Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 4, 1980, p. 2

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i 2 the tribune thursday dec 4 1s8 wxt wtihixm james thomas- editorjnchief barrebeacock advertising manager established 1688 charles a nolan publisher eoftofualdept jtahoftjimlnrtag otsplar advertkttw dept lob wkjaman rod splcar classified aovefttlsinacmculation joan mastenan office manager ooraan doacon business office euaangknar pumlahad ovary thursday at 54 main st stoufmjia out tal 6402101 toronto phooa 3611680 slngla coptoa 25 aubacriptlona s1240 par yaar in canada 63000 aiaawhara mambor of canadian community nampapara aaaodation and ontario waakty nawspapara aaaoeuuon saeood cua mall raglatratlon numbar 0896 tha trlbuna la ona o tha inland publiahlng co limhad group ol auburban nawapapara which in- dudaa tna ajazwhhbyplekarlng naara admrtlaar brampton guardian burlington port burlington waakand poat etobfcoka oazatta marfcham eeonomlat and sun nawnurfcataurora era oamlla baavar oahawa thla waak mlaalaaauga nawa oahaa thla waakand acton fraa praaa mitton canadian champion and tha oaorga lndapandantaigbgs c 3611680 6402100 editorials tributes by town council were earned by recipients two guests attending the yearend meeting of town council last week were appropriately honored by the municipality- wesley brillinger a charter member of the local historical society and untiring worker at the museum and eric timbers the 1980 junior plowing champion and canadian entry in world competitions next fall whatever the tributes paid to them on that occasion they were earned their achievements go far beyond the ordinary extraordinary one might say in recognizing them and others like them the council is to be commended we hope the practice will be continued for too often we feel theres a tendancy to ignore the obvious we all mean well but good intentions are nonentities if theres no followup in this regard we contend that whit- churchstouffville still needs a permanent hall of fame for adulation is such a fleeting thing appreciated today forgotten tomorrow what a tremendous project for one of our service clubs to undertake at no great cost an addition to the present latcham hall or the museum would be ideal or maybe the public library where property space is not at a premium while sports figures automatically come to the fore when thinking along this line theres no need to be restrictive in this regard fame takes many forms we throw out this suggestion as a challenge and trust some organization will take it up cooperation of the community and of this newspaper is guaranteed driver patience a virtue patience is a virtueon a saturday in stouffville certainly its no place for the impatient particularly if youre trying to emerge from one of several side streets onto main fortunately there are many motorists today who are not so intent on getting from point a to point b that they wont stop for a moment and let others pass through while the driver displaying this kind of courtesy may be the subject of silent ridicule from the party behind its a consideration that should be practiced more often place yourself in the position of the stationary motorist and youll better ap preciate what a few seconds of thought- fullness can mean good highway manners doesnt have to end in stouffville but its sure a good place to start especially on a saturday try it and observe the positive reaction just what are we anyway stouffville what are we anyway signs erected at both ends of whatever we are identify us as a hamlet some dont like it and neither do we it hurts our ego to be placed in the same size classifications as smaller communities like pleasantville churchill and bethesda after all we are 6000 or thereabouts not six hundred or sixty there must be a category that fits but what unintentionally the lions club has raised a very important issue since they or a com mittee within the club are assuming responsibility for the mistake but is it an error and if so what should the corrected version read its a question this newspaper has been in the dark about ever since whitchurch and stouffvilles amalgamation back in 1971 its been our policy to call the combined municipalities a town capital t and stouffville a town small t not once has this practice been criticized however as mayor eldred king points out stouffville is really only a postal area with no status politically at all so where does this leave us politics aside we say that stouffville having celebrated its 100th birthday has advanced beyond the diaper stage that hamlet classification infers the town inference is just as confusing because we havent reached the stage of adult independence so why not compromise and call ourselves a village we think it suits nkm of the rtlimlbtv of stouffville ml- if together we serve what are we signs erected recently on the approaches to stouffville have classified the former village as a hamlet some residents resent this claiming were a town but this doesnt hold either because the town now takes in the former twp of whitchurch maybe someone can sort us out jim holt thats what the sign says sugar and spice- housewif e job is no snap by bill smileyj theres nothing worse than having your wife go off and leave you to cope all alone for a couple of weeks unless its having her arrive home a day early and finding you up to your waist in your own filth that you were going to clean up tomorrow that has happened to me once but this time im going to make sure im going to do the cleanup a day earlier first time it happened she was unbearable for about a week just because there were three or four bottles of sour milk a oneinch patina of grease on the stove and a kitchen floor you could hardly walk across without getting stuck ill give a hot tip to some of you middle- aged guys who think your old lady has a soft touch you know a lazy coffee and read the paper after youve gone to work a little dusting and a few dishes to do a leisurely lunch watching a soap opera a little nap and then nothing to do but get your dinner ready its not quite like that to keep a fairsized house in anything like running order a woman must go like a jackrabbit or a jillrabbit if you think im being chauvinistic migawd ive barely time to brush my teeth shave and get to work in the morning leaving the breakfast dishes all tangled up with last nights dinner dishes because i was too tired to do them and there was a good movie on the tube get home after work and theres all this mess of dishes but i dont have time to do them i have to go shopping for my dinner a pizza or a turkey pie and a banana and some pears for breakfast get home from shopping and i barely have the energy to stick my dinner in the oven pour myself a relaxer and read the evening paper after dinner i pile some more dishes in the sink give them a dirty look and toddle of f to mar k papers or fall asleep in front of the tube waking up at 2 am cold and stupid to fall into my unmade bed and nightmare away about my wife having left me for good which she could anytime totter up in the morning do my ablutions and go down to a cheerless kitchen with nobody snapping out the orders of the day im always late for work when shes away because when shes home i try to get away early so i wont have to get into a fight about whos going to call the plumber why i am so incompetent around the house and why i got a 2800 fine for not wearing my seatbelt i dont deny that there have been times when i wished i was a bachelor carefree sexy dining out with beautiful women taking off alone for exotic holidays but boyoboy when the laundry hamper is overflowing your last clean shirt is a white tshirt with a burnhole on the belly the dishes are beginning to resemble the great pyramid and the only clean socks you have left are white wool golf type you begin to appreciate the old battleaxe if i have one more turkey pie im not going to grow wattles those i already have the penalty of sagging jowls but there is a distinct possibility that i might begin to gobble one more frozen lasagna and ill be singing arias in italian actually i can cope i can keep myself clean dressed and fed but its the extras of housework that are destroying me like dealing with aluminum window salesmen window on wildlife- brickworkers painters plumbers and elec tricians my wife does all that normally i havent a clue where she keeps her bills her chequebook and all the sundries i was frightfully embarrassed this week when a plumber came to finish a job and i couldnt pay his bill i dug out all my cash and was 42 cents short he was a good type and told me to forget it my wife would have given him a cheque for the exact amount i got a receipt i think which ill probably lose perhaps this all sounds materialistic and not at all the sentimental nonsense a husband should feel when his wife is away spoiling his grandchildren well it is ive written her a hundred or two love- letters ive told her how beautiful she was on many occasions i have complimented her on her brains her innate common sense and anything else i could dredge up i have admired her good taste in clothes and decorating i have tried to buck her up when she is depressed i have listened to her endlessly in short i have been an almost perfect husband i just threw in that almost but the simple fact is shes got to get home and get the joint running again i cant even find the television programs i want because she knows that channel 2 is really channel 10 and channel 3 is channel 14 and channel 6 is all french i just flip the dial around hopefully but what really gets me is the fingernails on my right hand i can cut my toenails i can cut the fingernails on myjleft hand but she has to cut the ones on my right hand and theyre about half an inch long get home mama nuthatches are amazing birds among the many bird migrants moving about at this season you may see an active little fellow that divides his tree time between the small upper branches and the heavy bark- covered trunks these industrious little workers often clinging to the undersides of limbs like flies on a ceiling are redbreasted nuthatches a smaller and slightly more energetic edition of the whitebreasted species this bird has a rusty chest and underparts and a sharp black line through the eye between this dark eyestripe and the shiny black crown is a wider white streak that sometimes joins over the bill and gives a white eyebrow effect the back and wings are slateblue possibly a shade or two darker than the upper parts of the whitebreasted nuthatch its larger re lative the irregular and sporadic appearance of this tiny northern nuthatch often coincides with a light crop of conifer seeds occurring in the evergreen forests for these cones seem to be this birds favorite fare and although many bark dwelling insects are taken they are more of a dessert to the main coneseed dish even in the southland when the birds show up there this preference prevails and the little redbreasted nuthatch will not often be encountered too far from some stands of spruce or pine here too he may be seen keeping company with his smaller relative the brownheaded nuthatch who as the name suggests sports achocolate cap nuthatches are interesting and amusing little creatures that never fail to attract at tention whenever and wherever they appear their habit of working their way down tree trunks headfirst has given them the nickname of upside down birds and this ac complishment is a clue to their identification for example another barkclimber the brown creeper starts at the base of one tree and works upwards to the top while the nuthatches fly from the base of one trunk to the upper branches of an adjoining tree often small flocks of creepers and nuthatches move through a woodlot with a scissorlike action gleaning a myraid of insect eggs and larvae from the crevised trunks it- is generally believed the nuthatch by art briggsjude family derived its name from the method the birds used to extract the meat from nuts and other hardshelled foods wedging the unopened shells into convenient cracks the birds hack away with their spikeshaped bills until a hole is made and the kernel with drawn actually their bills could be used more often to procure woodboring bugs but except to excavate a nest chamber and to crack nuts the birds seem content to search the surface bark for food or pull the seeds from coniferous cones so watch your area for the busy nuthat- ches- these days the whitebreasted with its nasal yank yank call and the smaller red- breasted with higher pitched and finer ank ank notes politicians are human dear mr thomas thanks to the publicity provided by your newspaper and the fine campaigns conducted by the candidates election in terest soared to a record height in whit church stouffville the electorate was able to get to know its council representatives on a personal basis a closeness i hope can be main tained in the two years ahead in this regard i hope the mayor and members of the 198182 council will arrange some kind of informal gettogether similar to what was organized back in 1977 politicians are human many of us however look on them as untouchables because were so seldom in touch with mem except when we have a complaint this attitude i feel has changed a change for the better jeanmarsden rr 3 stouffville

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