iiir stouffville the 20opo allocated by the provincial education ministry summitview school is 66000 snort of the amount requested but the york board of education should make do whitchurch- stouff vflle trustee harry bowes feds j x i think the governments set their theyve restricted everybbdyif weve got that much we can live with that said mr bowes i theministry announced recently that they would assign 2320000 to be used for the ad- dition of a library and general purpose room at summitview 0ooshdrts with 37000 more to go toward fire renovations the board now has three options according to mr r bowes they are ask for 66000 more from the province take c the money out of the boards current funds or build it within the budget allowed saying he favored the third option mr bowes commented that jl dont see why they cant build it within that figure the best thing to do isto appoint an architect and get sketch plans drawn up right away he said by calling for tenders as early as january or february there might be a better chance for a low bid mr bowes added commenting on the option of the board footing the bill for the extra funds twothirds of which would be eligible for provincial funding he said the boards budget is now so close to the lineithat it is not feasible one way of lowering the total cost of the addition- mr bowes said might be to eliminate some of the equipment that would go with them we mighteven have donations to take- care of the fixtures and equipment he said the ministrys estimated v cost of building the addition isa ball park figure arrived at by counting the number of pupils the square feet needed for each and the cost per square foot to build mr bowes said v jr v proposal to switch 47 to regional road toronto a proposal to make highway 47 a regional road while changing davis drive in newmarket to a provincial highway excited little enthusiasm last week in a meeting with ontario tran sportation and communications minister james snow most of the representatives of municipalities affected by the proposed changeover who met with the minister tended to be against the plan according to councillor cathy joice who represented whitchurch- stouffville she told the tribune that her position there was to hear what they had to say but generally negative in her view nothings going to happen with regard to the road switch among those present at the meeting were york region chairman garfield wright durham chairman walter beath newmarket mayor bob forhan and mpps bill hodgson davis drive or regional road 9- through uxbridge came as a surprise to some members of york regional council last- week they learned the news when mr wright was asked why he had to leave the regional meeting and said he was at tending the mot meeting mrs joice said that if the j road change did take place we all the action is taking place at the ball wanted assurance wed get road vdiamonds at this time of the year asthe teams work on highway 47 before the participate in various tournaments here norm region takes it over wideman is seen sprinting for first base well ahead of the ball thepitcheris about to throw stouff villeallstar coachjack watson can be seen inthe background- annegret lamure vol 89 no 15 whitchurch stouffville august 19 1974 20 cents s- tjs pages council waffles on old post of f ice lease and bill newman ithe proposed provincial highway from newmarket is intended to make a more direct route for travellers from- the bradford area on their to lindsay mot among those concerned is jgte construction work began early mondaymornuig on the new bank in six week mr j bfcommefce building erected onthe- vacant lot- which formerly x piannea in six weess mrs joice v housed the ratcliff block the lot has been empty since november of n extension of 1971 when thebiiildings were gutted by fire the worst in stouffvillesn ln p extension oi history the bank should considerably improve the appearance of the corner but will aggravate the parking problem shown here is sur veyors assistant sherry henderson easily the prettiest worker on the site vv john montgomery councillor cathy joice suggested the town be allowed to deduct renovation costs from the rentrjbut the federal- a month representative v was unmoved- t atthe lower rentals youre suggesting if j took it back to the office theyd laugh me but of my jobhesaidwithan air of e federal government v desperation addingv that council made several might not besolbad at nart kmju f v w w ij t attempts tpbargain the price v during cthe lengthy extent aiuiougn sne aaaecuitv opej mj small saidmwe- expense of maintenance and down discussion- themajori expense stouffville council almost decided to lease the old post of fice building recently j but finally voted to look into the costs of renovation before making a commitment n t victor small arepresen- mrs joice said that one ti of the federal department concern with changing highway f p bu w k atten at the z 0 t be request of council he was frank t ll n harm thebusiness ab tfie tyawe of the build iyye have no iiise forthe of stouffville merchants to some there has been some talk of a dollar- a year lease small added that thetown would also have to pay all renovation costs if the building is not leased- in the next month he said it will be boarded up councillbrjfeldred king reactedangrilyto the new cost structure r dp you really expect somebody toassume the totals mr small said that the town was free to rent out the apart ment or the whole building for that matter at whatever price it could get the 150 would remain constant but please one thing i beg of you he said dont rent it back to another department of thetederal government 4 keith bartie signed to recording contract goodwood popular local crooner keath barrie has switched record companies and an album is scheduled for release in september under the new label- 0 mr bairrie formerly with canadian talent library is now under contract to united artists records j tthe new album entitled reach out contains f new songs written and performed bymrvbarrie song reach out will be released as a single prior to ftthe appearance of the album in record stores this will be mr barries third album town receives 31250 grant stouffville the provincial culture and recreation ministry has granted 31250 tdwardsfthe purchase of the stouffville arena by the town of whitchurchstouffviue the grant is onequarter of the purchase cost of the arena according to mayor gordon ratcliff grants v from the ministry are available for capital improvements to town parks longer alease you want the better yoif could take it for 20 yearsiif you wantand im not sure the building would be any use to anybody after 20years mr small explained that ottawa will not allow the building to be sold but insists that if it is leasedithe rent must be the net retail value i dont know what the net retail value should be on a weird beast like this small said its got noalternate zoning its on floodplaintlaridwhat do you do with the tiling mr small said that he had discussed the question with his immediate superior prior to all the ifavy off7the top he t- systemtfie preserii demanded l- hastily corrected bymrsmall j conversion j would flerhjrsa furnace and a have tcvbe musselxnan boats horseppwer canh be restricted stouffville council has been informed it cannot restrict the horsepower of boats on musselmans lake the news was received at a recent council meeting and appears to kill a method of control which has been r discussed several- times the that mans heart attack and it advice came from jhe ontario was felt the building could be k ministry of natural resources leased for the same amount that which is acting as liaison be- the apartment has been rented for 150 a month f f councillors were not overjoyed by this figure as tween municipalities and the federal government in such matters the federal legislation is supreme v according to the ministry limits can be placed on such matters as the speed of boats operating on thelake cqun- cillors did not appear overly impressed by this i still dont think yoiican regulate the speed on that lake said mayor gordon ratcliff councillor becky wedley agreed that enforcing speed limits would be very difficult but pointed out these are the- only regulations we have v after brief discussion it was agreed to file the letter- 4 by ted wilcox u y claremont how do i account for my longevity dr n f tomlinson 89and for 57 years a physician for this community thought over his answers well he laughed by being victorian i never really toiiiliiisoii at 89 kctrye golf was a game he didnt takeup until he was 65 years old and he has kept it up through the years as for- dr tomlinsons interest in people it goes back to just after the turn of the century when he taught school in brougham and then claremont while he put himself through the means hes retained an active interest in life and people then j victorian he is indeed f among other activities dr tomlinson has kept uphis medical practice to a- small extent mostly treating lifelong patients who are now senior citizens and continues to play twoor three rounds of golf each vweek vvr tomlinson and they had to meet us with a cutter and take me down a long lane and then change from cutterto a buggy to go- therestofthe way the change to a buggy was necessary because they had to drive through a pond af terstaying all night in the farmhouse dr tomlinson get got modern if by being victorian he sgop tor m6dical home re pr0cess s ns he retainedan active sevenyears as a ihe first few gears- 1 teacher he took on his- first made more house calls than medical stint for three months at deep harbour near parry sound that village has since become a ghost town then he began his long and still continuing career- in claremont when he first started in office calls dr tomlinson said he ranged as far away as myrtle nine miles to the east on ids rounds in those days other doctors resided in brougham and goodwood to- serve local residents hecommentedvt vrecenuy he was selected for february 1919i was horse w- when drtomlinsdh retired ithe ontario medical s and buggy doctor- recalls dr 17 years ago aaremdntno rl nlon qannni- tomlinson later on he hoiioht lnnaer haa tnhjimoanmnr en fassbciations glen sawyer service v award which vis tomlinson later on he bought a 1918 ford tin lizzietouring presentedto senior physicians carwhich he used on his go to stouffville or pickering for to their community a numerous house calls medical care r wlnahinterviewwith the- buggies vandv cutters tribune j last thursday- dr- however had to beused in most i tomlinson cited two mother cases for about his first 10 or 12 f reasons for his spry good health years because of the snow in the winter and the mud in the longer had a fulltime doctor so that most people in the area now vhe retired then not only- from private practice but also namelylivingin the country and being active in sports in a modestway rv kff fxv played tennis up until h about loyears ago he com- roented but you cant serve v the ball after youve had a m summer on country roads there was one particular confinement case that stands out in his mind as among the worst he experienced you could drive north on as the municipalitys public health officer a position he had held since 1928 r dr tomlinsons continued service in claremont from 1919 rightto the present even irim retirement has caused him to- be called- a landmark that doesnt seem to have faded with done to gas or oil nobody was sure h6w this would cost various terms of lease were debated from two to 20 yearsv the town ccoujdapi parently lease on options and could back butof the deal at any timewhile the federal govern ment would be committed councillor king was reluctant to commit thetowri j toomany v unknown factors here he said shouldnt we at least find out how much it will cost to convert f furnace j x i t after this nbteofcaution council drew back front any immediate decision was tabled for twoweeksand will be discussed againatthat j time mr smallindicateiilie v would attend adding gloomily i 7 ilfvt jdoht have niy heart attackbythenvvv x oiriihsmari v k w vz yas x and premier r v continue talks rvsp y r- toronto ontario ombudsman arthur maldriey i and premier william davis may toreachingacom- promise v solution on com- y pensationfdrformer pickering landowherss i j jvi- r with three members of- the ombudsmans staff for- about an hour last weekcb wfmr investigation ofcomplaintsvby north pickering landowners said high pressure tactics had been used by government agents in buying land it recommended 44 land- j owners be paid more for their properties iy i r h housing minister john r 5 rhodes responded that the -rep6rtwas- incomplete and j r unfair c- f rt i durham west mpp charles godfrey said last week that the jprime question- thavshould be v it vdiscussed by mr davis and mr maloneyare them dangerous methods used by the housing ministry he siid that whatever financial arrangements are reached as- aresulopf their negouauons assuraioe should t befj gained kuialflggundue pressureorjscare tactics are not used bytuigovernmentin the future inacquiring land