entry forms available only in the youth pak 78 contest rules 1 the coolest pnzes consul ol five 5 1978 triumph spitfires each wim an approximate retail value ol s5895 00 one triumph spitfire ts to be awarded tn each ol the following 5 areas 1 bntish columbia 2 aberta saskatchewan manitoba 3 ontario 4 greater metro toronto 5 new brunswick nova scotia prnce edward island newfoundland 2 the chances ol winning wil be determined by the number ol entries recervod in each of the five regions the maximum number of contest entry forms wil not exceed 300000 in total 3 shoppers drug mart reserves the right to mil the sale ol youth paks to one lo a customer 4 the contest closes on october t 1 978 the draw wil take place between novomber 1 and november 30 1978 the names ot the winners wtl be pubished in the january 1 979 money saver flyer leylaimd 5 to enter fill out completely the contest entry form found only inside each youth pak 78 then deposit the properly completed entry form in the eniry box at your nearest shoppers drug mart store prior to october 1 1 978 6 the contest is open to all canadian residents who have properly filled in a contest e ntry for m which can be obtained only in youth pak 78 employees and members of their families of shoppers drug man stores their central offices the advertising agents and the ludging company are neligible 7 selected entrants must correctly answer a timesmiled skittesting question before being declared a winner the question will be administered by telephone winners wil be notified in writing the judges decision is final by entenng a contestant agrees to the use of hisher name address andor photograph in any forthcoming publicity it heshe is declared a winner no entnes wil be returned and no correspondence wil be entered into except with selected entrants 6 before being asked a skilltesting question al entrants under the age of 18 must appoint a parent or guardian to answer the skill testing question and at prizes must be accepted by such parent or guardian who must sign a standard release or indemnity form 9 winners wid be responsible for arranging their own insurance prior to dehvery pnze includes predelivery inspection local and national shipping pnzes wil be available for delivery lo the winner at the triumph spitfire dealer nearest the winner s home 10 all pnzes must be accepted as awarded no cash substitutes or exchanges wil be made 1 1 the contest is subject to all applicable federal provincial and local laws and regulations 12 approximate distribution by area 1 50000 2 39000 3 75000 4 65000 5 45000 15 124