m jbw wednesday december 1s1s82 k examinations start ifor schools students st boberts will once again engage itself in the annual ritual of christmas examina tions starting dec j6 through to dec 22 approximately 1300 itudentsi will begin- their travels through their exam schedule striving to the best of their abilites jas they set pen to paper ready to meet themselves in rs-i- st roberts qackjfaimke- their educational ozone layer t 7 i of lifesize propor- tions approximately ftthefigurestof light of an academic mary joseph jesus challenge three wise men three although the preced- shepherds a donkey ing weeks of this man datory exercise are very hectic and filled with nervous anticipa tion 28 grade 12 art students concurrently reached their own indi- vidualapexl ithe artists culmin ated their first term twodimensional arduous anatomy stu dies by creating a three dimensional nativity scene when in the fin al phases of construc tion not only did the t and a camel were con structed with a chicken wire skeleton and papier mache flesh the projectcom menced only3 j4 weeks ago and the students have been working feverishly so that the creche would be ready for display during the exam schedule in the front foyer mrs josie schwarzli dean of arts instf- tuted the idea and directed the project project- raise a few keeping an eye on her eyebrows but it for- a michelangelos as moment tore the staff they worked in groups and students out of of 2 or 3 on each seper- retiring do you have funds in rrsps a retiring allowance etc save on taxes m ifts talk annuities call w1lf lewis clu canada lfe bus 9641400 home 2947960 ate component she felt that with each day ev- sry pupil became more attached to hisher work and developed j the sense of pride necessary for such an undertaking to be sue- cessful it would be a false- hood to state that no one ran into circum stantial or technical difficulties along the way- and mrs schwarzli said there was at first a reluct ance of the students to aquaint themselves with their messy medium however once they were up to their elbows in glue there was no restraining their en- iiisiasm even massi mo batini chuckled mrs schwarzli who was extremely enth used about the whole ordeal found himself tangling with the de vious papier mache in the end massimo not only helped create the creche but could be credited with a new design for the school uniform- using a generousamount of glue to develop the variation technical difficul ties were admirably overcome with the celebrated camel that mrs schwarzli hon- sjf i as teacher josie schwarzli makes some final adjustments on the nativ ity scene at st roberts high school estly didnt think was schwarzli stated they- havent lost the going to make it when minor surgery was performed on a portion of the stomach whichhad so co operatively caved in nor can it be stated this masterpiece came to pass with a lack of artistic affection es pecially whenthe kneeling shepherd named david received an apology every time the students had to papier mache his der- riere l even the student teacher mr wenzl got into the act and stayed until 5 pm on thursday to help the procrastinate camel along mr wenzl felt the project made the pupils self reflective and helped them real ize again what christ mas really is com fortingly mrs meaning cooperation and an all too rare sense of giving were thepre- velant characteristics of the project and evi dence of this is that the nativity scene will be donated to st marks- parish in stouffville the church building is still under construc tion but will be able to soon boast the beauti ful creche father j adams came to the school last friday to bless and accept the work on be half of his parishiners and commented on how lively it was to see students with a god- given talent creatiqg something that would inspire the infant to the jonsidering the grade 12 art class is i the r i elliot house i of antiques t pleased to announce its opening r on friday dec 27 antiques collectables and unique christmas gifts w noctweast comer of hwy and48 baiiartis i jp miller thomson sedgewick lewis healy barristers solicitors york regional office suite 202 7050 woodbine ave markham ontario l3r 4g8 4758060 toronto office 20 queen st w 5958500 join us for coffee and cookies on dec 17 starts friday one show nightly incl sunday 730 reduced adult admission 275 100 anniversary canada tecrmuoa the salvation army markham corps invites you and your family to join them for an hour of carol singing at a candlelight service sunday dec 19182 at 630 pm at the markham community library lower level corner highway 48 no 7 all are welcome for more information call cadet mrs k trim 4816136 ext 292 aloroafuocpflescntationof a rankiw8sss production in association with itc films famous brands luggage christmas spectacular v quasar sou sale aula color vhs video 8 hr recorder program timer search casrucajur 689 quasar 20 electronic j king cdorlock mbcss3b 489 599 price oh iuggacc hahobags smau icathsr goods b busoiess casis gfmjotssavwgs it first ouatlty uwouhdislptus- we guarantee lowest prices in the toronto area or wfu refund the oifeerence uutclsi ukc1u 0 haw ucs 0utu1 h toucato aria luggage martf warehouse outlet 340 ajen rd markham ont 4740444 expert luggage repairs a- hitachi 20 105 channel btricanwtcf toyrwvrvity pssssle 599 toshba microwave hal vlrtjutpow 10 499 mtachiziraectromc tuwn6 c jerrol0400 cordless i converter 109 quasar 26 color tv 649 jutachi toshiba hu color tv portane 100 sou sale 00 l hitachi toshiba 20 color tv hitachi 26 color tv m autocator- 20yrwyranty 699 toshiba portable cassette radio fmsw 2ssuun 135 0uasar 16 color 105 channel -remote- 529 v quasar 120 color tv 10s 3yvimty 599 qu an tv appliances hitachi microwave t0poftheune y- i sunless steel aulocook lmepiade 719 toshiba general electmc full size microwave cntw0uhyt m59 30 range dociinmf 389 13 cu ft fridge j 549 hitachi video cassette toshiba hitachi microwave compact power conttf 365 cislliwclny toshiba vde0 cassette uimdouman jb sapor seal jtashlcaiwr 799 cay 7q0m auto washer 5308yonqest whlowdale 2261001 191 king st w ihoshawa 7253600 4421 hwy no 7 c unionvue 2973737 one of the three incon venienced groups that had to migrate to a reg ular classroom for the academic year due to fact the the art depart ment is splitting at the seams they after having to rearrangethe furni ture twice in a 45 mi nute period and leave no trace of articitic activities a task to which mrs schwarzli attributes any grey hairs truly did create their own small miralce its a moving world jenifer tower unenvfcv 4773211 heather mchafe markham 2949099 lyme walkei nursn maes 477 6080 mao van ouynhcven thornm 8890560 te3i million dollar slietaeular ma 800 ijs sfefcrefawr fefei s2 300 65 t 7 999 i- a 99 799-t- 60 s i 30r 2495 1 299 1995 90 2495 vv 99 the price is right isvm3jwcait2 k eiarrings pin pendants brooches pearls jv diamond genuine stone settings right on the premises opening december 4th and lasting until stocks run out monwed 10 ma- 5 pmthufri 10 am- 8 pm sat 10amr5pm special appointments for volume dealers 1 5 heritage rd markha m member canadian manufacturers aociation visa master card accefted m hwy 7 j i a j s 4