Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 23, 1978, p. 4

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4 the tribune thursday november 23 vta h wrtbunt james thomas edhohnchlei established 1888 charles a nolan publisher barrebeacock advertising manager editorial dept ed schroater katth botaodar display aovertisino dept lois wktooun art dixon business office jowi lurshman dorowi deacon ebmo glorar publiahod thursday at 54 main st stoufmu out tal 6402101 toronto poena 3611680 slngia eoptos 20 c subscription 1000 par yaar in canada 2600 alssohara mambar o canadian community naospapars association and ontario waauy nawspapars asso sacond dass mail registration number 0896 tba tribuna is ona ol the inland publishing co limited group or suburban nawspapars which in- dudas tha ajax whitby pickering naws advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke ouatta markham economist and sun newmarket aurora era oakvttle beaver oshawa this week mississauga naws oshawa this waakand acton fraa press milton canadian champion and tha georgetown independent 6402100 3611680 editorials thumbing nose at the law york sanitation company limited has entered guilty pleas to 42 counts under the environmental protections act all are related to the infamous waste disposal site east of hwy 48 in whitchurchstouffville eleven charges are for dumping excess tonnage at this location and this is bad enough worse still in our opinion is the fact the firm made thirtyone false declarations as to tonnage weights an inexcusable admission the last time york sanitation appeared in court they were convicted and fined 14400 that was in 1977 little more than a year ago now theyre back again linked with a situation even more serious than before the truth is theyre thumbing their nose at our town the province and the law mrs mccaffrey solicitor for the ministry in describing the false declarations on tonnage called it deliberate systematic defiant concealment we couldnt have said it better further she pointed out that earlier fines did not work she suggested doubling the penalty or and get this move for an in junction to close the site thats what whitchurchstouffville council wants but thats not what theyll get not yet for queens park is caught in a bind they know such a site is required even though its costing them thousands to police and monitor it theyve got a tiger by the tail however all tricks aside the time has come for a showdown york sanitations been found guilty not once but twice we say three times and out cancel variety show 78 stouffville dist secondary school will not stage its annual variety show next month the cancellation for whatever reasons is regrettable not only for the students who undoubtedly enjoyed putting the program on but for the parents and the community as a whole it was always well attended second only to music mania for townwide appeal the first show was held back in december 1971 it boosted local spirits when they needed boosting most for it followed by about six weeks the disastrous fire that wiped out a business block on main street the entire proceeds were turned over to a stouffville fire fund that was seven years ago since then thousands of dollars have been raised and donated to organizations and projects apart from this it gave townsfolk an insight into the wealth of talent at sdss talent that previously had been recognized mainly along academic lines at com mencements while we dont wish to be unfair variety show 78 should not have failed we cant accept the excuse that out of close to fifty staff teachers and eight hundred students there was insufficient personnel to take over the reins where others left off- where theres a will theres a way guidelines based on need another takeout food service operator is preparing to set up shop in stouffville for what reason other than to starve out the ones already here no one knows certainly its not required in our opinion town planning committee must discourage this sort of thing even to the point of refusing the applicant a permit a slowgrowth community like whit churchstouffville hasnt the population to support such a duplication of services for one to live another must die hardly the kind of security established businesses deserve if wouldbe owners refuse to utilize some commonsense in this regard then the town must take the initiative and create guidelines based on need the old steam train gone but not forgotten steam trains once a familiar sight on fee local cn line are gone bat not forgotten this particular picture was taken a number of yean ago the location b the belhesda sideroad crossing west of hwy 47 jim thomas at wheelervf no no sanders committee meetings are closed come back in january roaming around i cant boil water without burning it by jim thomas when it comes to a test of culinary skills im a failure in fact i rate an e on anything surpassing the making of peanut- butter sandwiches i admit it and my wife knows it thats why except for a quick lick of the cakeicing dish the kitchens out of bounds and im glad i dont particularly like the place anyway too small especially with six kids continually lined up for a taste of whatever-it- is before it reaches the table- still there are occasions when like it or not a husbands called upon to perform such tasks like last sunday it was our turn to make the tea and coffee for the fellowship hour that follows the morning service but my wife couldnt be there not in time so it was my fate to go it alone how was i to know you never fill a kettle with hot water and put it on to boil i thought it would speed things up besides it seemed kinda dumb to heat up cold water when the hots just as handy so thats what i did however an hour later when i prepared the brew the raw water came out just as brown as the finished product if it tasted as terrible as it looked the membership will drop by twenty people fortunately none succumbed on the spot with that little misfortune ive com pletely lost all confidence seems i cant even boil water without burning it anyway im going to give myself another chance this friday is our churchs adult fellowship night and weve planned what is called a progressive dinner thats where the group travels from house to house con suming whatever the hostess decides to dish up ours is the main course and my wife risking excommunication has agreed i can take charge quite a challenge at first i considered something simple like bacon and beans but that seemed almost too ordinary for such an auspicious occasion so i started digging through the recipe books for something unique even borrowed a dr chases edition 19021908 from my neighbor to obtain a few ideas so far ive come up with the following rabbit cutlets cut out the different limbs including the shoulders the legs pieces of the back and half the head have ready some bread crumbs and the yolk of an egg beat up drop each cutlet into the egg and then into the bread crumbs fry them a nice brown and cover with rich gravy which may be flavored with tomato sauce potted beef tongue boil a tongue which has been salted but not smoked remove the skin from the tongue and chop it finely with one pound of veal pound it nicely with a steak pounder adding 3 or 4 tablespoons of butter a little cayenne mace nutmeg and cloves finaly ground mix thoroughly and press into small jars pour melted butter over the top that helps in its keeping may be eaten cold or fried broiled pigs feet when old and young feet are boiled together for 2v4 hours the old ones are tough and worthless if boiled vh hours the young feet will burst the secret is to wrap each foot in a cotton bandage well corded with twine broil four hours the skin window on wildlife where have all the whitetails gone by art briggsjude after another unsuccessful hunting trip to the highlands of haliburton im beginning to wonder if the deer hunting will ever again resemble the status it held in the past and if you think this is just a six quart of sour grapes youre probably right in part but along with this basket of vinegared fruit are some clear cold facts ontarios northmost deer herd is in trouble since the mid60s success rates among hunters has generally declined to the point where in some sections its all but nil and while such results may bring smiles to antihunting groups it may well be time to temper these grins with some additional information for when the whitetail deer population was high a drive through ontarios forested areas would often result in sightings along the highway especially was this so in algonquin park where tourists cars often lined the roadway while the excited occupants fed and photod the graceful animals yet a summer drive in this same park today will yield no pictures and rarely if ever any sightings and all this in an area where no hunting was allowed theres got to be other reasons then for the decline and lo find the answers you have to go and look for them you have to read your early history books of this province in them youll discover the whitetail deer range was never much north of a line running from the southern tip of georgian bay to kingston and thence nor theastwards to ottawa the clearing of the mature pine and thick stands of maple and birch opened up the forest canopy creating unexcelled deer habitat the whitetails continued to move northward in the wake of this heavy lumbering industry til by 1880 they had reached manitoulin island they ap peared in sault ste marie seven years later with the decline of the massive land clearing and logging operations over the years the forest in many areas has matured to the point where browse is now no longer available to support large numbers of deer to furnish more answers as to where did all the whitetails go you have to get up off your butt and go into the woods you have to spend a lot of time over a span of many years at all seasons to try and piece the puzzle together in such surroundings youll see first hand the changing scene of our ontario land scape if like most hunters you go to the same area for many years youll see these changes develop and while natures transformations are somewhat gradual mans alterations are usually quite abrupt the first sighting of some beaver cuttings along the burnt river for example was quite a novelty in the seasons that followed though you saw these gnawings continue to grow until eventually massive dams backed the neighboring streams into huge ponds covering hundreds of acres the lower grassy areas and slight hummocks covered with thick cedars and tag alders were now flooded with such bedding and fawning habitat lost the deer were forced up to the more vunerable higher slopes and as if this loss of feed and cover was not enough a new problem arose again the first moose track noted in the area was an eyebrow raising discovery the ponds the beaver had created were ideal moose habitat and these larger animals moved into these drowned areas in the mid- sos but alas the moose couldnt confine their feeding to aquatic vegetation a walk through these same woods in the white of winter revealed the waters all frozen and the moose nibbling on twigs and bark along the higher ground consequently the browse line went up in many places and the deer couldnt reach the new growth you notice such things as you ramble around the north country over the years you realize that although some of these changes have an adverse effect on wildlife they do provide recreation and employment in actual fact they are sometimes even a necessity there is also evidence in many areas where wildlife such as whitetail deer can exist in close proximity to man the answer again is to think before we act singly and collectively for instance uncontrolled dogs running at large from rural properties place undo stress on fawning deer during the spring th owners either didnt give a darn or never thought about it now im no biologist but after poking around the highlands of haliburton for 33 years im just mentioning these observations for what their worth the deer are not there and some of the reasons are quite clear shorter seasons help but they wont give the results habitat improvement will michigan proved that and while many of their ideas may not work here at least some should be given a try if it means controlling the beaver and wolves in certain areas lets do it if it means more cutting winter browse lets do it if it means cutting off the hunting for a few years lets do it lets get the natural resources ministry to take their deer management programme out of the drawers and put it out on the drawroads where it can be applied and they can do it but lets take whatever steps are necessary to get the deer back in the north country where we can all enjoy them again naturalist camera buff tourist hunter alike and of all ages will hold together while being cooked and when you eat them you will find them all tender and delicate as possible fried frogs the only legitimate way to cook a frog is to fry him brown in sweet table butter as a preliminary he must be dipped in a batter of cracker dust which should adhere closely when cooked roast pigeons dress wash and wipe dry truss them secure the wings and legs to the body by skewers or twine mix salt and pepper together and rub them well on the inside put a piece of butter in each lay upon sticks in the dripping pan put in hot water and butter to baste with place in a quick oven and cover with brown paper to prevent bur ning oatmeal mush put in sufficient water to make the right quantity and bring to a boil add a little salt then stir in course oatmeal until it is as thick as you wish to eat it slip back on the stove and simmer slowly till done may be eaten with meat or served with milk and sugar other delicacies im considering include stuffed lamb shoulder english steak and kidney pie sauerkraut stew sauteed brains and red flannel hash my wife forever a lifesaver when i go beyond my depth has suggested a recipe on page 24 of the good cooks book published by the zionwexford united church womans association of scarborough its called simply the nut loaf perhaps in her own subtle way shes trying to tell me something

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