Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 11, 1969, p. 12

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page 12 the tribune thursday sept 11 1969 phone 6402100 today wrflmnt classif ied siife 54 legal notices 55 tenders about the lhh day of may 1969 are hereby notified to snd paitkujars ot same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of october 1969 after which date the estate will be distributed having re gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice dated at brampton on tario this 3rd day of septem ber 1969 mervyn lester card administrator by his solicitors lawrence lawrence stevenson webber barristers and solicitors 13 queen street west biampton ontario 153 tender for van type trlck sealed tenders clearly marked van type tiuck will be received by the pur chasing department york county board of education church street auroia until 500 pm local time septem ber 19 1s69 specifications are available from the purchasing depart ment and will be mailed on request phone t2t 31 11 lowest or any tender not necesarily accepted j j mackay chairman s l g chapman director of education 60 sales register auctions otder over 100 yrs old oil lamps etc many many old items too numerous to men tion and in good condition formerly the contents of the home of the late andrew mcciuie 26 keeie st north king city gord orr auc tioneer notice to creditors and others in the estate of lottie baker late of the village of stouffville ix the county of yopk widow deceased all persons having claims against the estate of lottie bikei late of the village of stouffville in the county of york widow who died on or about the 29th day of july 1969 are heieby noified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of october 1s69 after which date the estate will be distributed with re gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have no tice dated at stouffville this 4th day of september 1969 earl davis and harry brammer 153 executors button armstrong barristers and solicitors 6 main street east stouffville ontario 56 schools colleges private tuition edgevale school of dance fall tekm commences slit 26 graded classes in ballet royal academy syllabus jazz and limbering classes for adults teenagers for registration call m mumfokd 8 ninth line 153 telephone s 101 192 enroll now for music lessons drums guitar electric kiss acoustic bass wind instruments cdl stouffville sound music 6101541 notice to creditors and others in the estate of lucy annie white late of the village of claremont in the county of on tario widow de ceased all persons having caim against the estate of lucy annie white late of the itjillage of claremont in the county of ontario widow deceased who died on or ijbout the 1th day of august 1969 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of october 1969 after which date i he estate will be distributed with re- i gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice dated at stouffville this 2nd day of september 1969 anne e overland executrix button armstrong barristers and solicitors 6 main street east stouffville ontario 153 58 business services marshman bros floor co concrete machine and hand trowel finishing 37tf industrial commercial 6403580 typewriter rentals a limited number of standard and portable ma chines now available at your tribune office supply store main st stoultville phone 6402100 31tf northern feeder sales expected offering iviartox thurs sept 18th 3500 sale time 1000 am thkssaiox wed sept 21th 1000 sale time looo am mantouiin thais sept 23th 3000 sale time 930 am la sabre pq sale at dupuyl wed oct 1st 900 sale time 130 pm new iiskeaku thurs oct 2nd 100 sale time 130 pm south river fri oct 3rd 1300 sale time 1000 am wiakton thurs oct 9th 1500 sale time 1000 am south river fri oct 21th 100 sale time 100 pm for further information write s macdonald adver tising manager box 130 huntsville ontario sat sept 20 clearing farm auction of choice here- fouls cows calf by side heifers due time of sale also tractor implements including a ford tractor model 611 in good condition plow side rake pto mower spread er rt wagon with flat rack gehl hammer mill new arps 3 pt scraper hay grain straw dclaval sterling milker cpt scales furniture including vacuum cleaner el ectric broom 3pc br suite quantity odd dishes china cabinet writing desk an tique wash stands fiat irons a few antique items etc the property of howard plaxton selling at the farm located at lot 18 con 5 pick ering twp being 114 miles south of highway at brougham or 9 miles east of markham off hwy 7 farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm refreshments a m wood clerk atkinson and wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 113 60 sales register auctions notice to creditors and others in the estate of cecil james lee late of the village of goodwood in the county of ontario retired farmer de ceased all persons having claims against the estate of cecil james lee late of the vill age of goodwood in the county of ontario retired farmer who died on or aboul the 1st day of august 1969 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of october 1969 after which date the estate will be distributed witth re auctioneers w d atkinson stoultville a s farmer phone gormlcy 88vs31i ken clarke prentice phone stoultville 6403686 keg johnson sunderland ont mon sept 13 auction sale of household furniture the property of john b hor- ton will be held at canning- ton a mile east of town on main highway kelvinator refrigerator and stove maple davenport table and chairs antique chairs stand table etc corner fumed oak cup board chesterfield and chair good twin beds nearly new electric sewing ma- gard only to the claims of i rie j line of lorniture which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have no tice dated at stouffville this 2nd day of september 1969 arthur brown and harry woodland 153 executors button armstrong barristers and solicitors 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the executors 55 tenders village of stouffville tender for sand scaled tenders will be re ceived b the undersigned for the supplying and delivering approximately so0 tons of sand for use on streets lur ing the winter i sand to b priced per ton delivered to the yard in stoullville tenders to be in the office of the clerk before 12 oclock noon september 18th 1969 lowest of any lender not necessarily accepted r e comer clerk box 119 stouffville olfpropelled lawn mower etc property sold terms cash sale at 1 pm owner moving to bc gerald gra ham clerk reg johnson son auctioneers flea market of antiques oils household goods and clothing e a cooke hwy 01 3 houses west of scri be ras road north side sat sept 13 10 to 2 all wel come saturday september 13 1969 auction sale of an tique household furniture in pine cherrywood maple ma hogany walnut dressers drawers chests p- er beds stands tables chai clocks piano suite- mirris tugs carpets ornaments pictures dishes glassware utensils knick knacks cleetrcal appli ances effects ii d garden tractor witht 5 attachments tools etc at pan ll 10 eon 6 east markham twp on no 7 highway 1 mde east from unionville piopiriyof robin kverdl sale at i pm terms cash nouvcive see posters for lull particulars kvn clarke prentice alio tioreeis markham c5936s6 saturday sept 13th 1 pm auction sale of fur niture dishes picture frame also included many antique items including high back bed dresser washstand large pine corner cupboard large pine cupboard with glass door top organ ux- bridge cabinet in working saturday september 20 auction sale of farm stock and implements 50 head of holstein and hereford cattle cows heifeers and calves ihc tractor no 300 new holland baler no 268 with bale carrier new idea mow er 7 ft cut new favourite threshing machine 2442 extra good condition full line of implements 1700 bales mixed hay and second cutting 1000 bales of wheat straw some furniture at lot 5 con 3 king township old survey road 2 miles west of yonge st on davis drive 1m miles north the property of mr george wray terms cash farm sold sale at 1 pm alvin s farmer auctioneer saturday september 20 1969 auction sale of house hold furniture electrical ap pliances antiques dressers drawers cabinets chairs stands rockers rugs carpets flatware dishes glassware utensils ornaments pictures books various other house hold effects garden tools miscellaneous articles etc at prentices auction yards on 48 hwy 114 miles north of maikham being private par ties consignments property of burkholder dejong top ing price walker widoman and others sale at i pm no reserves terms eah on day of sale see posters for full listings ken clarke prentice auctioneers mark ham 610 36s6 152 tues sept 23 clearing farm auction of high grade holsteins fresh cows spring ers bred and open heifers also tractor implements in cluding 3 tractors combine mh 15r fert drill corn planter cultipacker pto mower snow blower pto sprayer baler eorn picker pto spreader hammarmill etc also bulk coolei 35 can 3 sjrge milkers milk quota 507 pool ffl furniture etc selling at the farm for h a bucking located at lot 24 con 7 pickering township being ll miles north of brougham on hy 7i turn west 1 4 miles to the farm or 9 miles east of mark ham on hy i7i lease has expired no reserve terms cash sale 1 pm refresh ments available atkinson and wilson sales mgrs and auctioneers 131 wednesday sept 21 holsteins milk quota machinery it complete farm auction holsteins registered and grui from mill tires dhia to- ted 25 milk lows 6 bivd heifers balance open heifers and calves this is one of the top dhia herds of the area with records tunning up to 19000 lbs in 303 ilavsl milk quota 537 lb no 1 pool daily equipment 250 gal milkecpcr bulk tank surg mllki i units also excell ent lire ci farm machinery nuffield 10 v dicscl tiacior i mm h like new i allis iialme s wd tractor tgoodt with a new ac hyd raulic loader nil 2gs bdei mccoimick hay inowci int iiay conditioner farm trail er iuron fi bar side k- x u holland forage halves itr ac doable ilia- irewi skcoimicfe cultivator wl sprayer mccormlck pto minure spreader mccoimick 3furrtav tup lean plow v mpetc lint if equipment i lalrs hay in inns wheat 10 sons mixed grain quan- 60 sales register auctions titv of furniture the pro- peitv of daniel schmidt 1 mile north mile west of uxbridge teims cash farm sold sale at 1230 sharp folders available lloyd wil son and w d atkinson sale managers and auctioneers 152 thursday sept 25 auction sale of farm imple ments baled hay and straw and household furniture cockshutt tractor no 30 favourite threshing machine 24 3furtow ihc plow hammer mill potato digger anil picker ihc seed drill with fertilizer attachment clipper combine 6 ft cut quantity of furniture at lot 15 con 3 uxbridge proper- tv of wellington yake farm sold terms cash sale at 130 sharp alvin s farmer auctioneer 113 60 sales register auctions thurs sept 25 clear ing farm auction of 3 trac tors baler side rake fert drill pto mower power spreader 3fr plow loader cultipacker 20 flexible har rows jd hy duty wagon 3 1 elevator pigs hay straw grain horse cutter like new also furniture etc the property of hugh shilling- law selling at the farm located at lot 35 con 1 ux bridge township being m mile east of mount albert on county road 1 miles south of townline or 7 miles west of uxbridge or 3 miles southeast of mount albert hartman ucw will have a refreshment booth farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm atkin son wilson sales mgrs auctioneers 143 friday september 26th complete dispersal of 32 grade and reg holstein milk cows and bred heifers along with 567 lbs 1 milk quota and complete line of dairy equipment herd is vaccinat ed pregnancy tested bred and serviced by unit sires a real good producing herd with 11 head due this fall others in full flow dairy equipment 567 lbs 1 milk quota solar bulk tank 34can capacity new condition 2 surge milking units 1 mf milking unit 2 strainers 2 milk pails delaval double sink surge 6unit pump 1 yr old like new the pro perty of john porter heron gate farms at the farm 1 mile south of whitevale be ing 5 miles east of maik ham on altona road coun ty road 27 giving up milk business no reserve terms cash sale 130 pm personal touch catering serving lunch kalin bros sale man agers and auctioneers 153 saturday september 27 holsteins machinery furniture complete farm auction including 15 hol steins high grade all from unit sires 20 milk cows 5 bred heifers balance open heifers and calves this is a herd with size and produc tion the cows are in excel- lent working condition with 11 fresh or springing at the time of sale mccoimick 114 diesel tractor with loader mccoimick 3furrow plow 3 pt mf no 10 baler mf side rake hay elevators mf lubber tired wagon newi int seed drill int hay mow er int cultivator massey- harris manure spreader posts full line of equipment bedroom suites tables lamps cook stove washing machine many other articles furniture sells first tile property of wm b- morris lot 4 con 3 scott twp 1 mile west of sandford or 3 miles north and 5 miles west of uxbridge sale at 1 pm fai m sold terms cash folders available lloyd wil son and w d atkinson sale managers and auctioneers benjamin j moorea paints h0lden paint wallpaper 134 main st n markham 19 4133 auction sale of farm implements iiay grain and household furniture lolin deere baler 14t near new 3 furrow john deere plow john deere bale ele vator no 200 heavy duty mil disc seed drill 350 bus garry oats quantity of baled hay household fur niture several antiques etc wed sept 24 at lot 13 con 9 whitchurch twp property of murry ramer machinery baler john deere 14t good as new plow 3 furrow john deere mower 7 ft john deere nickel plated knife bale elevator john deere 200 heavy duty one way disc massey har ris 9 discs on rubber farm wagon and rack on rubber roller bearings drag harrows 1 sections draw bar cultivator international massey harris seed drill 13 disc old car and truck pile of scrap iron carriage pole single disc tractor hitch grain auger cotton grain bags jute bags 3 pig feeders for sow and small pigs 3 feeders for small pigs extension ladder 16 ft ladder 350 bus garry oats quan tity of baled hay i manure spreader cockshutt set weigh scales 5ft mower tractor hitch in ternational gas tank on stand roll snow fence swirl cut lawn mower 21 chain saw pioneer 21 air compressor forks shovels tools many articles too numerous to mention furniture large chest drawers 125 yrs old smaller chest drawers old with sit on mirror 2 bedroom suites bed dress er and wash stands 2 separate wash stands 2 toilet sets television ge 21 tv stand antique couch drop side couch drop leaf table kitchen cupboard old medium size quebec heater small size quebec heater dining room table square with 5 leaves 4 dining room chairs buffet glass doors 5 chairs large wooden wardrobe large ice refrigerator cellar table no stands no crocks steamer 2 iron kettles no books box older gramophone records electric toaster no pictures frames coleman gas iron 2 feather mattresses butter ladle print 2 cream cans 2 wall brackets for lamps antique wicker bassinette on stand studio couch 3 cushions at back quantity of dishes 3 chicken coop chairs an tique farm sold terms cash 152 sale at 1 pm alvin s farmer auctioneer auction sale farm implements hay straw and household furniture cockshutt tractor no 30 favourite 24 threshing ma chine 3fur ihc plow hammer mill potato digger and picker ihc seed drill with fert attach clipper combine 6 ft cut quantity of furniture thurs seph 25 at lot 15 concession 3 uxbridge township the property of wellington yake implements cockshutt 30 tractor with buzz saw attachment favourite threshing machine clipper combine mh international plow 2fur massey harris plow 2fur massey harris cultivator double disc help wanted 1 part time nurse help 1 cook for two days a week also cleaning lady full or part time good pay for people who arc willing to work alternat ing weekends apply in person between 12 noon and 3 pm no phone calls accepted claremont nursing home 1 mi west of claremont f for fast courteous service call bert for complete satisfaction call 4478518 agents wanted with or withou- kxperience agents throughout ontario toronto york county real estate board members i d 60 sales register auctions 3 drum land roller international seed drill fer tilizer attach seeder com plete internationa cutting box near new corn binder near new set of 6 section harrows buzz saw frame semi trailer john deere mower fits 30 tractor cockshutt manure spreader on rubber 2 wiieel trailer type hay rack and wagon cream separator with motor potato digger picker small trailer ear or tractor 2 older cutting boxes chain saw with sharpener tool and piles hammer mill good condition fanning mill extension ladder 32ft straight ladder 2 sets platform scales pig fallowing ciic old fashioned cider press antique vn roller halman jack root pulper international milking ma chine 2 units pile fence rails double jack fence stretch er with chains all complete galvanized water tank grain auger with motor m hp near new set of burdioo pinchers set of cow clippers tie chains for cows beatty shallow well pres sure pump tank gauges complete hp electric motor hay about 3000 bales straw about 1300 bales a number of sap pails furniture bedroom suite antique piano standard bed springs- and mattress kitchen stove hall rack antique book case or secretary 2 small tables old radio wesinghouse needs some repair new williams sewing ma chine flower pots some fruit jars childs toilet chair set of honeywell controls for furnace baby crib dining room table wash stand antique cupboard shovels hoes forks and other tools chains ropes set of antique scales hanging type sale at 130 pm farm sold terms cash 152 alvin s farmer auctioneer mrs herb yakeley har old street entertained at a luncheon in honor of miss betty flower toron to guests included mrs bill peacock mrs ed brownsberger mrs fred steckley and shirley announce new healing substance shrinks piles exclusive heallog substance protest 0 shrink hemorrbocdi and repair damaged dame a renowned research institute hat ound a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor rhoids painlessly it relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up heating of the injured inflamed tissue in case after case while gently relieving pain actual eduction shrinkage took place most important of all results were so thorough that this improve ment was maintained ovr a period of many month this was accomplished with a new healing s jbstance biodyno which quickly helps hem injured cells and stimulates growth of new tifaue now biodyne is offered in oint ment and suppository form called preparation h ask for it at nil drug stores satisfaction or yur monej refunded assistant moktgagk manager required immediately to work with our firms pres ent manager bill jackson we are anxious to talk tc a young man with some orm of financial or ac counting training througr banking trust company finance company or a sales minded person having keen interest in developing business career in this eld the man we are look ng for should have the desire and ambition to assume full responsibility af the department within ivo years and supervise he management of a mort gage portfolio in excess of five million dollars salary and incentive commission plan if you are interested in joining a young manage ment team all in their thirties and have the de sire to develop your own dotential call bill jackson at 2941372 another quality product from brookl in concrete phone 6553311 br00klin concrete products limited hwy 12 btooklin telephone 6553311 yonge st newmjiket telephone 8956781 hydro pole construction for farms residential areas industrial areas substation construction and maintenance pole auger truck available programa west hill 2662404 power maintenance ltd oshawa 7233350 memberships now available join us now and play the rest of the season for free full year round operation fully licensed facilities for weddings banquets christmas parties etc w now also available social membership caoo no initiation fee 50 for information call mr norman baker at 6401664 per year sleepy hollow country club stouffville save save save at markham we have a few 1969 models left and we want to sell them before the 1970s are out use this chance to save yourself money by buying now vome to hwy 7 just one mile west of hwy 48 in markham tel2944141

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