parkview news greying of canada the tribune wednesday march 31 msi a7 -a- jii f answers as rise golden wedding anniversary tells happy oririula john and ethel their eight children and monaghan ofmaystone 13 grandchildren court celebrated their 50th golden wedding anniversary last satur day in addition to the many wellwishers who called upon them they enjoyed the company of john and ethel were married in the small county town of arley in warwickshire in 1932 and came to canada with three of their growing family shortly after world war- 11 in 1948 john the towns west plaza- was a farm manager at and then purchased his dunsford ont he present property leased the farm himself and became self- employed 18 months later he later moved to stouffville and took over the 1001 variety store in when asked the secret of his obviously very happy marriage he answered be quiet and do as youre told ethels reply was a suppressed chuckle w uxbridge an apartment owner who recently pleaded guilty to 10 counts of con travening the township heating bylaw was the subject of similar complaints from tenants on the week end according to the township offices dimitrios hios was fined 50 for each of fense with regard to apartments 1 through 10 at 2 bascom st commain a similar charge against helen hios owner of a building at 15 brock st w was with- drawn this weekend uxbridge councillor gerri lynn oconnor said she had received complaints from uhe bascom st apartment dwellers that the building had run out of oil mayor william ballingcr and planning board chairman sandy ewen are both holidaying in florida and were unable to attend committee meeting called to discuss the matter under the bylaw an apartment owner must maintain a tem- perature of 68 degrees fahrenheit from sep tember to june by joe nighswander most of us are to some degree aware of the fact the proportion of elderly people in the population of canada is gradually increasing some have described this phenomenon as the greying of canada others have used less complimentary terms such as the epidemic 1 of senility many people are asking how these un- precedented demo graphic changes will affect us socially and economically and all of the answers are not known in a new govern ment publication the elderly in ontario an agenda for the 80s prepared by the ontario secretariat for social development some startling facts are noted and i quote ontarioresidentsare in general producing fewer children and living longer than did their parents these two demographic trends plus changes in the number of persons moving to and from the province are affecting the fundamental make up of bur society in the years to come the et- fectsof such population changes will be profound they will touchahof bur lives over 65 the report goes on to say that currently 10 per cent or 840000 persons in ontario are over 65 by the year 2001 those over 65 will reach 14per cent by the year 2021 this elderly segment of the population will total 2064000 persons or 20 per cent while these start ling changes in oiir- population profile will have many social and economic implications in terms of housing health care pensions the proportion of the population in the work force etc the changes drug bust stouffville earlymoraingraids by a combined force of york regional police detectives t he emergency response unit metro toronto district 3 drug squad and the newmarket division of the rcmp in homes in locust hill markham unionville thbrnhill and metro toronto this week and last have resulted in the arrest of 16 people on charges of conspiring to traffic in drugs two of those arrested timothy charles stevens 26 and leslie anne attewell 19- live in locust hill they have been charged with conspiring to traffic in cannabis resin hashish and possession of marijuana respec tively j three markham residents richard paul anderson 26 of wootten way charles adams 21 friar tuck rd and michael john hall 19 of main st n have all been charged with conspiring to traffic in cannabis i sandra norrish 20 of hawkridge ave and steven cunningham 21 of n unionville are charged with conspiring to traffic injrcocaine thomas steven jackson 26 of rr 1 milliken is charged 1 v c- 1 with conspiring to traffic in cannabis the nine metro people are similarly charged i detective bob wilson of 28 division york region said the investigation began about four months ago when a markham man was found selling drugs in this area asked where the drugs came from he said we dont know oh how i wish we knew we went up the ladder one or two steps but then we were cut off he said that some of those arrested had never been in trouble with the law before at library a dramatic per formance that has received nationwide acclaim will be presented at whit- church stouffville library april 13 at 8 pirn norma edwards portrays stacey from the fire dwellers and hagar i1t from stone angel in the women of margaret laurence tickets now available tat- the library are 2 for adults- l for senior dtkensand students good friday service april 9 1030 baker hill a baptit chtfrch guest speaker rev leigh powell f orchestra bible school choir easter sunday service i 1100 am pastor jim shantz preaching orchestra bible school choir easter speoaus march 31 april 10th ludkydraw april 1 0 1 982 at 200 pm fora j 32 stuffed bunny rabbit valued at 25 coupon to be presented al lime of purchase good only march 31 to april 1082 25 not included in the sale tshirts trans underwear socks bathing suits baby ace books sale ticketed items on any purchases success sq plaza 220 main st e stouffville ont 6406555 specializing in childrens clothing tati to teens should negative good planning on the pah of government and community as well as church and service organizations can help thesej increasing numbers of over 65s live longer healthier and more independent lives than any previous generation of elderly most important is the need for all of us to think of aging and growing old as a nor mal healthy process and to develop attitudes of respect and ac- ceptance toward each other community- pastors who have recently led the sunday evening- i services are rev jim byrne of the ringwood christian church rev chris sorley of stouff ville dr robert price and rev andrew adam of lemonville united church recently parkview home residents have enjoyed programs in side and outside the home they have been guests of the heart fund tea at the united church at the friend ship coffee hour of stouffville missionary church they enjoyed a visit and tour of markham library programs in the home have included a film entitled life in the water shown by mablon shantz singing and readings by helen ellis the rouge river family band the spirit brass band and stouffville town band gerouejs 50 uptopf discount during our moving sale at old canada house were moving soon to former jlocation of house of brougham sf brock rd just south of hwy 7 old canada house 2 main st w stouffville 6402992 stouffville missionary church 159 main street west 6403911 revjimclubine pastor 6405214 sunday april 4 1982 945 am family sunday school hour 1100 am morning worship communion service 700 pm evening service wed 700 pm family night vy fri 730 pm youth youre always welcome at the missionary church t 10 am 11 am 7 pm weekly memorial christian church rev j small april 4 1982 mainstouffer sunday school worship fellowship youth groups information 6403257 l fine occasional furniture 1 j by o robert thane gallery i original designs contemporary traditional antique styjing roseieooil eltn mahogany teak marhlr kir 255 industrial parkway unit 8 aurora 7273013 ross stevenson mpp i durhamyork constituency office ir s visits the pickering area clarem0nt community hall friday april 2nd 1982 2pm5pm if you require information or assistance on any provincial govern ment matter my assistant will be on hand to help you or advise you just drop in during the above hours or phone for an appointment diaroperator and ask for toll zenith 331 30 s springvale baptist church gormleystouf fville rd at 6th cone kennedy rd sunday sunday april 4 1982 945 am sunday school jv 11 aim mornine worship t we w clcome our new pastor mr- robert fleming 7 pm evening service the anglican parish sunset blvd rev philip poole 6401461 sunapru4 1982 palm sunday 8am holy communion 930am- holy communion with procession church school nursery youth bible study wed april 7 1982 1000 am holy communion v hosanna hosanna stouffville united church 34 church st n rev cecil w tiller minister april 4 1982 palm sunday service of holy com munion church school program for children including teenagers nursery kindergarten- facilities available all are welcome f r stouffville fellowship baptist pastor harlcy winborn 6402911 mainobrien 950 am bible schooj 11 am being thank ful 7 pm building one another wed 8 plm prayer- bible study the letter to theephesians fri 8 pm yps program mens fellowship night dinner monday april 5 at 630 pm speaker- rev john rush waverley rd baptist church toronto solist mr ron graham all welcome heise hill brethren in christ church gormley ontario rev marlin k ressler pastor i phone8875489 sunday april 4j982 christian education ihour- 1000 am the hour of celebration 1100 am message countdown to calvary the evening service 700 musical presentation by area choir rachel melhorn i who spent 3m years at choma secondary school in zambia will be speaking special holy week services april 711 guest speaker dr walter winger- president of niagara christian college week nights 730 sunday 1100 am and 700 pm youares rm welcome at heise hill gormley 1 missionary church rev ed sparks 8879325 sun april 4 1982 950 am sunday school 1100 am- morning worship rl 730 pm evening candlelight communion music for easter sunday mr doug abbott mrs judy reid v a congregation that cares -j- special june 14 to 28 1982 15 days petra jordan holy land cairo egypt 20356o persona jly escorted byruthhisey cali us 4166405491 bloomington christian gospel church rev cwsorley pastor 945 arh sunday school 11 am morning worship 7 pmf gospel service wed 8 pm prayer meeting fri 745 pm young peoples st james presbyterian church 101 main st e rev ted crecn 6404195 sun april 4 1982 celebrate palm sunday with us 10 am worship mens choir- t full nursery facilities 630 pmc- informal eyeningv worship of preparation for easter all are welcome god cares- wccare i st marks catholicchurcii- stouffville g406665 p sunday mass schedule- saturday evening 5 pm sunday 1030 am held in st marks school elm road mm stojffvjllf pentecostal church pastor rev craig f pills 460 mainst e64a5696 itonchouie housetravelm 153 main street w stouffville 945 am sunday school t v 11 00 am morning worship nursery jrlchurch provided- 600 pm evening service pastor pitts dennis wilson international director for fgbmfi community biblestudy an illustrated lesson christ in the passover tuesday at 7 30 pm mccormack memorial church pastor rev w gawa 945 am 11 00 am k mr mrs oneal charles guth 700pm t revvjack bart special music sanbvmsier8 vmissmary convention march 28th toapril 4th nursery supervision fand j juniorchurch provided i 4 k-