m ibb tribune wednesday januaby 2 1k2 v is cause bygregcoates stouffville- an alarming number of health problems ranging from cancer related illnesses to pancreas and thyroid irregularities have been reported by residents living in close proximity to the land fill site this information was revealed at a press conference tuesday held at the home of fran sainsbury a member of the concerned citizens of stouff ville group a recent report compiled by the childrens services committee of york region also shows that the town of whitchurch- stouff ville has the highest incident of still births in york region accounting for 361 per cent an informal health survey taken by local residents last spring reinforces the fact that there are a higher than normal number of serious illnesses in the area many relating to the digestive system which would indicate they are chemically tortured there have been 8s cases reported in all the ongoing survey which was taken north of stouffville in the area surrounding the dump also reveals that health problems are related to the water flow the dump appears to be on a crown where the water flows to the north south east and west said elaine nellies beauty nook formerly fiesta now owned by nellie vaughan i is welcoming back joanne draper joanne will be working saturdays only and would like to offer 20 off on all hair service available for january 23 a january 30 1 982 telephone 83 main st w stouffville 6403933 fritz a member of the concerned citizens group its probably the worst place such a dump could be situated with the end of january fast ap proaching- the date when the ministry of environment must decide whether or not to extend the temporary license at the landfill site the concerned citizens have again asked the government of ontario to declare an immediate stop to the dumping at the whit church stouffville site and that no more temporary license extensions be granted until all test results are complete by giving the site a temporary extension they the ministry give the benefit of the doubt to the dump instead of the people said fran sutton another member of the concerned citizens we insist that they make good on their statements concerning the health of the people and when the end of january comes no more extensions be given the health of the people must be the primary concern another concern of the citizens group is the registration ballantrae baliantrae public school is accepting kindergarten re gistrations on wed jan 27 from 9 am to 4 pm aeschool as sessments will be conducted at the same time children born in 1977 are eligible to begin kindergarten in sept 1982 parents are asked to call the school for an ap- pointment the numbers are 640- 2232 and 8985520 ministrys refusal to do an ames test on the well at the zwier residence where previous tests have found the highest levels of contamination in the area since the ministry will not include the zwier well in their ames testing the only con clusion that we have is to do the test our selves said mrs sutton to see if whatever is in their water can be causing problems to the health of the family she added that the concerned citizens of stouffville are also currently running a telephone campaign to find out how people feel and to ask them to express their concerns in the form of a letter telephone call or both to queens park we want to let the ministry know just how many people really are concerned about what happens at the end of january she said 51- gitta gamm left and fran sutton both members of the concerned citizens of siouffville group display a map showing areas around the landfill site where a number of serious illnesses have occurred along with the map is a list of 85 names of people who have suffered health problems greg coates the sale youve been waiting for our annual 3 day indoor sidewalk sale save up to girls slacks skirts dresses 23x 46x 714 mrboys girls ski vests 6x 714 reg to 2798 lo boys levi cords reg 2198 boys jeans boys parkas reg 3798 melton bomber jackets thursday night lames fashion cords demins straight and parachute leg by santana gwg levis robert sachel up reg to 3698 presses 2 of 1 sportswear 2 ol 1 ladies a selection of coats jackets 7 pm rjbe there check out our 510 special savings racks va selections from all departments reg from 6500 to 30000 friday afternoon less than mens instructor length ski jackets reg 7500 by rosemary t1mms claremont congratulations to ellis britton on receiving his 25year pin as a director and committee member of markham fair board the presentation was made at their an nual meeting jan 13 at markham centennial centre lillian gauslin was installed as president of claremorit united church women at their annual meeting jan 11- at the home of bernice ward other officers are marge cook vice- president marina rodgers secretary dorothy cook treasurer mary hill margaret gall and edith stickwood quilt committee rosemary timms publicity thelma hockley cards and boxes bernice ward helen anderson and dorothy britton social committee appointment price mens icelandic style pure wool outdoors sweaf ers reg to 9500 bymildred mctaggart greenwood peggy malcolm in charge of the old greenwoodschoolhmise library has been ap- pointed- to the per- manent staff in the town of pickering others on the green- wood branch staff are anne dean and mildred mctaggart the parents ad visory committee of valleyview school is sponsoring a euchre and bridge party jan 22 at 730 pm in the community centre sympathy of the community is extended to mary mclean and family in the passing of her brother harry bartlctt of bowman- ville funeral service jyas held jan18 sympathy also goes out tomrs ralph jones and family in the loss of mrs jones sister mrs myrna morrish the funeral service was conducted jan- 17 mrs gerald hen- ning lias been released from the jo ruddy hospital whitby nancy hoar and brenda swedlo attended the 4h homemakers leadership course on breadmaking at goodwood karen marks and nancy mccance nominating committee marean ward marean ward was named president of the evening unit with rhoda almack vicepresident isobel evans secretary and dorothy cook treasurer af ternoon unit officers are edith stickwood president marge cook secretary and maude anderson treasurer rev edward cook conducted the in stallations claremont club house is open to everyone in the village so when you feel like a game of cards or some other game drop in youll be welcome there is a charge of 25 cents for refreshments recent euchre winners weredorothy cook aldine evans renee ankhor margaret gall eyerett hammond stan tweddie margaret baker grace mclean reta parratt margaret benson iva yake lloyd wilson evans benson and lloyd bryant winners of the lucky draw curly cook irene redshaw doris wilson elsie taylor evelyn bryant and gladys burgin mens reg quality levis straight leg denims jeans 1 v50 si marks catholic church stouffville y price reg price 3498 s saturday morning s be there 10 am tip be there announces understanding catholicism 10 week series on the teachings of the church tuesday evfenings 800 pm january 26 march 30th st marks school library elm road everyone invited and welcomed 1 the items listed on this page are only a sampling of the of the many many values we offer in addition we will reduce every regularly priced item in the store by 20 for the duration of the sale mens too suit sale sport jacket sale continues 3 days only thurs 99 fri 99 saj 96 jan 21 -22- 23 sales please note we will be closed mon jan 25 only for inventory homans family fashions uxbridge plaza hwy 47 south 8523633 gloria martene orsonja can give you a perm that will light up your social life for only s2500 reg 4000 but hurry because this offer is for a limited time only call 6403553 and make an ap pointment today clip this ad and bring it with you the hair desi visa wmm