to cope v oultuxallv i i byjohnstephens york coast board of f iv v 4 j yo county board of 5 i prepare studcntslbrajhe cultural plurality lhatis i the reason fortbec question is the rease ifmimites of a meeting concerning sjinuui cultumism jin s york 0 i regrahscbools almost tbejwbole meeting it t appearsvwasdeyoted to i the 5 language problems facing recent immigrant children in eleoentary- classes s- languageassistance programs should cbe recognized as simply being immigrant aid multicuuuralism on the other hand as expounded by prime minister trudeau in 1971 was supposed to be for all canadians- not just non- english nonfrench ethnic minorities he said there cannot be a cultural i policy for canadians of british and french i z origin another for the f original peoples and yet a third for all others multiculturalism as ah official policy within a framework of official bilingualism was the governments response to v a widespread desire of j canadians for fun- damental equality itwas a statement that all v citizensshould enjoy all the benefits of canadian society irrespective of v their ethnocultural i background a it takes only a few minutes walk ajorig k 5 downtown torontos yonge street to recognize m whatthelast 50 years of s immigration has made of this country j l i in fact a short drive j along bay view avenue i north of steeles where a synagogue mosque and temple sit practically side i by side reveals cultural plurality v alive in york region and doing well theirishaandthej- scotsand the welshare 1 each proud of respective cultures but r when canadians speakbf thewpmajorities ofthis j country they lump undefx the label english the c irish scots and welsh regretfully many spokesmenin oriurio i speaking to constitutional matters- are not- jyet j prepared to recognize canada as it exists today bu instead interpret their 5 view of canada as though a lthe years had not- happened iv schools k do ajdisservicei if t they do not make students x aware ofthe cultural plurality rexistingiiii t canada f today ahdthe richness of our cultural suife because of thats ia c canada more r jthanjust a ji ivniiaear itembraces people whoare different fnfcolor of skin andj languages spoken cultural r and dislikes ideas and philosophies but all j livingtogetherin peace jahdharmony v l and they all struggle i together out of this i variety to define canadian identity ias r 5 xsomehowjncludingeach and everyone of them and us t wmmmmmmmgm bigi regular or fine grind nabob frjraditlon coffee buyallbbag at our regular price 439 v get a mb bag i macaroni cheesejjf r a t mm 225gpkg j ovrroguiir pries 42c each in syfup sliced crushed tw bits 1 pineapple for our regular price 59c each partly skimmed fresh 2 milk a 3quart bag limit 2 pr family pvrchu with minimum 10 00 ordm- ncludlng dgrlt thlt product iau cur regular price 239 f save 90 2 litre carton youll do better with aps 149 bakery features 3 youll do better with afs 149 dairy feafliresl marvel sliced sandwich bread our regular prle 63c lotf r buys save4bi ap sliced i our rtguhr prlc 4sc imf buys save 66 24oz loaf white bread t t ourrgur prtc 65c pkg t jane parker hamburg buns or buy 3 save 4se jane parker our rtgular prlc 9c pkg buy s pkgs save 5tc s fliiihwcheddar or mozzarella s sweetheart ffleeses from concentrate 140 mp pure orange juice 64floz btl 1 wiener rolls t a parchmenlwrappedvr jr librpkgv plain or assorted flavours r margarine 0 1 yl o borden c 40 lis monarch xl4yry0curt o 14v l- jane parker raisin bread- iirf21d49-plain-donut3- jane parkera j jane parker raspberry or chocoute sweet rous or j english muff ins p 6 2 w 149 date turnovers rw 2 for 149 jane parker jane parker 15 a v hot cross buns pf 12 149 dessert layers sozpkg 2 for 149 cr me41 i ions- select v officeirs stouffville i ed macaloriey rr 3- x claremontwill head up j the stoiutville lions club forthe year 19808 his snew term of office will begin jnvseptemberv 1 succeeding jini richards the current president v f jvother officers ialreadyr proposed ainv elude ross garreulst vicepresidentgrob berry 2rmfvicefy president- john moffat 3rd vice-plresidentjolin- mlddletorijisecretarjir gavtywatsonvassistant k secretary lojrne boadway treasurer don i llbxlablesvssistajnu li ircasurcrroymorgaii uon tamer neu patrlck v assistant lion tamer r pairieyudhwlster cafyilliyaslantlan j trlsteffilresuwvole- r year1olisodllnd j- rubfatwo years i- roblabrw hx hi cereal kelloggs k k our regular price 189 rio whole mushrooms 10floi tin j our regular price 95e each t ii- youll do bener with aps l49 frozen food features ourrsuur prlc s9eth boy j save 58c carnation a mq hash browns j iy ft kent frozen concentrated 123floz tin frozen apple or strawberryrhubarb i2oz pie highuner frozen turbot orange jujce 2 149 vfajcmhouse stouffers frozen pepperoni or deluxe 319 g pkg frozen assorted varieties 115 g pko french bread za 249 grieiehgiahteiitrees 149 j b frozen sweet j ia5loztin frasep- vale frozen loozlpkg apple cider 2149 fish chips 2i49 frozen i 7 w o tf vi 1 j ai frnamona kfgrstail jjmare csptfial offer whltf tuppr lnt i i izvioz water goblet t7i6zcocktail i 13oz double ontherocks i vcvozredwine 11ozhlball 6vaoz white wine 9z ontherocks 6oz champagnesherbet your choicei 2 i for w t our regular price up jo 99e each v b2s4ve o to 49 k fish chips 149 qbdfilleis sea buoy frozen cooked breaded i blue water frozen haddock with shrimp fish cakes 2149 ocean snacks 149 youll also do better with tkse 149 act price fea toes s readytoserve assorted varieties bright heinz v v soups souper noodle upton soupmix k lasagna prlmo plain v spaghetti 1 8floz tin 40 g pkg 500g pkg grape apple or orange y64flox 7 r 1 q vegetables ol q fbi 64fx of 1 fiiffa cocktail zlfhy drinks jwazij v k v i f tomato cherry i 81 aq aylmer q 1 7iq i stafford iwioz t i q for catsup fc- 0449 pie filling lrsl pure f fancy assorted varieties 2 vl 7iq burns- iibo 17iq y0rk cl ljp lard z vegetables o schneiders i 1lb pkg liquid detergent ft spaghettiawi- o 1 7iq crispyflake o 1 q gentle bnw pckof 2 1 vi q jl sauce z shortening zlfy pels 2 flfhy 1 monarch assorted varieties ptimo italian r cat food assorted varieties v jsox tim uquio a action pttai sponge issrwr3cl49 torhatoesi26149 piiss n boots 3149 i t i j luxury assorted varieties 14jsozttn assorted varistes v wflml tin uouid uundry j utre plastic btl alpjo dog food 4149 rrirh6beahs 3l49 wisk detergent r 349 t a toz plastic btt orape mm or fw white sugar substitutf tx saiadanevt j y op 100 4axex welchs jelly 49 sugafrtwin i aurir marievlfancrrhrr whole j varieties rncuoinsbeefaroni- f wtia-paftlysifmmed- j r imtdi mnkusj a wo a tubb potatoes 05149 chef boyar dee 2149 camatibnmilk 6149 potato chips m49 149 saving days v j- 149 saving days tsotisifidzi v jf riv v v 7 v i n rjr v