page 6 thk tribune thursday nov 7 1968 uxbndge ratepayers tmmmmmkmmmamtm new executive wins tv set car rally student injured at markham intersection a 17 year old student taking part in a car rally from leaside secondary school was seriously injured in a twovehicle crash at cone 5 markham and lgth avenue charles vickery suffered a ruptured spleen the second auto was driven by ruth hart 60 of agincourt stop signs erected at this corner had to be removed since they were not supported by a township bylaw staff photo lady 94 honored victoria square on saturday evening mrs heber mccague mr and mrs john mccague mrs stanley boynton and grace attended a gathering for mrs margaret mccague on the occasion of her 94th birthday the celebrations was held at the home of her daughter mrs marg aret cummings york mills prize winners at the euchre party held in the community hall were mrs doris fairhall mrs win embury miss jean orr mr a wood charles hardwick and wm j orr lucky draw on a box of groceries was won by al- vin caseley another euchre party will be held november 15 at 8 pm the annual turkey sup per sponsored by the ucw will be held in the community hall novem ber 13 from 5 pm mr and mrs reid brumwell have returned home after spending the past two weeks with mr and mrs gordon brum well and family now living in grand rapids minni- sota the cgit held its an nual halloween party at the home of margaret em- uxbr1dge twp there was an encouraging attendance at a special meeting of the uxbridge township ratepayers as sociation oct 29 ron adkin in address ing the gathering charged that the present executive had failed to supply the drive and leadership ne cessary to install confi dence among the elector ate he said that unless re newed enthusiasm was ap parent the association could die mr adkin said that the only purpose of the asso ciation was not to bring pressure to bear on coun cil when a particular prob lem arose but rather a body to work in coopera tion with council and act t pringham mr and mrs andrew forson of cannington visit ed with mr and mrs rolph boynton birthday greetings to bruce mortson november 9 david hibbard 11 years november 9 douglas wil liams 10 years november 11 mrs lloyd canning november 12 lorna hib bard november 12 brian besley two years novem ber 13 miss june collard a stu dent of michigan univer sity spent the weekend at her home here as a liason between the ratepayers and the ad ministration supplying constructive criticism if and when required is ne cessary he said but most important of all is the task of keeping a fin ger on the pulse of the people mr adkin said that a ratepayers association could serve a very worth while purpose in a chang ing community and he urged its continuance those present gave his remarks enthusiastic sup port the new executive in cludes the following mem bers president roy ham mond vice president ron weller secretarytreasur er cyril vincent members at large darcy higgins keith barrie jim baily and ron adkin john roberts guest speaker yorksimcoe member of parliament john roberts was the guest speaker at a meeting of the stouff- v i 1 1 e liberal womens assoc nov 4 at the home of mrs james mccreight he told of his recent- trip to the united na tions and explained the jiovemments stand in the biafran situation notice of nomination meeting 1968 elections to reman catholic separate school supporter of the following munmcmlitin city oshawa towns ajax uxbridge whitby village pickering pickering uxbridge reach east whitby townships mara scott notice is hereby given that a nomination meeting will be held in the council chamber city hall 50 centre street oshawa ontario on monday november 18 1968 from 800 to 900 in the afternoon for the nomination of candidates for members of the ontario county board of education to be elected by the separate school supporters in the county of ontario and the city of oihowo 3 to be elected for the years 1969 and 1970 every nomination shall be in writing and state the name residence and occupation of the candidate and the residence and occupation of the proposer and seconder such nominations must be signed by the oroposer and seconder both of whom shall be separate school sup porters and present and shall be filed with the returning officer within one hour from the opening of the nomination meeting when a proposed candidate is not present his nomina tion paper shall not be valid unless there is evidence satisfactory to the returning officer that he consents to be so nominated candidates must obtain from the treasurer a certificate showing that at the time of opening of the nomination meeting there were no taxes of a preceding year overdue and unpaid in respect of the land on which they propose to quolify and no business tax overdue and unpaid for the current yeor before 9 oclock in the afternoon of the day following the nomination meeting every can didate shall file with the city clerk the declarations and oath of allegiance as required py section 48 of the municipal act if more than three persons are nominated and qualify for election the clerks of te cbovc municipalities will make the necessary arrangement for taking a vote of the separate school supporters in their respective municipalities the date and time for taking the vote will be monday december 2 1968 and polls will he open from 10 oclock am to 8 oclock pm oihawa ontario nvmbr 6th 1968 l a barrand returning officer so centre street oshawa ontario proclamation to the school supporters in the township of whitchurch anc village of stouffville public notice is hereby given that a meeting ol school supporters will be held at the community hall vandorf on monday november 18 1968 from 700 pm until 800 pm to nominate candidates for a 2 year term viz 19691970 one member to be elected by the public school supporters to serve on the york county board of education and one member to be elected by the separate school supporters to serve on the york county separate school board if nor una en candidate i nominated for each of the rojxctlr oicm then an election win be held on monday december 2 1968 from the boor of 1000 oclock am until 8 oclock pm in each of the following electoral mtuioiw township of whitchurch dfv 1 ridge inn lot 65 con i w conautioc of the wcat oathalf of conceaalon i iota ci to 77 all intlmire div 2 wh goods lake wilcox rostofficr lot 19ft ii plan m0 conautlnf of the eut onehalf of conceatloa 1 lota ci to 77 all inciaaltc and the west half of conecmlon 2 loul to 17 all ndoaltc div i ss no 7 school lot 6 con 3 w coroutine of the eut onehalf of cbneeasfon 2 iota 1 to 17 and the west onehalf of concesujon t lot 1 to 17 inclusive div 4 frank curtis residence lot 5 con 5 v conalatlnf of the eut onehalf of concession 3 loin 1 to is concession 4 lota i to 19 and the ral onehalf of lots 1c and 17 ako the west onehalf of tots 1 to 17 concession s all inclusive div s bruce burtons residence lot ft con 7 w conaietinr of the eaat onehalf concession 3 lots 1 to 17 concessions 6 and 7 lot i to 17 all inclusive div bloomington ss no 10 lot 10 con 8 e consisting of concession 8 west onehalf of lot 1 and 2 and all of lot 3 to 13 concession 9 lots j to 13 and the whole of concession 10 div 7 william toppers residence lot 19 con 8 w consisting of concession 7 iota is to 20 concession 8 lots 14 to 20 concession 9 tola 14 to 20 all inclusive div 8 albert penroses residence lot 30 con 2 w consisting of concession 1 lots 78 to 90 concession 2 west onehalf of lot is to 35 all inclusive div 9 as no 3 school con 3 pt lot 31 conilatlnr of the cast onehalf of concession 2 lots ib to 33 conceaaion 3 eaat onehalf of tola 1c to 17 and all of iota 18 to 33 concession 4 the west onehalf of lota is to 35 all inclusive div 10 harry wtammklls residence lot 30 con fi w conslttlng of concession 4 the east onehalf of lots 18 to 33 concessions 3 and c lot 18 to 33 all inclusive div ii earl groses residence lot 30 con 8 w consisting of concessions 7 8 and 9 iota 21 to 35 all inclusive village of stouffville div i municipal building 19 civic avenue consisting of that part of the village of stouffville on the south aide of main street lying to the cast of the can adlan national railway and to the west of the west unit of park drive south and to the west of the west limit and production southerly thereof of block g plan 1155 div 2 municipal building 19 civic avenue consisting of that part of the village of stouffville on the north aide of main street lying to the east of the can adlan national hallway and weat of the westerly limit of tlndale road and production northerly thereof and west of the eaat limit of lot 20 reglatered plan 70 for the village of stouffville div 3 summitview public school 176 main street east constating of that part of the village of stouffville on the north aide of main street lying to the east of the easterly boundary of polling subdivision no two and weat of th weaterly limit of montreal street and west of the west limit and production northerly thereof of lot 172 regfav- tered plan 230 and on the sooth aide of main street an that part of the village of stouffville lying on the eaat or the easterly boundary of polling subdivision no one and weal of the west limit and production southerly thereof of the weat limit of cemetery lane div 4 licence bureau office 31 1 main street east conautlng or that part of stouffville lying to the east of the easterly boundary of polling subdivision no three div 5 masonic hall 279 second street consisting of that part of the village of stouffville lying west of the canadian national railway all person interested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly november sth 1968 thomas kerr returning officer i thp husn tbh na t nj kptl lrffc -sb- sb1 v j mr john watkins sales manager of neil patrick motors limited is shown in the above photograph congratulating mr bert tait right the winner of neil patrick motors lucky draw contest mr tait a stouffville resident won a portable tv set brand new 68s 1968 pontiac strato chief 4door sedan with v8 engine and automatic transmission fin ished in distinctive verdoro green 1968 beaumont deluxe 4door sedan finished in rich dark blue with v8 engine power steering power brakes radio and automatic transmission each car carries full 50000 mile or 5year warranty come in and deal with the patrick men neil patrick motors ltd main west stouffville 6403450 convenient gmac terms available toromark furniture for the past 18 years in markham their record speaks for itself nobody rut nobody can reat toromark quality prices aippayment plan dear customer 2 more firsts at toromark no 1 no more waiting on making draperies we will loan you new draperies till your order is completed how about that no 2 ifrom now on 6 months to pay 6 payments at no extra charge wall to wall carpeting our big business i free underlay installed bv one of ontarios best men bill davidson harding celanese crossley kraus lowest prices on draperies free making on custom made draperies free loan of draperies we can supply and install tracks free home decorating advice free estimate on all your home for reupholstjering and slipcovers on your old furniture we are tops 5 year guarantee krai we can supply and install tracks furnishing problem a rear guarantee all our brand name furniture by braemore mueller vilas gibbard sklar deilcraft beverly roxkn peppier etc 20 30 discount from now on 6 months to pav i iivniinis at no extra charge dont buy dont waste any money till you see mr curt fleischer girls you know thk fleischer hoys willy in toronto and curt in markham reat anybody in prices taia11 1 1w nmtititlir only s pla carpeting draperies reupholstering