2 the tribune thursday oct 30 ism wt wrihum babrebeacock advertising manager established 1888 james thomas- charles h nolaw editohnchlef publisher eorroruloept n hdt an irving display advertising dept lois wktaauo rod spiew classjfieo advertismcirculation joan marthmui office manager dotmodmcoo business office ebeengiover pubuslmd mty thuraday at 54 main st suwtfribe ont tel 6402101 toronto phone ml1680 single coptm 25 aubacrlption s1200 par year in canada 3000 elaewhare member o canadian community newspapers association and ontario waauy newspapers association sacond data mao registration number 0896 the trlbuna u ona of tha inland publishing co umttad group of suburban nawspapara which m- dudas tha ajax whitby picksrlng naws advertiser brampton guardian burlington post burhngton weekend poet etobicoke gazatta markham economist and sun newmarketaurora era oamoe beaver oshawa this week mississauga naws osha this weekend acton fraa press mlhon canadian champion and tha georgetown independent fs 3611680 6402100 editorials candidates meeting nov 3 municipal elections are a time when hibernating critics come out of the woodwork and plead ignorance to whats going on and always its someone elses fault they dont know their ward member or their ward candidates some dont even know their ward the election date is sometime in november in part this is understandable few ratepayers attend planning board or council meetings unless they have particular requests or problems except for the same reasons most never meet their ward representative the name may be familiar but the face isnt such conditions breed apathy so the turnout at the polls seldom exceeds 40 per cent during election1980 this newspaper has attempted to keep the electorate fully in formed on whos running for what positions and why with a race for mayor plus five out of six ward posts this has been no simple task however with the cooperation of the candidates and by working evenings and weekends each will have had an opportunity to present hisher views prior to nov 10 but the onus of imparting such in formation shouldnt rest entirely on the media ratepayers should be interested enough to seek out the facts through listening and enquiring as well as reading here again this has been made relatively convenient through the holding of an allcandidates meeting in the high school onmonday nov 3 at 8 pm the forum has been organized by the staff of the public library the deadline date for questions is friday oct 31 try and attend hear what the candidates have to say and draw your own conclusions the next two years will be important for whitchurchstouffville be a part of choosing the people who will best serve the town be informed no sympathizers in politics jim copland was undoubtedly the most i enthusiastic new candidate to come to the fore in whitchurchstouffville he was enthusiastic a gungho kind of guy literally champing at the bit for an opportunity to get elected and prove his worth we liked his eagerness his intensity the first off the mark close to two months ago he had put together a nononsense well- organized campaign but he made one mistake he neglected to meet the oct 20 deadline for filing his nomination papers this oversight has undoubtedly been the subject of numerous jokes and barbs some to his face most behind his back if this irreversible error wasnt so per sonally tragic it would indeed be comical but it is tragic and certainly not amusing not for the candidate and not for the town for as writer wayne arthurs put it last week whitchurchstouffville needs the jim coplands and as many more like him as we can find stouffville being fenced in stouffville council and planning board continues to come out strongly in favor of building a fence around the municipality by turning thumbs down on most any develop ment suggestion brought forward once again the board for the most feeble reasons has turned aside a proposal for an estate sub division that would certainly have strengthened the towns tax base and made handling of expenses easier for current residents in more flourishing times planning boards would at least allow developers to present plans for a more intelligent look at a proposal not so today the most trivial road blocks are thrown up immediately as the fence is tightened this procedure is slowly strangling town business much to the chagrin of those who would like to see the community prosper and be in a position to offer expanded services lifelong residents continue to be forced to leave every month and tell us there is just no place to live here were sorry we wanted to stay a waste of funds elections signs are a waste of time and money at least in stouffville as of sunday morning only one emaciated placard was visible on main street between concessions 9 and 10 what vandals hadnt mutilated jhe wind and rain had signs in the rural areas fared better this is the first time the town has gone big time in a votecatching way we raise no objections providing all are removed im mediately following election day however funds so allocated might be more wisely used on shoe leather nothing beats the personal approach otrjmjeelffl- thetribone first ecstasythen agony for town council candidate sugar and spice take pity on the big city man by bill smiley- this is a time of year when my heart goes out to citydwellers its a time when rural or small town livin is immensely superior to that in the concrete canyons the abominable apartments the sad suburbs of metropolia in the city day ends drearily in the fall theres the long wearying battle home through traffic or the draughty crushed degrading scramble on public transportation the city man arrives home fit for nothing but slumping for the evening before the television set and what greets him the old lady wound up like a steel spring because she hasnt seen a soul she knows all day theres nothing to look at but that stupid house next door exactly like their own and the kids have been giving her hell hes stuck with it for the whole evening whats why so many city chaps have workshops in the basement its much simpler to go down cellar and whack off a couple of fingers in the power saw than listen to mabel life is quite different for the small town male he is home from work in minutes he surveys the ranch says must get those storm windows on one of these days and goes in to the good fall smells of cold drinks and hot food his wife saw him at breakfast again at lunch has had a good natter with the dame next door and has been out for two hours raking leaves with the kids she doesnt need him instead of drifting off to the basement the small town male announces that this is his bowling night or he has to go to a meeting of the conservation and slaughter club and wheres a clean shirt and thats all there is to it while her city counterpart squats in front of tv gnawing her nails and wondering why she didnt marry good old george who has a big dairy farm now the small town gal collects the kids and goes out to burn leaves there is nothing more romantic than the back streets of a small town in the dark of a fall evening piles of leaves spurt orange flame white smoke eddies neighbors call out lean on rakes women kerchiefed like gypsies heap the dry leaves high on the fire kids avoid the subject of bedtime dash about the fire like nimble gnomes or perhaps the whole family goes to a fowl supper what in city living can compare with this finest of rural functions a crisp fall evening a drive to the church hall through a halloween landscape an appetite like an alligator and that first wild whiff of turkey and dressing that makes your knees buckle and the juices flow free in your cheeks but its on weekends that my pity for the citydweller runneth over not for him the shootingmatch on a clear fall saturday with its goodhumored competition its easy friendliness not for him the quiet stroll down a sunny wood road shotgun over arm par tridge and woodcock rising like clouds of mosquitoes its not that he doesnt live right or doesnt deserve these pleasures its just that its physically impossible to get to them easily if he wants to crouch in a duckblind at dawn he has to drive half the night to get there maybe on a sunday or holiday in the fall the city family decides to head out and see some of that beautiful autumn foliage they see it after driving two hours and with 50000 other cars they crawl home in late afternoon bumper to bumper the old man cursing the kids getting hungrier the mother growing owher small town people can drive for 15 minutes and hit scenery at least around here that leaves them breathless or theyll wheel out a few miles to see their relatives on the farm eat a magnificent dinner and sit around watching tv in a state of delicious torpor yup its tough to live in the city in the fall aabeahwmshtm e i mate jmsfv pp ww inwlibm fliffflfi a iscfnlbtaablaatsnwbbwbbbbaaaaaaaaawjflkdl imfflft p jr ishhsbsih vr gk bwanaahlahahhhhplhiallbllllsalhbbbcw isaaaah jjf ji 1 f3ip vs lb zjx v 4i v two beef cattle were soak on an uxbridge township cot the quiet of ah uxbridge countryside log np the antamn sun and all was quiet happened on the scene the location is the property of william gill on intryside when a tribune cameraman the 7th concession north of balsam and south of glen major jim thomas window on wildlife- feeding inflation art briggsjude its that time of the year again golden leaves are falling bluejays loudly calling and with the advent of the autumn season and its forecast of blustery days ahead many people prepare for the annual arrival of their backyard feathered friends its a worthwhile pastime and one that provides people in all walks of life with many hours of interest and relaxation and this practice of feeding wild birds in winter continues to grow with each passing season judging from the displays and sales of seed and feeders in stores and places that purvey such items so from a birdseye view these handouts on the surface anyway appear ideal an abundance of readily available food just at a time when the natural supply is starting to get a little skimpy yet while many wellmeaning persons start out now attracting birds to their feeders during the course of the next few months quite a number of these same en thusiasts will curtail their feeding or even cut it out altogether such a turn of events is especially hard on the local birdlife which have by then become somewhat dependent on the daily handouts it is better by far to assess the situation carefully and make sure once a feeding station is put into operation it is maintained throughout the winter probably the biggest single factor in discouraging the continuation of wild bird feeding programs is the rising cost of the supplies i can well remember writing in my column in 1963 about the price of sunflower seed going from 350 to 400 for a 50 lb bag that same seed today is up to 1395 a bag and with our new streamlined metric system we end up with only 44 pounds other mixed seed has gone up correspondingly so it behooves us to look to other ways and means of supply if we are to keep our bird feed budget in line fortunately there are many natural foods growing in our area that will provide the necessary nourishment for birds in winter and as most of these fall to the ground and are covered with snow its a good idea to harvest and store these items to be used as feeder fare when the temperature drops and the world outside is white for the past number of years we have been storing and freezing mountain ash and elder berries beech and black walnuts acorns wild apples and choke cherries for this purpose in addition any left over corn cooked or raw is salvaged for the same reason and while on the subject of corn cracked corn is not only one of the best wild bird foods its one of the most economical too of course if you have a farmer friend like we do you might get him to save you the screenings when he combines all of which is good bird feed its best though to mix it with a little bacon fat to prevent the weed seeds from blowing around and saving this fat and other from beef is a standard practice at our house where we pour it into cakes and hang it in mesh bags for the woodpeckers incidently the last time i was in the supermarket getting a roast of beef i asked the clerk for a piece of that almost ex tinct item suet and he just shrugged and pointed to the horse radish jars above the meat cooler so i told him what he could do with his horse radish because i was a yorkshire pudding man but getting back to the feeding of birds you can see with a little effort and outdoor activity you can come up with many at tractive foods that are fairly easily obtainable at almost no cost oh sure youll have to get some sunflower seed but ration it out and supplement it with squash and pumpkin seeds dried bread and maple keys and some of the other items mentioned above just dont forget to crack those nuts and crush those apples and above all once youve started keep on feeding