carol singing in the park sponsored by the mar- kham lions club 730 pm around the campfire at morgan park fri dec 17 markham guild of village crafts workshop and seminar oh styrofoam christmas balls by betty risby 930 am to 3 pm cost 8 register at the guild or call betty at 2941482 old fashioned carolers will be singing at markville shop- ping centre at 630 pm sat dec 18 craft and fashion show tea garden and cafewill be held by area artisans at the all saints t centre 3125 bay view ave wil- lowdale from 10 am to 6 pm markham guild of village crafts will be holding a craft sale at their building at 140 main st markham from 10 am to 4 pm public is welcome public square dance spon sored by the canadian olde tyme square dance callers associa tion will be held at the buttonvil- le womens institute hall at 830 pm cost per person is 3 for information call 2490147 or 247- i 1277 markville shopping cenv trewill behaving another busy day for thechildren puppet sshows- will be heldin the food court at 1030 am 1130 am 1230 pm andl30 pmthere will also be a movieblack beau ty in the cinemas from 9 am to 12 noon in the evening at 630 markville shopping cen tre will sponsor free skating and swimming at the centennial arena moil dec 27 wizard of oz will be drama tized at the markville shopping centre at 12 noon 130 pm and 2 pm tues dec 28 dog days puppet show with tom vandenburg a one person puppet show dogs for all ages at the unioriville library at 2 pm micro computer academy three- day workshop which offers and introduction to the computer keyboard and basic commands designed for children 7 to 9 years of age this program will be held at the unionville pub lic library on dec 28 29 and 30 from noon to 130 pm micro computer academy threeday course for children 10 to 12 years of age will take place at the thornhill com munity library from 3 pm to 420 pm advance registration required tv puppetree presents dog days featuring a real live dog suitable for children 3 years and up at the thornhill community library at 10 am register in advance and get your free ticket help make a winter mu- 1 ral again the markham group of village artists supervise crea tion of a winter mural for the mar- r room thoseunder 10 years will workon a different project this will take place 2 pm- at thelibrary wed dec 29 laurel hardy film special featuring busy bodies midnight pm the charles dickens singers patrol and music boxfor ages 5 will vn jktmwmmry will be performing shaar shalom synagogue dofiimillsrd simonston blvdis having a dedication marking acquisition of its own first ttirahscrolls thecommun- ity isinvited to celebrate this sab- i bath with shaar shalom and up atthe unionville library at 2 pm films for kids ages 3 and up strawberry shortcake in big ap ple city tomten moon men and the mole and the hedgehog at the thornhill library from 1030 amr to 1130 pm c celebration 5 the magician will be i with the bozartrio 1030 am at t the unionville public library program features vocal in v strumefttal music stories and poemsv ci christmas v will be i done at the thornhill library for a limit of 15 children at 1030 pm following the craft session at 12 30 pm the whole family is welcome to a special concert presented by the bozartrio this program will be held in the browsing area by the art wall films for children at trie markham library at 1030 pm this weeks films are cosmic christmas and little drummer boy sun dec 19 annual christmas carol service by the choirs of grace anglican church 19 parkway ave at 730 pm the choirs will be singing traditional carols and all are welcome jmpri dec 20 christmas euchre at cedar grove schoolat 8prh there will be lucky draws and good prizes everyone welcome thurs dec 23 markville shopping cen- trewiu be haying puppet shows at the markham library at2pm with his daughtercarla to enter- tain all ageswith a magic show thurs pec 30 magic show with richard lyn for ages 3 and up at the unionville library at 2 pm y songs and stories for chil dren aged 3 and up01d time story telling and folk singing with marya miller sharon morleyat the thornhill library at 1 30 pm markham library at 2 pirn will show films to make you laugh all the way into the way into the new year- r fri dec 31 at 1230pm 130 pm and 230 or 2942296 markham kinsmen will be holding a new yearsdance starting at 730 pm the evening will inlude music with dj bob heaps plus a hot and cold buffet tickets for the dance which will be held at the penalty box lounge of the markham centen nial arena are 30 per couple for tickets call 2945418 or 294- 6452 new years dance being sponsored by the markham minor hockey association ladies auxiliary at the markham com- muhity centre cocktails at 7 pmdancing until 1 am- dj will be john brunke hot buffet cost 45 per couple call 2941423 make a connection to the skies learn to fly with us j our friendly professional instructors make learning easier with the comprehensive training facilities at toronto buttonville airport conveniently located 20 minutes from downtown toronto via don valley parkway hwy 404 it may take less timeand cost a lot t less than youd think for information can toronto buttonville airport 4164778100 right training division t toronto airways ltd also owns and operates totontatr- local firm boosts fele gift dri the phrase may no j longer be appropriate for cats- but as far as markham sign manu facturer- markle- brothers ltd is con cerned bigger is better x-ii- sthecompanywith offices in the towns in dustrial section has decided to expand its inhouse christmas gift drive after a wild- ly successful debut last year office manager susan hal pern said the response from com pany staff last year was so good that the drive will be expanded to include the entire town of markham markle brothers community services panyjhas put money committee is in- i to advertising the terested primarily in drive including post3 obtaining canned food and warm clothing for children- all clothing toys and sporting equipment are also welcome mrs hal- pern said social service agen cies will distribute ev erything collected those interested can also contribute money though mrs halpern noted were not really geared for it we think wed get a bigger re sponse with clothes and food were just hoping for a good response from the markham area she continued for its part the com- ers and has also printed and mailed let- tersrequesting supr portj wt contributions to the r be- made at- the companys 226 steelcase rl facility recent wednesday december lavl98d5- ontario government notice christine carter of thornmu was a re- cent graduate from ashawcolleges in torbnto at the gra- r duation ceremonies held nov 13 at the inn on the park she re ceived her diploma in secretarial studies education- minister stephenson addressed thegradui atesandthe 500q guests attending the ceremony s completion of a highway study fiffhji vy v the maisny ot tran and commumcaoons 1mtcj has co a study which wb result h the reconstruction ot kghway 1 tram q km r west oi lesse street easttriy to highway 404 wp j6os101 district 6toronto the study has folowed a planning process approved n under the environmental assessment act 1975 as requred by this approval an environmental study report has- been fled with the environmental approvals branch of the ministry of the environment moe and is available for pubgc review at the fobowing locations f caeilragai lafnagtforim siiti7s t fi neteriii h3c3g3 towd oi rcfapknd hi offadtettrt ickyeaoisnet ftcteond hb oettnol uc4y5 evening party wear evening georgettes crepes 1 50cm60 sew up great savings in line evening wear georgettes and crepes valuestos1198 now reduced to 698 m chirimin crepe prints 1 1 5cm45 a groat value in line chinmin crepe prints in a super collection of winter shades reg 1298 now reduced to m mjcro crater prints t exclusive designs i 1 50cm60 no other fabric can compare with- the very special printing techniques used in this exciting new fabric k reg 2298 now fabricland super special y rri ultrasuede brand fabric 115cm45 a truly magnificent fabric inan extensive range of this seasons colours compareatsioo i now fabricland super special crompton printed 0 velveteen 115cm4s rich soft luxunous printed velveteen in awide array of this seasons fashion designs and colours some gold metal- lies reg 2898 now fabricland super special holiday glitter 90 cm36- 1 1 5 cm45- 1 50 cm60 a beautiful collection of fine printed georgette and metallic yoryous just right fashion for the holiday season reg 998 to 2098 now fabricland special at 20opff our entire stock plain printed silk crepe de chine il5cm45 100 silk the ultimate in ele- gance reg to 2598 now fabricland special at sweat suit fleece 1 50cm60 fashion upyourown jogging suit in fine sweat suit fleece ideal for all athletic enthusiasts short ends j mlovioiii values to 898 j 0w now fabriclandisuper special m velour clearance 150cm60 rich lush softvelour ideal lor robes and gowns fashion up a great christmas gift at these great savings s reg 1098 now fabricland super special christmas prints 145cm54- 1 50cm60- more christmas prints in a wide width and in a wide selection of christmas patterns values to 898 now a t fabricland from 550 498 1798 m deballvelvet r couturier velvet for that sophisticated look this fall and holiday season in a wide assortment of this seasons m colours some megs reg from 1098 now fabricland special at 20 off taffeta 1 1 5cm45 1 50cm60 the superb look of fine crisp tafleta for elegant wear tops or dresses reg from 498 now fabricland special at 20 off craft ideas felt squares 9 x 1 2 great colour assortment now at fabricland 399 christmas cutouts tree skirts tree ornaments and stocking stuffers to choose from nowiat fabricland id christmas trim a wide selection oi colours 8 designs for the holiday season reg 199 roll now at fabricland winter prints 1 50cm60 a super collection of great prints for a great fashion look this season slock up now at this special price reg 598 now fabricland super special f149 roll strawberry shortcake crib quilts another great festive value- fromfabriclarid ideal for christmas gift giving values to 20 now at fabricland 798 per panel gift suggestions 13 off christmas tablecloth 150crn60l65cm66 select from all the chnstmas colours including red green and white reg 798m now at fabricland our entire stock wools reduced 1 s0cm60 the entire stock of our wide selec- tion of wools have boon reduced for great savings values from 10 to 30 at fabricland now reduced to 998m special purchase super suede 150cm60 great fashion savings in suede 810 of the in fall and winter shades to choose from values to 1098 at fabricland now reduced to camel hair cashmere coating 1 50cm60 traditional high fashion in exquisite camel hair or cashmere coating just right lor the season reg 45 now fabricland super special 30 crompton printed corduroy 1 1 5crh45 deluxe printed corduroy in a large selection of up to date foulard and stripe designs in this seasons jewel tone colourations reg 1698 now fabricland super special stocking stuffers cordless electric scissors the minicut 300 is an ideal gift this holiday season and has hundreds ol applications batteries not included reg 1198 now at fabricland 798 each christmas gift ideas from our bath linen oepts now at fabricland 50 off aiuu it mol locations 13 off 598 christmas prints 115cm45 select from our wide collection for a host of ideas this festive season rag 498 now at fabricland vogue designer 0rh3inal 049 398m chirimin plains 115cm45 100 polyester a couturier fabric with incredible versatility in a wide spectrum of colours reg to 1298 now fabricland super special f m th7alficlirq1ftrcmineagoodlorl redemption at atryfabrklafldstorajnjcanada ccljocoasljig nowlsemwoudmsa vinost ffdtttootrf l dm th ol wtftoiwjf yoradtncoemmimak many many more great j holiday savings in all stores host itois avaiuwie ataustorts markham f 1 3 o t otunoa strttt slrtfei pickering kiktwm leaside scarboro scarboro scarboro 7310 weocww a 4752448 s hn431 if sheridan mall 8395990 cgtaim ate e 953 egllnton ave e 4215080 wkkukji square nil fmckaxe btfctuaegat putj woodsido square 2919443 4b4 blrchmount rd 6997129 3000 danforth ave 6903831