four car crash markham twp a weird 4car collision on 17th avenue west of don mills road markham twp mar 27 caused an estimated 2000 damage but injury to only one person one of the vehicles left the scene of the crash that sent two autos down a tenfoot embankment a description of the car was broadcast across the county drivers included blair mann 25 victoria park avenue scarboro paul mcmullen 22 greenbrae circuit scarboro and maureen stephenson 44 cachet country club rr 1 unionville three tow trucks were required to move the autos from the scene and 17th avenue was blocked off to traffic for a time until the area was cleared const john gracey markham twp police conducted the investiga tion firemen save dog markham twp stouffville firemen were successful in saving a val uable 14 month old st ber nard dog saturday after the 195 pound animal plunged through thin ice near the residence of mr forbes robertson 19th avenue at dickinsons hill courage a show dog and winner of many awards is ovned by tom reynolds also of 19th avenue it apeared none the worse for its hazardous experience deputy fire chief fred castle extended a ladder on the ice enabling volun teer marvin betz to crawl out and place a rope around the animals neck once back on a solid sur face it ran straight home mr robertson told the tribune that his attention was attracted to the pond by the dogs loud barking it is not known how long it had been struggling in the water sacred music night stouffville the 37voice emmanuel bible college choir of kitchen er will highlight a pro gram of sacred music in the auditorium of stouff ville d i s t secondary school friday night the master of ceremo nies is lloyd wilson ux- bridge participants include the harvesters quartet the harbour lights quartet the gospel echoes trio as well as solos and duets both vo cal and instrumental the service begins at 8 pm nature boy whitchurch twp whitchurch twp police are investigating the re port of a man completely nude cavorting through a bush on the 7th cone north of the aurora road concerned parents have asked the school board to allow the bus to bring their children all the way home rather than let them walk from a specific dropoff point vol 80 no 44 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridge ont thursday apr 31969 15 cents l prejudiced speaker markham twp dr eric sisel pastor of box grove and cedar grove united churches startled his audience of 200 friday when he charged that each and every person is possessed with some form of preju dice dr sisel a former of ficer with the ontario hu man rights commission was the guest speaker at the york county holstein association banquet in vic toria square everyone of us is pre judiced he said if we say we are not its because we havent been tested the speaker went fur ther than that he pin pointed cases in the im mediate area where mat ters of prejudice had been brought to his attention he said that in stouff ville a jamaican domestic was retained virtually a prisoner and underpaid by her employer he noted that in union ville a negro was refused a job of service station at tendant because of the color of his skin he recalled that in mark ham a barber could not qualify because he did not speak italian dont ever think that discrimination does not ex ist here because it does he continued he noted that until the barriers of race color and creed are broken down and men re gard each other as human beings the problem will go unresolved playoff final stouffville at press time stouffville still had two teams in the omha playoff finals the juveniles trail ayl- mer 20 with the third game thursday tonight at 830 pm instouffville for the peewees a vic tory in st marys wed nesday would bring the two teams back here sat urday both series are a best 3 out of 5 woof woof whitchurch twp the problem of kennels licensed and unlicensed has been plaguing the twp o f whitchurch for many months from a remark made at the last meeting its obvious that councillor norman barnards pa tience is beginning to wear a bit thin im sick and tin of all this he said i feel that the people who havent yet paid their fee should be taken to court and hung by their dogs collar he declined to put the motion in writing minister recommends a greater stouffville area regional government target date1971 york cty will stouffville as a self- contained municipality retain its identity within the broader aspect of regional government this is the current concern of local residents it is also the concern of village council at queens park tuesday hon darcy mc keough minister of municipal affairs shed a little light of optimism on stouffvilles future in reply to a question posed by reeve ken laushway mr laushway asked whether stouffvilles place might remain within the region of york or was it possible that the village could be included in the proposed century city complex to the east in the county of ontario mr mckeough replied that in his opinion it would be better if the two communities were com bined to form a greater stouffville area he said that the final location of boundaries whether in york or ontario would be decided at a later date with respect to the region of york the min ister stated that a twotier government system would be established with lowertier municipal ities considerably reduced in numbers he said he was hopeful that the regional program could be implemented bv a target date of january 1971 mr mckeough has proposed that a committee be established to work out with the department the final proposals members will include the warden and the heads of council from the 14 municipalities in the county of york award eight truck tenders carnival candy maker two hundred skaters will participate in the 18th annual ice revue april 11 and 12 in the stouffville arena a version of the storybook tale of plnnochlo will be portrayed with ten year old judy ann hopper playing the part of a candy floss maker she samples a portion of her product staff photo police chief approves compulsory breathalizer tests stouffville neil patrick motors lim ited of stouffville has been successful in filling eight truck orders in two separate municipalities within two weeks in numbers of vehicles the largest order by ten der in the firms record has been received from the twp of markham the council has ap proved the purchase of seven including six from patricks they will be utilized by the works dept the patrick tender to tals 1651908 the tender for one 5- ton truck has been award ed to unionville motors at 951098 the village of stouff ville has approved the purchase of two vehicles one for 401523 and the other for 233212 water taps stolen stouffville some thieves will take anything even the kit chen sink here in stouffville they left the sink but took a set of chrome taps owned by les leonard south street the breakin occurred at an apartment residence 182 main street the loss has been valued at 18 three service stations in town were victimized over the weekend twentv dollars was taken from the office of les wilson motors sets of tools and a radio from sanders sales and service valued at 340 and two rear wheels from a 1968 pon- tiac firebird at patrick motors limited valued at s26850 in the breakin at san ders sales william dur- and 21 of rr 2 mono mills has been charged by police whitchurch twp four months ago an application for permis sion to erect a drivein theatre south of vandorf in whitchurch twp was rejected by the ontario municipal board the decision followed strong opposition from residents in the area since then a second request has been received the site is changed but the objections are similar the location is lot 31 cone 2 the applicant is joseph dunkleman on march 25 a delegation of 30 area ratepayers headed by bruce freeman urged council to turn down the proposed project the groups argument was supported by a lengthy petition mr freeman said that the theatre would not be in keeping with the requirements of the townships official plan he noted too that since the property did not front on a paved road a very real traffic hazard could result mr freeman estimated that surrounding lands would be depreciated by as much as 15 percent if the theatre was allowed to go ahead any assessment the township might gain would be lost through lowered pro perty values he said the spokesman said that contrary to reports all residents affected by the proposed structure had not been approached reeve stewart burnett informed the deputation that council had rea ched no decision on the application he promised mr freeman that he would be permitted to sit in on the discussion when the issue was again placed on the agenda stouffville police chief orland keat ing of stouffville believes that breathalizer tests for drinking drivers should be made compulsory chief keating expres sed his opinion on the controversial issue this week a change in legis lation is now under con sideration anything that might reduce the accident and mortality rate because of the drinking driver would be a step in the right di rection said mr keat ing he suggested that it was high time some thought was given to the protection of the majority rather than so much con cern for the rights of the minority the trouble is the ma jority wont speak out for themselves he said chief keating said that under the present law the only persons who con sent to a breathalizer or blood test are the ones chief orland keating who are too drunk to know better for the stouffville de partment the service is provided by the opp at oak ridges or metro po lice here havent conduct ed tests of this kind for three years the chief said rape case accused a sick man friendly rivals at games end although disappointed over their 21 loss to st marys saturday stouffville lga pccwccs took the defeat like true sportsmen here nctmindcr rick marsh- man discusses the game with captain bill boyd of the st marys club stall photo markham last week before justice e g thompson in ontario su preme court an 11 year old markham girl told how on the evening of nov 12 she was dragged into a parked car bv two men raped three times by each and let out on a country road to find her way home alone on tuesday the solici tor for one of the accused 27 year old rodncv hick- ey described his client as a sick man who should be placed in an institu tion in his address to the iurv the counsel asked for a verdict of either nor guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity earlier psychiatrist dr basil orchard testified that at times after con suming liquor hickey would become insane he expressed confidence that through drugs and shock treatment the accused micht be cured counsel for michael copps the second man charged told the jury that it was a police dream to get these two you may think it would be a local improvement if ihcv were both dropped down the sewer he said he suegested that the description as provided by the girl could fit any number of people and any number of cars crown attorney legget argued that the girls tes timony could not be faul ted he said that from her precise description of the accuseds clothing the car and the gun it was obvious she was telling the truth owner surprises thieves stouffville at over 200 pounds jim richards loretta cres cent will never win a red ribbon in a foot race but a chance meeting in the dark could frighten a ri val out of his proverbial pants this is what happened sunday night mr richards was mak ing a routine check of the firms implement pre mises main street west he arrived in time to see one man disappear out a rear window he gave chase the trail in the snow led through an adjacent bush to the rear of the country readymix plant where a car was waiting the culprit and a compan ion escaped mr richards was able to give police a partial description of the youth but no arrest has yet been made resigns force stouffville after almost eight years as a member of the mark ham twp police depart ment albert hudson of stouffville has resigned the resignation became effective mar 31 bus cost per service vz million year york cty whether or not to pur chase their own buses was a question pondered by members of the york county board of educa tion a staff report indicated that transportation costs for county schools arc in the neighborhood of half a million dollars yearly but even this figure does not include expenditures for special trips the dept of education gives grants for purchase of buses and on costs of bringing students to and from schools but not field trips it was therefore suggested it might be of benefit to buy several buses for this purpose trustee warren bailie noted that the vaughan twp school area board had leased a bus and sup plied a driver it was thought this might be a possible solution for the county board pending completion of a thorough study includ ing costs of transporta tion for all field trips the board agreed that new contracts should be enter ed into with interested bus operators but that these should not extend bcvond june 1970 at which time the matter will be rcasscsscd