page 12 the tribune thursday mar 20 1s69 phone 6402100 today wrflmm classified mis the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district wht riune classified advertising rates articles foh sale livestock fob sale keal estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cash rat c par war lit weak s extra ntmntlrt weeks with li llis tor is wards lmt week tlet far est crbtie week m additional will be charged for use of a jox number notices coming events cards of thanks fa a ward with a minlmam ef ims births engagements marriaces deaths a a ward with a mlnlnsm of 1js in memoriams h2x minimum far tline verse plaa 5te far each additional 411a vara display classified 1112 par inch with a minimum ef ana inch additional eonsaca- tiv insertion at 5132 per inch alt classified ad must be in this office not later than 1 pm tuesday send cash or money orders phone 02l9o clip thi oat for reference 2 births announcements 1 coming events euchre altona commun ity centre mon mar 24 830 everyone welcome euchre goodwood hall wed march 26 815 sharp admission 50c lunch served euchre fri mar 21 830 at mt zion community cen tre everyone welcome dance sat mar 22 at mt zion community centre frank barkey supplying music lunch provided annual hot beef dinner in claremont united church sun mar 30 from 430 pm on tickets s200 and 75c children under 12 legion bingo in veterans hall stouffville every sat night at 8 pm cash prizes 2 jackpots admission 75c proceeds for veterans wel fare 14tf bingo claremont legion hall every monday night cash prizes share the wealth top line and jackpot plus 5000 jackpot goes every night time 800 pm admission 50c 30tf whitchurch centennial centre annual general meet ing election of officers for 1969 mar 24 at 730 pm at the whitchurch centennial centre all residents of whitchurch arc welcome re- freshments served auction rummage and bake sale new and used fur niture eskimo carvings paintings mod flowers an tiques etc saturday march 22 at 2 pm in the brougham community hall sponsored by the audley grade 8 pu pils refreshments 412 at home mr and mrs joseph e wideman will be pleased to receive their friends and rel atives on the occasion of their 40th anniversary they will be at home sun mar 23 from 2 pm to 5 pm at 381 elm rd stouffville special easter muslcale in stouffville district high school auditorium on good friday evening april 4 8 pm featuring 37 voice em manuel bible college choir plus quartets trios ducts solos accordion saxophone piano everyone is invited to attend this night of good music 123 indoor swimming you arc welcome to join us for indoor swimming at slaters pool at vandorf every saturday between the hours of 200 pm to 400 pm this project is sponsor ed by whitchurch centen nial centre all are welcome admission 25c per person age 1 to 12 years 50c for teenagers and adults 32tf king branch of york central hospital auxiliary antique sale at aurora highlands colv club opening night wednesday march 26 700 pm 1030 pm ne and cheese party 250 hjksday march 27 000 am 1030 pm admission 50c rae hary janice are happy to announce h2 arriv al of a son marlin dan 9 lbs 6 ozs on mar 8 1969 a brother for eic sheldon and foster brother for robin gayle charline special thanks to dr petrie 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks baker in fond and lov ing memory of a very dear mother mrs daniel baker who left us on march 18th 1926 there is always a face before me a voice i would love to hear a smile i will always remem ber of a mother i loved so dear loved and remembered always by daughter muriel barkey in loving mem ory of a dear wife and mo ther nelda who passed away mar 23 1968 theres a face that haunts us ever theres a voice we long to hear a smile well remember for ever though we try to forget every tear theres sad but sweet re membrance theres memory fond and true theres a token of affection dear and heartaches still for you sadly missed by husband jack and sons rickie and stephen byer in fond memory of my dear companion joseph who passed on one year ago march 17th 1968 tis well he will suffer no more in the loved land of the blest pain fled as he trod heavens shore it left him at peace and rest sadly missed by wife elizabeth forsyth cherished memories of a dear sister lillian pitman beach who passed away march 21 1967 she slept away without good bye but kind thoughts of her will never die those who knew her well will know- just how much we lost two years ago rhoda harold arthur and families meyers in loving mem ory of a dear mother beatrice mevers who passed awav on march 21 1963 not just today but every day in silence i remember fondly remembered by daughter barbara barkey in loving mem ory of our dear daughter nelda mae who passed away march 23 1968 in tears we saw you sinking we watched you fade away our hearts were almost broken you fought so hard to stay but when we saw you sleep ing so peacefully free from pain we could not wish you back to suffer that again lovingly remembered by mother and father barkey in loving mem ory of our dear sister nelda mae who passed away march 23 1968 god knew that she was suff ering that the hills were hard to climb so he closed her weary eye lids and whispered peace be thine away in the beautiful hill of god by the valley of rest so fair some day we know not when we will meet our sister there sadly missed by sisters ruth marjorie june and helen meyers in fond and loving memory of a dear sister and aunt beatrice meyers who left us on mar 21 1963 time has not lessened the sorrow each year we miss you more and sadly wish that some tomorrow could be as it was before always remembered sister muriel and niece joyce 8 houses for sale 12 agent properties 12 agent properties 21 wanted to rent 22 articles for sale 27 help wanted male new 3 bedroom bungalow featuring large kitchen sep arate dining room wall to wall broadloom throughout attached garage close to schools stores etc many ex tras full price 28500 640- 1582 stouffville cosy in- sul brick 3 bedroom separ ate dining room home new oil furnace and 2 car garage with storage space at rear located on a quiet street close to main st and shop ping estate sale phone 6495931 422 10 farms for sale rent wanted tnto 2972soo mls realtors buying or selling farms houses acreage or properties of any type we are experienced real estate is not a h03by with us pasture for rent for 50 head of cattle 6495502 422 for rent barn small acreage suitable for horses stouffville area 64020s7 after 6 pm 40 acres pasture for rent 3 m miles east of stouffville running water good fences call 6495736 good pasture with creek and shade near claremont available about 30 head of cattle 6492177 morrison in loving memory of a dear wife mother and grandmother jean morrison who left us march 21 1962 wonderful memories of one so dear treasured still witii a love sincere in our hearts she is living yet we loved her too dearly to forget always remembered by husband james son donald daughterinlaw mildred and grandsons craig and blair i wish to thank friends and relatives for their prayers cards and other expressions of kindness while i was in hospital and since returning home reta yake for rent 200 acre farm uxbridge area suitable for raising corn hogs write box 303 co the tribune 413 pasture for rent approx 4g acres plenty of shade water vi mile south of good wood on 3rd line road 200 for the season w cheevers 6401946 423 18500 stouffville 6room 2storey home large modernized kitchen living room new oil furnace bath 2car garage etc located on good sized lot on main street excellent terms 10 acres claremont area well located near brock rd part bush large frontage on paved road ideal homesite or investment 19900 terms wanted local farmer has all cash for a modern 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow within walking i distance of shopping and i would like june possession i for confidential appraisal call murray sinclaht 6403131 gerry meharg lttl realtor married couple no child- ren want to rent 2 to 3 bed room house or apartment anytime after june 30 stouffville area phone coll ect 70572815s9 423 articles 1 mechanic licence an asset but not essential to maintain truck beet and tractors for j private enterprise good j working conditions 955422 boskett reaa limited i real estate brokers i brougham t brougham 9420931 toronto line 9217595 we have a number of 100 acre farms with good houses and other buildings some with ponds streams also scenic 10 15 sere parcels contact us now evenings 6401303 stouffville 19500 immediate possession on this extra clean 7 room brick house near centre of town has 3 bright bedrooms mod ern kitchen bath oil heat etc terms arranged call now be wise see stouffville e40 2 3 s3 tonoro s3725dd sand gravel wanted we are interested to buy the deposits ol sand gravel in oak ridges uxbridge area 394 2934123 ask for mr campbell barkey in loving mem ory of our daughterinlaw nelda we do not forget her we love her too dearly for her memory to fade from our lives like a dream our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely for grief often dwells where it seldom is seen fondly remembered by mom dad barkey bilkey in loving mem ory of a dear husband samuel charles who passed away mar 21 1956 wishing today as i wished before god could have spared you many years more with silent thought and deep regret loving memories i will never forget sadly missed by wife florence the family of the late douglas booth wish to con vey their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have been so kind during their recent bereavement mrs mae booth family i wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for their cards flowers and gifts when i was in scarborough general hospital and since returning home they were very much appreciated mary lintner 12 agent properties sellefairl i1altt ue i i would like to express my sincere thanks to friends relatives and neighbors for cards flowers gifts and vis its during my stay in hospi tal and since returning home special thanks to dr brodie and dr dale marg schell bilkey in loving mem ory of a dear father and grandfather samuel charles who passed away mar 21 1959 his toilworn hands once busy are folded now in sleep and oer his outworn body the earth lies cold and deep but the soul that was his essence lives on and we shall see him when the master calls us home for all otornity- ever remembered and dearly loved by daugh ter maude soninlaw gordon family carruthers in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother alice al berta who passed away mar 24 1965 she has gone across the river to the shore forever green and we long to see her dear face but the river flows between some day some time we shall see the face we loved so well some day well clasp her loving hand and never say farewell lovingly remembered by son ernest daughter-in- law edna and granddaughter ruthann we wish to express appre ciation and thanks to neigh bors friends and relatives for their expressions of sym pathy and floral tributes to the wm simpson family for delivering messages a spec ial thanks the family of the late william p johnson i would like to say thank you to my friends neighbors united church rev lin- stead brougham union lodge 269 legion auxil iary lions club fire dept for fruit gifts cards flowers visits and inquiries whild i was a patient in lindsay hospital and since coming home all was greatly ap preciated joe mccullough do you want to sell your property if you do please give us a call today we have many good prospective buyers look ing for building lots busi nesses farms land and homes some of them have all cash and some have substantial down payments call or write us today for a free evaluation the price may be higher than you think you are under no ob ligation investigate our ser vice looking for a sales career here is your opportunity join a progressive real estate company take part in this interesting rewarding and challenging work we re quire salesmen and ladies highest commissions paid make your appointment to day bellefair realty limited realtor 3500 danforth avenue scarborough 404 telephone 6943301 income 32900 modern brick home located on quiet street in stouffville it has 3 self contained apts and has all the latest features plus garage city conven iences etc see this property now estate sale 18 acres 15000 full price for this corner property there is a 6 room brick house that is in need of repairs the barn is about 30x50 in good condi tion location is at udney in the orillia area see and submit offer 95 acres 9500 750 foot paved road frontage 3 ponds 20 acres hardwood bush stream etc ideal for investment and retreat lo cated in bracebrldge area woodville area 150 acres of high producing land large brick house 9- room bank barn 46x75 2 imp sheds and other build ings 3 wells and pressure system at present set for beef excellent terms 22 articles for sale oil tanks 2 tanks 100 gal each 6401954 fireplaces portable brick flagstone tile lowest prices 7734687 28tf ditto duplicator electric direct process excellent con dition phone 6101314 422 a viking square tub wring er washer with automatic timer nearly new 8875229 lawn and garden equipment 7 to 15 hp all gear drive or hydrostatic transmission tractors and attachments on display at chas richards sons ltd stouffville 6403830 395 28 help wanted female baby sitter in home for 3 schoolage children from 330 to 5 pm school davs in east end 6402663 21 gas stove like new con dition ideal fcr apartment g043669 moffat 1burner electric range good condition older style yellow reasonable 6402247 lwalnut bedroom suite with continental twin beds springs and mattresses sos- sots after 6 pm tired of commuting 7 sten ographer required for new air conditioned office pleas- ant country location tele phone sss19s7 parttime evening work 8 to 10 pm displaying bee- line fashions good commis sion 2 free wardrobes no investment no delivering must have use of car call collect 8393570 100 acre farm- lindsay spacious 2 storey red brick farm home 2 baths modern kitchen 70 acres seeded to pasture large road front age immediate possession 29500 full terms call enid williams 65 acres stream 19500 full terms 2 road frontages just off 48 hwy 35 min north of markham good investment possible for 2 severances call enid williams sunderland 10 acres rolling scenic cedar trees artesian springs ideal lome- site 5950 full call murray sinclair 6403131 2972283 gerry meharg ltd realtor 14 financial and mortgages busi ness opportunities snowmobile off season storage protect your invest ment reserve now pickup delivery 6401934 l weldon 6403614 404 floor length satin wedding dress with wide train em pire waistline size 12 head piece also included 3500 call 6402935 412 easter bunnies for sale at the h h rabbitry ger ald henning 9423207 at greenwood bunnies various sizes and colors 423 dishwashers inglis 6- cycle 2speed rinse glo dis penser regular 31995 now 27995 hendricks hardware 6403622 free small dog part hound part spaniel 2 years old also for sale fridge excellent condition 2500 2 dressers 1000 ea 640- 4870 new thor washing ma chine automatic timer bronzetone suite like new also 3pc rose sectional ches terfield suite phone 649- 5851 aluschalmers lawn garden tractors riding mowers power mowers small engine repairs john pugh sales service rr4 stouffville ont phone 8881021 products also on display at freds service centre hwy 48 just north of 47 phone 6404501 27tf honesty is our policy courteous service guaranteed stouffvilles own local broker 280 main st west you can make money rais ing chinchillas good mar kets buy from reliable breeders since 1949 stone- house chinchilla rr1 ux bridge 8523389 33tf thos n shea ltd realtors 12 offices in this area 6102082 2971180 words cannot express our thanks and appreciation for the many lovely gifts cards flowers best wishes and con gratulations from our host of friends and relatives from near and far especially to our family and all who help ed make the day so delight ful and memorable on the occasion of our 50th anni versary may the lord bless you all jacob martha shank real estate 8 houses for sale over 1 acre of scenic treed property 3 bedroom house natural fireplace garage stouffville area 6103069 gibson willoiijjhliy limited executive type home modern backsplit design with walkout glass doors to patio 4 bedrooms plus a fin ished family room stone fire place broadloom 2 car gar age one of stouffvilles choice homes act fast price 37900 call dave ratcliff central stouffville brick house 1 v4 storey 2 bed rooms living room with fireplace hot water heating this home is only minutes walking from downtown stores price 21000 call bob dart ringwood bungalow bungalow 5 rooms at tached garage new heating system large lot comfort able home only 19500 call harry road for mortgages always deal with a member of the ontario mortgage brokers association our member in your area gerry meharg ltd stouffville plaza get out of town everyone loves the country and this is your chance a good 3bedroom bungalow on large lot in treed area all conveniences asking 25500 with terms gentlemans farm 120 acres for spacious living with large 10room home and good out buildings on two roads let us tell you more asking 1000 per acre a lot for a little 3 acres completely wooded on good road 1 m miles from 48 hwy full price s3000 terms for further information contact norm cox 4732408 or 8954304 rr 3 stouffville family home solid brick 4 bedrooms finished third floor attached garage panelled living room with fireplace dining room unique kitchen near schools and shopping price 33000 call cec hendricks unique older home brick house 4 bedrooms large kitchen living room ideal for family living price 23500 carrying 8 mort gage call dave ferguson pickering township brick bungalow recently built on lot 100x210 3 bed rooms large living room modern kitchen finished rec room 8 mortgage price 32500 call dave ratcliff mortgages we have funds available for first and second mort gages at current rates if a mortgage is the answer to your financial problems a phone call will bring you prompt courteous service if you have a mortgage which you wish to dispose of we can arrange a prompt sale on the best of terms for all mortgage prob lems call 22tf john m baird mortgage broker 46 main st n markham phone 2941481 member of ontario mort gage brokers association used pool table gendron 4x8 complete with cues balls excellent condition regular 11995 now 8995 hendricks hardware 640- 3622 judy lamarshs book mem oirs of a bird in a gilded cage now in at christian supply center 170 main st w stouffville phone 640- 1314 422 quantity of 1 lumber as came from saw mill spruce metal scaffolding 35 a complete set table saw 8 blade sutton 100 phone 6402315 gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune or friendship a practical gift with a lasting useful ness only 100 1tf 54 main street stouffville phone 6402100 30 sales help wanted male female we require local representa tives in this area experience in real estate sales is an asset but not a prerequisite work from your own home in your own area call or write bruce taylor j j lambert real estate limit ed 170 the donway west don mills 4478518 31 employment wanted day care available in my home 6402848 motherly care given to preschoolers while mother works 6403210 automotive 32 motor cars for sale 23 articles wanted 63 acadian sedan lie 242958 6 cyl automatic an ideal second car white with blue interior no down pay ment no payments until may see it today at stouff ville auto sales ltd 294- 0616 wanted to buy used typewriter adding machine and filing cabinet phone 888- 1926 after 6 pm 1967 renault r10 good con dition low mileage 6401424 or 6402013 24 articles to rent 1968 impala fastback vinyl roof block heater stud tires radio automatic v8 pb whitewalls 2450 6403069 adding machines and type writers for rent call tribune office supplies 640- 2100 34tf pumps pressure systems- shallow well deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction ph stouff- villc 6401424 26tf for rent ladders wall- paper steamers paint spray- ers by day week month i the lang service paint wallpaper store 6 main st west stouffville phone 640- 3231 53tf 64 pontiac wagon lie x20146 v8 automatic pow er equipped radio excellent condition throughout no down payment no pay ments until may sec it to day at stouffville auto sales ltd 2940616 1954 ford pickup in good condition 25000 6492396 after 530 employment accommodation 20 apartments for rent upstairs apartment stouffville 6402520 1 bedroom apartment in stouffville area 8523235 414 claremont 2 room apartment on farm call toronto 5316249 whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts and service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 294- 2241 50tf teach yourself typing learn perfect touch typing at home quickly and easily complete uptodate inst ructions with easytofollow diagrams plus practical ex ercises save your time and money only 150 at the tribune main st stouff ville 17tf furnished selfcontained apartment weekly 143 main st w 6101760 21 wanted to rent chest freezers at wholesale price 15 cu ft holds 575 lb 165 crated 20 cu ft holds 690 lb 189 crated 25 cu ft holds 970 lb 215 crated full factory warranty by general freezer the company who leads the field in freezer sales buy at brices bargain barn it will pay you we buy sell or trade all kinds of new and used furni ture and appliances don mills rd quecnsvillc follow brices burger bar signs north on don mills rd 4781175 42tf 27 help wanted male truck drivers steady employment 2971630 helper phone mechanically minded men wanted apply stouff ville machine tool works 6101412 or 6402584 23tf a man to learn butchering or an experienced butcher apply box 306 co the tri bune 412 experienced shipper to take charge of shipping and receiving in potato packing plant and to keep records responsible position good wages to capable man 895- 5422 1933 mclaughlin bulck rough but restorable straight 8 twin side mounts 640- 3669 66 volkswagen lie 228442 radio heater not just any volkswagen this car is im maculate no down payment no payments until may see it today at stouffville auto sales 2940616 1967 mustang 2door hardtop candy apple red v8 auto matic power steering radio w morley 361 north st stouffville 65 pontiac sedan lie k85- 486 6 cyl automatic radio seamist green with matching interior low mileage no down payment no pay ments until may see it to day at stouffville auto sales ltd 2940616 musselmans lake 1 room cottage completely furnished on well treed lot 100xloo separate 1room cabin asking 6900 with half cash call dave fcr- guson 1 bedroom apt in stouff ville or markham area 852- 6833 lady with teenage daugh ter requires cottage at mus- solmans lake or small house in or around stouffville call toronto 4651838 200 articles new used household fur nishings appliances boats motors accessories building materials open 9 to 9 daily for inspection auction sat mar 22 11 am 48 auction barns 48 hwy north of sleclcs ave m mile south of markham u5fj management v limited financial planning dynamic growth and recent reorganization has created an opening for an ambitious career oriented assistant to manager to service this area the successful candidate will be mature and possess the qualities of good character the company will provide all necessary training ex cellent compensation and a very generous incentive pro gram apply in writing or by tele phone to 412 sir gary schmidt 1263 bay street toronto 5 ontario 9252175 for a car today see e j wideman at 48tf markham chrysler dodge ltd 2944111 6403720 67 dodge polara sedan he k83479 v8 automatic radio power equipped one owner balance of warranty no down payment no pay ments until may see it at stouffville auto sales ltd 2910616 before you buy see our fine selection of guaranteed ok used cant and trucks 35lf giles chevoids 6401610 2972391