w ir v vr4- i so xej stouffville the preelectionvheat has switched from ward 6 to ward 4 fran salisburys eleventh hour decision to en- vjs- wmkamps to knock dnevery rtheirace thasshifted the focus of attention from jim sandersto bui kamps y sanders opponent isged stohehouse kamps rival is mrs sainsbury v v- t jum not really sur- v prised councillor kamps 1 toldjthetribune with re- spect to ihcsainsbury j announcement monday- describing himself as prepared he de nied any intention of plaster ing the ward with signs al dont believe in polluting the neighborhood that way he said as in 1980 he hopes to call on every homealone i domyown campaign ing he stated the ward 4 incumbent says hes pleased at whats 1 beetf- accomplished during the past iwo years we the council succeeded in every- thing we set but to do he said mentioning specifical- ly the announced closing of the landfill site the signing of the dulverton agreement expansion of the sewage plant and discussions re- lated to a proposed recrea tion complex i fran sainsbury mother of two denies shes a political pers6neyen though in re- cent years shes dealt with all levels of government in connection with the landfill controversy with respect to that issue she feels the people have gone as far as they can gov from here its up to the appeal hearings and the ministry mrssainsburysayslackof accommodation for young cbuplesarid seniors is a per- sonal coricerii7she wants a recreation centre when we can afford it and hopes to maintain the smalltown atmosphere that has made the community such a pleasant place in which to live fran sainsbury eleventhhour deci sion- a metrbland community newspaper vol95 n025 wednesday october 20 1982 25 cents 20 pages xofit j f church salutes community leaders v st james presbyterian church hosted asalute towhitchufch and membevrof parliament sinclair stevens left a guest of the stouffville service sunday many people attended including sunday school teachers arid children mayor king and mr stevens town mayor eldred king centre who spoke during the worship are welcomed here byjthe congregations pastor rev ted creen v v i r jiminomas stouffville a request fromthe concerned citizens committee of whitchurch- stouffville foiiia guarantee of ito subsidize legal costs in the foct 26hearing againsf york- sanitation was in full swing however our lawyers from 15000 s speaker said shehoped council well testing and out of experts would give cela- a financial to hire t guarantee inwriting of we figure a guarantee by council is the cheapest way but p- 4 vvhitcliurchstouffville r f- stouffvillendespite the factthree members of- whitchurchtquffville council havebeen returned by acclamation the nov8 muni- cipal election is the talk of the town v j- jr main reason for the sudden surge of interest is the decision by fran sainsbury to toss her chapeau in the ring shes a candidate in ward 4 a seat cur- rently held by bill kamps clos ing date for nominations was monday oct 18 at 5 pm k four of six wards are being contestediri addition there are two standing for the single york region publicschool board of education post and three vieing for the one au- rorawhitchurchstouff ville separate school position sepa- rate school supporters will also be electingone member to rep- resent them at the high school levermarkham-vhitchurch- stouffville oh the york region board of no surprise is the acclama tion accorded mayor eldred kingalsd acclaimed are tom wood ward 2 and jim rae ward 3 the complete list follows plijwifteri mayoreldred king ace council one to be elected in each wardward 1margot marshau rrl cedar vaue ycharles warden rri 1 meeting stoufkville a pre- electionmeting sponsored by the town library will be held wedoct 27 at 8 pm in theauditoriiimof stouff- ville dist secondary school head librarian george schlukbierwill serve as chairman i j idunng the evening quesj tions will be invited from the audience for council and- board of education candi dates later during a social hour candidates will be available on a onetoone basis- the election date is moriv day nov 8 advance polls will be open sat pct30 the library is whitchurch- stbiiff villes election in- formationcerttre voters lists have been posted there qprmleyward 2-tomwood- rr- 3stouffvilleacc ward 3jim raevr-ri4- stouff vule ace jc ward4wmc kamps ruperiave stouff- ville frances sainsbury rr 2- stouffville ward 5-marie- adams mainstreeteast 1 stouffville wilf morieynorth street stouffville ward 6t jim -sanders- obrien vave stouffville ged stonehouse fairview- aye stouffvillev public school board james west william st stouffville harry bowes hawthorne aye stouffville separate schoplboard lucille linton aurora john omahony aurora betty leev sharon york- region board slssupporters- nicholasberakthornhillfry michael neiuthornhiu j there are 10872 eligible vo y in whitchurckstouffville successful candidates will- i serve a threeyear term adv- anee polls sat- oct 30 have r been established at the vandorf community centre wards 1-2- 3 and atthemunicipal office wards456 advance poll vqt- ing hours are 9 am to 8 pmj -i- i v cx- ts ycusjis 4i if v v i o- v- v- stouffville ten peo- street stouffville and floyd vj championship at lucan near pie including two plowmen forsythrr2 stouffvilleilondbnront and will advance five cyclistsand the cyclistsl were presented with crests totke worldmatchsmn t three coaches werehonored by recognizing recent achieve- rhodesia forsythis theohtar towncounciloct12s ments l r io championhewilljcompete ken fergusontrederickfergusbritworfthelcanadianjfof the canadian title at prince 488iu o i mer mayoreldredking couhcilsguests duringthe tjrr brief buthmpressive cere- jkinefornubhc- a tke boys who bycycleil all property is open to inspection bytheontario humane society at any time i welcome them he said he feels however they gdabout their work the wrong way instead sending out six officers oneday theyd be bet- terto send out onefficer six days although he maintains t he way f st e v a h n ed e s -xi- l t- xpl there anything wrongi want r for h p to know about it v centreeachreceived jack- the society s main com- in attendance were mcneilr edward street stoiiff- plaint he poiiitsout is the prac tise by some of putting live ille eddie r6bertsbaker- animals like sheep and goats m av st6uff ville andrew the trunks of cars- faulkner harris thi pketwood boule- saysanumber ofbuyers have fd stouffvilleavdtkevjn been warned aeainstthis but no cxi tuiiiiv th been warned against this but no charges liavebeen laid j smith ilroquois drive ballan- traeunable to be present was group wasrgittagamm4van thbrize testing untiltheest- cant have this help from you dorf road rir4 stouffville- mated cost liasbeen deposited wereiriabindtomakeacase in her appeal mrsgamm in frustwith them- itsrieartheend ofthe said fundraising by the group iwith time of the essence the year explainedcouncillor l i bill kamps the budget is set at the start stouffville man stouffville david bruce stiher 37 formerly of winlari drive stouffville was set4fchcea to life impris- bnmentwhenhe entered a ceasedsroomabout9 oclock on the night in ques tion crown attorney ed bradley said stiner had seen hiswifeearlierlthat same morley and jim sanders said the town had already made financial cojnmitments and couldnt speak for the council of 83 mayor eldred king said if we did agree wed just be dupli- jvlrs gamm said the group eating what we vealready done has faithinwhat its doing forthe taxpayers 1 1 councillor tomwoodsaid it would be totally irres- stouffville sculp- tured animals two of which are i ndw located near theentrance to the town library may some day abound in stouffville george schlukbier whitcli- urchstouffvilles chief libra- frian hopes to place such works along the edge ofduffins t creek from the memorial park through to the conservation dam hes hopeful the project- can start this fall schlukbier wants- also to establish a paved walkway be- side the stream thatcanbe used by hikers and joggers he told the tribunehes con- the committee is asking the taxpayer to have faithhe suggested each of thecon- cerned citizens put up 150 and raise the money themselves ponsible for us to do something this evening that could be res cinded by the next council he also wondered what re search cela was going to do plea of guilty tofifst degree day and had left around 330 r murder in the shooting death pm iys 1 v of his estraneed wife angela -sxi- of his estranged wife angela mariei25r f- othe trial that lasted less v heard by mr justice tacalloh mon dayinwhitby supreme c6iirt- mrsstiner motherof two was shot and killed in her ux- vhewassfopped- by a policeman forspeeding- shortlyafterthevcrime and rthetmufdeisweaporiwas found in hlscar however he r was only given aticket and allowed toproceed later he called anotticerandcon- fessed- i j vssiv i bridge apartment oct 5 ii ii -tv- iitr 51 v tsfvifl i the trial nor wereanv wit fel according to evidence thef prominent criminal lawyer accused entered thede- bruce affleck ill sign for 150 lie said v hadnt already been done i thedumpfisjhetownsprob mrs gamm said thetowns lemthespeakerreplied ifwe testers only test where they- dont get the money in aweek- know theyre not going to find well run out of season to do anything- v r -i- said- mayor king you fa mmsi4z 4 make agood point maybe f ii fj llllo youre just fishingin the dark trying to find something he stouf f villes history will occur want to assure the residents we saturday j- ij are fighting the best way we sclose to 200 items including canv v3- household larticlesi antiques iflwe need your experts and toys will be sold from the well use uiems- vacant lot north of main street council agreed to put the atpalmwoodgate the event is matter over until the next day being sponsored- by thecon- with the suggestion the group cernedjcitizehsa committee f jthpr6cee tosubsjdize ex panses incbnnection with the iandfql appeal r starting time is 10 am t tonyvdefuriarrstouff- ville- the lads wereaccompa nied by coaches garyfisher upton they receivedjackets lulu x nuu m kilo sidering a sculptural exchange jeters or 372 miles- l between wtfitchurch-jnrvsv- 1 stouffville andsc6tlandthe iful rffl oog lease afrangementwoutd spanl mam m- mpij f a period of 99 years sculptors v in the united states arealso in vstpufeville money terested mr schlukbier m supplyjqr even final placement said essentials but- antiques are schlukbier is conditional on l a how the town decidesitodew was oct 11 thanksgiy velop the area around the lib- in pv t fl a sale of rary project approvals stiu property belonging to wilbur required from the aridjs str recreation board and the met- north stouffville v ftft ro toronto and region con- j a prices follow akauff- servation authority j piano900a spnng-rock- ting vrboard400avt6iletset365a sfbasswoodjcupboard300ia pine wooden bed200v -l- s lfm the height of the sale more than 600 wereinattendance auctioneersindrniaridijhii ifaullcnerahdjearligausiih r operatetitwo rings continuous- ly beginning atiram and finishing at four v v tftif the beautyis the beast -t- bf 4 a c- ftf vpt send a representative at that meeting council decided it could not put up uieguarantee because of the lateness of the request stouffvilleseigjty eighttkousand dollars would 1 break us commehtedtown treasurer ed blackbiirhin dis- counting atribuneheadline oct 13 that read iliurea foru- maldehydetax loss over- i88ooq zjjsc j trtreasurer-blackburnisaid- uhej 8892900 reief writebf f v was inassessmentnot taxes aithetax losshesaid would be 451171 ofwhickonly 120874j would beapplicabletothe j municipality the remainder v y recoverable from t the region and board of educa- i tiohhe explainedfev 1 assessment reduetionswere saturday was giotchdayjattljewhitchnrch-stonffviuelib- fallowed in mvohtiisi- rary incladed in the festivities wasa beauty pageant to select hwitlsiiu jsssk if miss gorgeous garbage thecontestwinnerwasone other 2smto7n pflhfl than the glotch himself hes crowned here by fran sainsbury t a i u imim v questionhad urea v llm holt formaldehyde insulation judge of the competition w 5 s