page 12 the tribune thursday apr 31969 phone 6402100 today wribum tulghih classified ads v the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district wht brtbune classified advertising rates articles for sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cah rat cc pr word 1st wek sc lira foni wk wllk miririii f llii for is 4 lat iih for nuhitin waka mc additional will be charged for use of a box number notices coming events cards of thanks cc a word with a rninlranra of iljs births engagements marriages deaths ft a word with minimum of i1js in mehoriams ii2s ralblmnm for 4lin ter plaa 50c fo- each additional 4linc tcrac display classified 1112 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional canaccn- tlc insertion at iuz per inch all classified ads must be in this office not later than 1 pm tncadar send cash or money order phone cio2100 clip thlo oat for reference l announcements 1 coming events euchre at cedar grove school mon apr 7 at 830 euchre altona commun ity centre mon apr 7 830 everyone welcome euchre hit zion commun ity centre fri apr 4 830 everyone welcome euchre goodwood hall loba april 9th at 815 sharp admission 50c lunch served euchre in st marks school april 3 at 8 pm for stouffville drum bugle corps stouffville skating club annual ice revue fri day april 11th saturday april 12th 800 pm stouff ville arena legion bingo in veterans hall stouffville every sat night at 8 pm cash prizes 2 jackpots admission 75c proceeds for veterans wel fare 14tf bingo claremont legion hall every monday night cash prizes share the wealth top line and jackpot plus 5000 jackpot goes every night time 800 pm admission 50c 30tf blanket notice anyone wishing to send old woollen or cotton rags and get new wool blankets rugs socks sheets and spreads have rags and money at mrs e j stickleys by april 18th phone 8875507 442 in the town hall at good wood easter sunday april 6 at 3 pm come and hear mr fred smith of goodwood tell how he was converted to the lord jesus christ just one year ago what god hath done for others he can do for you 432 special easter musicale in stouffville district high school auditorium on good friday evening april 4 8 pm featuring 37 voice em manuel bible college choir plus quartets trios duets solos accordion saxophone piano everyone is invited to attend this night of good music 423 at home mr and mrs george me- ilroy 41 cameron st pick ering village will be at home to their relatives and friends in the christian education centre pickering united church on saturday april 12 1969 230 to 500 pm and 700 to 900 pm on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary the richmond hill antique market richmond hill lions hall 106 centre st east richmond hill sun april 6th the first sunday of every month mrs green 873957 3631509 indoor swimming you are welcome to join us for indoor swimming at slaters pool at vandorf every saturday between the hours of 200 pm to 400 pm this project is sponsor ed by whitchurch centen nial centre all are welcome admission 25c per person age 1 to 12 years 50c for teenagers and adults 32tf pickering progressive conservative party reception spring dance at the annandale golf club on fri april 11 1969 reception at 8 pm door prizes buffet lunch ticket- s2j0 ea 2 births mr and mrs ronald hut chinson are happy to an nounce the birth of their son bryan keith 8 lbs 15 ozs march 12 1969 at scarboro centenary hospital special thanks to dr petrie saunders douglas and sharon nee mclean are pleased to announce the ar rival of a daughter lisa marie sister for lee anne mon march 8 at york coun ty hospital all well smith ross and judy nee stapley happily an nounce the birth of their son james ross march 25 1969 at new mount sinai hospital a grandson for mr and mrs robert stapley and mrs margaret smith 4 marriages mccallum holden on fri march 28 1969 at 7 pm rexdaie united church chapel diane louise daugh ter of mr and mrs harry holden to gordon frank mccallum 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks bingham in loving mem ory of my dear husband who passed away a year ago on the 29th of march gone but not forgotten sadly missed by his wife mrs hugh bingham bingham in memory of a dear father fatherinlaw and grandfather hugh bing ham gone but not forgotten 1 year ago on the 29th of march son joseph daughterinlaw jean and grandchildren bingham in loving mem ory of my grandfather hugh who passed away mar 29 1968 we often think of days gone by when we were all together a shadow oer our lives has cast our loved ones gone forever sadly missed by his grandson hugh and wife and great grandchildren freel in loving mem ory of herbert b freel who passed away suddenly april 9 1968 remembrance keeps him near wife bette king in loving memory of our dear son floyd grant king who passed away on mar 30 1963 the depths of sorrow we can not tell of the loss of one we loved so well and while he sleeps a peace ful sleep his memory we shall always keep lovingly remembered by his mom and dad slack in loving memory of our parents sophy and louis slack who passed away dec 23 1957 and april 4 1962 when a family chain is broken nothing seems the same but as god calls us one by one we will link that chain again ever remembered by the family slack in loving mem ory of our parents sophy louis slack who passed away dec 23 1957 and apr 4 1962 they have gone across the river to the shores of ever green and we long to see their dear faces but the river flows between some day sometime we shall sec the faces we loved so well some day well clasp their loving hands and never say farewell ever remembered by the family we would like to thank our friends and relatives for the lovely cards sent to us on our 45th wedding anniversary they were appreciated very much erma george johnson we wish to thank all our neighbors and friends who so willingly helped as before and during the day of our sale it was very much ap preciated gertie macdowcll family i wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for their cards flowers gifts and visits to me while in hospital all was very much appreciated robert bruce i would like to say thank you to relatives friends and neighbors for beautiful birth day cards phone calls flow ers a gift of a chair and foot stool given by the family birthday party with miss jane burkitt it being her birthday also given by the ladlees bridge club relatives who called in the evening mrs james ridout our heartfelt thanks to all our neighbors relatives ard friends who through kind thoughtful deeds messages of sympathy donations to the heart foundation ex pressed their concern during the recent loss of our beloved son brother lewis wells many thanks all was so very much appreciated blanche wells allin grant relta vera phyllis 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for their kind expression of sym pathy floral tributes cards and letters in the passing of a beloved wife and mother special thanks to rev lin- stead also the ucw for serving lunch jake taylor and family 12 agent properties 12 agent properties the family of the late will iam e barkey wish to ex press their sincere thanks to relatives and friends for their acts of kindness floral tri butes and words of sympathy in the loss of a brother and uncle our thanks also to rev huson for his consoling words and the oneill fun eral home for efficient ser vice the family clayton g hogg ltd real estate business opportunities on no 9 highway clifford 2000 sq ft floor space with new front excel lent location for any busi ness new bathroom on second floor beautiful liv ing quarters 7 rooms all beautifully decorated with panelling hardwood and til ed floors 4pc bath a real opportunity to start your own business call 3383729 i would like to express my sincere thanks and apprecia tion to relatives friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes messages of sympathy in the loss of my dear husband lewis to rev carder for his kind condol ences the oneill funeral home for their kind services and a very sincere thanks to marie and wes jack for tak ing me to the hospital and standing by to verna tarr for her kind help in every way also a very sincere thanks to mr aiken and friends where i work for their kindness and under standing they have given me since lewis illness to the neighbors and the welcome rebekah lodge who provided and served lunch a sincere thanks to you all eileen wells real estate clifford industrial property 2400 sq ft of floor space on first floor suitable for light industry also 400 sq ft of storage space on second floor heavy wiring 15ft ceilings and large sliding doors at tached living quarters with all conveniences and in good repair call 3383729 in clifford area summer property 98 acres good trout stream also small spring stream length of pro perty good barn with steel roof implement shed 48 acres of cedar and soft wood bush remainder under culti vation priced 1500000 call 3383729 107 acres near wroxeter good farm ing land bank barn im plement shed and hog pen in good repair well fenced and highway property also has 6 room red brick house in good shape with new oil furnace priced to sell 2100000 call 3383729 8 houses for sale house for sale uxbridge 1500 down 125 monthly strictly private contact owner 6404623 stouffville village rose ave new 3 bedroom backsplit home 1300 sq ft double garage on fully ser viced treed lot fully decor ated ready to move in ph 2943406 private sale la acre beautifully treed property immaculate 2 bedroom house plus one bedroomden natur al fireplace garage valuable residential commercial land asking 25900 call j holt 6403069 stouffville cosy in- sul brick 3 bedroom separ ate dining room home new oil furnace and 2 car garage with storage space at rear located on a quiet street close to main st and shop ping estate sale phone 6495931 422 open house 406 friend ship ave west rouge pickering only 2900000 lovely 2 yr old bungalow with attached garage 3 ige bedrooms and family size kitchen canada permanent trust realtor call phyllis hamade 7510611 res 266- 0649 442 10 farms for sale rent wanted good pasture with creek and shade near claremont available about 30 head of cattle 6492177 pasture for rent water good fences 4th cone pick ering after 600 phone 942- 1247 442 10 acres or more wanted radius no 7 hwy no 48 hwy good cash canada permanent trust realtor call phyllis hamade 751- 0611 res 2660649 443 15 v acres altona rd lo cust hill with 2storey frame house asking 65000 canada permanent trust realtor call phyllis ham ade 7510611 res 2660649 443 11 lots for sale wanted 2 building lots 50x100 ad joining central stouftville see and make offer phone 6103063 choice building lot for sale markham village 55x 165 close to schools park shops 2941952 12 agent properties 118 acres clifford area large bank barn 60x72 with straw shed 30x40 silo 12x32 good ce ment stabling and good pro ducing land also on proper ty is large white brick two storey house with all mod ern conveniences priced at 3150000 3383729 harris- ton 150 acres nearly all workable barn 50 ft x 102 ft slatted floor 5 foot pit full length of build ing bulk storage bins with automatic feeding 500 finish ing capacity steel hen house 32 ft x 132 ft cages for 5000 hens automatic waterers semiautomatic feeder red brick house with all conven iences la miles from town on hwy 3435386 540 acres this is an ideal set up for father and son or cash crop farming all good early high producing land 3 large barns 2 modern houses drill ed wells nice location 343- 5386 200 acre dairy farm bank barn 60 x 80 ft 64 tie ups stable cleaner milk house 14x16 ft silo 16x50 ft cement plus silo unloader this is all early open bottom land modern 8 room red brick home and double car garage 3435386 97 acres harriston district new pole barn equipped to handle stocker and feeder cattle just the thing for a cattle dealer newly decorated 6 room yellow brick home with new oil furnace and all con veniences call 3383729 priced at 3600000 100 acres in harriston area large bank barn silo 14 x 40 plus 20 ft of corn ready to feed 6 room insul brick home with new oil furnace bath and conveniences all in good repair excellent farm ing community 3700000 call 3383729 contact hiiliard lett harriston 3383729 florence earl groshaw palmerston 3435386 uxbridge bungalow 3 bedroom brick bungalow attached garage large lot fully serviced finished rec room located in the most desirable part of town close to everything full price 24900 terms markhamstorehouse an excellent main st loca tion ideal for any family commercial enterprise store and huge living quarters at tached 10000 down will handle excellent terms markham industrial 5 acres railway siding 2 family house right in the heart of town zoned indust rial asking 69500 excell ent terms stouffville central s19500 solid brick older 4 bdrm home large living- room and kitchen new mod ern 4 pc bath immediate possession terms call murray sinclair mt albert 50 acres modern 1 a story frame house completely renovated good barn over 800 ft front age asking 38500 excell ent financing gormley 47 acres don mills rd location 2 houses all conveniences ex cellent barn good for horses reasonable terms georgina twr 20 acres scenic bush new furnished 2 bedroom cedar siding cottage hydro and well located on good road school bus route 15500 full terms call enid williams 0103131 2972283 gerry meharr ltd- realtor markham twp 3 bedroom la story frame house located on a pictur esque a acre lot panel jiv ing room hot water heating breezeway and attached gar age nicely landscaped lot asking 35000 terms john m baird ltd realtor 46 main st n markham 2972061 or 2911431 thos n shea ltd realtors 11 offices in this area 6402082 2971180 4 acres whitchurch township desirable lot more than 4 acres on paved road with matured maple trees across the 327 foot frontage price 13500 call cec hendricks investment property pickering township 23300 full price with terms buys house one car garage plus one lot house has 4 bedrooms fireplace large liv ing room details call dave ratcliff horsemans paradise 5 acres claremont featuring 3 barns 6 room house two car garage and five acres on brock road a perfect setting for someone interested in horses or pon ies more detail call cec hendricks whitchurch township two bedroom 10 year old frame bungalow insulated completely furnished drilled well asking 17500 with 5000 down balance 125 monthly call dave fer guson executive type home modern backsplit design with walkout glass doors to patio 4 bedrooms plus a finished family room stone fireplace broadloom 2 car garage one of stouff villes choice homes act fast price 37900 call dave ratcliff central stouffville brick house la storey 2 bedrooms living room with fireplace hot water heating this home is only minutes walking from downtown stores price 21000 call bob dart ringwood bungalow bungalow 5 rooms attach ed garage new heating sys tem large lot comfortable home only 19500 call harry road family home solid brick 4 bedrooms finished third floor attached garage panelled living room with fireplace dining room unique kitchen near schools and shopping price 33000 call cec hendricks pickering township brick bungalow recently built on lot 100 x 210 3 bed rooms large living room modern kitchen finished rec room 8 mortgage price 32500 call dave ratcliff mtjsselmans lake 4 room cottage completely furnished on well treed lot 100xloo separate 1room cabin asking 6900 with half cash call dave fer guson gibson will i ugh by limited finish and save la storey 7 room home needs some work on approx one acre of land in good treed area asking 22000 terms acres of paradise 50 acres of good rolling land in king twp on gravel road asking 1000 per acre with terms we have purchasers but we need the listings if you are thinking of selling call us at no obligation to you for com plete valuation of your pro perty for fast action contact norm cox 4732408 or 8954304 rr 3 stouffville do you want to sell your property if so please give us a call today we have many good prospective buyers looking for farms and homes call or write us today 442 canada permanent trust realtor phyllis hamade 7510611 res 2660649 45 egllnton square egllnton victoria park scarborough vvvvkwvwvvas keith real estate 4 bedroom home on large lot in uxbridge would suit 2 families 10 4 acres 8 miles north of stouffville trout stream with pond site on well treed lot call lillian milne 6492423 local representative nuuwwviwwwvn the youngster advised his younger brother that he could be spared much agony and toil bv refusing to learn to spell the first word the minute you spell cat youre trapped he said after that the words get harder and harder 12 agent properties 7m sb4d23e3 oo 237250q mls realtors want to sell want cash we need your property buyers waiting for houses farms lots acreage with buildings etc hurry call now fast appraisal stouffville 6 room 2 storey home large modern kitchen living room new oil furnace bath 2 car garage etc located on goou size lot on main street ex cellent terms 10 acres claremont area well located near brock rd part bush large frontage on paved road ideal homesite or investment 1990000 terms stouffville 18500 immediate possession on this clean 7 room brick house near centre of town has 3 bright bedrooms modern kit chen bath oil heat etc terms arranged call now markham duplex 29900 2 self contained 4 5 room apts good income 2 4pc baths modern heating sys tem on quiet street close to all services terms arrang ed 95 acres 9500 750 foot paved road frontage 3 ponds 20 acres hardwood bush streams etc ideal for investment and retreat lo cated 6 miles bracebridge woodville area 150 acres of high producing land large brick house 9 rooms bank barn 46x7 2 implement sheds and other buildings 3 wells and pres sure system at present set for beef excellent terms store apartment stouffville 32900 choice location large building with modern store front lot 41x 275 5 room apartment store about 22x23 terms see honesty is our policy courteous service guaranteed stouffvilles own local broker 280 main st west 14 financial and mortgages busi ness opportunities you can make money rais ing chinchillas good mar kets buy from reliable breeders since 1949 stone- house chinchilla rr1 ux bridge 8523389 33tf mortgages we have funds available for first and second mort gages at current rates if a mortgage is the answer to your financial problems a phone call will bring you prompt courteous service if you have a mortgage which you wish to dispose of we can arrange a prompt sale on the best of terms for all mortgage prob lems call 22tf john m baird ltd mortgage broker 46 main st n markham phone 2941431 member of ontario mort gage brokers association need a mortgage funds available for 1st 2nd mortgages we also have clients waiting to puichasc your mortgage on best of terms discuss your needs with us in confidence 43tf gerry meharg ltd realtor 6403131 stouffville plaza member of ontario mortgage brokers association accommodation 18 rooms for rent rooms for 2 roomers or companion ladies or gents 6102037 20 apartments fcr rent 2 bedroom apartment stove and fridge included phone 2944470 22 articles for sale 1000 card tables brand new ss each cash and carry liquidators 336s yonge st 4ss7911 3 bedroom living kitchen 3- piece bathroom private en trance drive available end of april central clare mont 6492s30 sublet large bachelor apartment in toronto near bloor and st george may to september suits 1 or 2 call 6403905 bachelor apartment markham 110 monthly married couple only avail able immediately or june 1 call ron underwood 294- 1040 21 wanted to rent male day worker requires room and board stouffville area phone 2972481 any time lady with teenage daugh ter requires cottage at mus- selmans lake or small house in or around stouffville call toronto 4651838 married couple no child ren want to rent 2 to 3 bed room house or apartment anytime after june 30 stouffville area phone coll ect 7057281589 423 articles 22 articles for sale firewood for sale rat cliff lumber 6402351 433 1 ford 6 cylinder motor in good condition 6403035 68 trail blazer good condi tion phone 6401898 1969 moto ski long track 6041814 fireplaces portable brick flagstone tile lowest prices 7734687 28tf square mesh playpen and danish sofa both in good condition phone 6401754 a dump box and hoist for a single axle truck al condi tion phone 4735162 any time 26 boys ccm imperial bicycle like new accessories lime green 45 or best offer 6402679 500 tweed broadloom rugs 9xl2 brand new 29 each cash and carry liquidators 3368 yonge st 4887911 chrome kitchen suite ped estal table with selfstoring leaf also 1 rotisserie as new 6402027 easter bunnies for sale at the h h rabbitry ger ald henning 9423207 at greenwood bunnies various sizes and colors 423 a threepiece bath fixtures complete with taps fittings 8500 also 1944 set of grol- ier encyclopedia 7500 942- 3137 433 1000 posturpaedic mattress es and box springs single double queen size king size cheap liquidators 3368 yonge st 4887911 auction sale 11 am sat apr 5 household furnish ings good selection new used at 4s auction barn 48 hwy h mile south of markham open dailv 9 to 9 phone 2973696 teach yourself typing learn perfect touch typing at home quickly and easily complete uptodate inst ructions with easytofollow diagrams plus practical ex ercises save your time and money only 150 at the tribune main st stouff ville 17tf buzzsaw chain saw 8 ft steel fence posts refrigerat or new dressers and beds cheap tv swivel chairs tables 6402596 dining room suite includ ing arm chair and 6 chairs frigidaire frig moffat stove all in good condition 640- 4030 pool table and accessories brunswick 4x8 brand new worth 40000 sell for 27500 cash and carry liquidators 3368 yonge st 4887911 brand new vacuum clean ers from 3666 name brands full warranty down town furniture applianc es 42 king st w oshawa 7239341 compressor pump with motor tank and pressure control 5500 also smith roles comet equipment welders compressors fertil izer augers etc murray jones 6495201 special sale of repossessed sewing machines 3 to choose from take over payments 6 to 10 monthly or pay off balance downtown fur niture appliances 42 king st w oshawa 7239341 pumps pressure systems- shallow well deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call bctz construction ph stouff ville 6401424 26tf factory clearance sale drastically cut prices du- mont color tvs from 399 or 10 monthly downtown furniture appliances 42 king st w oshawa 723- 931 19 room board available large room to share with young girl board if requir ed main st markham 291- 0755 whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts and service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 294- 2241 sotf auction sale in the new market sales barn starting time sat apr 5 1 oclock you bring the item and we sell it against 15 located close to corner of davis dr and sharon rd check in time sat morning from 9 am to 12 auctioneer frank braining 3s1 oak st new market 895225 avon calling with new representative for stouffville call her today mrs mann 6403943 east end to baker ave arlenc holden 6401645 baker ave to church st jean smith 2940595 west of church to albert st june hanun 6403438 west of albert st to the ponderosa 442 chest freezers at wholesale price 15 cu ft holds 575 lb 165 crated 20 cu ft holds 690 lb 189 crated 25 cu ft holds 970 lb 215 crated full factory warranty by general freezer the company who leads the field in freezer sales buy at brices bargain barn it will pay you we buy sell or trade all kinds of new and used furni ture and appliances don mills rd queensvllle follow brices burger bar signs north on don mills rd 4784175 42tf mattresses york by bedford spring filled mattresses or boxes 1700 cash carry raymer interiors stouftville 6402092 aluschalmers lawn garden tractors riding mowers power mowers small engine repairs john pugh sales service rr4 stouffville ont phone 8881021 products also on display at freds service centre hwy 48 just north of 47 fhone 6404501 27tf gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune or friendship a practical gift with a lasting useful ness only 100 1tf 54 main street stouitvllle phone 6402100 24 articles to rent adding machines and type writers for rent call tribune office supplies 640- 2100 34tf for rent ladders wall paper steamers paint spray ers by day week month the lang service paint wallpaper store 6 main st west stouffville phone 640- 3231 53tf 28 help wanted female part or full time house keeper required 6403146 waitress and kitchen help for the new buttonvtue countrv club 2971711 but- tonvllle 432 earn s0 to 100 a week plus wardrobe showing our spring fashions at home par ties box 310 442 women willing to work cooking for 50 starting sal ary ss0 weekly claremont nursing home 1 mile west of claremont 649210s 29 help wanted male female cook and waiters wanted apply 2942874 30 sales help wanted male female comm ptg office supplies part time commission selling could be profitable sideline for someone with car having spare time apply to bert jackson plant supt or c h nolan publisher the tribune stouffville 31 employment wanted day care available in my home 6402848 434 man desires employment- light work reply co the tribune box 311 student 17 years old de sires summer employment full or part time 6401736 442 university student de sires full or parttime sum mer employment typing in own home or at office phone 6403582 married pensioner desires fulltime work as caretaker or looking after horses pre fer good house to large wag es apply box 308 eo the tribune stouffville 432 automotive 32 motor cars for sale 1962 vauxhall sedan 6 cyl radio new tires excellent second car 300 6403953 62 chev belair hardtop ex cellent condition 495 640- 4125 67 ambassador sedan v8 automatic guaranteed per fect condition owner has purchased new car 8881148 283 parts 1 distributor with cap and wires one 60 pon- tiac custom pb radio with two speakers 1 pr fender skirts 60 pontiac 1 pr snow tires with extra rim 775x14 gm rim 6403086 for a car today see e j wideman at 48tf markham chrysler dodge ltd 2944111 6403720 before you buy see our fine selection of guaranteed ok used cars and trucks 35tf giles chevolds 6401610 2972391 35 motorcycles for sale 1965 honda 150 cc engine excellent condition phone 4601986 39 boats marine supplies employment 27 help wanted male for sale 14 ft crestllner 28 hp motor tee trailer water skis many extras 800 or best offer 6103371 farming retired farmer for spring tractor work michael lar- kin 2910535 mechanically minded men wanted apply stouff ville machine it tool works 6101412 or 6102581 23tf men to work on golf course phone clarence jones 297- 2828 buttonvlllc golf and country club 442 accommodation fo- one boarder also 1 furnished bedroom for rent with cook ing facilities 6102066 610- 1456 save 10800 bcrnlna re possessed fully automatic sewing machine take over i payments 8 monthly down- j town furniture appllanc- es 42 king st w oshawa 7239341 required 3 top notch salesmen to sell new and used cars best pay plan in the industry- apply talpark motors ltd hwy 7 at laid- law markham or phone 291- 1500 hippie a jack who dresses like a jill and smells like a john 40 farm items for sale wanted oat straw for sale robert walker 6101588 443 clean oat straw for sale carl boyd 6101180 hay and straw for sale rea sonably priced 8842577 well rotted cow manure by bushel or truck load 887- 5180 442 good clean red clover seed also herta barley cleaned treated 294oi98 for sale attention dairy farmers wet brewers grain available symons bulk feed lee ave mllllken 2937031