ir- sars the tribune thursday october 2 im more letters to the editor v eisex dear editor -asione- of rthe proponents of the daim that ontario farmland is olsappearing at the rate of 26 acres per hour may itreply to more facta needed on agriculture ft issue by- r william hodgson mpp in the tribune of oct 14 j- considering that the j worlds inventory of first that they intended to dass farmland is non- e 42 thousand responsibility- con- and vitii limited funds servationists have for c but skfuful determination years been disturbed by we began to battle the the reckless squandering of prime ontario farm land for urbanization pipelines and etc when the federal liberal government and the provincial conservative government jointly an- noudced on march 2 1972 bufialoastheir children 1 we have followed in their footsteps sad continued to ravish and exploit our natural resources renewable and in j ifiminithmg supply while i the world population is steadily increasing it is i therefore reasonable to y postulate that every acre of food growing land is precious and must be preserved to feed our- selves and future generations believing that the wise use of the world and all of its life is our sacred acres of markham and pickering farmland for an airport and satellite dry we were shocked upon realising that government itself was planning to wantonly destroy so much of our fertile earth in an attempt to prevent this irrational action local con servationists joined the people or planes group referendum is puzzling to resident of goodwood if this waste continued into the future most of the ontario 1 farmland federaland provincial wouldbe lost to food giants after months of growing within fifty letter writing speech years this magic converting much of them ma1r and using many number was t indeed into garbage which we gimmicks to publicize our magic and it caught on then burn or bury our cause- we then everywhere soon cities mines paper mills discovered that in the newspapers politicians 4 factories machines and canada census it was tradesmen and contemporary system of reported that in the past housewives became decade over 10 million aware of it and many of ontario acres had gone them repeated it in their out of food production by speeches and conver- reducing the ten years to sation we were delighted days and hours and withour success dividing this into the total whether the candian acreage the magic census figure of 26 acres number of 26 acres per per hour is accurate that hour was calculated does not really matter using this magic what matters is that this magic number has made government and responsible people aware of the truth that foodland is precious and must be protected mister hodgson mentions how the number we began to flood the province with the news that during the past ten years we had been losing 26 acres of farm land per hour and that agriculture have polluted 0urairiv5ter and soil with everencreasing tons of toxic substances mister hodgson questions our reliance on government to solve our problems well there are many things that the individua could and should do but there are also things that only government can do and one of the government responsibilities is to make certain that the environment is protected mister hodgson also states that a government pioneers developed land inventory has been canada well lets face made and will soon be dear sir 3 undoubtedly you have watched with in terest and concern the developing controversy over the uxbridge councils attempt to establish a federal maximum security reception centre within tour township the council was firm in its initial resolution to r proceed with the project and would not waver to r he demandsof citizens l groups to grant a public vote on this issue jhowever at the last regular meeting the jf same council completely v reversed its earlier r decision with regard to a t jl public referendum and actually is permitting the i democratic process to r iprevail thus on i december 6th we shall go to the polls not only to electa council but also to decide upon a prison in our area naturally we are gratified with the opportunity of rightfully making our decision regarding the federal penitentiary but we are puzzled at the sudden reversal of the councils decision on this matter it is tobe hoped that the reversal of the councils original decision is a result of honest recon sideration of the matter and a realization that dogmatic behaviour must surrender to democracy let us hope that his change of heart 7s not merely a political manoeuvre at ap peasement in order to gain support for in cumbent candidates in isehsiibie land use dean sir i it is not surprising that the president of the j york region real estate hoard advocates con- tinuous development in region real estate board seeks c-v- development supporters jtribuneoct vone expects that a air person in the i writers positionvwill have the interests if his fellow realtors jin mind when an appeal to continue the development irjjupon which their depends r it is not entirely v4unexpected hat the jjjf writer would be opposed it a to antidevelopment iva groups he believes that y trieir- efforts are costly lt and harmful j tothe v 5 average taxpayers s he j- states that with the rorisirigof propertyuaxes rf the timehascome the p that continued prosperity can only be guaranteed 5 through v continued i tii development i 7 the continued development that he y ad vbcates to v combat 1 rising taxes has occurred tit in uyork region for a it number of- years sub- fdivisions shopping plazas industrial parks i have proliferated the j average jtaxpayer bhbweverknowsthat his y tax bill has increased rapidly along with this development future l -develop- iment will not guarantee the taxes will not rise alongvwith this development goes the loss of t valuable agriculturil vioand 48000 acres in the region or york between 1961 and 1971 and the f eventual result that we will be dependent on outside sources for our supplies food j prices because of the law of supply and demand will soar l j the idea that alu y development is good and v that all we need to do to z prosper is build build build is outmoded today it istime that politicians realized that sound- v sensible land use policies must be introduced by the provincial government jthinks that were great- enclosed please find jvcheoue for eight dollars to renew my subscription thetribune from oct 1976 to oct 31 1977 ti been a ipng- tfme subscriber also my parents before me zl jr ithink your paper is x great j- yen truly miss evelyn duwey- v- georgesi markham before it is too late otherwise we are acting like louis xv in france apres nous le deluge yours truly ian scott newmarket the approaching municipal election no matter what motivated this mysterious change of events we do owe ap preciation to the ux bridge penitentiary review committee for presenting well- researched information for consideration and harry stemp editor of the uxbridge journal for his conviction that the ballot is the valid answer to the prison question surely both have had an effect on the councils conscience apparently the solution to the prison controversy is in the hands of the electorate of uxbridge township so together the citizens shall provide the answer on december the 6th personally i shall vote no for many of the reasons advanced through the media in the last few weeks however each voter has a personal commitment and let us hope that each eligible vote is definitely exer cised t johnpaxton goodwood the truth about our an cestors they certainly werent conservationists and necessity forced them to be ruthless predators by export and fire they destroyed the forest and its ecology so they could make the soil available for agriculture they dispossessed and drove back the native people annihilated the passenger pigeons almost annihilated the available to the public this is good news and we welcome an accurate measurement of our food growing acreage we hope this inventory is more accurate than that federal government petroleum survey which recently misled us into believing that canadas oil reserves were almost inexhaustible jobn livingstone rr1 locust hill hodgson tetter dear mr hodgson i was extremely embarrassed to find the signature of dr charles godfrey on a letter to the tribune written a few weeks ago concerning the york sanitation landfill site why was such a letter not written by bill hodgson our representative instead of an mpp from a neigh bouring riding i realize- that by writing such a letter you would be joining against conservative government policy but surely your constituents needs are more important than party policies i am concerned about the future of our towns water supply if the ex perts cannot agree on whether the york sanitation- dump is polluting or will pollute our town water then surely all dumping should be banned and the site closed until it is proven that stouffvilles water will be safe i hope that you will do everything possible to see that this site is im mediately closed and assure your constituents of safe water madeleine nevlns church st stouffville thought provoking and entertaining i- the glen cole editiorial glen cole 805 am 12 noon 505 pm 1157 pm gkfh1430 r hoi tli pko j 1102 11q powered- v vv mivreitmie v i m crisco shortening f h2 59 i 1 chiiuo ounce or cupefhuit apl i 3 fbl fruit juicies oz 45 tide detergent lol 1 cookeo maple leaf iylb f hams pearshaped u0t t dog food j swifts beef or irish stew j contaowachoiei v vvhole tomatoes comeufaxin borden cremelle i5f 15 01 ffttt sts mrs green is avajlable f 0 v italk shopping to groups call 2361971 tl crop 6e savings f quality sii atid valis all at 1ha the 1977 rabbit runs by f uel iniection the robbit hos a remarkable engine t that moves it froth 050 mph in 82 seconds this advanced fourcylinder overhead com engine fed by o fuel- injection system delivers the precise foelaifmixiure thot changing driving conditions demand so you get optimum performance ancl outstanding fuel economy l isnt that beautiful wivm autocars north ltpvti 7079yongestj just north of steeues thornhillvbtit r torontos newest vw audi dealership produce of usjv produce of canaov v can0 fancy grade red or golden v produce of republic of south africa v delicious apples yv39 olltspdll tomatoes gp 30 oranges canada ho icftadc m d c cabbage g 3 o l w- m hb spanish onions s i5j lb prices effective wed to sat0ct 27 to oct 30 we reserve the right to umit quantities quility service and value all at stouffville iffi ucen mon o wed 5 p m irufs fnti 9 pm sa 6 p m i