page 2 the tribune thursday mav 14 1970 a tragic error while no government minister could ever hope to please 100 masters the decision to reject the municipality of stouff ville as a predominant area within the new region of york can only be regarded here as a tragic and inex cusable error so far the shock waves vibrating from the mckeough report have not made their full impact felt on village residents from talking to the man on the street this is obvious the majority have not grasped the seriousness of the situation as it now stands but they will jan 1 when the legislation becomes law some citizens even elected officials have adopted a passive attitude on this issue we do not we say anything worth having is worth fighting for and what pray tell is worth more to stouffville than the identity of the town itself nothing absolutely nothing as for the boundaries that include sections of both markham and whit church we have no complaint services such as police and planning can be better handled at a regional level the personal aspect of such programs will be lost however and the cost will undoubtedly increase but more personal than these is our history and heritage founded by rugged pioneer stock 93 years ago may the record never reveal we surrendered without a fight an automatic move suddenly its election time again well almost here in stouffville and also in whit church it seems like only yesterday the ballot boxes were stashed away but the mckeough announcement has once more started the rumor mill spinning the election date is oct 5 while the new council for the whit church area will likely include nine members the focal point of attention is on the office of mayor who will it be since the reeve of whitchurch stewart burnett does not reside within the preselected west boundary of hwy 404 the natural assumption is that ken laushway reeve of stouffville will contest the post reeve laushway however has an nounced publicly he will not while we are the first to urge can didates to make their intentions known at an early date in mr laushways case the decision is many weeks premature the whitchurch area with a population of only 11000 will have only one representative on the twotier regional council this will be the mayor a person who must lay claim to con siderable municipal experience on this basis reeve laushway can certainly qualify and the electorate here has every right to assume that he will the move is automatic police appeal for help wednesday may 6 began like any ordinary day for mrs doreen moorby of whitchurch township devoted wife and mother of one it ended tragically in what opp inspector ray williams has described as one of the most callous and coldblooded murders ever investigated by his department police are appealing to the public for any assistance that might lead to the apprehension and conviction of this killer the moorby residence is located on the bethesda sideroad halfway between cone 5 and the don mills road the shooting occurred at from 3 to 330 pm mr moorby arrived home around 540 no car was seen in laneway that af ternoon no weapon haslet been found if you can offer any help at all in this case please call this number 8875453 or present your information personally to chief investigator archie ferguson inspector ray williams both of the opp or sgt david fellows twp of whitchurch vandorf a marvellous improvement while sunday is supposed to be a time for rest and relaxation for several dozen children the sabbath just concluded was one of work rather than play it was the start of a 7day cleanup campaign under the appropriate title beautify stouffville week the results are amazing the boys and girls under adult leadership concentrated much of their efforts in the area of the westend shopping plaza several bags of refuse were collected from this one location alone the thing that disturbs us is how did the garbage get there in the first place the answer of course is obvious a combination of lazyness and carelessness if everyone would play his part clean up campaigns would not be necessary and stouffvilles beauty would be in evidence not one but fiftytwo weeks of the year editors jticnlj dear sir we are a group of responsible students of whitchurch highlands school the new open concept school we have been reading letters in the local newspapers concerning the type of program offered here there is little truth in what the critics say it is our opinion that few of these people have actually visted our school and seen the system in operation therefore we feel they have really no basis upon which to voice their criticism those who have visited the building the longest they ever stay in one single day some a morning and some an af ternoon and they only see the things they really want to see like maybe a couple of kids fooling around or a messy project they never see what the majority are doing contrary to the views of some parents our teachers do teach lessons mathematics reading language and french on a regular basis and oc casionally lesson in history health science and geography on an individual basis whenever a student requires assistance on a project or a problem there is always a teacher available to assist in conclusion we would like to make it known that we do not like our school because we dont have anything to do we like the people the teachers the references the surroundings and the work studens of whichurch highlands school names withheld upon request wht wribum established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6404101 single copies 15e subscriptions 500 per year in canada 750 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registratlor number 0s96 c0odad buthohvoesa b0y bee aoio a fstfbee sucar and spice is cable tv a con game by bill smiley if someone suddenly asks you to make a television appearance take my ad vice dont not unless you can talk with lucidity intelligence and wit and have some professional advice i went on tv recently and it was pitiful at least according to my wife i thought i was pretty good seeing that we had no script lousy equipment no rehearsal and everybody involved including the technicians was strictly an amateur kim was watching and she thought i was the best too which only goes to show you she confided to my wife in private that i seemed bored and i was but my wife kept up a running fire of comment you look terribly thin you were the grayestone there why didnt you speak up there was no humor at all why did you slump in your chair like a wet rag you put your hand over your mouth once what a dull program i think she expected a combination of fred davis pierre berton walter cronkite and johnny carson it wasnt exactly a moon shot or an nhl game though it was just as in teresting as some of the latter weve seen this spring it was a dull program it had about as much zip and flair as ed sullivan interviewing the reeve of hayfork centre about the bindweed problem it didnt help much that id just come dear sir during the 19681969 session of parliament because of the awareness and protest of canadian owners of firearms the federal government amended its proposed bill c195 so that compulsory registration of shotguns and rifles was not included in the bill when passed the promoters of firearms registration now have bill 20 the gun control act 1970 before the ontario legislature it received first reading march 3rd 1970 this bill states no person may possess a firearm unless he is the holder of a permit for it issued by the director of firearms who must be satisfied there is good reason for its possession it is to be recalled that in czechoslovakia and in other countries now under communist dictatorship the familiar sequence of events was 1 registration of firearms 2 confiscation of firearms 3 communization by legislation if ontario gun owners value their freedom and their right to unquestioned ownership of shotguns and rifles they should immediately write to their member in the ontario legislature parliament buildings toronto forcibly insisting that he take whatever action is necessary to ensure that bill 20 or any similar future bill is not passed sj neilson timely advice miss elizabeth manners head mistress of felixstowe college one of britains leading private schools for girls said the other day that rebellious university students should be told you are here on money which you have not earned there are thousands of young people who would give anything to be where you are now so if you dont like it go and get a job in a factory if that is beneath your dignity then starve because the community which you despise and which you are doing your best to destroy is not prepared to feed clothe and house you any longer from a harrowing day and had had three hours sleep the night before or that i didnt have a clue as to what the program was about or that nobody else did i was just another victim of a new game invented by the owners of cable television these companies are highly sought after as a means of minting your own money but the crtc is leaning on them and suggesting that they produce something besides money for the owners namely some local canadian content our local cable company is in the forefront it has managed to get itself a television channel ninety percent of it so far is time signals and the weather report but it has also produced several shows it doesnt really matter what they are as long as they dont cost anything s ive decided to cut short what promises to be an enriching life as a television performer fear of over exposure heres the way it went as a warning a chap i knew called and asked if i would appear on a panel discussion about education i agreed a student i knew was also to be on plus another moderator we arrived at the studio on time it consisted of a room about 10 feet square in the farmhouse beside the cable tower a table three chairs we needed four a microphone and a camera two technicians were there watching tv theyd never heard of us they called the manager back in town hed forgotten about the show he finally arrived borrowed a chair for the far mer and we did the dull show cold it was shown a week later now im not knocking the whole idea this sort of thing would be great for a small town whereall sorts of interesting things happen and theres lots of talent around rut the cable companies had better forget about how many hours of local content they can point to on their books and start spending some money on trained personnel good equipment and organization or the whole thing will be just another farce to slide around the rules and save money two recent examples of what im talking about on one show we watched five or six buses draw up to a local school and the kids one by one get out fascinating eh ten minutes on another we watched the residents of an old peoples home for about 10 minutes sitting in rows facing the camera waiting for the show to begin crass if not cruel but it shows on books as canadian content if it doesnt improve rapidly its just a con gsme and should be exposed as such portraits from the past the main street of stouffville may 1961 this scene is looking east from obrien avenue as may be assumed downtown business was somewhat curtailed during this period the new road as we knc7 it today followed a few months later jas thomas no flowers for the living by jim thomas stouffville a proud name with a proud heritage and a proud history will soon be no more legally politically and yes perhaps geographically darcy mckeough that honorable minister of municipal affairs who obviously operates on the assumption that all things are better because they are bigger has passed judgement on our fair village and rendered his verdict instant death the date of execution is set for jan 1 1971 so far there has been no indication that the sentence will be appealed when compared to the majority of natives im a mere fledgling resident here since 1959 to be exact but the very thought of destroying in seven short months an identity that has persevered through ninetythree years lodges a lump in my throat that refuses to go away i only wish that 4000 others were similarly affected interesting isnt it how a delegation advocating a 1967 centennial project of brick mortar and stone would tax the council chambers to capacity to put their point across interesting isnt it how a pollution conscious public would jam 1000 strong into the high school to express concern over the threat of water contamination but strange isnt it how not a single solitary soul would make it his business to attend a meeting thursday to protest or even question the lordly right of any man to in one fell swoop wipe this municipality off the map i question this right and fully expect the council to question it too but im not optimistic because so far the entire issue while possibly the most important this community has ever faced has been handled like an offshoot of the bubonic plague or worse still total disinterest one member if you can believe it even forgot to attend the meeting in which i the mckeough- pronouncement was made is it any wonder weve been delivered to the wolves newcomers to the village like folks in the ponderosa and elsewhere may question my concern i dont wonder at this young people many of them metro oriented may laugh it off this too is understandable but for the oldsters natives of four and five generations to adopt a passive attitude is unforgiveable since that fateful evening of may 6 when the minister took stouffvilles measure for the chopping block i have discussed the subject of regional government with many many people invariably the question arises what of stouffville and strange as it may seem those on the outside seem just as much concerned as those within folks who reside at bloomington lemonville ballantrae bethesda ringwood mongolia and dicksons hill have always considered themselves part of the stouffville area and so they are but they wont be after jan 1 unless we the people make our voices heard loud and long for only the electorate can sanction the change but should the mckeough edict be allowed to stand may the ghost of abraham stouffer forever curse the ministers hallowed haunt and stuff his favorite pipe full of fermented corn silk no justice near midnight one evening last week murray sinclair entered his main street laundromat to lock it up as is his usual practice on the floor at the rear of the premises he found two young men already bedded down they said they had found employment in the area but while en route here by car the auto had broken down neither had sufficient money for a room at the hotel not willing to lock them inside the building or turn them out on the street mr sinclair called the town taxi and paid their fare to their place of destination the next night someone broke into the premises stole a quantity of money and smashed several machines what is justice convalescence two signs on the front lawn at the home of bert and ivy sears 291 rupert avenue read sick grass please no visitors