1 4 the tribune thursday jan m ims iiflftftttme don bernard editor established 1888 it x publisher kim pmlsbedverytlkrsdayat4malnsusioulfvuleonttelmo2loi barre beacock toronto aone mlimt sagle copies mc wbscriplloas mm per year in advertising mimifi cauda elsewhere member oi audit bureau of circulation canadian esug manag- community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mall registration number 0m v svf tm tribune ta flelnundputushlnoco united group of i suburban newspapers which includes me alaxvnutbytickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington ppstt elobicoke guette markkam economist ard sua newmarkevmirora era oakviue beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news yj sf waw ana nbvk ins mnmamiiya nnn t r c4 j r t gnmirriiari is acclaimed a for most people the advent of regional government in york county managed to illicit hardly more than a yawn when bill 102 was put into law and york region created in 1971 jrhany people did r like the new system which was- uieysaid imposed by the provincial government f in fact regional government is not well understood by most people nor is there great interest in its operation that is un- derstandable under the circumstances sj uses a the contrast with metropolitan toronto is rather startling perhaps because of tir media coverage or the sophistication of urban people almost everyone knows who the chairman of metro council is we would- venture to guess that most people in york region know who paul godfrey is but would be hardpressed to tell you anything about garfield wright mr wright as it turns out was named chairman of the region of york last thursday at its inaugural meeting it was an historic event in many respects and about 200 people showed up for the occasion it was the first- time that- the chairman was elected by the members of the council o i ufktx mr wright was appointed byi sbible thought for tke f tj afrom the living bible s for i will pass through sthe landyof egypti tonight and kill au tbef boldest sbbstand stborn male animals in all the land of j egypt yi and execute judgment niwuf thi arxfet nf i j j mr wright- was appointed byithei j- reft sted iorwarct provincialgoyernmentforafouryeaftermini 1971 this was me firet4 test ofthisw two conservation areas within hailing distance of stouffville are open to the public this year and werendorse the policy of the metro toronto and region conservation authority in using the areas all year round i most of the facilities are open including snack bars and places for people to get warm winter is madetb be enjoyed and these are areas for crosscountry skiing tobogganing nature trails and other relatively passive endeavors three tractsof the york regional forest ihave prohibitedsnowmobiles and areem- phasizing passive forms of outdoor winter activity we say this is definitely a step in the right direction- the beauty quiet and sheer delight of season can beenjoyed in these protected areas where motorized vehicles are not welcome v iv- all we need now is cooler weather and more sndwto be able to take advantage of the opportunities sugftr and spice uponalithe godsofvi egypt-i- for 1 am jehovah the blood- you have placed on thelfc doorposts will be proof that you obeyi me and when i see thefct blood i will pass overf- r you arid 1- will not destroy your firstborn children when i smitev the- land of egyptt you shall celebratejs this event each year tory remind you of fatal night the celebration shalllastv seven days for that j period you are to eat only bread rriadel without yeast atf exodus 121215 f m b i popularity with members of councihnobody j opposed the election and mr wright was v acclaimed not exactly democracy at its best i l the main reason mr wright wasre elected was that he has done little that cafibel criticized in his fouryears at the helm of yorkf regionin fact this is advantage heis not the dynamic leader some would like but x better than an unknown quantity this is being written in that prenew year two people cited as possible contendersj hiatus and iam writingitin the prenatal for the job decided not to runthey reasoned position the hiatus between being happy and that being chairmanbf york region is being alive s really a step up for a bright young polificiahir and that remaining an elected representative itsrather awkward as my elbows keep on regional council is actually better foflhe5 hu y knees yndvice versa careers in the long run u howevervlm alone with the lights out garfield wright is no ball offire but it can vnd the doors lockedso itsworth it truly be said that he is interested in the region 1 w i u v x 7 r t- j cn of york and works hard at his job heis not ffl ufe has been away for three days so likely to seek higher office and therefore irl serves the region well domestic confrontation field on the other -i- bill betwixt afibeiweh i t r hahdwe are plagued with thatinfernal as i thought shell say the house is an absolute mess she seems to get some strange vicarious satisfaction out of this idea if the house is amess our marriage is good and solid and i amto be trusted you are quite right retort knowing the formula your daughter and your son-in- law and your grandchild have just left and your son has just arrived and he is going to paraguay to pioneer the faith and paraguay is full of snakes and tortillas and enchiladas and mennonites and the greenhelf and he wants money- tj dont give him a cent until i get home she commands t t y this lis whatj is known as ilintercourse between married people both parties know whatuhe next moveis and there isno con- adevillish light in them mine areblueblood- shot fallenangertypewe also shareanaf7 finity for doing things other people think we j should riot do he rubs the cat the wrong way iv i rufflemy wifes feathers fl f id like to have kail him for christmas but jjk his other grandfather wasappareritly pacing the floor hitting his head against threatening tocalloufthe mqiirities iphejl didnt see his grandson so i had to let him gossl however i not to be leftj alone andel lonely loitering as v had so much looked forward to during the holidays my son hughf arrived my sonasia bird ofjparadise asji bedraggled sparrowdependirig jon ihow you i feel r- v xiu i- riii- -vi- rl a was abitin the sparrowmdod the receipt afew days befbre well wellrell the government has seen fit to install an objet dart outside stouffvilles new post e office the yellow vinyl and steel creation was acquired for 2500 andhasprovoked some rather startled responses from people some like it sortof while others think it is hideous the opinions vary as to exactly what it is and what it should be named althoughthe creation leaves much to be desired it doesmanage todressup a building that is singularly drab on the outside the grey block structure has got to be onejof the tless aesthetically pleasing buildings in town j and the fact thabit is set piece of land adds to the trouoie me disnes aeanva it is incredible that the one federal jil building in stouffville would be lessthan brunhilda of thephone appealing to look at even a simple brick r linedoesnt knowthat this means ive just structure would have been better dropped rand smashed a huge trayful of the- building is there- now whether fine old anybody likes the sculpture dr not if isa2 japmese x pl l- il v p v she smtesopethiiig some people fpyj ihave a great sense cf smell or taste my wife akes- iw zszsaszt ir v s jmy daughter was home with pokey and that other fellow she hangs around with i changed his diapers six pokeys while his father slept and his motherplayed contemporary music slabsand cords pfano s v v c yesthereare enchiladas andmennonitess in paraguay the enchilada js a corpulent i scorpion if you step on one while he isvesting5l in yourshoe and squash him this resultst teresting buildiriglltmay not have phbnein the fairly recent past ive been up bathfobmaridupto thedairyto get thekid and i had our usual super time must be getting old and sick and stupid and i queer because hes the only person i have any fun withanympre we wink solemnly smile gravely crawl under the dining room table arid bumpqur heads and hold putbiir arms to each other wherieyerythingelse palls he 1 likes wiskerrubs arid i like satin cheeks in thecpurseofspreading uie you get a merinonitisthis does riot cause the roof ipf k daiif vmittvif kut tlin frrxnt inrtlttainet jfcit at any vaterhughand3dined imlonely i somemilk according td his grandmother he and i i statejori christmasdayjromaponel have the twsets of most beautiful eyesin the iweresi lonely blithe washe wasthenly i with i pnctratorl rftncteriin trip inint i va- tke paper wmade iip of people -v- m the paper saidv thats a common- expression when discussing what appeared in a newspaper s the phrase brings to mind a gianfcom- puterlike machine spewing forth words- facts dates names places pictures jokes ofyouriame it j thats more or less the way i used to think about the papermyself until i beganj to work on one 1 by m usually abig waste of time vt i at any rate reporters and editors if those f- critics views are correctareieft with at dilemmaoh their hands they waritit to serve ki adifferent function from say y the bugs p bunriyroadrunnerhour w there are several opinions about it fj v some feel that good jourrialisrii nieans making the readers happy giving them what they want and only what they want 52 1 weeks a year in that view a newspaper is like ice cream cone or a candy bar it tastes dunny-nuauruimernuur- v j good butjtmaynotdb anyone verymuch jl most newsnienthative talked to admits good i t that theproblemisreaithe profit imotiye of a v- others believe thata newspaper has to j tell people what they need to know wh themajorityqf thereaders particularly to know about it or not a newspaper ac- vbiit aits inevitable they to that viewpoint is likea well- nothing that can beidoneabput it and a j 1 and nutritious meal even if it isnt mm pwer uiuike macnines nave gooa especially appetizing- s- habitsndhabitethey arejryingto shake r probably most editors eood moods and bad moods and a nartirnlar ljjif ui j uiii good moods and bad moods and a particular wayof looking f those mobdshabits and viewpoints are f the newspaper reporters well ehougharidthe paperwell enough you might rriiddleoftheroad philosophy and try to give form of jundingforjpublicatiqiisjoujerthanl i people what they need but all the while j that of advertising50ne keepirigut very attractive to the readers slick newsmagazinejinedmontori jvisomecriticsjof thepress claim that thej possible by the journalistslivingforibnly7aftl furn dlomontcinvnlvoh ara nptuallva m rtnllar a rlav- nine rrtnfriflnrl knflrl ll two elements involved are actually a con- dollar a day plus room and board traduction in termsthe newspaper wiiii84 i be able to tell what kind of week they had byt s expected tobe both a money- j whatmeywtotev- v t stitutiori and a publicservice rf 6 mthanaruap attjtjiorwi ie o irapv ktumon h i thrtca iiitinc further drfue y successful the othera paper could v go into what you absorbyhenyou pick upthel jntbnroublethey can misspeir- names get be raking in the dough from advertising and- paperjthe kind of rriood a reporter isinandfl ifarrmcntysnowfatohavelprow scenes of unusual butytiftuue reporter a obje vted vwilcbx captured some ofj the natural beauty of thesraallketuel vkjsm t w t tfr vrti- t