the tribune thursday sept 11 13t out of pla stouffville the season ended for stouffville girls bantam softball team when they went down in the first round of the playoffs against cobourg on september 4 in the best of three series stouffville dropped cobourg 62 but j could not sustain the effort and went down 104 and 121 in the second and third games a bad case of heckling by cobourg supporters did nothing to enhance the games image however it is to the credit of the stouff ville squad that they maintained their self- discipline and good sportsmanship through out the bantam team are to be congratulated on putting in a good effort this season the team members were cathy and liz crittenden bernice armett sheila fockler cathy morin lisa melon debbie herd liz gibb jackie chang kelly watling page cowan and karen nugent pws a tourney stouffville the ontario provincial womens slowpitch championships will be played in stouffville this coming saturday sep tember 13 teams from windsor london and braniford will take part although no local teams are en tered however it is hoped that the tour nament will attract spectators interested in slowpitch and that stouff ville will enter a team in next years tournament stouffville figure skating club registration wednesday september 17th 2 4 pm 7 9 pm latcham hall games start at 900 am and run all day the rain date is sunday september 14 there will be no charge for spectators but a silver collection will be taken for further in formation call cliff dunkeld 6401204 tryouts stouffville practice times for stouff- villes junior c hockey team the clippers will take place as follows monday september 22 7 to 9 tuesday september 23 7 to 900 pm and wednesday september 24 9 to 1100 pm for further in formation please contact clipper manager monty mcewen at 6406113 sports soccer scores the performance of rush henrietta goaltender bill dirrigl throughout last weekends soccer tournament was out standing unfortunately he failed to stop this crucial goal which gave the title to the st catharines merritton team jim holt fun league trojans lose stouffville scores in tne north york recreational soccer b league for the week en ding september 6 are as follows cup final atom preliminary round group l king sports aurora 2 country closet 0 york sanitation 3 newmarket esso 0 york goals gary martin sean lewis paul millar group 2 tree transplant 3 stouff rest tavern 0 tree goals stephen steinbeck steven top ping craig ryan quarter finals mosquito division group 1 newmarket op timists 9 teds dry cleaning 4 teds goals todd rexgraham gunter schwartz david- davidson sheldon rennicks ne market blues 5 castle home improve ments 4 castle goals jeff conway 3 warren mucci 1 group 2 scotia bank 3 calm air newmarket 1 scotia goals mathew ryan 2 chris harper 1 squirts george ross photo 2 newmarket stereo 0 photo goals billy payne 2 home hardware newmarket 3 farmer jacks 2 farmer goals michael lattner michael tribe scores in the soccer a division for the week ending september 6 are as follows squirt 2 mc- into newmarket nell labs 1 game went overtime stouffville iga 3 woodbridge 1 iga goals joey waldherr guy murfitt steve morrison the bradford tour nament on september 5 and 6 saw the ia team win through to the final before going down 30 to richmond hill prior to losing the final the iga squad downed bradford 30 goals came from craig v jonannessen kevin atkinson and guy murfitt in their second game the team held george town to a 11 draw the goal came from kevin atkinson all a division finalists will play at thornlea high school this coming saturday sep tember 13 stouffville in the ladies softball fun league montgomery construction downed ken may realty 3110 and canadian tire won over lee sand with a final 23- 13 tally canadian tire triples came from sandra wood with three and jose sage with two lee sand triples came from dawn schell and muriel hoover stouffville having dominated the game for the first fifteen minutes stouffvilles trojans tired easily and went down to a 204 loss against the visiting balmy beach rugby club on saturday trojan armon schopf scored their only try although the trojans came dose on two oc casions they failed to get over the line mite standings g w l tpts rennie transport 15 11 l 3 25 savex drug marts is n i 3 23 macleans carpet centre 14 6 5 3 15 stouffville delicatessen 14 5 6 3 13 park lane nurseries 14 4 6 4 12 5 11 acconstruction 14 3 6 gerry meharg limited 14 4 9 1 9 bunnys flowers 14 2 10 2 6 whitchurch stouff- ville soccer clubs mite division entered their very first tournament on labour day september 1 80 by fielding one select team made up of two players from each of the clubs mite teams for the newmarket magna in ternational labour day soccer tournament the stouffville team played exceptionally well winning their two tour nament games with scores of 3 0 and 2 0 to place them in the semi final which they won by a 1 0 score stouffville played hanover kitchens of newmarket in tkjc final losing in overtime by a 1- 0 score lead playoffs stouffville with only one more league game left in the season stouffvilles ladies intermediate softball team the mer chants are still un defeated at bradford on monday evening they set about the task of disposing of the op position quietly and ef ficiently for a 131 win for their second game in the best of five series which they now lead 20 the game was scoreless until the third innings when the mer chants took a 20 lead on a triple by sue gillies to bring in debbie coxworth and ann holden attempts by brad ford to open up the game were foiled by great out- fielding with maureen murphy kathy mather and sue gillies catching everything in sight consequently bradford could manage to tally only one run in the fifth most of the merchant runs came in the fifth and seventh innings with a double play in the sixth by mary zettel and liz lacoursiere lacoursiere turned in two home runs during the game continuing education at stouffville district secondary school 198081 have a night out and learn at the same time whether you are looking for a diploma course employment skills leisure time activities or selfimprovement in a very relaxed setting night school should meet your requirements and answer most of your questions if circumstances were responsible for your leaving school early or you simply did not like it at the time keep in mind that it is possible to complete your high school education by attending night school classes there has been a definite attempt to offer a variety of credit courses in order to attract as many people as possible if you do not happen to find a course that will satisfy your requirements do not hesitate to ask about it also if you have been out of school for a while keep in mind that it is possible to receive credit for all kinds of learning experiences and successful completion of related courses every attempt will be made to satisfy the demands of the people in the area and it is hoped that the diversification of the program will enable everyone to find something of interest to them night school administration coordinator of continuing education barbara rowe 7273141 8875931 principal wayne nugent 6401433 school 6405712 home secretary marie clubine 6401433 all proposed courses are subject to sufficient enrolment 15 persons and the availability of a competent instructor the majority of courses will be offered mon day tuesday and wednesday from 700 pm to 900 p m or 700 p m to 1 000 pm 900 p m each evening 1500 3000 3300 2000 1000 no charge cheques should be made payable to the york county board of education refunds may be requested through the office during the first two weeks of the course but no refund will be made after the second class is held in the eventuality of a can cellation of a course a full refund will be made receipts valid for income tax purposes will be issued at registration registration will be september 1 5th and 1 7th from 7 classes will get underway on september 22nd fee structure 10 week courses 20 hours 20 week courses 40 hours 20 week courses 60 hours 30 week academic credit courses 90 hours english as a second language senior citizens stouffville district secondary school credit courses proposed night montue wed x biology or 13 business procedures or 1112 calculus or 13 canadian family or 13 x conversational french of 11 x english or 11 x english gr 12 english or 13 x function or u geography qr 13 physical oeogrsphyor 11 x hlstoryqrt2 x history or 13 lew or 12 life skills a carter planning or 11 mathematics or 11 mathematics or 1 x general courses accountlng6oouplng beginners 20 weeks accmnrtngbookkeeptng advanced art beginners art media eiptoretlon art oh painting art water colours automo servicing baking beltroom oancing basic mrst aid brfeft a concrete home repairs bridge business procedures refresher cake oeeorattng calculators ceramics beginners ceraeuce advanced ooetwonsbjsponl- beginner a advanced creative draem crocheong c italian cooking cmneee 20 weeks x loweeks thursdays j10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x fjmeewdonctag to weeks x 10 weeks x 20 weeks x 20 weeks thursdays 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 10 weeks x 20 weeks x 20 weeks x 10 weeks x 20 weeks x 10 weeks x 20weetr x 20 weeks x loweeksf x toweeke x cjoweeksf x montue wad drat making 20 weeks x driver education 20 weeks night lo be announced electricity loweeks x english lor new canadians 20 weeks x family history 1 0 weeks x family nutrition 10 weeks x flower arranging beglnners20 weeks x flower arranging advsnced20 weeks x furniture reflnfshlng 20 weeks x oerentology no of weeks to be decided x gourmet cooking 1 0 weeks x qdltsr to weeks x gymnastics 20 weeks x kandyperson do ii yourself 1 0 weeks thursdays ksirdresslngbaslc toweeka x helping your chud to read loweeks x instrumental music loweeks x interior decorating a design 10 weeks 20 weeks thursdays 20 weeks thursdays loweeks judo just for you ledlessew improvement mecreme mens physical recreation 20 weeks thursdays photography plumbing pottery 10 weeks night to be snnounced quitting loweeks secretarial refresher course20 weeks x 20 weeks loweeks sewing beginners sewing tailoring small engine repairs speed reeding stained glass craft stretch sewing string art craft taildermy typewriting beginners typewriting a office procedures upholstery wine making womens physical recreation wood working beginners woodwortlng edvenced woodworking or tecsee wmim kamglagasmaflawalnaaa lowaaaa 20 waafca thuradaya 20aka x jo aaa x 10aata x 10 x i0ata x i0mi x jowaafca thuradaya mwaata x 30mta x 10 araaaa ttwradaya ioaaa thmdaya jowaaaa thvradaya maxata x 30aaa x tomaaa x loaxata thuradar loawaaa tlwcaday x