a recognized international authority by j v findlay p eng executive vicepresident general manager lapa 2300 volunteers from industrial management devote over 100000 hours a year to accident prevention and occupational jv findlay p eng health they come from the member companies of the industrial accident prevention association of ontario all levels of company management are represented they are dedicated people with one objective to educate management and em ployees in accident prevention occupational health and loss control the voluntary workers are supported by a permanent staff of specialists under the general manager of iapa jv findlay no public funds are used to finance this association the entire cost of the industrial accident prevention association is borne by ontario industry par tially through a portion of their wcb assessment in addition the cost of time travel and ac commodation for the volunteers amounts to more than 15000000 a year which is absorbed by the volunteers own company occupational health in the field of occupational health and safety three organizations are involved the ministry of labour is responsible for legislation and enforcement the workmens compensation board for rehabilitation and the industrial accident prevention association for consultation and education in accident prevention occupational health and loss control management management responsible safety occupational health and loss control are management responsibilities all three affect the successful operation of any company and every company has its own objectives standards and responsibilities new technology is being developed every day new materials are constantly being introduced management is ac countable to the company and to society for the use of its resour ces in any company the most important resource is its people iapa serves management the ontario manufacturing processing and retailing industries are served by iapa from mctalworking through food processing woodworking and textiles ceramics and grain to leather and printing and more the various classes or kinds of industry have their own safety association which operates under the lapa umbrella the class safety associations deal with specific situations in their particular industries within class associations however companies are located as far apart as thunder bay and cornwall to achieve maximum ef fectiveness in consultation communication and education the province is divided geographically into iapa divisions wherever practical by reason of population industrial concentration or area divisions are subdivided into sections in this way our volunteers gain knowledge of and insight into accident prevention and occupational health not only in their own class of industry but also in local general industry work together cooperation between volunteers and staff results in a large organization dedicated to con sultation and education in accident prevention and loss control management iapa services are available to every company in every city town village and hamlet in ontario permanent liaison with the lapa head office in toronto is maintained through division offices located throughout the province in ad dition lapa safety consultants are constantly working with volunteers and member com panies in the various divisions and sections staff safety consultants lapa safety consultants are trained experts in accident prevention occupational health and loss control management they analyse accident records conduct factfinding studies and plant surveys and make recommendations to management in cooperation with the voluntary force the consultants arrange supervisory education and inplant training technical service the safety consultants are sup ported by the iapa technical staff who are engineering and nursing professionals these people specialize in areas where science and engineering are factors in the environment of the workplace that can affect the health and efficiency of the em ployee the scope of their ac tivities ranges through the effects of noise dust fumes space ventilation radiation chemicals toxicity electricity solvents explosions and more second to none in addition to the expertise provided for industry in the field the lapa resources and development services are among the finest in the world the library includes all the meaningful material published on the subjects of accident prevention loss control and occupational health every legislative development is kept on file complete data on new techniques and methods are recorded all of this information is reviewed and periinenl summaries made available to member companies trade and business associations communication continuous through the monthly publication accident prevention the news and public affairs department of iapa keeps members informed about progress and developments in accident prevention and oc cupational health each month fact sheets describing real ac cidents and the action taken to prevent their reoccurrence are enclosed the department also creates and produces plant posters suggested safety talks safety promotion literature and promotional items designed to keep accident prevention and health uppermost in the minds of management and employee alike it also presents the facts about education opportunities to management enabling manage ment to select courses and seminars that will benefit its operation education allimportant in the fields of safety and health- educating is a neverending process every advance brings new problems which can only be solved with knowledge and training the industrial accident prevention association conducts courses and seminars on a regular basis both at its education centre at downsview and on location throughout the province the courses and seminars deal with a broad range of subjects both general and specific some of the subjects covered are accident investigation and safety com mittees loss control management health care noise control and hearing conservation forktruck operation confined space and hazards control there are many more out of the increased awareness and interest in occupational health a number of people have emerged offering courses and educational matters on oc cupational health recognizing the need for quality and control in this field we worked with ryerson polytechnical institute a recognized competent institution to developa certification course leading to a bachelors degree in occupational health and safety we are also working with com munity colleges to develop a program that will be useful to technicians and we have been working with the university of toronto as well first aid course p the education process it has been proven that people with first aid training are more aware of safety and health than is the general public for many years the iapa has worked with st john ambulance in first aid training every member of the iapa staff earns a st john ambulance first aid certificate member companies are en couraged to enroll their super- employees families take the course the benefit to company and community in these cases cannot be overstated from a modest beginning over 60 years ago the industrial accident prevention association of ontario has grown to its present stature although often overlooked by politicians and pressure groups in ontario the association is recognized by industry and governments around the world as a leading authority on accident prevention and loss control management the size of the active voluntary force is growing daily the expertise of the iapa professional staff con tinues to be in advance of current requirements an example of this progressive action is that the bases for current legislation were first advocated by the late rb morley general manager of iapa in 1936 the quality of the iapa con tributions continues to the present time at the eighth world congress on the prevention of accidents and diseases held in bucharest romania in 1977 nine selected safety films were featured of the nine three were produced by the industrial accident prevention association of ontario crossword health safety across i the safety 1 down 6 the ontario ministry of 10 the ontario safety ii you 12 an organization that provides education in accident prevention and safety for industry 13 you should accidents 16 carelessness may put this on your grave 17 pronoun 18 bone latin 19 bog 20 keep poionous substances from children 22 slang greeting 23 exclamation 25 public health nurses teach pre classes 26 conjunction 27 what 44 across can get at the university 28 what you should do to protect your 33 down obsolete form 30 relieve 31 its your to obey the safety 5 down 32 the metro 42 across safety promotes pedestrian safety for senior citizens 36 you can keep jewels in this 39 these go by quickly as one gets older 42 see 32 across 44 see 27 across 46 rob 49 a small piece of broken pottery 50 practice safety and protect your health at work at home and at recreational activities 51 avoid careless acts that can create this down 1 see 1 across 2 french article 3 these have more accidents than females 4 for example abbreviated 5 see 31 across 7 electrical unit 8 you should first aid 9 then you could others 12 pronoun 14 given in recognition of a service 15 a trip 19a company 21preposition 22 where the heart is 23 short for death notice 24 not clear 28 part of verb to be 29 pecan 32 blue this has a plan for your 15 down 33 see 28 across 34 animal den 35 these are blue brown grey green or hazel 36 foundation 37 conjunction 38 what you see at pedestrian crossings 40 a doorway 41 a pain 42 centre 43 thank you in baby talk 45 goes with eggs 47 this is in newspapers 48 behold vienry staff v employees in the st john ambulance first aid course many are enthusiastic to the extent that some companies 35 40 36 37 38 39 47 46 48 so answer on page 8