page 18 the tribune thursday apr 10 1969 road blocked lor arthur king they probably left the doors open a change in the weather made it impossible to move the building across the softened fields and it remains at the edge of the road until further move ment is possible the reeve said that putting it mildly engin eer poul poulsson was up set about the blockage of the road pickering twp pickering council has tabled a resolution to move barns from the parkin estate at kinsale to the museum grounds until they have an exact statement of how it is going to be done they dont wish to ac cept liability for the move reeve john williams said that he was disturb ed about the moving of the whitevale masonic hall and the fact that it had to remain on the al- tona road overnight oh well said council- noise proves nothing often a hen who has mere- 3 ly laid an egg cackles as if s she had laid an asteroid 3 notice to of the town residents of markham for your information the following bylaws are now effective particular attention should be given to the requirements of the swimming pool bylaw charles e reeve bylaw enforcement officer the corporation of the town of markham bylaw number 1396 a bylaw regulating the construction of fences around outdoor swimming pools whereas section 379 1 23 of the munici pal act rso 1960 chapter 249 and amendments thereto authorizes councils of municipalities to pass bylaws for the health safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality and whereas the council of the corpora tion of the town of markham deems it necessary and expedient to pass a bylaw requiring the fenc ing of all outdoor swimming pools now therefore the council of the corporation ofthe town of markham enacts as follows 1 in this bylaw a privately owned outdoor swimming pool means any body of water located outdoors above or below grade on privately owned property contained by artificial means and used or operated for the purposes of swim ming diving or bathing 2 a privately owned swimming pool shall have a fence erected and maintained around such pool that will reasonably deter any child from gaining entry into the fenced area of the pool such fence shall be erected five feet or more from the water contained in such pool such fence shall be of a height of at least four feet and shall be con structed of the following materials a one and onehalf inch chain link type wire fence or b plastic or fiberglass panels of riged con struction not less than oneeighth inch thick all fences shall be erected on steel posts not more than eight feet apart with steel cross bars top and bottom plans and specifications of such fences shall be submitted for approval to the building inspector of the town of markham nothing in this section shall prevent the use of an outside wall or walls of a building located on the same property as one or more sides of the said fence or part thereof provided however that suoh wall or walls shall not have an entrance within the pool area 3 any gate in such fence shall be of a similar or other adequate design to the fence and shall be equipped with a lock and shall be locked at all times except when the fencedin area is actually being used by the owner of the property on which it is located or the owners duly authorized agents 4 the owner or owners of the lands upon which any swimming pool is constructed shall be re sponsible for the construction maintenance andor compliance with the provisions of this bylaw 5 any person convicted of a breach of any pro vision of this bylaw shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting judge a penalty not exceeding exclusive of costs the sum of three hundred dollars 30000 for such offence 6 bylaw 1224 of the corporation of the town of markham is hereby repealed 7 this bylaw shall be effective on the date of the final passing thereof read a first and second time and passed in open council this 17th day of march 1969 a m walker mayor h l graham clerk the corporation of the town of markham bylaw number 1397 a bylaw regulating the height and description of lawful fences whereas the ontario municipal act section 379 18 permits councils of local municipalities to pass bylaws for prescribing the height and description of lawful fences and whereas the council of the corpora tion of the town of markham deems it desirable to prescribe the height and description of lawful fences for residential property zoned residential class 1 2 and 3 within the meaning of the muni cipal zoning bylaws now therefore the council of the corporation of the town of markham enacts as follows 1 for the purpose of this bylaw the definition and interpretation of a fence shall include any structure of posts boards palings rails or wire or other materials used for fences or any combi nation thereof installed constructed erected or otherwise used to indicate property limits such use being deemed to be a line fence 2 no person shall erect have permit or main tain upon residential property a fence greater than fortyeight inches in height provided that this restriction shall not apply where such fence is contiguous to a nonresidential property and also the restriction shall not apply to any fence erected greater than four feet from any side or real pro perty line and not closer to the street line than the rear main wall of any dwelling erected on the said lot 3 nothing in this bylaw shall be deemed to replace or rescind the provisions of any bylaw setting out the requirements for fence around swimming pools 4 any person convicted of a breach of any provision of this bylaw shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting judge a penalty not exceeding exclusive of costs the sum of three hundred dollars 30000 for each offence 5 bylaw number 1173 of the corporation of the town of markham is hereby repealed read a first second and third time and passed this 17th day of march 1969 a m walker mayor h u graham cleric at s d s s the unlonvllle figure skating club carnival april 18 19 and 20 will feature as part of its pro- h gram the onice version of snow white and the i seven dwarfs the lead role is played by debbl 3 jones and michael bradley canadian novice 3 i pairs champions of 1968 staff photo llllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllmllllllllmlllllllllllmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillmlllllllllli coffee house party by dianne davis whitchurch twp the first coffee house party to be held at the whitchurch centennial centre is planned for april 24 the chief organizer is rick radford special guest soloist will be folksinger randy reed the youth club headed by president sherry gam ble held a very successful dance friday music was provided by the strange beings the next dance is april 18 the guitar club is back to normal with gatherings every sunday at the home of jim wong cherry street the time is 1 pm and admission 25c judo classes begin april 12 junior instruction is at 1 and 3 pm on april 13 senior classes are schedul ed for the ladies at 1 pm and for the men at 3 pm the chief instructor is jim wong cherry street the winners in the week ly euchre april 1 2will be published in next weeks report tffrt ov why settle for less this major canadian trust company federally incorporated and supervised pays the highest interest on savings your balance grows faster at guaranty guaranty trust company of canada capital and reserve 33000000 44 yoofc st a richmond hut w11m physical education program by j h rehill phys ed instructor stouffville in part i of this series the five aims of the physical education course at sd- ss were outlined to carry out these aims the program is divided into three sections these sections are instruc tional students at s dss are required to take three physical edu cation classes and one health class in a sixday cycle a boy taking the 4year course is instructed in the following cross- countrv running soccer volleyball basketball weight training wrestl ing gymnastics lacrosse track and field orienteer ing circuit training dance square and social golf rugger badminton tennis floor hockey and archery a girl takes the follow ing soccer volleyball gymnastics basketball fundamental movement creative dance folk danc es track and field ten nis golf badminton ar chery and field hockey intramural program at sdss each student is placed in one of four houses for he purpose of intramural athletic competion this includes twentytwo activities swimming european handball field hockey girls golf cross coun try soccer tugowar volleyball floor hockey boys basketball push ball table tennis wrestl ing bovs bowling curl ing billiards gymnastics peg board badminton archerv lacrosse track and field interschool program stouffville teams have competed in all parts of the province and quebec over the years in various sports this year is no exception our program now is even better since more staff members have vol unteered to coach school teams we will have entries in the following sports by the end of the school year five volleyball teams coed six basketball teams coed a wrestl ing team badminton team coed golf team boys four crosscoun try teams coed track and field team coed hockey team and lacrosse team boys daffodil tea a daffodil tea sponsor ed by the stouffville branch of the canadian cancer society will be held thursday april 17 from 230 to 5 pm at the home of mrs blair mit chell 47 orchard park boulevard ladies of the village are invited to at tend admission is 50c what causes accidents wg- the latest report of the travelers insurance company on highwav accidents involving personal injury in the united states points an accusing finger at motorists who break the traffic laws over 80 percent of all accidents occurred in dear weather on dry pavements 15 percent on wet pave ments and five percent in fog snow or ice while weather conditions were largely ideal 39sv of drivers exceeded the speed limit 154 were driving recklessly u3te failed to concede the right of way 131 drove on the wrong side of the road and 132 drove off the roadway two percent of drivers were guilty of passing on the wrong side and 3 of cutting in and passing on a curve or hill the worst day for accidents was saturday with friday and sunday next in that order the safest day of the week was tuesday the hour between 500 and 600 pm was the worst hour for accidents the next worst was be tween 400 and 500 pm and the best hour 600 to 700 am twentyfive percent of the deaths and 28 of the injuries occurred between the hours of 400 and 800 pm the largest percentage of deaths and injuries occurred in the age bracket from 20 to 35 years and of the total of 52200 killed in the year 9500 were pedestrians careful driving obviously means carefully ob serving the traffic laws markham chrysler dodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd phone 29441 1 1 save on prescriptions low prescription prices always at guardian wilkiuson with the purchase of a 7 oz shove cream it 89 for a total of 99 polarptd compact uqqlist99f giant hbmhby comfffl 12 suqqlistf2s uwder3 tolbtribs j 3uoo list 107 9iqz our choice- immim 22oz quqqlk1l69 i paradichlor 2 lb benzene crystals moth balls w t or flakes y 44 parazene moid mint f m mt 1xd momwuo x lor ft ft tfwjmjusta fiwsfoim special saw values cheskour weekiyspesw wo drug store open daily including monday 9am to 9pm sat till 6 pm and sun afternoons k stouffville plaza 6402700 k benjamin a moored paints h0lden paint wallpaper 134 main st n markham 7 9 4 1 3 3 s mmmmmm color or bw tv radio stereo hifi if its sound equipment well fix it right we guarantee it tv electronics 58 main wett stouffville phone 6402440