4 the tribune thuksday june 22 1178 itht irtbune john montgomery editor- established 1mb charles h nolan publisher barre be acock advertising manager eoitobial oept auqih lamure ken boteoder olsplav advertising oept las widenua art dues business office jamarskiaadormnoeacaa eileen glover pumtsned every thursday et j4 main st slourtville out tel ms-2iii- toronto phone ml km single espies subscriptions si 00 pv year ia ciudi s2 m elsewhere member ol audit bureau ol circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second cuss mail registration number mm the tribune is one of the intend pubtisluna co limited roup ol suburban newspapers wiiicb includes the aiaiwihtby pickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke gaiette markham economist and sun newmarket aurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and misssauoa news 6402100 3611680 editorial so long keith sutherland last week the town showed its affection for orchard park principal keith sutherland and after last fridays events there was no doubt that there is a lot of affection for the unlike most people keith was lucky enough to have that respect and affection demonstrated while he is still living too often the type of tribute given to keith is reserved for eulogies to the dead we know that keith is a man who ap proves of short speeches so we will just say that we recognize that during his many years in town he has made a great contribution to stouffville as school principal and as a caring individual we also know keiths impact on the 30 years ago this week excerpts from the june 24 1948 issue of the tribune fire obstructors motorists hindered the firefighting equipment and members of the stouffville fire department in their race to reach the scene of the fire at musselmans lake on sunday motorists blocked the road and seemed in no hurry to make way for the fire engine with its siren screaming for a clearance valuable minutes were lost in reaching the scene however the fire had gained such headway before an alarm was sent in that the building jnlhis instance was doomed in any eventt the owner of the home had been away for several weeks and the house was not oc cupied it is suggested that strangers forced their way into the dwelling and held a drinking brawl since bottles were found littered about resentment is expressed against the conduct of a gang of girls and boys from the city who have been causing disturbances about the lake district price controls one can scarcely pick up a newspaper these days without observing that chicken feed coal or darning needles will advance in price again in a week or 10 days we are not surprised that organizations are demanding mckenzie king to do something about con trols or resign these demands are growing louder every week as increased alarm is felt over the skyrocketing of prices it is going to take more than just wishful thinking to flatten out prices if we are to avoid another financial crash in a year or two as much as we dislike price controls we predict they have got to come otherwise the skyrocketing of prices and then the debacle community will not lessen as stouffville will continue to be his home good luck in your new job keith bought salads dont measure up during the course of a year we at the tribune attend an amazing number of church dinners service club meals and other special banquets usually this is a distinct pleasure as the moderately priced locally prepared meals are top notch and well worth tucking into but we have been noticing an insidious habit of using commercial prepared salads is creeping into vogue the main attraction of these meals is that they are excellently prepared by local cooks and in our opinion the addition of these canned salads goes a long way toward spoiling the charm of the dinners a sure bet for a good dinner is the lions annual beef barbecue next wednesday june 28 editors mail dogs abandoned on ninth line also dear sir i read with great concern the article by annegret lamure in regard to the abandoning of dogs on the fifth line and must say i too have experienced the very same tragedies on stouffvilles ninth line south just recently ive picked up the cutest little mongrel that was dumped out of a dark coloured van and the young driver also tried to run the poor little creature down i searched for it and finally found the half- starved dog fed it for two weeks and luckily found a lovely home for that one this happens frequently on the ninth line and i have been feeding many a dog some i would place but very few are so lucky i would like to express my admiration for these two brave ladies christiane bergauer and jutta becker who spend time and effort on these poor creatures whose only crime is to be unwanted i wonder when will some of our socalled good christian society stop inflicting cruelties on our wonderful animal friends so meanwhile annegret lamure keep up the good works and keep these articles coming maybe one of the offenders will regret his or her shameless actions sincerely margarete todaro ninth line south rw wheelerj i hear the keith sutherland award is to go to the youngest kid in the school who has to shave moose jawjewel of thewest by john montgomery a lot of people are getting right annoyed that we are being urged to vacation in canada at the same time the pee em and a lot of cabinet ministers are embarking on ex pensive holidays in the south and im not referring to burlington i must say it doesnt bother me when these guys go away but i do get quite irate when they keep coming back maybe this year instead of opting for two weeks in the caribbean at some tropical resort hard by the beach i will for only a few hundred dollars more take in the genteel ambience of moose jaw saskatchewan mean really who needs a tropical beach when you can get a 35 a night room in a motor hotel only a stones throw from the transcanada highway or for those who love peace and quiet and an air of history there is a classy little hotel in downtown moose jaw that even features a bathroom on every floor and a television in the lounge that place of course is only for the real highrollers who demand luxury at any cost a cheaper alternative would be to spend a few days in hamilton a north american beauty spot you could watch the sewage run into the harbour and lunchbuckets make great souvenirs or how about a few days in sunny sud bury the sulphurous air is great for clearing the old sinuses and at no charge you can ac tually duplicate the moon walks made a few years ago by us astronauts for the winter enthusiasts there is always skiing down the slag heaps if you are more inclined toward cultural pursuits and clambering around on bare rocks is too strenuous why then you can always go downtown and watch the lineups at the unemployment insurance commission the uic has the best show in sudbury these days literally a cast of thousands another nice thing about travelling in canada is you know wherever you are from chedebuncto to sicamous you ar- only minutes away from a big mac and fries some of the colonels chicken and fries or even that staple that so well exemplifies the true canadian personality a hot beef sandwich and fries personally i would advise anybody who is going to travel in canada to see a doctor first and if nothing else for your own sake have those cholestrol levels checked those nasty little triglycerides are a killer as a photographer i have often considered taking sort of a working holiday you know take a bunch of pictures on one theme and see if i can get them cranked into a coffee table book in time for the christmas rush anyways i was thinking of a sort of poetic look at highway rest stops along the trance- canada i wouldnt even have to write poetry its right there on the washroom walls waiting to be saved for posterity an alternative would be a crosscanada look at freeways if you travel across the country that is mostly all you see anyway so it would be a book people could really identify with unfortunately the maritimes would have to be left out as they dont have any ex pressways except maybe in that modern gomorrah halifax idhave to think about the canso causeway another canadian delight of course is camping for only five bucks or so a night you can enjoy a campground with a slightly higher population density than the st james town highrise development in downtown toronto but you can also take rustic pleasure and pioneer pride in knowing the bathroom facilities are equal to anything you could have found in that very same isolated spot at the turn ofthecentury you can trade that quiet cooped up apartment or lonely suburban backyard for a piece of gods country as i once did a piece about 20 feet by 20 feet and jammed between a group of teenagers who guzzle beer shout obscenities and listen to chum 24 hours non stop and a family of obnoxious american winnebagoers with fat children who whine constantly in highpitched nasal tones they incessantly sprayed for mosquitoes and watched television at night with their door open i figure i am just as good as any cabinet minister i have pretty shifty eyes and im not above telling lies when i have to so i will probably continue to go out of the country for my holidays quebec city has always been one of my favourite spots i window on wildufe- upland sandpiper byartbriggsjude kids stuff all about tilly a true story by timothy pugh all about tilly a true story have you ever received a living easter gift i did the easter i was eight and my sister was five we had been away visiting at our grandparents and when we returned our dad sent us on a treasure hunt we followed the instructions on notes first to the garage second to the tractor third to the swingset then finally to the barn at first when we went into the bam we heard funny noises just as we got nearer to the sounds my mom and dad came up behind us and covered our eyes they took us to a boarded up pen and uncovered our eyes i was first to say something i said o look isnt it cute then laurie saidlets think of a name for it we thought and thought finally i said lets name her matilda dad said lets call her tilly for short tilly was the cutest little black and white lamb i ever saw she had spindly little legs and a funny little face she was only two weeks old she was born a runt and her mother wouldnt feed her so dad bought her and brought her home to laurie and i for easter tomorrow you die by sheila cober grade 6 dickson hill ps another boring day routine eight oclock breakfast im getting sick of the same old stuff but look another guy is walking toward my cell and hes got a machine oh good grief hes another one of those esp guys i guess id better start thinking about clothing thats harmless enough they read my mind as if im talking out loud ok here goes hmm should i wear my grey shorts 4 v all right quit talking about shorts you know you have toweaf your grey shorts j j 1 v one blue stripes i thought jtime for the 9 oclock check if you think a wrong move youll die i wonder if well esc oh no i nearly blew it what will youahiwe do the guard screamed you did blow it stupid of you wasnt it yes oh no golly why did i even think of escape the guard replied i dont know but you did anyway the punishment is death tomorrow you die foolishfffler forty foolish frilly females from fergus fidgeted fretfully for five flippant fashion fotographers frantically frying fish fillets we fed her with a bottle and all the time she drank her tail wagged back and forth she had to be fed formula just like a baby we made the formula by mixing one can of carnation condensed milk with three cans of water we started out feeding her two ounces every four hours gradually increasing the amount and the strength until we had her switched over to cows milk when it was feeding time tilly would put her front feet over the boards of her pen and bleat for her bottle a few months later we let tilly out of the pen so she could roam about our bam all this time she was getting more acquainted with our dog liza jane she grew like a weed and by the time she was 9 months old he was 100 lbs my grandma thought that tilly was the fattest iamb she had ever seen tilly and liza played hide and go seek and catch the lamb we had had tilly almost 2 years when we took her to a friends farm that sheared lambs sometimes so she could get rid of her heavy coat and meet some other sheep about 1 week before she was due home my dad brought bad news tilly was dead i asked what had happened and dad said that a wolf attacked tilly in the night i knew why she didnt run because she had got so that she wasnt afraid of dogs when the wolf attacked tilly she didnt know enough to run away from it so she was killed no animal was more important to me than tilly ive often wondered whether it was fair to tilly to have her for a pet or whether we should have left her with her own kind the end sometimes when you cross a section of open farmland or walk along a rural fence border you flush a medium sized bird it swings away with an unusual flutter of its wings uttering a rapid quipipipip sound causing you to look in the sandpiper section of your field guide but if the presence of a sandpiper in such an unexpected place takes you somewhat by surprise then the performance that usually follows will in all likelihood leave you wondering even more for after the bird skims away some distance keeping close to the ground it often lands in all places on the top of a prominent fence post and as no other member of the sandpiper family practices this trait it quickly identifies the bird in question it is indeed a bartramian sandpiper or as it is more commonly called an upland plover now that your interest is sufficiently aroused a little more patience and further observation is required and if you take the time to watch this unique long billed creature you will in all probability be rewarded with one of natures most memorable aerial displays the fact that the bird has already struck an angel pose by momentarily holding its wings aloft when lighting is a pretty sight in itself this over- lure however if only secondary to the main act that invariably follows now rising swiftly on its pointed wings the bird circles high over its nesting area and sends down a series of clear rolling whistles so rich in tone are these musical notes that few other feathered songsters can rival their clarity during this dancing flight too the bird weaves and performs various other airborne manoeuvres that finally culminate with a broad sweep over its home territory once on the ground and in the presence of its mate these upland sandpipers hop along in a peculiar fashion twittering musically while quivering their tail and wingtips in unison often they fly away only a short distance then return and repeat the dancing performance john bartram the philadelphia naturalist whose name the bird bears found its antics an intriguing delight as have all those who have witnessed its display since in those early days the upland plover was primarily a bird the western prairies ex tending its range eastward with the clearing of the forest when the huge flocks of passenger pigeons were sadly depleted the market hunters tried to meet the public demand for more birds with other abundant species an easy mark that helped fill the bill were the upland sandpipers and curlews so great was the slaughter of these waders that the eskimo curlew all but followed the passenger pigeon into oblivion luckily the upland sandpiper was somehow spared this fate and gathering its scattered ranks began the long road back to recovery during the last decade of complete protection from hunters but not from land developers it has been returning to some of its former haunts here it once again swells these rural areas with its melodious whistle and as the upland sandpiper lays but four eggs a year its progress though somewhat parallels the birds own call long drawn out sometimes wavering sometimes steady but a call once heard will ever after quicken the pulse of all who appreciate the wonders of natures world timber n embers the ministry of natural resources has been busy again this spring stocking salmon and trout in the western end of lake ontario 29000 coho and 192000 chinook were released in martindale pond near the henley course 50000 coho and 200000 chinooks were released in bronte creek while 1 15794 cohos and 1 ii 000 rainbow trout were released in the credit river the ministry would also like to know of any canada geese nesting in our area please contact the maple district office toll free number is zenith 92000 two of the most prominent among the many delicate wild flowers in bloom last week on the bruce peninsula were the yellow ladys slippers and the fieryred indian paintbrush i