20 the tribune stouffville 18771977 s 5 5 3 1 3 5 5 1 i 5 5 1 stouffvele ijsssfs 5 every description of book and job printing really and promytly executed the alert is published every thursday at 100 per annum invariably in advance single copies may be had at the office or post ottic in w rappers for mailing at threv centrf local notices inserted in reading matter will be chnrkcd one and a half cenu per word him when ordered scclal contracts for local notices by the quarter thealert tiilkuay june 21 1s77 home and gossip road work street improvements warm weather at last strawberries and cream great rejoicing over the rain kcmovc those village boot jack fall wheat and barley heading out the county council meets on the 25th inst in the council chamber toronto the prophet of 1881 has returned after an absence of a u eek at markham the lat number of the a y reform ci comes to hand in an entirely new drcs the crow is another colorado lotato beetle cluicc enemy of mr give him a an odd piece of grass here and there bu leen cut but it is too green yet to make hay help to keep up the interest of your local apcr by sending to the editor any tit bits of news you know of the kcttleby sons of temperance tcapartj caineoff ou the 10th inst and was as great a success as uual the editor of one of the newmarket papers has been receiving grceu peas and potatoes grown this season who can show the first here we are of the opinion that a local paper can enforce strict payment in ad vance just as well as a city paper we are going to try it at any rate the rev mr bostwick of st louis commenced a scries of special services in the baptist church in this place on monday evening last to continue during this week until further notice over two thousand persons are said to have signed the gospel temperance pledge card since the commencement of the murphy movement in toronto and large numbers are being added to the list at every meeting writing of the red ribbon movement a western paper says saloon keepers dont like red ribbons tied in a button hole when a reformed man passes by witn one fluttering in the free air the barkeeper looks like a mad bull when a red shawl passes through the pasture the village council meets this evening cattle herding on the streets in this village subscribe for this paper only one dollar a year invariably in advance cattle not allowed to run on the street since incorporation good for the trees and sidewalks track laying has been commenced on the lake simcoe junction railway and is to be pushed with vigor mr w p hartney informs us that the first wool of this season was bought by him in this village on the 2cth of may being crowded for timee cold not this week give the stoufifville market re port nor the directory of churcho socie ties etc mr john jcruian blacksmith of this place is very ill we understand his illness is caused by a kick from a horse in february last the population of this place is increas ing rapidly the increase was about 100 last year and the probabilities are that the increase will be in the same rotio this year the present number is about 870 the green ricr teaparty under the auspices of the division sons of tem perance has been postponed until satur day the 23rd inst when the same pro gramme as advertised in the posters for the 21st will be carried out dominion day in villk stouff- dominion day is to be celebrated in stouffvillc this year in a most enthusias tic manner the members and friends of the congregational church purpose holding a grand festival on that day in commemoratian of laying the corner stone of their new church the festivities will be held in the grove of wm brown esq dinner will be served at 12 oclock and tea at 5 after dinner short and spicy speeches will be made by rev messrs hanford silcox and warrier of toronto and the resident ministers a good brass band will enliven the proceedings alo anmymeuts of all the life bmm if the retdn ever witnessed hor nee he knon what importance the jock eys attadt to ft good lurt none of the driven want to be even a neck be hind in going over the scratch and if the horses ire not well together in com ing up to the scratch the judges call the drivers back and oblige them to try again till they all set off together -tth- out any one having the ad ce now hurnan life as far as the great worldly aim is sonoeroed is nothing but a race as fast as we get old enough to go it alone we onter the race for the great prire of wealth that is the means of securing comfort happiness enjoy ment and froedom from the treadmill of toil- in that case success depends si much on a good start as in the case of a horse race if a young man begins his career by a course of industry frugality and correct his habits generally he is sure to win an independence by following this course from the first he soon accumulates a little money and this accumulation helps him aloig monoy that ho puts into the tarings bank draws interest and swells his fund aftor a while his aocounts become large enough to allow his starting a little business for jtis son or elsti to buy a home in the suburbs where filthy tenement houses and extor tionate landlords are unknown thus he goes to independence surrounds himself with luxurios and passes his after yean in caso and contontmont to cube j cold by abstaining from drink and liquid food of any kind for as long aperiolas possible tho internal congestion which is in fact the condi tion generally known as a cold becomes reduced the causo of congestion is tho excess of mood contained in tho over charged membranes and this is removed when the general bulk of the blood has been diminished by withholding tho usual supply of fluid how to improve bad butter bad butter may be improved greatly by dis solving it tloroughly in hot water let it cool then skim it oft and chum again iddng a little salt and sugar a ama1 quantity can be tried and approved before doing a larger one tho water should be merely hot enough to melt the butter rit will become oily the aikht snatch it witliiliitue prisjkcins numici- of the sroerville alert wv make our jcbit bcijr tho piblic it i proper when introducing a now ruhlo to popularfavor to nivc some idea of the liuxiine- which patronage is solicited vyiriiaton i to isuc every thursday n ihfpagc local newspaper containing ny columns of reading matter at the i juicc of one dollar per aunum atrariumi in advance from a large espuience in connection with the provtrityross the publisher of the alert tfied that a village news paper srufifivike local inteicsts of first lmportahispvijlo not omitting to give a carefully collected summary of the news of the outside world it is not cg intention to craslie our selves to any political party as we think that sort of thing can safely be left to the cityps which are supposed to have men in connection with their edi torial staff who are capable of treating political topjto with a view to the best interests of the country as a whole still we will not exclude ourselves from placing before our riggers anything in the shape of news whether political or otherwise but what we do confine ourselves to is a steady and jjersistent advocacy of the total prohibition of the liquor traffic briefly stifcd it shall be our endeavor id publish sj sprightly spicy newsy wellfilled weekly paper taking a deep interest in local matters and placing the latesthome gjsnfogn news in the most selves and leave the rest to a careful perusal of the alert the first regular number of the alert will be issued july 5th after which time it will appear every week tlfls is simply the prospectus number issued with the view of obtaining sub scriptions and further advertisipg we skip next week in order to give oui- selvcs time to complete our arrangements for issuing regularly a firstclass local paper we have not been able to obtain the right copperplate heading for this num ber but hope to do so bv our next issue lord holland gave macaulay an account of a visit which he paid to the court of denmark ami of king christian be mad man who was at last deprived of all real sharein the government on aucount of his infirmity such a tom of bedlam i nccr saw said lord holland one day tbo nctpolitaa ambassador came to the levee and made a profound bow to hit majesty his majesty bowed still lower tho neapolitan bowed down bis head al most to the ground when behold the king clapped nis bauds on his excellencys shoulders and jumped over him like a boy playing at leapfrog cutting patchworjc bod quills are not yet oit of fajlioi and 1 think it will be a long time toforo women will liko togivo them up entirely for a person of leisure there is consider able pleasure in making a largo ant use ful bedspread out of bits of clothjliich seem too small to be of uso jiough strong and pretty there is no good excuse however of buying ncf cloth for the purpose of cutting it intojiits to bo sewed together ajiiii as b quilts patchwork hasio good right in tho world unless it come to save tn ieces that would otherwise be wasiolor for the sake of saving precious littl scraps which we would lke to be pu in some durable form i hear of a graijiumina who is making a quilt uhicli it ijivutiin pieces of all i ho little reses f r tirst grandchild had worn up to ire to be a present to the child and lo uhicli will bo a kind of fun ly tielurc no doubt i small conreniencei it u quite astonishing how much com fort and satisfaction results from little causes a box bag drawer or basket for needles thread scissors thimble but tons of all sizes tape strings wax etc laves a multitude of steps and saves time and a ast amountof patience for menfolks dishko towait while such ar tides are being hunted up neatly trimmed lamps arc another convenience fchcgh some prefer to trim them just before lighting as they become dusty before evening this can be obviated by twisting a piece of paper tunnelshaped so as to cocr the chimney and burner or if durability is preferred covers made of fancy paper with strips of gilt to cov er tho seais and edges aie very pretty the stocking bag or basket with differ ent colored balls and di terent sizes of needles can be hung away under gar ments ant always ready for uso and not in the way a place sacred to pens ink paper envelopes and pencils where one can jot a thought without getting ril ed in spirit looking for material thereby becoming debtor to our fellowmen for defrauding him of tho useful idea that circumstances evolved for his benefit comes under this head bookshelves arc another really sensible article and if never so cheap are an ornament any storekeeper would reserve for you the pieces upon which the cloth 13 wound for the shelves a piece of strong twine fill ed with spools will complete it stand the books edgeways so that the titles can be read without needless handling lamplighters saving the disagreeable smell of matches an old basin with a mop or brush for stoveblacking a can or jug with scissors rags and kerosene for lamptrimming are convenient and esscntiil save everything no matter if it is oldfashioned or you are tired of it lay it away and in a year or two it will seem fnsh and do a good service in another form and savo a few pennies which put with other littlo savings will buy a nice book or pay the subscription for some desirable publication i do not mean the inconvertible odds and ends that accumulate in a house and till it up needlessly as some are merely because they possess a passion for hav ing all things but only such as taste and judgment cn convert into useful and smamenta atticla how to select meat good and wholesomo moat should be neither of a palo rosy or pink color nor of a deep purplo tho first denotes the diseased condition the last proves tho animal died a natural death good moat has more of a marble look is con sequence of the branching of thu veins which surround the adipoie cells the fat especially of the inner orgars is al- wayt tirn and miety and n er moist while ia general the fut from diicaed citllo it ushhy and watery and mole ofton lesembles jelly or toiled parch ment wlioletunic inoit will always show itself firm and elastic to the toucn and exhibits no diuipiievs while meat will appear s ft and moist in fact oft n pore wet so that the liquid subitniico run out of the blood when ptclvud hard good meat has very little smll while unsound moat has a disagreeable cada verous smell and diffnso a iort mtd- icinal odor this can be distinctly prov ed bycuttug tho meat through with a knife and smelling tho blade or ponrinc warm water over it s i i i e j- i t s i i