thursday oct 9 1969 the tribune page 5 stouffville united church church duchess sts minister bev js l carder babd sunday october 12th 1969 church school 945 am jr interm sr 11 am kindergarten primary 11 am harvest thanksgiv ing service organist mr r phelps st james presbyterian church stouffville minister bev fred h cromey ba 2941633 sunday october 12th 1969 10 am morning worship all welcome churchill church sunday october 12th 1969 955 am bible school 1100 am worship service speaker mr g landers 800 pm wed prayer and bible study with mr g landers stouffville baptist church 76 main st w 6402911 pastor gordon t gooderham bth sunday october 12th 1969 950 am bible school 1100 morning worship 700 evening fellowship wed 800 quarterly busi ness meeting christ church anglican stouffville rector rev frederick e miller sunday october 12th 1969 trinity xix 930 am morning prayer nursery sunday school 8 pm senior choir prac tice wed stouffville missionary church minister bev john hamilton tel 6402413 or 3911 sunday october 12th 1969 10 am rally day in our sunday school parents please set a good example by coming with your child ren three interesting adult classes 11 am rev colin butcher missionary to india 7 pm mr clarence peddi- grew a christian business man from calcutta will preach wed 8 pm both prayer and youth fellowship groups meet youre always welcome at the missionary church gormley missionary church rev h s hallman pastor 8 pm thurs fri evening revival services conclude with rev robert rolston as evangelist sunday october 12th 1969 950 am bible school with classes lor all ages 11 am worship- theme thanksgiving 730 pm gospel service wed 8 pm prayer and bible study a warm welcome awaits you bloomington christian gospel church associated gospel churches of canada minister rev b l longford sunday october 12th 1969 945 am bible school all ages thanksgiving services 11 am 730 pm wed 8 pm prayer bible study everyone cordially invited melville united church 6th cone markham rev george davison sunday october 12th 1969 11 am worship service 11 am sunday school gifts of food garden produce etc will be received and forwarded to the fred victor mission altona missionary church rev frank huson pastor sunday october 12th 1969 special thanksgiving services 1030 am 730 pm junior choir mens chorus will be taking part in the evening service wed 8 pm prayer ser vice and bible study the church with the light on sunday night baker hill baptist church pastor bev ii 3 lafleur sunday october 12th 1969 bible school 950 am morning service 11 am evening service 745 pm wed 8 pm prayer service from the ministers study by v g shillington one of the more recent innovations in the public school curriculum is sex education whether that is good or bad or something else no one really knows some people in the united states got the idea that the youth of america had an inadequate knowledge of sex so the sex information and education council of the united states was formed not long after the inception of this organization many public schools offered a course on sex education you can imagine the stir of emotion such a program incited pro tective parents drew up petitions banning the whole issue a an invasion of personal liberty but the controversy has subsided now young people in the public school system take the subject as a matter of course like many other american novelties sex education came over the border into canada of course we dont have much to say after all if the united states have seen fit to adopt such a program then who are we to otrxse it the merrygoround a snecal teenage film on sex education caused some commotion when the schools in ontario used it but that soon died down a lot of good will result from the new idea many parents will be made aware of the press ing need for truidance and help in this crucial area one christian writer in a recent article was right when he said without question proper sex education is needed even extreme conservatives rarely deny this many young people have come to grief because thev either were unwarily naive or had learned about sex solely from gutter talk or trashy films and many others have been sadly stunted by re pressive unwholesome guiltproducing teach ing about sex the problem as i see it is not so much a question of how to meet this need but where and by whom is the public school system the best suited situation for such a delicate mat ter im afraid not in a pluralistic society such as ours the subject of sex is taught from a purely humanistic standpoint it cannot be otherwise sex education should be taught in the context of creation if it is not then why teach it if we do not have a moral origin what right have we to impose our own moral intui tions on other rational human beings if we are not responsible to a moral creator then we are only responsible to ourselves no one else thats why sex education must begin in the home parents must aquire proper terminology wholesome attitudes and sincere openness on this subject christian parents you see can teach sex to their children with reference to god the creator it then becomes a blessed and beautiful aspect of human experience mr and mrs keith schram married sept 6 1969 in first baptist church clareinont ont a doublering ceremony memorial christian congregational church sunday october 12th 1969 visiting minister rev deans 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am worship service 730 evening service bible study wednesday eve ning oct 15 8 pm second markham baptist church bibu school at 10 am morning service 11 am evening service 730 pm ringwood congregational christian church minister mr t harland sunday october 12th 1969 1000 am sunday school 1110 am worship 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting west end barber shop hours monday closed all day tues 8 am till 7 pm thurs and fri 8 am till 9 pm wed and sat 8 am till 6 pm len david and bill keeping 3 registered hair stylists 153 main st v stouffville claremont bas kets of white gladioli with white mums and ferns provided a lovely back ground for a pretty wedd ing in the first baptist church claremont satur day sept 6 1969 when mr keith schram son of mr and mrs robert schram of claremont took as his bride miss ruth taylor daughter of mr and mrs sam taylor also of claremont the doublering cere mony was performed by reverend f albert luck mrs leonard haddow of bolton was the organ ist mr robert henry of bowmanville the soloist sang the lords prayer before the cereniony and o perfect love during the signing of the register given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floorlength aline gown of lagoda silk fashioned with a scoop neckline em pire waist and elbow length sleeves accented with lace appliques her detachable train was held by two small bows a clus- pearls and crystals held her elbow length silk il lusion veil she carried a cascade of american beauty roses with fern she wore a single strand of cultured pearls the gift of the groom maid of honor miss marian taylor of oshawa sister of the bride and bridesmaids mrs john torrance of dundas miss rosalie schram of clare mont sister of the groom wore identical floorlength gowns of candy pink tucked cotton with scoop necklines elbowlength sleeves and bustle backs with large bow at the waist their headdresses were matching bows with streamers worn at the crown and they carried baskets of white shasta daisies and pink sweet heart roses charles reid of scar- boro was best man with murray taylor claremont brother of the bride and fred schram claremont brother of the groom ush ering for the reception in the church hall the brides mother chose a sheath dress of blue chiffon over printed silk with match ing a coat and corsage of yellow sweetheart roses the grooms mother as sisted in a mint green crepe dress with attached green and yellow flowered georgette coat and cor sage of woburn abbey roses for travelling the bride wore an ensemble of bone and dark brown crepe with bracelet length sleeves brown and bone velvet hat bone accessor ies and a multicolor cor sage guests of honor at the wedding were mrs lewis of claremont and mrs midgley of windsor ma ternal grandmothers of the bride and groom outoftown guests were from windsor colling- wood bolton petawawa prayer meeting wed s pm ju pm pastor rev denis gibson ba bd highway 47 at kennedy rd mccormack memorial church vivian highway 48 at vivian rd pastor v g shillington sunday october 12th 1969 11 am the therapy of thanksgiving 30 pm society tells us mon oct 20 8 pm ann ual business meeting ved 800 hour of power stouffville pentecostal church temporary location altona community centre kcv s a grant pastor 6101903 sunday 10 am sunday school come and join the gospel express contest 11 am devotional service 700 pm evangelistic meeting wed 8 pm bible study prayer friday 730 pm young peoples hour friday s pm young peoples hour if you have not paid a visit to this growing assem anniversary thanksgiving services baker hill baptist church sunday oct 12 -11am- 745 pm rev ronald paterson missionary on furlough from japan will speak baker hill quartet will sing you are invited to these special services come receive a blessing and meet the paterson family ter of small organza flow ers and imported lace petals accented with seed crossword vegetable- garden heres the answer rheumatic pain get fast relief the very first day rumacaps are specially formu lated to give you fast relief the very first day from nagging rheumatic pains and aches also proven effective for relieving lum bago sciatica headache and neuritic pains ask for new rumacaps a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort at your local druggists rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort rumacaps your money earns more 8f8 1 2 for one year for two years on term deposits guaranty trust member of canada deposit insurance corporation capital and reserve 330q00dq deposits over 500000000 81 main st west stouffvi telephone no 6404000 green gables manor praise facilities bloomington dr margaret arkinstall me dical officer in charge of york manor cut the red ribbon sept 27 to offi cially open the new addi tion of green gables man or bloomington dr arkinstall said that in her capacity she had many opportunities to ob serve the development of green gables and con sidered it a privilege to participate in the pro gram she praistd the work of managers ann and lewis la vine whose dedication and under standing she said was ap parent from her first visit to the property four years ago john roberts mp yorksimcoe congratu lated mr and mrs la vine on the excellence of fin- terior appointments and furnishings he suggested the need of additional ac commodation in other areas whitchurch deputy- reeve lawrence heneseey was taken on a conducted tour of the premises councillor bob lewis termed the building a sightseeing landmark in the township special music for the occasion was rendered by the merry men of mark- ham who remained after wards to entertain the pa tients and guests while lunch was served mrs willa deguerre markham order of the eastern star sang bless this house accompanied at the organ by mrs whittaker hostesses for the day were mrs carol brodie mrs margaret henry and mrs o armstrong of the white shrine of jerusa lem scarboro mrs eve lyn aiken mrs m green matron of the markham order of the eastern star and mrs beulah gorman general hospital guelph guests present included mr and mrs maurice lodge shouldice clinic thornhill mr and mrs tom cunningham stouff- ville nursing home mr and mrs c brennan ca nadian school of practical nursing and dr win c arkinstall newmarket stouffville variety new hours mon to sat 830 am to 11 00 pm sun 1000 am to 1000 pm now featuring lucas arthur meats 1 macaroni cheese chicken loaf bologna v save 20c 3 pkgs 89c village margarine regular soft spread buy 1 of each save 19c 2 lbs 69c super value bacon lb 99c danish halves bacon 12 lb 57c cooked ham 6oz 69c wiener lb 67c fbi brand orange juice buy 2 qt size orange juice at get 1 qt grapefruit juice 93c free hr ilslslmljic full gospel church stouffville services held in the masonic hall pastor rev d b carpenter 10 am sunday school a class for every age group 11 am morning worship 730 pm deliverance senice mon to fri 9 pm living faith wdcxfm 995 radi dial prize vegetables horizontal 3 term of endearment a charged atom 5 shirt port 6 barrier 7 diminishing 8 joins 9 royal society of edinburgh ab 10 appellation 1 1 followers 23 parasitic bug glksl 27 not all j hfoqeiraeibeiraranqe unci nnrana t vegetable 7 another vegetable 13 interstice 14 handled 15 tilted 16 bakers 17 auricle 18 heron 20 east fr 21 shitted arabei tatara qeiaa tataem raraei nsaraa eihonrsinrj eihheih fumacads buttermate bread reg 27c loaf only while they 21 last specials effective oct 9 10 11 12 thurs fri sat sun still more savings at stouffville variety main st east next door to bowling alley downtown stouffville l s fa j h o si v kl a w a i r 3 a v l 1 3 j- v s n v a i o a x v d 14 a n j m i a v 28 road edge 29 cotton fabric 30 german river 32 traduces 38 genus of 43 horses ait 44 young salmon 46 iroquoian indian 47 father fr by pat mcclcnnan cedar grove cedar grove was well represent ed among the prizewin ners at markham fair david whittamore won first prize or the second year in a squash collection and third for watermelon his sister catherine won 2 firsts for sweet red pep pers and trench marigolds her zinnias brought a third michael whittamore came third in the heaviest squash classs and also his pic pumpkin florence bielby was interviewed on cbc radio while busily- caning chairs murray reesor was a casualty at last weeks sauerkraut bee a piece of wood bruised his foot and forced him into a couple of days rest saturday or monday take your pick its apple butter festival time at cedar grove and theres more on the grounds than just apple butter much more drop around and see for yourself the loca tion is woodland park cone 10 markham and stecles avenue there will be no euchre in the school oct 13 in stead it will be held oct 27 ground 31 direction 32 low haunt 33 vegetables sun and rain to crow 34 bewildered 35 unit ot enercy 36 sea eaile 37 some vegetables have 3 protective covering 40 sea nymph 42 no title page ab 43 oriental civet 46 root anial 49 expunged si parched s3 sally 34 baseball official s3 emphasis 36 high regard vmticai chest ralue 2scope 24 hops kiln 25 employer 26 discolor marine worms 48 the same 39 revokes 30 female saint 41 egress ab 42 promontory 52 qualified 1 z j 1 s 6 7 9 9 a ii 12 13 1 6 a n 9 11 l 11 n z4 25 p a a 30 u i w 17 lis 1 l 1 z t7 r h il 53 1 is st how to get ahead in death enjoy eternal life you can you kno if you read understand and believe the bible so hy wail let us send you our free bible correspondence course its on interesting system atic study plan you can do at yojr leisure in your home send today biblr stuon bo 33k stoutivill ont ontlemen ye tm i- xrr irt ttujrtrtg eft owe ptctie yrna rr youf free bw carrnpoidffik coww l rooie nflcanott mm cty c