8 the tribune thursday nov mm hoohwmo ssss srll mm it dominion choice juice 48 fl dz tin our reg price 113 a4difference limit 4 tins per family 3 rib end 3 centre cut 3 tenderloin end family pack loin pork chops our reg price 1 88 lb wm hhl lb 44 it difference tomato or vegetable heinz soups 10floztin assorted colours big roll scott towels i roll pkg our reg price 35 16 difference our reg price 123 34 difference poly bag powdered dominion detergent 6 litre cut as you like them centre cut pork loin chops or c loin roast lb frozen cut up free of charge full carcass or sides 30 lb avg new zealand lamb v lb our reg price 279 60 difference our reg price 248 lb 62 difference frozen eviscerated 18 oz slip fp av grade a cornish chickens h ib yh special special var plastic econo garbage bags pkg omo assorted varieties miss mew i cat food 170g tin white label windshield washer 4 litre conl special our reg price 35 ea 41 difference on 2 tins white label frozen new zealand whole lamb legs lb swilts premium or lazy maple rindless sliced breakfast bacon 500 g pkg regular or beet maple leal wieners 11b pkg w our reg price 21 8 ib 40 i difference our reg price 228 59 difference special h v s planters sesame mix nuts assorted varieties cadburys chocolate bars frozen concentrated sunny lmieade or orange drink special son special 325 g cont r mf blue bonnet fcrf 9 m special 69 pkg q- total diet w dbg food special grape orange peach or florida punch special g 8 kg bag 899 drinks 38 fl oz tin liquid dominion bleach 128 n or com rvrtall digestive arrowroot special sn or nice peakfrean 39 biscuits special canada no 1 grade billy bee creamed honey m- lazy maple f 9 sausage 500 9 pkg special burners smoked picnic pork shoulder 159 special 159 special special 129 12 02 com 1v smoked u9 meats blithers 85 g poucnes icq english style 0 d sausage special 179 special us cool all purpose grind 7 nabob 0 coffee special orange flavoured 16 or pkg tang 359 crystals 13 o pkg ot2 special 149 polideni denture tablets sdecial stores with ohi counters only special bologna chicken mac cheese special bens deli sliced k luncheon swifts sliced r pkg oi4s 4 af smoked 149 meat 468 cooked meats 175 9 pkg 79 the world is our garden product ot usa calilornia grown red emperor grapes ib 68 product of canada canada fancy mcintosh apples 4quart basket 198 product of usa honey dews ea 118 product of canada ontario grown pepper squash 2 49 product of usa avocados ea 68 product of canada ontario grown african violets 4 pot 198 qnpriall white pink opidi yellow or lilac facelle normal or oily clairol herbal essence s gf facial shampoo s5 99 tissue special pkg oiioo regular playtex maxi pads special 7q a definite difference fti at dominion pkg 01 cepacol 50 0 o 7ft epacoi jo ji 7 m 500 ml com special 189 0 ftlllatiti i50cf valid onlyduring 3 the 7day period js ztjt pure beef sausage wed nov si 980 3 f or to closing tues 3 dinner sausage nov ni98o 3 f regular price 500gpack limits toupon p cuumln 3 4 wtmsumntmgkttoutmtouwtwu value effective untckjrgtuoyncrmbnit lncrtstiur1dimard7smyoncsuthomh