i the tribune thursday december m 7t victoria square news peace prosperity happing are wished bymrswsdle happy new var v 1977 bring peace prosperity and happiness to each and everyone victoria square lions club s held their pianos organs i j dec 27th 31st open evenings b save up to 1 000 on organs lowreyand yamaha savbup to 300 on pianos by willis i special 5 days only i ypmoha organ as illustrated ooi beautiful music reg s895 1 b l special sale u w i famous yamaha quality features if you can point a finger jfig i i i 6612060 2226517 62 you can play the organ 2 keyboards 74 playing keys 13 pedal notes 5 different organ sounds 5 automatic rhythms headphone and jack for private practice beautiful walnut finish walnut finish bench included not show free instruction book free music book many organ models on sale f toronto organ centres pianos too 3 locations open evenings niofiiicti avenue west 5195 yonge st sherway gartens opposite willbwdale post office opposite mcdonalds i i i i i i i annual christinas party n monday evening of last week at the home of lion don boyntoh the first euchre party for 1977 will be held in the community hall on friday evening january 21 at 8 pm everyone welcome mr- and mrs gord draper spent the christmas weekend with their son daughterinlaw and family mr and mrs victor draper and family at ottawa phyllis boynton and grace spent christmas with mr and mrs lawrence boynton and family barbara hart and family spent christmas with her brother and his family mr and mrs stewart wheler and family at agincourl mr and mrs ken harmon sr had their family home for christmas son bill of nipigon daughters margaretann of peterborough nancy of toronto and son ken jr of victoria square mr and mrs douglas kemp and family have been visiting here with her parents mr and mrs alan chadwick mr and mrs don boynton and girls spent christmas with her mother and family mrs earl jackson and family at downsview birthday greentings to michael roman jan 2 jean vonderkooy jan 4 mr and mrs nelson thyhanan and family of wlllowdale frank and bryan nichols of knoxvide penn mr and mrs don hamilton and boys of newmarket don nichols sr don jr and amy nichols of rich mond hill mrand mrs allan nichols and girls of gormley spent christmas with their parents mr and mrs cecil nichols alice perkins and family held their christmas festivities in the community hall mabel frisby mr and mrs richard frisby and girls spent christmas with mr and mrs elmer huggins at port perry mr and mrs jim woodward and stacey mr and mrs rob dickinson of richmond hill enjoyed christmas with their parents and aimt mr and mrs earl empringham and irene knapp vera nichols of toronto- had sunday evening dinner with her brother and his wife mr and mrs cecil nichols donnie and amy nichols are spending a few days with their grandparents mr and mrs cecil nichols the late mrs herb sanderson of richmond hill was laid to rest in the victoria square united church cemetery on tuesday afternoon of last week she was the only sister of the late wesley william herb roy and stanley boynton please note my new phone number if you have any news 883- 1838 pair changes plea admits auto theft newmarket two stouffville teenagers charged with the theft of an auto from stouffvilles main st last june 21 changed their plea to one of guilty half way through their trial before provincial judge james crossland last week roy barker and his companion dianne vaughan and a juvenile took a vehicle owned by grant morgan after they discovered it was parked with the keys in it hie theft took place mid- afternoon after the trio had been walking around town the court was told the vehicle suffered between five and six hundred dollars damage vaughan was granted a conditional discharge for her part in the of fence barker who also pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to appear in court for trial was fined 100 on that count and placed on a suspended sentence introducing a for many years f craven a has been canadas most trusted mild cigarette now k i proudly brings you craven k special mild a new very mild cigarette with the good tasteand outstanding quality of the original warning health and welfare canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked avoid inhaling average per cigarette regular filter tar 8 mg nic 05 mg king size filter tar 15 mg nic 10 nig special mild filter tar 5 mg nic 04 mg ii v -i- edward gall the oldster on the right joined right in when sdssphys ed students staged a carol sing at green gables nursing home the students who hid taken a course in geriatrics at school gave the residents a party complete with santa claus and little gifts and a luncheon was enjoyed by everyone afterwards economy not doing as well as government tries to tellits i continued from page 11 and this year it will be something over 45 per cent inflation was set at 2 percent per year in fact it was 107 per cent last year and 76 per cent this year referring to our jobless the report bluntly stated uriemployment- in the range of 4 per cent to 5 per cent of the labor force is too high to be tolerated on a continuing basis last year and this year we have had an average jobless level of over 7 per cent in trade the economic council why wc have failed to jdepended on oil imports rach out goals we are for 81 per cent of their i o i a i energy requirements followed by italy 76 per cent france 72 per cent germany 49 per cent the united kingdom 46 per cent and the united states 17per cent r it is the earlier economic council like a jewel among nations we have resources a talented people aid markets to tap unparalleled jn the world we do not have the problems pf a great britain and japan or a france in the current v t economic council reportyireport however that rthey stated one of thcsj so they undermined canadas competitive position in world markets by draining off resources- form the private sector of the economy to the government sector v- the 1969 report emphasized that ours goals could only be achieved if government acted with restraint decision by the organization of petroleum exporting countries to increase crude oil prices in late 1973 they state among believed our current the main western account deficit in 1975 countries those initially published lasl week for- perhaps gives us the clue example referring to the as to why our economy has faltered their estimates for economic growth in canada are would be 1 per cent of our gross national product it has turned out to be 33 per cent rather than compare us to other industrialized nations mr andras should have explained injured the most by the oil crisis were japan italy and france the leastinjuredwas canada a net oil exporter at that time they point out that while canada was a net exporter of oil japan a reasonably accurate with the exception of govern ment spending they anticipated that govern ments would absorb or redistribute about 37 per most important im- plications of our estimates is that major new government speikj ding programmes requiring large additional resources can only be accommodated through large cutbacks in existing programmes through greatly increased ef- cent ofthe nations total ficiency inmajor income by 1975 com- pared with 33 per cent in 1967 this is where they were wrong govern ments in fact took41 per cent in 1975 and in doing government j program- mesor through taxu- creases leading to fa larger shift of resources from the private tothv public sector f think about it canada works is a new job creation program that will be launched in january i this new yearround program is designed to get needed work done by people not employed in the private sector s canada works will accept applications from groups and organizations including private businesses who wish to deve jp sponsor and administer worth- while community projects funds will mainly be i allocated to areas of high unemployment and projects will be tailored to special employment needs of your local community canada works will generate employment for more than 60000 canadians who are presently unemployed t applications will be considered twice a ycarin winter and summc tnnkabouiyourprojtsncwearlyinihenewyear your local canada manpower centre will have appli- cationformsandacanadavorfcsgjidetoapplans with full details on the program canada works for your community mafce your worthwhie prefects work nextyear l a second program is for students young canada- works will create jobs for more than 20000 students next summer the emphasis will be on pro- jects ofsolidcommunityvaluclt has many ofthe c same features as the yearround prograrrcexcept projects will be limited to 14 weeks during the summer months at the same time young canada works will enable j students to gam valuable work experience and test their career aspirations likecanadaworksyourcanadamanpowercentrc will have application forms and a youngcanada works guide to applicants early m the new year r so think about what your organization would like to do for studemsyoung canada works for students in your community 1 end wwnlgrftaon bmlcukn tundtaun f inwiwrsooo rrs going to work for your communmi u l a