the tribune ry friiitty morning m1in street -stouffville- out ikhms kl lr ui jluo ll 1mm in auwm ahvertisln kaiks sm- i car 1 jrar i ar our siumn p7 v i 2 1111 column i 1 i i tic j utcr rol i i i one oirutli col is i 1 transient aiwcrtiscnienta lceal municipal ac scents icr line fiii insertion ndf ecats per line each uleiuent injection lrriuuni cmlrf tue inch and under 4 per jear iiforo inuntbs ajm f partus lor sale one inehantl under 1 month 1 each jubsoiucttt month 75 cents ahs of stray aniirwl 1 for insertions adv ti 2 or 3 lines sneh a lost- house to let scrvmt w anted ac 25c 1st insertion 75c per month kocnl all notice excepting f entertain ments tor which the printing i done by thl offico 7 conts per line each insertion black tine locals 13 cents per line transient advertisements mint be sent in not later than thursday noon- notice of chance tif ftandinc advert iement must be given not later than monday noon and copy must be sent in not liter than noon on wednesday advortiement without fpectfie directions will ho inserted every issue until forbid and chained nocdrdingly ordirs for i1icm tinning advertisements mint he in writing ind sent to the publish ere notifcskirihpmtrringcsnnd dcnlh free joll vkintinv wc have alo a firstclisa jobbing department tneiiiiectiinaudire prep irid t do business in tint line at prices that cannot be beaten tutus cash- maluoy keefgr kditok ap pkoirirtors n mtiwwi the tribunestouffville 18771977 19 62 reabih6 about obbselyes bittot of ie befets mi6im 0mm0hitt weekly newspapering in stouffville spans one hundred years and the beginning of the stouffville alert by mr h pemberton coin cides with the incorporation the advance another early publication had the distinction of using the william lyon mackenzie wooden press this famous press was later sold to uxbridge and then to prince albert five papers in all served the village for various periods until nearly 1900 the tribune being the only survivor the free press was started by the covington bros in 1893 and the pilot began some ten years earlier the tribune began in 1888 with its first publisher harry hodge william malloy was to follow as owner and several others occupied the publishers chair for brief periods in 1922 the business was sold to av nolan and a nolan has remained as publisher to the present day mr ch nolan the present publisher began his newspaper career with his father in 1936 and took charge in 1950 on the death of av nolan who was also reeve of the village in 1965 the tribune became part of the inland publishing chain of suburban newspapers with mr nolan continuing as publisher great strides were made following this last ownership change the latest offset printing techniques were introduced as well as modern high speed press facilities and use of the latest in process color printing aw a t sic mr dg sta g yea sts 4 mg c yea hilj viilt ribttnc t tribune stouffville may 0 1890 looal items- council will meet on tuesday ever ing miy 13th mr j urquhart is suffering from pain in one of his limbs spofford is uckingupa great racket with his beautiful silver presents rev t j bennett will preach in the baptist church on sunday evening you can got line decorated window shades all complete at sburkholders for 70c moxiv to loan at 51 per cnt no commission fred w hill barrister stouffville mr dcgccr of bethesda has moved into town and intends to work for mr isaac boadway the base ball players are stcadilr practising and no doubt great achieve ments will be accomplished this season the titibtlnk will be sent from now liuihaxladofthft yerofiuy twh cash in ad luce now is the time to subscribe spofford hail a big staff of clerks on yesterday and yet they coulu not want on all customers give fred more room says thctiiiuuxe mrjg clarke has moved his stable and is preparing his grounds prepara tory to the erection of n new brick re sidence on albert street south all kinds of repairs for noxon bros implements which are sold by mr p cooncv can bo had at james bougher tys hardware store stouffville the open season for trout fishing commenced last thursday and many disciples of isaac walton took advanj age of the occasion to put in a days fishing wasted 1000 spoftord wants 4000 before the the 21th may so he is going to boom every thing in his well filled store at tremendously low prices and gives a handsome piesent as well dkessmakinq miss mary ash- burn has opened dress and mantle making rooms at geo bremners resi dence south side of main st where she aill be prepared to attend to all orders in the above lines 8 4t the watering cart is getting to be one of the decided necessities of the day clouds of dust are carried through the street every afternoon and settle on everything that will retain it and the consequence is that large quantities of goods are injured by it of the 214 presbyteries ol the prcs bytcriau church in the united states 180 have already been heard from on the question of revising the westmin ster confession of faith of these about 120 have voted in favor of revis ion this makes it practically certain that the question of revision will come up before the general assembly oven if it be decided that twothirds of the presbyteries mustaskfor such revis ion a committee of baptist ministers composed of rev mr trotter clnre- mont rev mr freed sunderland and rev mr moewcn port perry mt at port perry thursday at the residence ol the latter to arrange for the meet ing of the whitb and lindsay associa tion of baptist churches which is to be held in port perry the third week in june since the price of eggs has gone down it seems to us that tne hens are manufacturing a smaller article than usual a good irany of the eggs that are brought in to market might be swallowed shell and all without much danger of choking the consumer egtrs should be sold by weight and then perhaps all the small ones would not be picked out for the purpose of sending to market standing of the pupils in stouffville public school for april 1890 5th class b dougherty cflint ibrown 4th a covington e brown c- urauhart son 3rd l obrien m covington m a armstrong jun dont forget that spofford has open ed an ordered clothing department and is going to make things hum hum hum the tribune will be senmrom now till the end of the year for fifty cents cash in advance now is the time to subscribe bray has the latest novelty in head gear for young men in the shape of a hat and cap combined call and see it and you will be sure to buy it the haynes musical comedy com pany gave on entertainment in daleys hall last night under the- auspices of the fire company mr wm metcalfe stouffvlfle is prepared to attend to all orders paint ing graining kalsomining and paper hanging gtvovim a trial the titibuse wants several good re liable correspondents in the surround ing countiy and villages call at this office and get a supply of stationery will the party who picked up the long ladder belonging to the fire com pany on the day of mre tranmers lire please return it and save trouble what about the early closing move ment this year it is about time the clerks were making an effort to have their employers agree upon closing their places of butiness by 7 p m at the latest make a move boys to secure that end the uxbridge methodist sabbath school has appointed a flower commit tee of young ladies lo provide a decora tion of plants and cut flowers each sab bath for the pulpit and school room al so a flower mission for distributing bouquets to sic scholar a social will be given at the resid ence of mrthos fairies bloomfngton on monday evening may 11th under auspices of the young people of the methodist church miss stouffer and thestouffer bros will assist in the musical part of the programme ad mission 20c and 10c mr foote of bethesda and mrr8 banbury have been purchasing mares rising two years for mre a banbury of wolsely n w t at bloomlngton bethesda clarcmontand mongouaand intend to ship from here on tuesday next they also purchased for ship ment a stallion from mrt lyon of unionvillc in the surrogate court on monday of last weelr application was made for probate to the will of richard smith a farmer of the township of whitchurch who committed suicide on april 18 leaving an estate valued at 91992 to each of his brpthers joseph and randall he bequeathed 200 and to his sister sarah conboy he left the bal ance of his estate a meeting of the liberal conserva tives of east york was held at victoria hall unionville on monday last for the purpose of organizing for tho com ing local elections tho meeting was largely attended and was enthusiastic over the candidature of mrjohn gib son and the prospects of tho election a committee of twelve was appointed to conduct the affairs of the campaign and dr shaw of east toronto was elected president of the committee and mrfwhill barrister ol this village secretary spotord sells lace curtains from 39c up to s10 per pair at a mceing of the members of the mechanics institute held on monday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year pros d stouffer 1st vice pre j j rae 2nd viceprcs j burkholder sec j j brown tres wrv gilyester committee s stouffer jgeo reefer w p hartney h brown a gilbert s m warriner and alehman the secretarys report was one of the moat satisfactory that has ever been pre sented and was favorably commented on bv the members present the financial report will appear next week spring overcoats ate booming ftf spoffords gill and see them the salvation armystouffvillewlli hold a three dayscampalgncommenc- ing friday may 9tnled by cpt cun ningham the saved irish policeman late of kilmairihara jail dublin ire land who saw joe brady tim kelly and all the other phcsnlx park murder- en who were hung at that jail cy wxm xww