i 5 v- jaktfssc 4w9- 20ounce sprayer tnggered jet nozzle adjusts from jet to spray molded plastic save 593854 xijut2l 40ft plastic soaker hose 49 save cordless grass shears special purchase 4 reg s 98 21 95 perforated transparent green plastic hose will help improve the green scene this summer with brass coupling a great gardening value 99 3187 b 24oz food containers 6 sponges 25 towels special purchase m 6697 b mm qimlhahtfam eiuuinac qtns itn fn fi v 1 great for stonng leftovers in freezer plastic with locktight lids 992214 syntheticfoam sponges each about 5x4x2 assorted colors stock up now 39 8003 pkq stock up on 13 x 15 strong utility towels highly absorbent and non abrasive 39 6642 making boat cushions back rests throw pil lows chair padding mattress toppers etc 20 wdx56lgx1 thick green foam padding youll want to buy several of these multipurpose foam pads at this special low price 991205 mastercraft 10a shears complete with charging unit high impact body coated blades safetyoff switch nickelcadmium batteries recharge overnight 597917 save pic bug killer 112oz spray regular 59 use indoors and out to kill mosquitoes and other flying insects enjoy a pest- freesummershopnow 593647 johnson off towelettes wipe on exposed skin to repel mos quitoes black flies 993179 pkg of 10 2 39 ctc insect repellent cd protects against mosquitoes and bit ing flies 593629 2ozbtl reg 159 1 19 pic mosquito coils smolder for 57 hours to kill mos quitoes with holder 593781 reg s189 1 59 r