12 the tribune thursday december 21 iks hounds edge kinsmen 76 by jim holt stouffvtlle the crowd of dote to two hundred and fifty cer tainly received value for money at the arena on saturday when the kinsmen met a ve polished team of cftos bassett hounds in a charity game on behalf of the cystic fibrosis association the first period saw the hounds come on like gangbusters tallying four goals in fifteen minutes bill hassard opened for the kinsmen with an assist from ted assnick and bud lob- man three minutes later bob hassard on an assist from ted assnick and ken may popped in number two and at the end of the first it was 42 the hounds also took the second period 32 however contrary to the expectations of most the kinsmen did not run out of steam not withstanding the fact that the visitors had more than a good edge in average age at this stage of the game there was a distinct slow down in the hounds effort and it was obvious that the opposition was a little tougher than expected something of a reversal of- roles took place in the third period when it was the turn of the kinsmen to play gangbusters it was the same hassardassnick com bination that gave the kinsmen their additional two goals in this period bringing the total to 76 for the hounds in the closing minutes of the game it looked as if the kinsmen might just tie it up with a fantastic battle going on in front of the hounds net and the kinsmen pulling out every shot in the book however it was not to be and the kinsmen went down to a very honourable 76 defeat perhaps next time high triple of 759 charity game gets underway stouffvtlle joan mccracken rolled a high triple of 759 in the wednesday night mixed league held at 900 pm closely followed by dale knabb with 738 268273 other scores were ken bundy 664 233-220- n al peel 634 251 jose sage 611 205-205- 201 jacquie hare 624 241211 debbie kent 225 bob bundy 206 bill carol 200 209 delight baker 219 202 ruby johnson 200 bruce johnson 233 elroy clodd 218 linda sleigh 249 steve mccallum 216 whltchurchstouffvllle mayor eldred king dropped the puck at last saturdays charity game at the stouffvllle arena when the kinsmen took on the bassett hounds robbie roberts of the hounds faces off with kinsmens ken smirthwaite jim holt monday night mens murray wilson shoes n murray wilson shoes 1 24 main st markham 2941189 7 main st st0uffville 6402429 form club stouffville at a meeting held at the silver jubilee club on thursda y december 14th a new snowmobile club was formed to be known as the stouffville and district snowmobile club after an in troductory speech by mrs peggy brown of the ontario federation of snowmobile clubs officers of the new club were nominated as follows president stu turner vice- president wayne shirk treasurer alverta turner secretary debbie may trails chair man stan crockford at present the club hopes to use the silver jubilee club as temporary headquarters until such time as a per manent home is found for the new organization for further in formation regarding membership contact the club secretary debbie may at 640- 5880 the first meeting will be held on thursday january 11th at 730 p m stouffville in the monday night mens bowling tournament giles chevolds won the first series beating out eleven other teams the victorious team members are bob morley jack hopper glen jackson art grove eldon wagg and ross cairo at the half way mark byron tuck holds the high average with 249 and also holds the high single game with a 415 bill white holds the high triple with a 966 other scores over 650 for the evening are as follows bill white 966 bill dart 856 geo brodie 775 roger todd 756 joe barber 718 keith brodie 687 allan piette 731 marty mcgriskin 687 bill petrie 679 lloyd kerswill 667 cliff dunkeld 674 bob train 745 helen gibson 222 larry crozier 211 joyce morrison 207 shirley knabb 222 pat barker- 250 allen barter 2ss doug clark 219 turkey roll win ners were joan mc cracken al peel bill card john snowball dale knabb jcquie ware delight baker and ruby johnson young peoples t tuesday night ladies at murray wilson shoes sofe ends sat dec 30 t boxing week specials all winter boots 10 to 50 off mens womens childrens bauer daoust lange skates 10 to 30 off no tradeins womens selected shoes 20 to 50 off hours wed 99 thurs 9 9 fri 9 9 sat 96 murray wilson shoes markham stouffville sale on at both stores xmas bargains iqf 499u large shrimp peeled devemed 31b bag sole fillets 5 lb box snow queen crab in shell approx 1 75 lb 251 attvftbtmfnht simlood t commlmci foodn qsv order now 8843391 f7cnfslf rkhmondhitt stouffville lois bartley put together single games of 261 200 and 318 for a high triple of 779 in the tuesday night ladies bowling league other commendable scores were bev marshonan 728 254290 betty turner 691 228- 23822s edna piette 654 290201 mae budd 626 250 gaye lehman 617 261 ella nichols 608 273 adele wiuis 270 anna fretz 255 opal lehman 248 mitzi aida 227 217 luanne mcginty 224 eileen nugent 224 sue ken nedy 220 204 norma tranmer 221 marion grove 216 glenys yorke 216 barb zellers 216 muriel gibson 215 pat appleton 214 207 barb thomas 213 anne jackson 201 wednesday mixed stouffville byron tuck was the top bowler in the wednesday night mixed bowling league held at 700 p m with a high triple of 776 and single games of 274 221 and 281 other scores were bill dart 750 267- 234249 billpetrie 700 350 maureen peterson 674 227219228 lois bartley 657 225247 ron mccallum 656 201- 270 jim hindle 644 229203212 stan crust 637 202236 linda mccallum 627 235202 val crust 614 200230 mary drewery 601 254 floyd forsyth 254 bea hindle 201 jean dart 210 ann oldham 253 terry mcvicar 208 debbie forsyth 205 246 ethel crust 218 bill menar 213 stouffville sheila ward rolled a high triple of 727 with single games of 225 229 and 273 in sunday nights young peoples senior league other scores were deb pattenden 581 251- 207123 rob brooks 214 dan leblanc 570 155-205- 210 thursday stouffville top bowler in the thursday night ladies bowling league was marlene grove with a high triple of 739 and singles games of 235 226 and 278 other scores were judy bond 244 209 sheile wilkinson 224 213 joanne harper 213 sandi venderlccoi 206 202 marilyn carpenter 268 barb watts 211 jean pilkey 200 marg mc- clean 245 233 227 elva newmarch 229 cathy erikson 278 216 grace bulley 216 doris redquist 205 203 mae daly 244 shirley caterer 217 219 gail hunter 201 joyce sheahan 235 mildred oneill 201 audrey gibson 246 marg wagg 215 mae ostrander 208 w drug store open mon thru sat am to 9 pm open sun 11 am to i pm stouffville plaza 4ao2700 ft 4 ft 9 ft ft ft ft 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 lefttop marilyn summerfeldt doug widdifield john waldon kevin widdifield second row grace holden marian castle audrey pattenden nicola palmer marilyn agnew john houston clara harmon helen huisman bottom wendy davis lisa landry karen mcguckin from all of us to each of you ft 4 ft ft ft ft ft ft 4 ft ft 2 4 ijrwbys l ft i ft ft 4 ft ft 5 ft ft 5 ft ft t ft 4 ijg5mammm