thursday jan 30 1969 the tribune page 3 fyilmlmlwuinmuiiihniuiiuiihhhwihmilmwwuiuimmiiimilmiiuihnluiiiu business success story i frown paintrj to superwnarket stouffville for the past 78 years h the ratcliff family name has been associated with retail merchan- dising on main street 5 in stoutlville now this oldest established busi- s ness has come to an 5 end 3 the lga foodliner a village showplace has s been sold to daniel c 3 madsen proprietor of 1 the lga in port perry 3 the changeover is scheduled for feb 3 h mr ratclitf will retain 3 the property and con- a tinue to operate the 3 village mall where four 3 private businesses are 3 already established 3 it was james h rat- clitt glenns father 3 who opened the first 3 store commonlv called the pantry in the todd block on main street 3 west it served as a re- 3 tail outlet for import- ed fruits and veget- 3 ablcs never before sold 3 in town in 1903 he was joia- 3 ed by his brother john 3 and the operation was 3 expanded to include 3 routes into the country 3 with wagons in the 3 summer and sleighs in 3 the winter goods were exchanged among dist il rict farmers they 5 would receive a weeks 3 supply of groceries and 3 in return sell butter 5 and eggs for resale in 3 the store after world war i g the west end premises 3 was found to be too 3 small and a larger build- 3 ing was purchased at h main and market st- 3 reels it was remodel- led and considered one 3 of the best market cen- 3 tres anywhere the 3 partnership continued 3 until 1941 when glenn 3 took over glenn ratciiff and his modern iga supermarket on main street in stouff vllle staffphoto while working with his father and uncle glenn can recall deliv ering goods by hand cart in 1949 the interior was again remodelled and in 1956 he joined the iga chain the entire ground floor was transformed into one large store and the sidewalk lineup on op ening bargain daywas ten deep i cant speak highly enough of my associa tion with the independ ent grocery associa tion he said its the salvation for the inde pendent businessman im behind them 100 percent in 1962 glenn expand ed his operation still further with the pur chase of the lga su permarket in maple in october 1968 he sold that business to his nephew ron nichols prices then and now always make interest ing comparisons in 1941 peaches sold for 30c a sixquart basket grapefruit 23c a dozen and honey 60c for a four pound pail from a stall of two the num ber has climbed to 25 several employees have been with him for 25 years mr ratclitf built the present foodliner in 1967 and provided the main street with a shot in the arm the effects of which have never worn off for its size i feel stouffville has a shopping area equal to any village in ontario he said he noted that he was pleased to have been a part of that growth and prosperity mr ratcliff is proud to point out that many of his customers extend through several genera tions there can never be a break in a longstand ing business link with out some feeling of re gret and mr ratcliff is the first to admit to this weakness ill cer tainly miss everyone my staff and my cus tomers he intends to travel and see the world i only hope that over the years i have been able to contribute something to the good of the village of stouff ville he concluded the answer to that is obvious the business and commerce course at stouffville dist secondary school offers a variety of subjects shown here are grade 11 students in the stenolab taking dictation under the direction of mrs glenn dictation may be received at any one of six speed levels depending on ability h j waite stouffville dist secondary school offers business and commerce courses jtllmiiihimiiiiiimiminwniiiiinillniiuiniiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin editors mail residents would suffer from large airport project by- john mebride stouffville at this time of the year grade 8 students and their par ents are faced with an im portant decision which course to take in high school the purpose of this article and of a subsequent one is to outline the cours es available in the business and commerce branch fivcyear business and commerce this coming year stouff ville district secondary school hopes to offer an exciting new choice in the field of business education the fiveyear business and commerce course this is designed for those students who wish to carry their education beyond the secondary school level and who are planning a career in the field of business students graduating from the fiveyear course can follow any university pro gram in this program 20 per cent of the students time is spent on business sub jects while the rest of their time is devoted to the tra ditional fiveyear subjects after grade 9 the students have a choice of speciali zation in the business and commerce section of their curriculum they may elect to take either secre- tarian sciences or account ancy the secretarial course is a heavy course five op tions for pupils usually girls of superior ability however there are distinct advantages by the end of grade 11 students will be competent to undertake summer employment in the secretarial field a valuable method for fi nancing further education their secretarial skills paiticularly in shorthand and typewriting will be invaluable in other subjects botli at the secondary school level and at univer sity most importantly many of the more stimulat ing positions for women university graduates such as the foreign service and editorial work require secretarial skills which graduates of the fiveyear secretarial course will have before entering uni versity the accountancy course also a five option course is open to both boys and girls who are planning post- high school courses in commerce and finance business admipistration and chartered account ancy their business skills should also be sufficient to help finance further edu cation students in this course will concentrate on bookkeeping accountancy business machines and senior business options these subjects will give the students valuable back ground in all phases of business it is hoped that a suffi cient number of students will enrol in order that this course can be offered and that boys and girls planning a business career will carefuhy consider its advantages drama club readings for the new spring production of the stouffville drama club will be held jan 30 at 830 pm in christ angli can church new members are required for further information call 6403702 unwanted hair removed by electrolysis 5 per half hour 17 years experience corrine mulholland 8953008 dear sir with regard to the pro posed airport which scar borough reeve ab camp bell recommends for ux- bridge twp i would point out that scarborough resi dents will certainly bene fit but markham picker ing and uxbridge resi dents will suffer and this accounts for mr camp bells enthusiasm recently on cbctv there was a film about air travel which demonstrat ed that airports of the fut ure will be a detriment to those communities where in they are built in west chester county of new york state and in new jersey residents strongly protested against the con struction of a new jetport a congressman was film ed while speaking to a group of citizens and said that hed never experienc ed such unamimous oppos ition to a proposal as hed seen when the federal authorities attempted to build an airport for new york city in the areas mentioned above these people have learn ed how dreadful almost totally unbearable life is when large jet aircraft are screaming in and out al most around the clock those who believe that airports attract traffic and therefore commerce are deluded idiots the traffic compares with swarms of black flies because it drives residents inside and forces them to stay there if clusters of motels erect ed by large american cor porations can be consider ed beneficial to the local inhabitants then yes air ports do attract commerce the only sensible fact in the uproar that such a pro posal creates is that it should be the reeve of scarborough who supports the idea overseas air craft would ostensibly approach the airport from the east and so scarbor ough might possibly sleep undisturbed by their arri val or departure but all of us within a radius of 25 miles will have to live with an ever increasing frequ ency of highdecibel tort ure for the rest of our lives if century city has to be within 25 miles of tor- onto then lets at least in sist on a new airport being further away where popu lation can be moved to the new city and the noise can be confined to a more des olate area in the north with monorail connections to toronto john richmond claremont ont nij rfauona riii sunspun brand ice cream loooam to 500 pm ticket also includes chance to w i n cash prizes or 1st prize khmlruttlnn draw of 18 hp 1969 johnson snow cruiser cedar beach park musselaaans lake amateur snowmobile racing horse drawn sleigh rides snowmobile rides for everyone hot food and drinks one ticket for the entire family available from any kinsman 6 m cover everythns iavthc libbys fancy save 28c kernel libbys fancy save 16cl varieties shake n bake 4f1 feature evaporated tall tint carnation milk 61 featurei culverkouse diced imt tint beets or carrots 61 save 23c dr ballards ivof tim champion cat food 6i1 1lb parchment packs clover leaf or maple leaf p 4p salmon sockeye 59 mi im yi tci libbys cooked f p spaghetti 245 futumi tutti 1am e d smiths pie fillers cm1ry l ob iui 2 iuiuii1 ik of pack roasted mb bag tfp nabob coffee 79 tfc lit vuufl red white apple pie ruu imji tat 289 ltus i ins peas 51 14 ox tint c0rn5p1 best buy save 19c coloured margarine monarch 379 best buy sore 24c bathroom white swan tissue 8i1 best buv1 save 6cl 15or bottle heinz ketchup 29- feature sav icci chicken noodla tuiky noodla liptonsoups 4 1 save cl quick or instant uro pig quaker oats 55 feature 3c of pack giant 61 ajax cleanser 33 save 4cl cut rite 100f1 roll waxed paper 35- featurei fortune brnd fancy california 280 tin fruit cocktail 45 itoallh beau reaturvs jack jill hi 5sc ra t brylcreem org tuba 79c kg ml enos fruit salts rag 69c mo rfnouim au vaseline 4oi or jsc macintosh apples c0reless carrots criip juicy fancy q 4 ql bosket mild sweat 1 3 lb bog 245 california lemons 6543 wvf m lift t whtti tea bags mum 59c riatutll cluim iijlmom0 peaches 37c fillets of cod 289c unim tlamo cocm iu iwf french fries 49c f5 specially selected value checko red or slue brano 3si smmmwnwb blade roast 59 lb freth minced burger iu nd ground beef chuck bs ican meaty well trimmed m k tender short rib roasts 63c short cut chef style standing rib roasts 89c r economy conmat lean braising ribs aibtjioo swift bologna 6oi z it si 00 swifts skinless sausage 2lbs100 rnxrrat rattn srrcuii branded beef sides cqc cwr pum j m 111111 iiiniiilltwiritiiitttttri l i i h schells red white stouffville i fr-7- where friendly people save you more open every thuri 1 fri night until 9 pm