page 10 the tribune thursday dec 4 1969 reeve stewart burnett by a landslide in whitchurch how the people voted cent apt good res good res lloyd school curtis res burton res bloomington school topper res smith res bogarttown school brammer res grose res total reeve dep reeve council a 1 a 3 3 o m o i s 3 a n i m s3 9 n n z b c b so s 3 z o m 3 3 60 23 37 20 16 38 32 28 62 38 50 45 18 12 27 24 33 66 27 36 18 22 16 20 7 18 57 37 19 34 7 16 32 14 32 48 128 79 92 29 71 154 89 155 127 42 85 13 62 129 81 98 100 71 25 33 9 47 87 23 87 47 37 49 29 36 15 63 31 57 22 38 20 29 10 18 37 16 41 40 133 72 79 30 101 143 60 141 1 138 61 129 22 48 122 75 132 143 97 26 51 25 42 86 53 89 64 931 502 611 241 464 938 505 911 895 houston for discounts over 3000 items discounted daily reeve stewart burnett reelected to whitchurch twp council for a 1year term counted 931 votes as compared with 502 for his lone opponent deputyreeve lawrence hennessey peter harris awards received at commencement by pat mcclennan cedar grove sev eral young people from the community received a- wards at the markham dis trict high school commen cement nov 28 gord mil- rry jaqueline davis and aron lapp received graduation diplomas arth ur lapp who received his three year honor pin play ed in the band during the program and gave a tuba solo the weekend snow pro vided enjoyment for some and inconvenience to oth ers it gave janet bielby and ron dean a few extra hours with friends they were visiting in buffalo ov er the weekend cars and planes there were ground ed until monday because of the storm bert tapscott had a snowy beginning on mon day morning his first day on the rr 1 mail route the cgit vesper ser vice stirred cedar grove gently into the yuletide season with clear well re hearsed voices at the november meet ing of cgcc held last week at the home of phyllis and david ritchie the direct ors for the coming year were elected and it was an nounced that hally reesor will manage cedarena a- gain this year with ber tapscott in charge of the booth a pot luck supper will be held in the school- house on dec 29 and mem bers are asked to bring a- long new neighbours in the community our young accident vic tims are coming along well artie milroy and bill daw son are home again and geene shoudy should be out of the hospital before long mrs macneil whose foot was badly crushed is still undergoing treatment but reports now look hope ful looks like mumps may be with us for christmas bruce beare is the first victim gordon dimma joined the archie little family to attend brian rowbothams wedding in napanee on saturday brian is helen littles nephew and two carloads from this area at tended the wedding and the reception afterwards at kingston jack and eileen mcin tosh were hosts for ei leens mothers 90th birth day dinner on saturday ev ening mrs swindells a perky bright young nine ty thoroughly enjoyed a visit with her family in cluding her son elliot several cedar grovers attended the annual penn sylvania dutch dinner at victoria square over the weekend euchre winners for nov 24 cecil latcham jean hunter edna ogden and margaret coathup cedar groves final euchre for the year will be held in the schoolhouse dec 8 at 820 pm among draws for many prizes will be a turkey draw special refreshments will be serv ed the sunday school chr istmas pageant will be pre sented in zion churcli dec 12 at 7 pm donations of gifts and money will be most wel come at the white gift service to be held in the zion church dec 14 at 1115 am the mothers club dec ember meeting will be held at the home of evelyn whittamore and will have a christmas theme any- one having favorite christ mas music or records is in vited to bring them along lis 1 for her laura secord chocolates none finer anywhere picture n pnc of good running used cars without mechanical fitness certificates check these prices 63 chevrolet 2door lie 7gg2 s s 18750 63 acadian idoor sedan lie 58885 29800 63 pontiac uiurcntlan sedan lie k53655 37700 63 volkswagen station waffnn lie x20103 23400 60 pontiac sedan lie 342151 62 valiant s station wagon lie x20006 31500 61 pontiac 2door lie 3250 18800 over 30 good used cars on our big lot free- 3day holidays for 2 to florida new york city or ottawa this is not a draw and is applicable to these low priced used cars this weekend only first come first served limited number holidays left i these holidays are free to those purchasing a car from neil patrick motors vacations valid any time before dec 31st 1969 get full details at patricks s i s i s 5 i i mi patrick motors ltd pontiac main street west slouftvill filo3450 gmc acadian buick ask about car leasing 9900 i i mens toiletries visir houstons pharmacy 1 main west stouffville 640-