page 2 the tribune thursday oct 16 1969 eeanakmmm wwawatwtew international plowmens week with much of the fall work now fin ished every farmer owes himself a hol iday what better time and place to take it than a visit to the site of the international plowing match near paris competition started oct 15 and con cludes on saturday while plowmen from this area have always been prominent in the winners circle the match this year holds spec ial significance for stouftville residents for two reasons number one is that the 1969 presi dent of the ontario plowmans associa tion is bob timbers now living near sandford and no stranger here number two is the entry of floyd forsyth in the canadian championship class after placing second in allontario at guelph last year the community wishes floyd well in his bid to repre sent canada at the world match in denmark in 1970 if suitable weather prevails this years international could be the biggest and best in the history of the event the tented city the largest on record covers an area of onehalf mile in length farmers from this community should need no urging to attend its the place to meet old friends and make new ones too farm down pm men m famous last words increased assessment is necessary but not necessar increased taxes york countv assessment dept oct 1969 l need 5member commission since its inception the elected mem bers of the stouffville public utilities commission have been plagued with problems this has been due in part to the num ber of representatives that comprise the board three are too few it should be increased to five oddly enough the way the stouffville commission is set up the present mem bership cannot be altered without ap proval from the electorate even then another entire year must pass before this approval can become effective in spite of the delay and with regional government pending we would strongly suggest that the question be placed on the forthcoming ballot dec 1 for too long the puc has been op erated by an elected skeleton staff of three and sometimes less approval of the change is needed now the village hydro and water system are projects that require continued attention as the town continues to grow let the people decide sugar and spice smileys go visiting by bill smiley people just cant keep up so you think that citizens are a bit confused about the new assessment no tices just received try asking them what hospital and medical coverage they now have and listen to the answers you get about that one regular citi zens just cant keep up to the fast changing order of life with its new sys tems and regulations even before the assessment block buster hit the home owners individuals were all at sea about their medical in surance and it is not only the citizens who are confused but officials as well the matter has been badly handled from the beginning for months the premier told us in no uncertain terms that there was no justification for such a plan in ontario while all the time he knew that such a scheme was to be instituted he undoubtedly realized as well that there would be plenty of con troversy on the plan when it was intro duced a further confession was forth coming in the house last week when being paid for the premier admitted he didnt know that individuals were prohibited from insuring- themselves against doctors bills which exceeded the authorized fee structure now this aspect is to tie gone into further and consideration isbeing given to allowing such insurance mr wells the new health minister has also been confused he believed at first that the portion of the plan paid for employers was taxable and now he finds that this is not so all this fumbling and the great in crease in rates has done little for the image of the robarts government it may be all very well to have these con fessions of error but better procedures and consultation before hand would make such confessions unnecessary with the government so confused it is little wonder that the public has lit tle idea how the plan works or what is a steel road into town this winding steel trail leads into stouftville from the north the walkings i never crowded and train traffic is almost a thing of the past peter harris j this column is not going to have one theme but several fair enough ive just returned from an exhausting week end taught eight 40minute periods of english and attended a department heads meeting which ended by six pm with everybody snarling we went to visit our daughter at uni versity a mistake but you love them first few weeks are bad enough but when you add a tooth extraction with complications its orrible complicate that with loneliness and you have a pretty sad kid on your hands funny isnt it kids spend years tell ing you how glad theyll be to get away from their rotten parents and be free and a week later theyre desperately homesick but it wasnt all bad we had a good dinner but and kim ruined her new leather skirt by dropping a fried- shrimp on it this is the only skill she has really mastered after 13 years of education dropping things and then there was dennis the cab driver rotund and jolly he talked steadily as he drove us in circles and squares looking for an address when we finally found it we realized we could have walked in half the time and dennis striking his forehead vi olently remarked geez i shoulda known dis place i work right across de street dere at de garage two nights a week but he gave us a refund which you would never get in most cities perhaps the highlight of the week was the newlyweds we were coming down in the elevator on sunday a very large man in his late fifties and stoned to the eyeballs joined us at the fifth floor he was accompanied by a statu esque blonde in her early fifties also stoned but a lady couldnt say a word wancha to meet the wife he burb led deliriously just got married yester day we were delighted at this manifesta tion that love knows no race creed or age and congratulated them heartily we got 12 kids he announced proudly seems she had four sons and two daughters and he had four daugh ters and two sons by previous marri ages lots of grandchildren they were just off to boston on their honeymoon now dont ask me why anyone would go to boston on a honey moon there isnt that much time to talk while youre going down five floors on an elevator but they seemed extremely happy and god bless them and i hope they make it out of the city without being thrown in the impaired driving tank he almost wiped out a bellboy as he backed away from the hoted entrance but love and peace to both of them how would you like to start on a honey moon with 12 kids which i dont need how about a smell ing aid for those who cant smell my wife after carefully reading the utterly confusing directions has the idea that we belong to four different medical plans none of which will pay all of our medical bills the only thing that comes through tome loud and clear is that its going to cost more money theme three do you realize that a high school with about 1400 students in it is a snake pit confine about 1600 people counting staff and janitors into a shoe factory about a city block in size and what do you get a learning situation no a burning situation and a gaggle of paranoids more about this later when im feeling better and i feel better already just having said it clmtotkfdjit dear sir v this morning as i drove from my home in the ponderosa subdivision to work in scarboro i glanced to the north and saw a huge mound of dirt between the small park and parkview home it intrigued me so i took an extra minute and circled the block to inspect the hill from all sides does the village council realize what theyve done theyve created a winter playground for dozens of children in the area in cluding my own believe you me its appreciated its nice to know that there are still a few folks around with a lit tle imagination jbs henning winlane drive dear editor bills 73 and 74 which aroused such opposition from the people of ontario were withdrawn but the government introduced two substitutes bills 194 and 196 may i use your columns to inform readers that bill 194 has the same ob jectionable feature as bill 74 in that it legalizes pound seizure it proposes to force certain people to give up their private property against their will namely pound operators to yield ani mals for uses that will involve suffer ing pound seizer is a breach of civil rights if bill 194 becomes law unclaimed impounded animals must be given up on demand for research and teaching in any field of knowledge this makes thousands of cats and dogs available every year to experimenters of all types for many purposes other than medical research they will be available for poisoning burning battering etc in the interest of chemical and germ warfare as well as for testing various commercial pro ducts they will also be available to be driven crazy with fear or anxiety in psychological tests there is no limit to the type of experiments no check on the necessity for such experiments no control over the perpetrators of these experiments however bill 194 clearly sets out the penalties on a pound operator who re fuses to give up his animals to such a fate all humanitarians should use every means they can to prevent bill 194 from being passed into law in its present form and to eliminate section 148 of bill 196 the matter is urgent m e wilkie dear sir waving just returned to canada after four months in britain i picked up a tribune and read the editorial how lucky we are in canada what rot you speak of people as being new this country is new of course to im- iu but the european people here are the same as those in europe with one exception over there they are happier and get much more out of life i spoke to no one who wished to live in canada they read a great deal over there you know considering all the recent happen ings here do you still say we are lucky to be in canada thousands of uptodate homes have been and are still being built london is more swinging than ever and theres the marvel of both the old and new worlds despite all the grousing britains on the way up i could go on but enough for now frank rowe main street stouffville personally i love and admire any body who believes in love and admira tion after the age of 50 but 12 kids and all those grandchildren wow its like going over the trenches at dawn with a cap pistol and a string of fire crackers theme two does anybody in his right mind understand medicare i take it from the silence that the answer is a resounding no this will replace that and that will replace this and i can get a hearing aid wt riiune established 1888 c h jim thomas editor nolan publisher noel edey advertising published every thursday by the smiffvllle tribune limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6402101 single copies 15c subscriptions 500 per year in canada 750- elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mall registration number 0896 the color is yellow but drivers see red by jim thomas the green line and the blue line are familiar slogans in the farm tractor industry most people particularly students know or should know the historical significance of the thin red line what then is the long yellow line ask any motorist who travels hwy 48 from ringwood to markham be tween the hours of 8 and 9 am five days a week its a school bus route with pickups at every other laneway both coming and going i suppose its much the same on every main road across the province the stopping and starting ordeal is enough to try the pa tience of a modernday job why am i so concerned you ask for a first time i got caught in the trap last thursday morning i wasnt alone dozens of other drivers found themselves in a similar predicament i was able to see firsthand what can oc cur under such trying circumstances men are transformed into monsters from dr jekyls to mr hydes its terri ble the chances theyll take within a period of 15 minutes and over a stretch of six miles i counted six buses three southbound and three headed north for most folks seeing so many of the same vehicles bypassing each other in the same area is aggra vation enough shoe leather is cheaper they argue to all this add a giant tra ffic snarl and you have two dozen driv ers strangling their steering wheels while the school bus is obviously king of the road are there no excep tions to the rule must everyone re gardless of his mission obey the flash ing red lights to the letter of the law what about say an ambulance operator in a life and death race to a metro hos pital what about the expectant father with the proverbial stork on the roof a fire truck does it have the right-of- way while the question is subject to de bate even among police officers the highway traffic act is clear using the words shall stop and shall not proceed under section 942b now dont get me wrong im all on the side of student safety but i also like laws that are practical enough to be enforced what i observed on hwy 48 last thursday made me wonder for the first time in a long time on that particular morning i was ahead of schedule and therefore in no real hurry i pulled up behind the first bus just north of dicksons hill since the distance between pickup points was so short and the traffic from the other di rection so heavy it was impossible to pass by the time i reached 18th ave cars and gravel trucks were lined up as far back as my inside mirror could see some refused to wait only split- seconds separated the close calls from tragedies this is what happened three drivers passed both me and the bus on a doubleline curve another went by on the right scattering stones and throwing up great clouds of dust still others a little less heroic were content to honk horns at every stop what a nightmare how can the problem be corrected i believe that a 60 mph highway route is no place for a stop and go bus that plods along at 30 i contend that pickup and delivery service should be restricted to intersec tions only where buses can pull safely to one side and traffic is not obstructed if i was a member of the county board of education id be very much concerned over this matter perhaps they are but can see no so lution as one trustee put it which is the lesser of two evils getting the buses to the children or the children to the buses while neither is admittedly foolproof the board obviously feels the former is best so until some other system is found my advice to motorists is dont get caught in the long yellow line it turns some men into monsters i know