the tribune thursday march 1978 fte irttme john montgomery editor established 1888 charles h nolan publisher barre beacock advertising manager editorial dept auaef ret lamure kelt bolender display advertising dept lois wideman art ouea business office julminlinui ooreea deacon ellm clover published every thursday at u mainst sloutfville ont tel ms2i0i toronto phone 11mu0 sin p me subscriptions tisee eer yur in canada s2tm elsewhere- member el audit burt au o circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly mpipin association second cbu mail registration number mm the tribune one el nw inland publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers which includes tne aiaxwniibypikerin news advertiser brampton cuardien burlington post etobkoke oaiette markham economist and sun newmerketaurora era oakville beaver oshava this week and mississauga news 6402100 3611680 editorials activity day valuable most parents want their children to have the best education possible they want them to have all the opportunities they may have missed in order that they may lead fuller richer lives it seems rather ironic then that some parents complain long and loud when the school does set out to broaden their childs dcrsdcctivc last week sdss sponsored a oneday program designed to encourage youngsters to learn new skills acquire new interests and incidentally learn to see their teachers in a new light the program appropriately called activity day offered students a wide range of things to try they could sign lip for weight training roller skating music workshops museum and gallery tours chess a zoo trip euchre a tour of the science centre macrame discussion groups and many more just reading the list of possibilities may have weaned some of the kids away from the tv set now some may argue that this sort of thing has no place in the schools after all the kids could pursue most of these activities after school and on weekends that may be true but its hardly realistic teenagers are a clannish lot they go along with the crowd and do what everyone else is doing usually nothing for fear of being singled out we have yet to see one of them organize a group to go to the art gallery or to learn to ski using leisure time constructively is something few people know how to do most of us simply fill up spare hours watching tv although the ever shortening work week leaves us with more free hours than ever before learning to use this time to best ad vantage is a skill just as important as calculus and may ultimately prove much more meaningful to the individual wheeleko town groups deserve praise how disgusting this type of music is eroding the moralsof the younger generation they should be taught to enjoy good music like the the bay city rollers kiss alice cooper the towns recreation representatives should be applauded for their efforts at last weeks committee budget meeting for the most part these groups came to the committee with very reasonable requests which reflected their efforts to try to control spending the most successful group in this area was the soccer league now in its second year their request was almost 2000 less than last year a remarkable achievement that shouldnt go unnoticed part of this decrease is due to the inclusion of sponsorships and also from the desire of the group to be totally selfsupporting in the next few years and the way they are going it does not seem to be an unreasonable achievement for this hard wbrking group they should be commended for the tremendous effort and professionalism they have brought to the town however with soccers good news came the bad news from the arena groups ice fees are going up quite a bit this year and through no fault of theirs the budgets were all up again though these groups have seen the need to constrain themselves for without the seven per cent increase in ice fees all hockey and skating budgets would have been down from last year so overall the groups have tried their best to keep spending to a minimum and the committee did recognize these efforts and commented on how smoothly the meeting went something quite rare for any budget meeting and possibly the biggest news from the meeting is that the town may get a citizens bandj something that is definitely needed here we wholeheartedly support this project and feel the 3000 needed for the group would be money well spent living naturally start your seedlings now by kathleen obannori 30 years ago this week excerpts from the marh 4 1948 issue of the tribune long life light mr er good has a hydro bulb in his home that he has had in use for 26 years and which probably constitutes a record for long service normally the life of a bulb is much shorter since if they do not burn out some kind of disaster overtakes them before quarter century rolls around an electric bulb that gets any amount of usage at all would naturally burn out or give off a red light that would indicate it should be discarded since it would consume more current than a new bulb big cars when we were complaining about the unnecessary oversize of the average motor car the financial post comes along with a timely editorial it occurred to us that for some time the average car is unnecessarily large and roomy half the car drivers never use the rear seat at all yet they feel they must have it for the odd time they use it now with a certain ban on big us cars because of shortage of american dollars the post wonders if we canadians will go for smaller models which may come from britain says the post a great many canadians are making pretty sour remarks about the trend in north american car styles streets get more and more clogged with traffic yet cars get wider and wider this is the time of the year when every body is starting to think of spring and especially of gardening it is the time to start seedlings for your garden if you have a window with a southern exposure you can begin its very simple to do this all you need is flower pots or flats earth plastic bags or wrap and the seeds the method is simple soak thejarge seeds overnight in separate containerssterilize the earth by putting it in the oven for 20 minutes at 250 degrees f if you have any crushed dried egg shells mix them in after it is sterilized fill the pots or flats ths full with the earth dampen it down so that all the earth is soaked the earth should not be too tightly packed if it doesnt contain enough humus or organic vegetation it will not be able to breathe or drain properly add some sand or well rotted vegetation or manure to give life to the soil generally i save the little flats from year to year they are the paper ones that v are about 6x2 inches for this size plant eight to 10 seeds evenly spaced in rows cover the seeds with more soil and carefully dampen down the top of the seeds and soil if you are using flower pots make sure that there will be good drainage through the bottom so that the seeds dont rot place a stone or piece of broken pot in the hole to keep the soil from running out put the flats or pots in a plastic bag and kids stuff various views on winter seal them up with a twist tie or cover the flats or pots with a piece of plastic wrap voila you have your own mini greenhouses place them in the window until the seeds start to send up sprouts at that point remove the plastic and treat them like any other plant making sure that they have some water each day but not so much that they drown or grow too fast after the seeds sprout if they are tall and stringy thentheyeither need less water or more sun light in this way you can sprout your own vegetable and flower plants to be ready to plant in the garden after victoria day this is suited to tomatoes peppers cabbage cauliflower broccoli brussels sprouts egg plant squash melons marigolds asters cosmoes sunflowers head and leaf lettuce romaine cukes corn and some people even start beets carrots onions leeks i guess the list is endless squash is very fragile when you transplant it so it is best to start only three or four seeds in each pot so that the weak ones can be removed and only two or three planted in hills after the seeds are sprouted and you have little plants growing weed out the weak ones or the extra ones so that there are only six in each flat of the size mentioned above allow enough room for the plants to grow and to be removed from the box or pot without destroying the entire root system so far this information is just the standard information on starting seedlings what makes this natural is the use of only natural composing matter or fertilizers and untreated seeds untreated seeds are necessary if you want to have healthy and natural plants plants receive their nourishment and messages for growth from the seeds this is why untreated seeds are so important for natural gardening and besides any leftover seeds can be made into sprouts if you are using untreated seeds lettuce radish carrot bean sprouts are great in salads there are a few places where you can get untreated seeds i understand that stokes have some william dam in west flamboro ontario have many this is down past hamilton we are iflckyto have otto richter and sons right here in goodwood allftheir seeds are untreated they specialize in herbs and rare plants and seeds as well as the more common ones i can recommend the swedish branching spinach very highly it makes a small plant that spreads to a foot across in the height of the summer is heat and wilt resistant but best of all you can just keep on cutting off the end leaves and the plants just keep growing all summer long you only need to have three or four plants to keep a family of four in spinach all summer it freezes well and can be grown in the winter in the window as an edible house plant if you have any questions about seeds planting herbs or just about anything con cerning gardening mrs richter is right there willing to answer questions some days she talks all day long nonstop about plants seeds and herbs and loves every minute of it each year she gets in many new varieties of seeds and herbs so it is always a treat to go there they are open from 830 to 5 weekdays and only until 4 on sundays before you start seeds it is best to sit down and plan out the exact layout of the garden so you know how many plants you will need dont forget to allow room to walk between them as you sow so shall you reap naturally editors mail not many young at concert astute guesses our last mystery picture was a real toughie no one could figure out what the object was until we gave readers a clue in the subsequent issue the hint we gave wasnt all that easy either but several young readers managed to figure out that the unlikely looking object was a can opener the 5 prize goes to lisa and cammie ross aged 8 and 9 respectively dear sir it almost seems as though many of todays young people in so many ways very intelligent and worldlywise are afraid to admit a liking for any kind of music which differs from that being foisted on them by disc jockeys and record charts the in thing to like is what the record companies tell them however subtly that they should like nowhere was this situation more obvious than at barbara sibbicks organ concert in the united church only a handful of those present were young people it is unusual for a person to suddenly start listening to classical music with enjoyment a person must either be exposed to this kind of music from childhood on or else that person must make a real effort over a period of time to try to learn to appreciate it and when that time comes the effort is all worth while mrs sibbicks concert was no stuffy af fair and there were some numbers that young people would have enjoyed even if they have never learned to enjoy classical music and her interesting program notes on the com posers and the instrument on which she was performing were enjoyed by all an in teresting sidelight of the program was that the listener felt she was most at home and most enjoyed presenting the selections which were the most difficult to play perhaps there are some young people hopefully many who are not afraid to be in dividualists when it comes to musical taste who are proud of their right to be square if they so desire if there are then we can look forward to the time when all styles of music can be appreciated from tasteful rock to ancient classical then we can expect con certs such as tuesday nights recital to be well attended and appreciated yours sincerely clarion baker agrees with mrs oldham dear sir we would like to thank the tribune for printing mrs oldhams excellent letter regarding her concern over the degeneration of music influencing our youth today as fellow residents of the whitchurch stouffville community we commend mrs oldham for her courage to speak out on this vital issue with which we wholeheartly con cur and for her continuing contribution to music of the finest caliber in our community in the ongoing debate over music it is interesting to note the concern of will durant an incomparable historian of civilization quoted recently in a toronto daily mr durant says we have been silent too long let us speak out let us say humbly but publicly that we resent corruption in politics dishonesty in business faithlessness in marriage poronography in literature and in the theatre corseness in language chaos in music meaninglessness in art it is time for all good men to come to the aid of their party whose name is civilization sincerely yours dick and shirley ohlman willow springs camp o a