thursday may 8 1969 the tribune page 9 walter atkinson no stranger to the auctioneers stand accepts bids on a horse ridden by 11 year old margaret doerlng rr 2 sunderland at the sat urday afternoon livestock auction hwy 47 horse and pony auctions will be held through to fall in a specially constructed outside ring east of the main sales barns the attraction something new in stouffville drew a large crowd and bidding was brisk the clerk is mrs andrea newlove staff photo pony auction proves popular stouffville once an obscure sales sideline ponies and rid ing horses have captur ed a share of the auc tion audience at stouff ville stockyards limit ed north of town for the first time since its opening an outside ring has been set up exclusively for horses its official open ing saturday attracted a large crowd and bid ding was brisk it will be continued throughout the good weather months it was appropriate that two of the original sales auctioneers wal ter atkinson stouffville and gordon sellers agincourt should parti cipate in the program along with art wood and ralph faulkner no strangers to ring circles mrs andrea newlove main street stouffville served as clerk there were 34 entries all shapes and sizes pony prices ranged from 50 to 90 plea sure riding horses rang ed from 100 to 160 with the top sale at 235 one horse took a bid of 370 but its owner held out for 400 he refused to let her go for less you can clean up this bunch for pennies a day with a cascade electric water heater in the house tubs showers laundry dishwashing whenever you need hot water you get it fast your hydro xic stouffville public utilities commission main west stouffville 6401902 f cascade 40 units installed by ross hetherington custom home and industrial electric wiring stouffville phone 6402033 f malcolm allbright heads corn club one voice for all farmers ontario cty for the past fifteen years grain corn growers in on tario county have organiz ed and carried through to completion a very success ful high yield corn club this club has for its ob jective 100 bushels of shel led corn per acre the winner of the 1968 competition was bob hun ter brooklin rr 1 with a yield of 1455 bushels per acre bruce oldham mount albert rr 3 was second with a yield of 1375 bushels contestants may select any variety they wish they may utilize any means to secure the highest possible yield from the three acres they use for their compe tition anyone interested in joining this high yield club for 1969 should send their application together with a 400 membership fee to the department of agricul ture and food office ux- bridge by june 1 the officers and com mittee for 1969 are chairman malcolm allbright balsam vice- chairman don dunkeld claremont rr 2 secre tarytreasurer lynn fair uxbridge committee members jack morgan claremont bert lewis stouffville rr 3 murray dunkeld claremont rr 2 albert foster clare mont rr 2 don dunkeld claremont rr 2 paul meyer claremont rr 3 paul wellman claremont rr 2 malcolm allbright balsam carman boadway mount albert rr 3 bob hunter brooklin rr 1 frank hendy potato club chairman ontario cty a number of ontario county potato growers met in the department of agriculture and food office uxbridge april 30 for the purpose of reorganizing the 500 bushel potato club for 1969 this club was organ ized in 1945 and has car ried out a successful com petition each year eigh teen potato growers com pleted this high yield club in 1968 the winner of the 1968 competition was ches lun- ney zephyr with an esti mated yield of 830 bushels per acre the average esti mated yield for all eighteen growers in the 1968 com petition was 549 bushels contestants may use any recommended potato var iety they wish and they may use any means at their disposal to secure the high est possible yield from the one acre they have enter ed in the competition anyone interested in joining this high yield po tato club for 1969 should send his application to gether with a 400 mem bership to the department of agriculture and food office uxbridge by june the officers and com mittee for 1969 are chairman frank hendy claremont rr 1 vicechairman bill lockie zephyr secretary h l fair uxbridge committee members walter kerry port perry rr 1 bill lockie zephyr albert hockley claremont rr 1 murray crone mount albert rr 3 ches oldham zephyr richard colwell claremont rr 1 frank hendy claremont rr 1 ivan norton good wood rr 1 judge dairy cows brougham the brougham 4h dairy calf club met april 17 at the farm of murray and don dunkeld claremont rr 2 there were eighteen members in attendance the meeting was opened by paul hulshof club leader frank bar- key instructed the boys on the proper method of judging dairy cattle he was introduced by the as sistant agricultural repre sentative ken wilson a a wall york cty in the next month or two an is sue of crucial importance to every farmer in york county has to be settled its about the kind of or ganization that will repie- sent the farm industry for at least the next twenty years if enough people 15000 sign a petition asking for a vote to establish one farm organization then a vote for all farmers their wives and family members over 21 will be held probably in june in my opinion fanners in york should be lining up to sign this petition the decision by this vote is the ultimate in democracy its one of the rare occasions when every individual has a chance to express his opinion its a sad fact though that at meetings ive been at in york where the petition has been pre sented the reaction has been one of indifference if you have opinions or preferences on what farm organizations should do then get a hold of any di rector of either the federa tion of agriculture or the farmers union and sign the petition this week if you dont care at all then dont bother while im at it i msy as well say that i think the general farm organization should be voted in this is a personal opinion only be cause we in the depart ment have not been asked to take a stand one way or the other my main reason is that agriculture desperately needs to be well organized if its going to be healthy need extra seed i make it funksgii donald dunkeid 1 rjb 2 claremont ont phone 6495110 government aid maple syrup industry for some it has been a family tradition to head for the sugar bush when the saps about to run to tap the sugar maples many old timers have re collections of standing on a country road and from one spot being able to see steam rising from half a dozen or more sugar houses its not so today many maple woodlots have been cut over and many no longer produce maple syrup the mcst important reason for the decline is the difficulty in obtaining seasonal help and subse quent high labour costs many who attempted to stick with the old methods of handling and processing maple syrup were forced to cease operations for these reasons also the maple operation has tradi tionally been a family operation but today the sons and daughters leave home for school or em ployment in cities in 1966 the ontario de partment of lands and for ests ard the ontario de partment of agriculture and food recognizing the rapid decline in maple syrup production joined forces to provide assistance and incentive to revitalize ontarios maple industry a maple syrup specialist walter humphreys of bar- rie ontario was appointed by the department of agri culture and food numer ous meetings were held throughout southern on tario resulting in the for mation of the ontario maple syrup producers as sociation fortunately in recent years more efficient equip ment for handling and pro cessing maple syrup has been produced this equip ment enables the producer to streamline his operation reduce labour required and spread the work over a longer period new oil fired deep flue evaporators handling boil ing much quicker and re quire less attention use of taphole paraformaldehyde pellets enable producers to tap trees before the sap flow season with the as surance that the first as well as the last run of sap will be obtained plastic tubing can be set up to con vey the sap directly from the bush to the evaporator house thus eliminating the daily labour requirement of collecting sap from buckets capital grants and in terest free loans are now available to maple sugar producers in ontario who wish to establish or im prove a maple operation rely on your pharmacist badger barn cleaner no 1 unmatched quality s th 56c transmission with its thick heavy gears and giant semisteel main casting the rugged longlasting drop forged cham the box beam construction of the elevator engi peered to handle biggest loads longest barns expertly installed oyj your badger specialist laakes things aeit claude kerr 6401375 kinci fill up our list of m customers is on the rise because our fine oil does don shank fuels 243 slain n markluun 2941600 call any time free delivery your registered phar macist compounds pre- seriptions accurately according to your doc tors orders count on him widdifield drug store stouffville plaza 6402700 open daily including mon 9 am to 9 pm sat till 6 pm and sun afternoons j uj n i kq wksfc uou smte ov family food favourites red white food stores fortune brafla 45 2801 tin soups cash your 7c coup fct cream style corn tsoisfiieen beans iss beans 1 mlmicio cl halo shampoo cts45 no mi io off pack colgate 100 m 55 st lawrence corn oil save 20c atffe best buv1 neilsons chocolate bars feature 2lb plaihc tub honey girl golden sb f creamed honey 59 save 17c 48ox tin brights brand fa f m m tomato juice 265 kit lutt savf lit ftecliuui t k00l- aid soft drink powders 10 49 mi iuti avt ut mj eruo lancia macaroni spaghetti 39 best buy free stereo colour slide in 111 the tea that dares 79 feature sore 13c 15ox tint york beef or irish stews 269 best buy reg 2 for 65c 3c oh pock ilb parchment monarch margarine 249 99c value bonus pack jlb free 2alb tin hersheys chocolate 79 dec 39c 3c oil pack mb pig fluff0 shortening 33 save loel ground to vour tastei coffee 73 red white llb bug rurutit ram intra mixed vegetables 2f47 mnmli mucatuv rvouna io r libbys brussel sprouts 35c 47c save 6cl sandwich glad bags so to a pkg 3 3c save 6cl glad wrap 100 ft roil 33c feature dulcet light meat tuna flakes 249c freseh1 for healtik doz 49c juicy sunkist oranges barlinka grapes n 39 sweet tender olvin urge cob no 1 6 49c 1 turkeys fresh never frozen canada grade a eviscerated broiler size 6 ro 10 lb ovr lb torn noaio mo cvia cottage rolls 69c skinless wieners 49c vta tmh uiu rt or ooait rif im tmh wuu rw cm- oait 11 w lamb-in- abasket 29c mjtt v4d maioaco co polish sausage 69c fitj schells red white stouffville where friendly people save you more open every thurt t fri night until 9 pm si z ui co x z o hi i b 2 1 1