page 14 the tribune thursday may 22 1969 phone 6402100 today ico sa you rvwt to sjv f uses cak ittom t6y an- 9althjl nyvsrotasrit ch as a accioeivt too c7 in v y crves casj mow con tiappc classified advertising rates akt1ii1s ok sale livestock fob sale heal estate wanted cars foh sale lost ravso etc cash kale ic per ocd lit era s estra oncutie llh a nimnun af 1125 lor is rd lit e ilm fur 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks k additional will be chakgkd ior use of a 1iox number notices coming events cards of thanks ce a d ilh a minimum af li i births escacements marriages deaths it a ward with a minimum of i13s in memoriams ii 2 minimum for 1line terse plus 50c for oath additional lllni serse display classified 1162 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional runteru tie insertions at si32 per inch all classified ada mutt be in this office not later than 1 pm tuesday sen cash or money orders- phone tto 2104 clip this out for reference nokes in loving mem ory of a dear son and brother dennis who passed away may 26 1962 o happy hours we once en joyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneli ness the world can never fill lovingly remembered and always missed by mother dellma and brothers george bob 12 agent properties 12 agent properties woodward in loving memory of our dear mother mrs fred woodward who died one vear ago todav may 22 1968 memories are treasures mr mrs ben talbot v-i- a 2402323 ttiw10 2372soo need cash we need properties all types and sizes list and sell yolk property now cash clients waiting markham area investment 111 acres excellent invest ment onlv 2 miles from no i 7 hvvy modern 2famiiv i i wish to thank the member of the royal canadian leg- home au city conven ion and the ladies auxiliary for their visits and get well cards comrade a heaton iences 3 road frontages act fast mr schlichter announcements 1 coming events i wish to thank all our friends and neighbors the brougham union lodge uni ted church women and the ladies auxiliary branch 183 claremont legion for all the lovely cards tlowers and gifts i received while in the i hospital your thoughtful- j ness is appreeiated- ed boniface euchre centre ma atha communitv y 28 s30 pm sunday may 25 the hic will be in charge of the 11 am worship service at the united church dance mt zion commun ity cenlre saturday may 21 830 lunch provided frank barkcy supplying music everyone welcome judo senior ladies and men 14 years and up mon 730 pm whitchurch cen tennial centre for informa tion call 1732876 i i wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for kind inquiries j lovely cards flowers fruit and many other gifts while in hospital and since coming j home special thanks to my j pastor and friends of ring- i wood church for their pray- i ers and visits and to drs brodie petrie salmon lulla foekler legion bingo in veterans hall stouffville every sat night at 8 pm cash prizes 2 jackpots admission 75c proceeds for veterans wel fare 14tf i wish to thank the emer gency aid of the ucw for coming in with baking dur ing the time when mr and mrs heaton were both in hospital i would also like to thank others who brought in baking and helped in other ways many thanks to rev and mrs carder for many visits and prayers at this time mae symes why rent a low down payment and less than s10000 a month will give you this neat 3- bedroom bungalow in the stouffville area for further information call mr chas gailer stouffville 21000 exceptionally clean 3 bed room home situated on large lot near everything in quiet west end area forced air heat large modernized kit chen owner has bought needs quick sale bill jack 200 acre farm mt albert area excellent farm home with all conven iences good sized bank barn rich loam 2 id front ages beautiful vfcw call earl dowswell evenings 6103876 50 acres scott tut country retreat on paved rd spring at front of property suitable for pond ideal bldg site 25 acres wooded s50000 per acre terms call earl dowswell evenings 6403876 retirement home 818500 modern nearly new split level bungalow extra large living room and kitchen alu minum storms screens and doors drapes and electric refrigerator included close to good town mr taylor altona half acre s29500 3 bdrm brick bun galow large garden tool shed barbecue call earl evenings 610- 3876 or george evenings 6102718 6403131 2972283 gerry meliarg ltd realtor accommodation 22 articles for sale 27 help wanted male 28 help wanted female 16 hotels motels tourist homes mansion house hotel 143 main st stouffville 49tf furnished rooms overnight or weekly housekeeping rooms teach yourself typing learn perfect touch typing at home quickly and easiy complete uptodate inst ructions with easy-to-follow- diagrams plus practical ex ercises save your time and monev onlv 195 at the tribune main st stouff ville 17tf 17 houses for rent 9 room home with conven iences outside of brougham call 6553166 brooklin farm house for rent 4 bed rooms near blackwater 610- 3250 plants for sale toes peppers egg plant and broccoli by the box or by the hat several varieties of each also asparagus for freezing by the basket ph 9121367 after 5 pm james h murdock rri picker ing 4th con at church st north 51tf young man wanted for landscaping full or part time phone after 7 pm ss75476 men wanted for wood fac tory apply in person john morrison son between 5th 6th of markham toma welder with experience 1 for structural steel work blue print reading helpful apply in person from mon to fri s am to 5 pm assinck bros markham secretary required for insurance adjusting office in stouffville previous oftiee experience an asset morden helwig ltd 2911563 29 help wanted male female 34 trailers for sale travel trailer 17 cita tion sleeps 6 propane stove with oven refrigerator toi let electric brakes and hitch r curtis 19th ave e of kennedy rd ss75921 35 motorcycles for sale 1969 motor bike tion 6101590 new condi- house barn and 50 acres on hwv s20000 a month 6401891 ciibsun willoushby limiuid for rent by month or sea son for june july and aug or for 1 year beaverton 2 minute walk to beach story and half winterized family home hydro water furnace best references required apply f mason mt albeit before may 30 18 rooms for rent farm fashion fair may 26 8 pm whitchurch centennial centre latest fashions cut- rate prices sponsored by the whitchurch centennial cen tre ladies auxiliary t ft 1 c the mt zion ucw are holding a bake sale and tea sat may beginning at 230 pm at the home of lady ritchie a mile east of balsam bingo claremont legion hall every monday night cash prizes share the wealth top line and jackpot plus s5000 jackpot goes every night time 800 pm admission 50c 30tf we take this opportunity to thank our many friends rel atives and all the very line people in stoultville your kind words deeds and floral tributes were most comfort ing during our bereavement special thanks also to the staff at cards hardware the pallbearers and oneills funeral home words do not express our gratitude thank you again mary mervyn graydon norma card bingo sponsored by the mount albert and district lions club held at the mt albert community hall every monday 730 pm s6 for regular games and 90 jackpot each night 494 altona coop nursery school invites interested par ents and children to an open house at altona community centre on may 27 from 10 am till 1130 am coffee served with deep gratitude i wish to express my sincere thanks to friends neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness expressions of sympathy cards and floral tributes during my recent bereavement in the sudden passing of my beloved wife gertie a special thanks to rev d macgregor a family friend for his consoling words the altona womens institute who provided and served refreshments and all who helped in any way to ease my burden walter g drcwerv 96 acres 39900 good brick house 7 rooms good bank barn 45x70 large drive shed chicken house fronts on 3 roads for in formation call mr timbers two commercial lots choice location stouffville ideal for any business 25- 000 full price or offer for both store and apt stouffville excellent location large building with modern store front located on lot approx 41x275 2 bedroom apt on 2nd floor submit offers must sell fast real estate goodwood baptist church 93rd anniversary services will be held on june 1 rev benson jones of red deer alberta speaker services at 11 am 730 pm with special music 8 houses for sale at home mr and mrs leslie hart of rr2 gormley victoria square will be at home sit may 31 the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary they will be receiving friends from 2 to 1 and from 7 to 9 friday may 23 730 pm at stoultville district sec ondary school an evening filled with great gospel sing ing the churchmen quar tet the revelations quartet and the galileans quartet admission s125 children 75c be wise see hvm 1 j stouffville g40 hkdilo 297 2323 25qo 10 farms for sale rent wanted honesty is our policy courteous service guaranteed stouffvllles own local broker 280 main st west r i lambert realtor local representative harold zegu uxbridge 8527341 business opportunities lake sinicoe restaurant motel units pro perty right on the beach established ice hut business store 90x25 with 5 apart ments this is a good income property in the main section of uxbridge 30000 down a 198 acre farm work able uxbridge area full price 49900 a secluded 10 acre lot near uxbridge with a pond 2 streams and beautiful bush 7900 full price 20 acres on 48 hwy south of mt albert good road frontage and small springfed pond asking 30000 good terms 50 acres 48 acre bush several pond sites 40rod road frontage 3 large greenhouses and some other outbuildings asking 24000 terms 94 acre with 7 room frame home all conveniences in nice treed area asking 22000 with terms all reasonable- offers considered for further information contact norm cox evenings 4732408 rr 3 stouffville 1 room for a roomer cen trally located 6402037 furnished bedroom main floor quiet home no child ren cooking facilities if de sired 6402066 or 6401456 top soil 7 yard load delivered 1800 10 mile radius of markham also sand and gravel 4610 2971750 carpenter foreman for custom home building and alterations vear round work 512 2942356 full time or part time office cleaners call ubm ltd 2941040 49tf 1966 honda 200 ccc and liel- lifeguard weekends on- j met in al shape phone 610- iv experienced first aid 3066 492 pickering 9126557 spacious 5room apart ment suit retired or busi ness couple 6402724 2 bedroom apartment with or without furniture 291- 4470 one bedroom apt for rent private entrance frig and stove available phone 640- 1651 after 5 pm apartment for rent 2 bedrooms bath living room kitchen in new building sep arate entrance hydro heat and parking included at 115 monthly near mt albert 4735200 chest freezers at wholesale price 15 cu ft holds 575 lb 165 crated 20 cu ft holds 690 lb 189 crated 25 cu ft holds 970 lb 215 crated full factory warranty by general freezer the company who leads the field in freezer sales buy at brices bargain barn it will pay you we buy sell or trade all kinds of new and used furni ture and appliances don mills rd queens tile follow brices burger bar signs north on don mills rd 4781175 42lf class a mechanic licensed preferable exper ience on chrysler products but not essential 512 markham chrysler dodge glen byer 2944111 an unusual opportunity for married couple interested in career on horse farm must be experienced in the care and breeding of horses rota ting pastures and all farm work located near toronto with three bedroom house all conveniences reply with complete experience and ref erences to box 321 co the tribune 193 i 31 employment wanted 39 boats marine supplies 16 ft catamaran sail boat reasonable phone 6192517 1 johnson 3 lip outboard motor light twin good as new 0403549 16ft fiberglas catamaran sail boat reasonable phone 6192517 reliable men wanted for farm must be i over 25 and have a good j reference good working conditions 5lj days a week king cole duck farm 8359161 wanted lawns to mow large or small call 61016ss after 5 pm gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune or friendship a practical gift with a lasting useful ness only 100 1tf 54 main street stoultville phone 6402100 21 wanted to rent basket pcgg limited real estate brokers self contained 2 bedroom apartment in house call sharon at 8842321 ri male help required for compounding department must have grade 12 educa tion excellent benefits and working conditions hourlv wage from 211 to s23s apply in person to chesebrough ponds canada ltd 150 bullock dr markham carpenter work wanted in local area phone 60151 1 after 5 pm 512 young lady desires house work stouffville area 610- 169g lawn mower and gar den tractor repairs licensed guaranteed workmanship 20 victoria st dial 6403905 wanted small dunlin um car top boat must bi- in good shape and reason able 6103969 farming 40 farm items for sale wanted oat straw for sale robert walker 61015ss 502 construction superin tendent experienced church es schools etc desires po sition 4735766 automotive brougham 9420931 9217595 evenings 6401303 articles attractive 32 acres corner farm with buildings south of hwy 7 in picker ing twp good for invest ment or would make an ex cellent horse farm call wm pegg 22 articles for sale solid brick bungalow with attached garage and a base ment apartment very nice ly landscaped full price 24900 reach twp 100 acre farm 85 work able some bush a spring- fed pond good buildings near highway asking only 50000 call p clark 619- 2517 14 financial and mortgages busi ness opportunities 1 chesterfield and chair 2195 640- for sale refrigerator in good condition phone 610- 2061 oil burner large size suit able for cottage 10 phone 6495920 after 530 pm antique matched pair of horse taps with ribbons phone port perry 9852609 lawn aerator 24 self- propelled excellent condi tion 75 or offer 6103969 early premier strawberry plants 300 a hundred also black currant bushes 50c ea mrs les ogden 6401827 wanted 1st mortgage s15000 at reasonable rate of interest reply co box 326 the tribune you can make money rais ing chinchillas good mar kets buy from reliable breeders since 1949 stone- house chinchilla rri ux bridge 8523389 33tf pasture available for 50 head of cattle 6195502 good pasture for 50 head cattle water 6192072 2 births whybrew philip and nancy nee smith are hap py to announce the arrival of their son philip born may 16 196s many thanks to dr mckenzie dr mit chell 3 engagements for rent 96 acres part tillable part pasture pond reasonable after 6 pm 640- 4009 492 for rent 50 acres of pasture brock road clare mont district phone 8s9- 7959 mr and mrs alan chad- wick wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter karen marie to douglas ross kemp son of mr anil mrs b kemp richmond hill the marriage to take place july 19th 1969 i 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks real estate call b4ci- 232 3 tooo e972500 12 agent properties margaret ballard real estate broker sunderland ont phone 3573964 for all your real estate needs we are as near as your phone stouffville 6403822 toronto 2971912 anytime 1712 we wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our friends neighbors ami relatives in the past months and during our recent be reavement for your prayers i floral tributes donations and r messages of sympathy a a husband is a curious sp mil v ammal wh0 b his foot- and the marshall funeral home for their efficient ser- ba cs in june and his vice and kind consideration wiles christmas present dorw pickering a family on december 24 bungalow lovely stone front three bedroom bungalow on deep lot in quiet district full basement cold room under porch roughin for extra washroom downstairs etc call john unsworth at 887- 5s22 heated apartment one or two bedroom heated apartment on highway 7 in markham includes stove refrigerator underground parking available call mrs jacqueline unsworth at 887- 5s22 h keith limited 8242 yongc street tliornlilll ontario cewiyjft a a mp need a mortgage funds available for 1st j 2nd mortgages we also have clients wailing to purchase your mortgage on best of terms discuss your needs with us in confidence 43tf gerry meliarg ltd realtor 6103131 stoultville plaza member of ontario mortgage brokers associalion bunk beds brand new 500 sets selling out cash and carry liquidators 3368 yonge st 4887911 golf clubs and bag mac- gregor like new reasonable phone 2911500 days or 887- 5611 evenings g durkin lawn and garden equipment 7 to 15 hp all gear drive or hydrostatic transmission tractors and attachments free rotary mower with every ih lawn garden tractor purchased except 15 hp limited time only 1 chas richards sons ltd stouffville 6103830 470 acme quebec coalwood heater complete with hard ware like new must be seen 30 6103969 electric lawn mower 18 like new used less than one season 100 ft cord 140 6403969 mortgages we have funds available for first ind second mort gages at current rales if a mortgage is the answer to your financial problems a phone call will bring you prompt courteous service if you have a mortgage which you wish to dispose of we can arrange a prompt sale on the best of terms 6 piece italian provincial bedroom suite while gold and 7 piece imperial loyal ist colonial dining room suite 6102140 pool table and accessories brunswick ix8 brand new worth 10000 sell for 29500 cash and carry liquidators 3368 yonge si 4887911 accounting clerk required we wish to employ a bright individual to perform var ious accounting duties prim arily to include costing of sales and production labor efficiency analysis budget costing etc this man should have a minimum grade 12 education 1 to 2 years office accounting experience and may be presently enrolled in a recognized accounting course previous cost exper ience a real asset excellent working conditions and com- i pany benefit plans salary commensurate with qualifi cations and experience applicants should contact chesebrough ponds canada ltd 150 bullock dr markham 32 motor cars for sale 1966 fleetwood cadillac in excellent condition 2915099 1964 pontiac laurentian 4- door sedan 8 cylinder auto matic a ladys car s995 certified 2944173 2000 bales of straw 700 bales of hay for sale 291- 143s for sale baled hay suit able for horses and also a pile of manure 9124s57 sale cages for out fans keenco a frame 2500 hens clean feed bin cooler grader and soo dozen egg route retail 4732312 mt albert 502 for sale new and used bulk milk coolers will buy used coolers repairs to all makes of bulk coolers as well as commercial refrig eration chalk refrigeration ltd rr 3 king city 7735502 3stf 1965 pontiac rebuilt engine mechanic approved original paint ideal second car 800 6192578 iljj 1963 acadian station wagon power steering radio new engine very good condition 1967 pontiac parisienne fast back hardtop power steering brakes tinted windshield radio new tires 6401567 wanted cob corn thorn mobile feeds ltd unionville 513 2971644 28 help wanted female women for parttime kit chen help 12 to 3 5 day week 6102713 cleaning woman 1 day weekly own transportation ballantrae area call 610- 1188 after 6 pm allischalmers ijiwii garden tracfors riding mowers power mowers small engine repairs john pugh sales service rr4 stoultville ont phone 8881021 products also on display at freds service centric hwy 18 lust north of 47 phone 6401501 27tf bookkeeper required good salary and benefits downtown stoultville box 301 stoultville 512 1966 dodge monaco convert ible power steering power brakes radio with rear speaker whitewalls power top bucket seats console automatic transmission ex cellent condition for further information call 2911846 64 buick wildcat 401 cubic inch v8 engine power steering and power brakes radio with reverb rear seat speaker and heater 1 owner true mileage black with whitewall tires red upholstery ni02 to inspect registered nurse wanted for afternoon shift parttime 2 days weekly call brlerhush hospital 6 10211 1 23 articles wanted wanted to 15 fool 6 10 2987 used canoe 14 canvas phone supplement your income need someone to assist me in my fast growing business 2 hours a day 5000 a week for interview appoint ment only call mr allan ill 2910152 between 2 4 51tf mon tues wed antique splildorf 6 volt radio model rb 580 com plete with a 2000 ohms amplion loud speaker and a brown speaker horn phone poi i perry 9r52609 one 50gal all purpose sprayer hudson drum spe cially treated all attach ments mounted on wheels practically new asking s50000 phone 8527116 for all mortgage lems call prob- 22tf pumps pressure systems i shallow well deep well construction pumps irrlga i tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction ph stouff- 1 ville 610 1424 26tf 24 articles to rent adding machines and type writers for rent call tribune office supplies 640 2100 34tf for rent ladders wall paper steamers paint spray ers by day week month the lang service paint wallpaper store 6 main st west stouffville phone 640- 3231 53tf employment for sale 23000 cannlngton 1 mile from town in mariposa township 100 acres with beautiful stream brick farm house needing extensive repairs john m baird ltd mortgage broker 46 main st markham phon- 2911131 member of ontario mort gage brokers association whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts and service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 294- 2241 50tf 27 help wanted male margaret ballard real estate broker sunderland 70s 3573964 omnlngton 705 4322591 stouffville 6103822 now children i h c i harried mother announc- j cd to the noisy small fry i at her sons birthday par ty remember there will he a special prize for the bov who goes home first booths box plants i petunias doubles frilled singles salvia marigolds j alyssum snaps asters to- i matoes peppers onions also some flats 1 i miles south of no 7 11th ave i between 9th a 10th con- i east of railway 505 carpenter wanted to build 2 car garage 22x21 uxbridge 8526689 after 5 wanted dental assistant full time position apply in writing or phone dr ii schwartz unionville professional building 493 unionville 2971655 for a car today see e j wideman at 18tf markham chrysler dodge ltd 2911111 6103720 dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 34tf margwill fur farm tyrone licence 201cc9 xjoooooooooooooooooooo before you buv see our fine selection of guaranteed ok used cars and trucks 35tf giles ciievolds 6101610 2972391 great used car buys 61 chevrolet impala super sport convertible automatic v8 engine power steering power brakes radio whitewalls and wheel discs 65 pontiac parisienne 1door hardtop wiih power steering power brakes auto matic and v8 engine ai itrr os fori galaxie 500 wain i tu j 2door hardtop vs engine parttime help for following and power steer- positions nurses aids i 65 honda motorcycle cleaning 150 cc laundry 512 i cooking sanders can urierhusi hospital sales service corner of ioth line v main stouffville 610224 i farm service dead r horses or 1 and crippled j cattle picked up promptly for direct line call iong distance and osk for zenith 32800 at no cost to you call anytime 2tf ei peconi son woodvlllc ont licence no 32ic66 4i farm iacmery john deere 130 tractor push blade front end loader hammer mill 2911775 for sale wl internation al tractor ford 8n tractor and plow 6102621 single row cultivator new used one week 3pt hitch cost 125 will sell for 75 phone 6195920 after 530 pm d6 loader 2 x yard bucket loader overhauled motor undercarriage in good condi tion stouffville area call colled tor 635 1785 week ends 6102638 used mm model 7 tractor live pto hydraulic with 2- row cultivator massey fer guson 65 tractor 1 david brown 950 diesel tractor 1 cockshutt 510 4row corn planter 1 cockshult 13 disc harrow 1 glenroe 15 cul tivator reesor farm ser vice 8875265 42 livestock for sale man for manufacturing pallets ratcllff lumber sio 2351 mechanically minded men wanted apply stouff- ville machine tool work i 6101412 or 6402384 23tf i clerk typist required for purchasing a traffic departments applicants must have grade 12 education and accurate typing excellent working conditions and full range of employee benefits please apply to the personnel deit chesebrough ponds canada ltd 2971010 33 trucks for sale ton gmc stake truck a good farm truck 8s81975 2 young springers 610 3807 close yorkshire sows bred 11 weeks 6103682 12 9weekold pigs o mcquay call 2971989 after 6 pm palamino stallion stand ing at stud donald hunter rr2 seagravc 9857877 4r9 voice is this the wea ther bureau how about a i- shnwer tnninhf a sron sturdy yearling shower tonight i pony palomino markings rorccaster don t ask quiet well manneied yea- me if you need one take man 10th une cedar grove it i 2910516