3r- hir svvtv istouffyille 1 thirty- sucsyear oldtdavid stiner of winlarie drivestduffville charged in the shotgun slaying of his estranged wife angela marie was remanded to sept 7 for trial following his ap pearance in whitby supreme court monday justice john holland granted the remand after the accuseds counsel w bruce affleck requested the case be put over until reports from a psychologist are available 1c1s 99 stouffville stouffvilles magic festival may 69 has been en dorsed it seems by most residents but not all c in separate letters to council sojan ninkovic and mrs stuart harris both of stouffville expressed con cern over what they feel is an event contrary to christian beliefs wrote mr ninkovic after having spent three years in the san fransisco bay area i saw clearly how a seemingly innocent interest in magic practices led many people into a deeper in volvement in psychic phenomena and into occult- related lifestyles many thinking christian people feel that using the magic theme is a great mistake for stouff ville he urged couritu to act clearly and swiftly to rid stouffville of this un- welcomed image said mrs harris how can anyone who is a christian and loves god agree to such evil- for magic is of satan im amazed that town council allows it both letters were received without comment a metroland community newspaper vol 94 no 52 whitchurch stouffville april 21 1 982 25 cents 20 pages office t-v- whitchurchstouffville mayor eldred king addressetta portion of the huge crowd that attended an antidump rally v- saturday near the hwy 48 landfill site hundreds of townsfolk turned outal6ngwiusupportersfr6masfardistentassaniia windsoraridniagara fallsthe landfill sites license is up for renewalapril 30 holt stouffville r stouffvilles two medical centres were closed tuesday the shut-down- or slowdown is in line with other branches of jhe ontario medical association protesting a proposed ohip fee increase some of the physicians here attended a negotiating meeting in toronto however both offices were on call for emergency services stouffvilles doctors- and others across the province are seeking an 11 per cent ohip pay hike and seven per cent catchup money the government is offering 34 per cent over the next three years as well as the walkouts doctors here are refusing to call in refill prescriptions to pharmacies instead theyre asking patients to come to their offices were not punishing anyone explained dr peter izso these are simply ser vices we provided free of charge before now were requesting patients come in they plan to temper their judgment however he said where patients are unable to make it calls will be placed to the pharmacies as usual the idea is to show the government that- doctors are standing together and if proper negotiations dont occur well go on to the next step he said the present situation is creating problems for the physicians too dr izso ad mitted were also punishing ourselves through greater workloads he stated dr izso discounted figures published recently in two t6rdht6dailies that placed the average physicians salary at 87000 he called this greatly exaggerated he explained that the bottom third of practising doctors had been eliminated to reach that in come level dr izso admitted a per sonal dislike for the situation in which he now finds himself id like it to end as quickly as possible he said dr donald petrie agreed that some patients were being inconvenienced but i hope theyll let the government or their representatives know how they feel one way or another he said the stand taken by the doctors had not happened over night the reasoning goes back several years we were forced into it where does one draw the line how far do we want to be pushed he concluded town spreads magic carpet whitchurch between 600 and 1000 people including supporters from as far distant as sarniawindsor london niagara falls and st catharines gathered satur day near the site of york sanitations controversial landfill site main purpose of the rally was to indicate in a visible way the towns op position to expansion of the property and further renewal of the companys license the demonstration while serious was orderly at one point numbers of protesters so thronged the area a section of hwy 48 between the vandorf and bloomington roads had to be blocked off several speakers i ad dressed- the crowd including mayor eldred king fran sainsbury andfrari suttonpf the concerned citizens committee bob rae leader of the ndp and the en vironmental critics of both the ndp and liberals- brian charlton and murray elston mayor king appeared to im press the audience most although an invitation had been extended to environment- minister keith norton he declined york north mpp bill hodgson was reported in the area but did not speak a decision by the govern ment on whether to renew york sanitations license at this location is due april 30 a decision on whether to expand dumping operations will also be made by norton possibly this summer while the rally was peaceable a news release prepared in advance by the concerned citizens wasted no words it read in part we will not allow you norton to take chances with our health any longer not without a hell of a fight well not accept ex pansion and well never stop fighting until something is done about this mess rabid skunk stouffville a dead skunk found on property near st marks separate school was rabid health authorities confirm the animal had been seen earlier on rupert avenue three streets to the south also the bodies of two more skunks were discovered a short distance to the north although several children were in close proximity to the rodent rabies shots will not be required since none was in contact with it these latest- incidents have prompted canine control officer judy barrett to once again warn home owners to have their pets vaccinated stouffville stouff- villes magic town symbol will come alive next month with the introduction of the largest magic festival of its kind in the country events are scheduledover a period of four days beginning thurs may 6 and continuing through sun may 9 the chief organizer- is town librarian george schlukbier j more than 25 magicians have accepted mr schlukbiers invitation to attend theyll appear on stage in restaurants on the streets in the parks and maybe even from the skyv may 8 will truly be magic day in town with hourly shows to entertain strollers and shoppers alike a golden wand competition is planned for latchamhahfromklanhp3j pm with an elaborate stage show at the- high school that night the weekend will conclude with the dedication of the art latcham magic collection in latcham gallery at the library sunday may 9 at jwo a complete schedule of events follows may 6 cabaret magic regal restaurant 7 to 9 pm cover charge may 7 childrens magic show and workshop latcham hall 4 pm children free dinner magic regal restaurant 8 pm cover charge monte cristo restaurant 9 pm cover charge magic banquet deer park inn 7 to 11 pm 75 per couple may 8- street magic 10 am to 4 pm stouffville sales banr magic 9am canadian amateur magicians contest latcham hall 11 am to 3 pm no charge magic shows stouffville restaurant and regalrestaurant 12 noon no charge closeup magic show latcham hall 4 pirn 2 per person magic shows deer park inn 6 to 8 pm no charge festival magicshow atmehighsckodlrspm 5 per person may 9jan exhibit by louis de niverville the magician has come lat- cham gallery 2 pm no charge magic show lat cham gallery 230 pm no charge dedication of the art latcham collection latcham gallery 330 pm no charge councilfopproves n stouffville the tone of an invitation from the concerned citizens committee to attend saturdays rally near the landfill site- burned some members of council last week and prompted an affirmative but terse reply from mayor eldred king carl insiey bearer of the message with an rsvp attachedcommented that hed frequently been by people what- stand the municipality is taking with respect to the dump and the application to expand this will give you an opportunity to reaffirm your position he said ir mayor king replied that it was hard for him to believe the public is unaware of what the town has done and is doing in this regard he said he t resented the insinuation that council is doing nothing in addition to the en vironmental hearings in which themunicipality went on record as opposing expansion he said jied written many letters to the hon keith norton minister of en vironment restating the towns position the concerned citizens committee has received much of its ammunition from here he contended mr insiey suggested council had misinterpreted his remark nothing derogatory had been meant he said the mayor described as unfortunate a situation whereby the people dont seem to know what were doing i know that wasnt your intent but thats the way it came across on a motion by councillor charles warden tthe com mittee was thanked for its invitation i coordinator increases stouffville members of whitchurch- stouffville council accorded themselves a pay increase at a meeting april 13 the salary hike is retroactive to jan l 1982 the mayors stipend is now 12450 up from 11000 each councillor now receives 7450 up from 6600 stouffville town planning board has approved a request from the parks and recreation committee for the hiring of a programs co ordinator at a salary of from- 18i00o to 20000 a year the recommendation presented by chairman john hutchinson also called for approval of a clerktypist as deemed necessary and a facilities manager hutchinson said the co ordinator would serve as a contact for those heeding assistance with programs related to recreation he or she would also supervise various activities including tennis he said and work with the board in- setting up an events calendar to be made available to town residents members agreed to ad vertise for the people requested music mania 82 still going strong the 1982 edition of music mania opens april 29 at stouffville dist secondary school and contlnnes april 30 and mayl talented dancers like left to right charlotte cave trudy cadfeax and melody curtis are sure to be a hit with the crowd ticket are still available jim thomas v stouffville music mania 82 enters its final week of rehearsals prior to debuts at stouffville dist secondary school april29 30 and may l the show in its 22nd year had its beginning back in 1960 out of the onstage originals only lome boadway remains and while he admits i cant go on forever hes looking forward to present per- formances as much as those in the past it all started as a united church couples club show lome recalls with the em phasis on black face this format was later changed but the couples club connection remains ron mercer was the original chorus director a responsibility lome himself assumed and carried on until 1982 the leader this year is don mcnair its truly a community event that prompts a sense of pride in ones town he says he notes that newcomers never remain strangers long once affiliated with the show thats one of the great things about being small he points out the associations create a nice warm feeling although music has been lomes life he never ceases to be amazed at the amount of lorne boadway v talent in a town this size and the quality of leadership at hand new blood says lome is the lifeblood of music mania he notes that this year alone there are twelve new members in the chorus plus a goodly number of fresh faces mother roles lome is positive in his approach to each performance however theres a tinge of regret that hell not share the stage with wife marion also an original with the cast marion was recently released from hospital following surgery but shell be working behind the scenes doing something he claims there are still good seats available at 350 and 300 adults 100 for children these can be purchased at cards hardwareon street on opening night april 29 senior citizens and students will be admitted for i