buttonville his tory was made at button- ville airport thursday afternoon when mrs rose mary rathgeb became the first woman to fly in a gas filled balloon in canada mrs rathgeb accompan ied her husband charles vlad kavan the only cana dian to hold a balloon pilots license and the bal loon designer horst has- sold mr rathgeb is presi dent of canadian corn- stock the flight the first for the balloon club of canada was planned for a three hour duration at a height of 2500 feet the group hoped to reach the north side of lake simcoe before setting down only a few people were on hand to see the group take off but before leaving they were presented with 2 bottles of champagne to celebrate the event in the workmen are seen here attaching the basket pre paratory to taking the four people aloft twentyfive thousand cubic feet of gas was required to fill bal loon and is the only one of its type in canada the craft is valued at approxi mately 5000 more education cost relief minister of education william davis ruled late thursday afternoon that a new and more generous in terpretation of his recently announced education sub sidy would be applied throughout the province the new subsidy will mean a reduction of the education levy in york county of approximately 735000 early interpretation of the statement made in the legislature by the minister april 24 respecting the in creased subsidy for educa tion costs had proved dis appointing to the york county board of education however there were two possible interpretations of the statement one in terpretation in which all calculations are made on provincial equalized mill rates would have tended to give some relief to municipalities where the increased mill rate was the result of joining a system with increased educational services this would have given york county a subsidy of about 285000 the other interpretation in which calculations are made in local mills in ad dition to the above gives substantial relief to those municipalities where in creased mill rates were mainly the result of chang es in the provincial factors used to equalize assess ment the york county board mounted a determined ef fort to have the second method of calculation ac cepted since it gives york county ratepayers an ad ditional 450000 approxi mately for a total subsidy of about 745000 and was consequently gratified to learn of the ministers lat est ruling the police are looking for this man markham the o- pp working in close co operation with markham village police are step ping up their search for a man wanted for ques tioning regarding the re cent bank robbery at the royal bank of canada markham on apr 17 the wanted man is be lieved to be 1s20 years of age a composite drawing is published in the tri bune at the request of the police any person in possesion of information regarding this wanted person or cir cumstances surrounding the commission of this of fence should communi cate immediately with the nearest police authority or director central re cords and communica tions branch opp tor onto ontario wanted for questioning by police male white 18- 20 years 5 8 51i me dium build medium com plexion brown hair dark eyes grey ivy league cap dark blue waist length jacket with zippcrcd front blue jeans refuses to vote markham town after hearing council ar gue the pros and cons of having a new fence by law mayor alma walker told the members that she would use the power giv en to her by the munici pal act and refuse to vote on the matter councillor bud bonner in introducing the new by law stated that there had been a few changes re garding the type of fence that would be required around a swimming pool he went on to say that where the old bylaw re stricted fencing to two types the new law would read linch chain link fence or a fence of the same height 4 ft and strength with the equiv alent degree of safety mayor walker asked councillor bonner who was going to approve that such a fence was erected mr bonner told the mayor that it was stated in the new bylaw that this was to be the job of the building inspector we should lay down a guide for him he replied cont page 10 involved in fatal accident claremont bill payne formerly of this village was seriously in jured in a railway acci dent in northern ontario in which three other workmen were killed the four railway em ployees were riding on a jigger which was in col lision with an s4ar freight train the accident occurred in an isolated part of the country and it was some time before the dead and injured could be removed mr pavne is presently in the south porcupine hospi tal little change in rates whitchurch there will be little change in the general tax rate for t h e township council agreed on tuesday night although the board of education levy has not yet been received the gen eral rates for township purposes were adopted for 1969 the residential rate will be 3187 mills as against 3157 last year the commercial rate will be 3607 as against 3624 in 1968 vol 80 no 51 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridge oxt thursday may 22 1969 15 cents little opposition to boards i proposed changes in town plan consider new meter rates for water open new areas for industry commerce housing stouffville about thirty ratepayers crowded into the municipal chambers on thursday night to hear and discuss with the planning board proposed changes in the town plan little opposi tion was expressed the changes will open up new areas in industrial commercial and housing and will provide a much greater variety for development only positive opposition was expressed by soli citor paul mingay representing mr ross hether- ington who desired to have his clients land zoned for commercial rather than industrial mr mingay told the board that he believed that if the predicted population changes were fulfilled some commercial in this area would appear to be required in his opening remarks chairman wm kamps said that there had not been an amendment to the official plan since 1963 of any significance growth had been steady since then in line with the forecast made at the time of annexation a population of 7500 to 8000 was envisaged by 1980 mr kamps continued that during the last two or three years there had been increased interest by de velopers and the new city proposal on the eastern side of themunicipality would have a great impact on the development of the village raise population prediction the chairman said that the board now believed that the plan should be prepared to accommodate 12- to 14000 people together with increased areas for industrial and commercial purposes he also pointed out that the board was aware of the fact that no further subdivision would be approved until the sewage treatment plan is expanded both plan ning board and council he said appeared to be of one mind to the effect that any expansion to the plant would be paid for by future developers much land being held most of the open land still left within the village limits is now held by developers and draft plans covering almost 400 acres of this land have been be fore the board under the proposed changes lands adjacent to the new tech cable co plant will be held for industrial development but the parcel of land on the north side of the highway and west of patrick motors will be come commercial property consideration according to the chairman is be ing given to deleting the 100 acres on the west sidj of the 9th now industrial leaving as agricultural until some future date farms on the outskirts near st marks school the lehman farm on the north and harper farm on the south side would all be residential property eastern development rapidly expanding plans on the east side of the village have indicated to the board that 60 acres in the northeast corner of the village should be placed in the industrial category in addition this former turner farm would have 50 acres of residential land with a small new commercial area being established reeve ken laushway told the meeting that this northeast industrial area would possibly be used by a number of feeder plants which will be moving here as suppliers for the ccm plant on the oppo site side of the road denise h o 1 d e n 114 church st stouffville ont secretarial science graduate was among more than 1200 students receiving diplomas from pres f c jorgenson at the spring convocation at ryerson polytechnical in stitute toronto mrs ross winterstein friends will regret to learn that mrs ross win- terstein rose ave stouff ville passed away in ux- bridge hospital on tues may 20 funeral will be conducted friday after noon from stouffville un ited church antique store stouffville mrs ethel mole of rose ave and her sister mrs norma carey are planning to open an antique store in the lower floor of the village mall on main st stouff ville mrs mole told the tri bune that preparations are underway and it is hoped to have the store open early in june the store will operate under the name pears and plain the couple would be pleased to hear from any one who has antiques for sale grade 8 diploma york county the york county board of education has authorized the director of education to prepare a york county board of education diplo ma for presentation to students completing a course of study in the pub lic schools and who are eligible for admission to a program offered in a se condary school in york county stouffville new water rates for industrial purposes are being con sidered bv the puc and a new scale is to be pre sented to council for ap proval the secretary advised the commission most industrial rates nearby were 50c per thousand gallons stouffvilles rate hither to has been 25c per thou sand the new rates being recommended to council will be 45c for the first thousand 35c for 25000 to 50000 and 30c for any thing in excess of 50000 the minimum charge would be s25 more service some steps will be tak en to facilitate the pay ing of puc accounts by making them payable at some other location in town besides the puc office a number of com plaints have been receiv ed regarding the office being closed arrears the commission spent some time at the last meeting discussing the question of hydro arrears and the procedure of cut ting off the power the secretary produced a list of some thirty accounts in arrears only one of this number was owed bv a resident on welfare and reeve ken laushway ad vised that a welfare re cipient received an allow ance of s8 to cover such accounts the reeve also com mented that discretion should be exercised where there were child ren in the home as it was not intended that the puc should cause any hardship family life walk unionville stouffville and markham markham a family life walk is being organ ized by the markham jay- cees to cover a distance of 20 miles markham to unionville to stouffville and back to markham the walkers are sched uled to leave the mark ham arena at 830 am on june 14 tony holmes of the jaycees announced plans for the walk this week after getting all the or ganizational work well under way thev invite the young the old and the inbetween to note this date and line up their sponsors official entrv forms and full details on the walk will be available shortly all proceeds from the walk will go to the fam ily life centre of mark ham region the centre provides programs of family life education al one with counselling to help people with marri age personal or family problems it is a nonpro fit community service that is supported bv more than two dozen organiza tions and groups many pay tribute to young businessman stouffville hundreds of local people paid their respects on fri day to the late neal card who was killed in a tra gic motor accident in toronto he was in his 25th year to accommodate the large number of people the service was moved into the united church to be conducted by rev j mcbride of brampton presbyterian church deceased was a son of mr and mrs mervyn card and was a partner in cards dominion a hardware business here in hisearly years he at tended strcetsville high school and had been in brampton for 14 years prior to coming to stouff ville he was a former man ager of a bartlctt shoe store and had spent his time solely in the retail business besides his parents he is survived by one bro ther graydon as a young man he was interested in sport car racing and was a member of the bp car club the vast array of floral tributes bore testimony to the extent of the sym pathy of the community the pallbearers were ernest johnson don finch chris simpson doug seaborne john bartlctt and don doner interment was in the stouffville ccmeterv grand opening sale trudy cadicux 18 and in annual spring prom friday stouffville queen and her court grade 13 is the new queen of stouffville dit secondary school she was elected her attendants are marlcne storry 18 left and sue jones 18 from five finalists at the staff photo stouffville this thursday friday and sat urday card dominion hardware will hold a grand opening sale the sale marks a change in name for the hardware formerly hcndricks and the association with dominion hardware ac ross the country the store on main st is loaded with special features for this big event and major advertising announcements appear on pages 7 and 18 of this is sue in addition to other special announcements