411 pfaff automatic sewing ma chine with builtin pushbutton controls for automatic utility stitches builtin automatic buttonholer sewing box carrrying case 559 412 baycrest utility zigzag sewing machine with builtin button- holer blindhemmer and stretch stitch 179 413 baycrest lightweight automatic zigzag with automatic buttonholer triple locking stretch stitch 199 sewing machines dcpt 287 414 set of 2 scissors 1 6 for sewing and 1 8v2 trim 2498 415 set of 2 scissors 1 8 polyester shears and 1 5 embroidery 1898 416 set of 4 pairs i 7 polyester shears 16 sewing scissors 1 32 embroidery and 1 pinking shears 2998 giftpackaged scissors all 3 sets in zippered leather case with needles thread and thimble notions del 754 417 oblong sewing stool with removable plastic tray rust and green or gold with green cotton fabric covering 1698 418 plastic sewing chest an ideal gift for the creative woman amber in approxhi long x 9i wide x 8 deep 798 notions dept 754