Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 11, 1968, p. 1

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l largest weekly markham stouffville uxbridge 1 in the district unt i all the news whitchurch i uxbridge markham i pickering townships vol 80 no 6 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridge ont thursday july 11 1968 10 cents wide roads needed goodwood ontario county is not the only county which has to have wide road allowances deputyreeve robert nes- hjtt told the tribune fol lowing criticism on 100ft road allowances being taken in uxbridge town ship in order to be eligible for the road grant from the ontario government roads ftf this width are required this allows for 24 feet of pavement he said where cuts and fill are required the width can even be greater than 100 ft mr nesbitt said there vere complaints that farm ers were going to lose their gateposts this isnt neces sary he continued the farmers are told when the land is purchased that the posts can be moved back to the new location without any trouble he pointed out that on tario county had been the first to initiate a program of treeplanting on these enlarged roadsides and said that the stretch of highway north of brougham was a good example he said it was an expensive program and all roads couldnt be done at once york county has budgeted for a similar program this year he ad vised caught in baler needed 100 stitches greenwood while oiling his hay baler which was in action at the time mr homer jackson had the misfortune to have his hand badly cut requiring 100 stitches to close the wound 5 grant growing whitchurch twp since the township has joint school section with king township whit church is asked to pay five percent of the total ex penditures of the section council has taken note of the fact that the king twp board is anticipat- i n g a n expenditure o f s80800o at nobleton 81- 000 at oak ridges and 81000 at kettleby the interim committee now in effect pending the abolishion of local school boards has explained that it has no jurisdiction over such expenditures made prior to the board change january 1969 council members ex pressed concern but could see no alternative but to go along with the present boards plans try some of mine five year old cathy nauta daughter of mr and mrs jim nauta offers her cousin six year old lydle nauta a taste of her delicious straw berries at the lemonville strawberry festival held at her parents home over 500 attended this annual affair staff photo pickering township review industrial program try third time pickering after the third try pickering townships request for el igibility under the equali zation of industrial op portunity program will be reviewed by the hon stanley randall minister of trade and develop ment the first application some months ago was de nied on the grounds that pickering had all the fa cilities for industry and because of this there was no need subsequent meetings by the reeve and council members resultcl in a let ter from hon charles mc- naughton treasurer of ontario advising council that after a recent meeting of a township delegation with hon m b dymond hon w d mckeough w g newman mpp and himself mr stanlev and his department will re view the matter the question of the as sessment equalization fac tor for pickering which affects grants provided by the government is being investigated b y t h e de partment of municipal af fairs at the request of the hon mr mckeough mr mcnaughton observ ed that it may take sev eral months to complete the investigation and as sured council that the on tario government is at tempting to investicate every avenue of relief in connection with the on tario committee on taxa tion against closing whitchurch whit church council received a petition from residents of pine orchard against the closing of their school mr m o g d e n vice- chairman of the area school board informed council that the board would not be closing any school until such time as the new school was com pleted which he hoped would be by christmas 1968 at that time it was the boards intention to move the pupils from pine or chard to the new school after which the one at pine orchard would be come vacant mr ogden went on to say that con sideration would have to be made by the county board as to what use the old school could be put to bell phone extension construction of an ex tension to bell canadas switching centre in gorm- ley has commenced ac cording to local manager g b wansbrough the 29 by 34foot addi tion to the south of the ex isting building will increase its frontage along don mills road to approximately 64 feet more than doubling its size the overall cost of con struction which is being handled b y anderson- smythe ltd of toronto has been estimated at about 30000 growth in the area has made necessary the instal lation of additional switch ing equipment mr wans- brough said and the exist ing building is filled to capacity the new wing scheduled for completion in october will meet future requirements lady councillor presents awards whitchurch twp councillor betty vannos- trand of whitchurch town ship presented the three winners of the township crest competition prior to the closing of school the three who took the three top places in the competi tion to design a municipal crest were monica pie- brock of vandorf public school 25 second chris palmer of armitage public school 15 and debbie shropshire of pine orchard school third 10 in 1957 the whitchurch centennial year council at that time adopted as an official township seal the design of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth this years council be- lieved that the crest should be redesigned with some thing of a real whitchurch flavor school children from the entire township were in vited to submit designs the winning crest is a shield divided into four sections with a banner be neath it reading town ship of whitchurch the dove and olive branch are featured in the design approval whitchurch twp the committee of adjust ment has given its approv al to the severance of 40 acres of land for the build ing of a drivein theatre on the don mills rd south of vandorf other build ings would also be erect ed the question of per mission for this project has been a hotly debated subject between ratepay ers and council the matter will now come back to council for final approval but a hur- ried decision is not expect ed a start on the theatre is not expected until the spring of 1969 celebrates 94 birthday stouffville miss charlotte chapman a pa tient in briarbush hospi tal celebrated her 94th birthday on sunday miss chapman was for many years librarian at the stouffville library breakins solved stouffville stouffville police depart ment believe thev have solved the rash of break- ins at the lions booth in the stouffville park after intensive investi gation the police believe the culprits who have been eating the chocolate bars and leavinn the wrap pings behind have been squirrels from the park 35 mph speed limit on all gravel roads reserve judgment in omb hearing rural area bylaw try to control urbanization markham twp described by former plan ning director ian keith as a deliberate effort to control the potential hazard of urbanization throughout markham township the municipalitys new rural area bylaw no 2325 was the subject of an omb hearing at the markham township coun cil chambers with g blake and r m mcguire pre siding the bylaw is a restricted zoning bylaw for pro hibiting or regulating the use of land or the erec tion or use of buildings within the defined areas of the township it sets 25 acres as the minimum lot size on which a building permit may be obtained in agricultural al areas frontage 400 feet other standards in clude rural residential 1 rr1 lacre with 150 foot frontage rra 2 acres with 200 foot frontage rr4 10 acres with 300 foot frontage commercial and industrial uses are also specifically restricted after a daylong hearing at which objections from twenty property owners or their representa tives were presented chairman f g blake and r m mcguire of the ontario municipal board reserv ed judgment mr keith who left the municipality as planning director last october to take a position as deputy- planning director with the borough of etobicoke was employed by markham township during the pro cessing of the bylaw when i came to the municipality in 1965 there was no overall zon ing bylaw and rural areas were controlled only by v1442 these large areas were by and large un- zoned said mr keith this bylaw is a de liberate effort to control potential hazard of urbani zation throughout the township hence the 25- acre minimum in agricul tural areas mr keith said the bylaw was drawn up and in june and july of 1966 it was advertised and comments were invited he said most hamlet por tions of the township have not been dealt with under the present bylaw but will be examined later victoria square and the devils el bow communities have al ready been looked into he said about fifty re sponses were received when the bylaw was adver tised and mostly were favourable chairman f g blake after listening to the ap plications said presenta tions were understood but since it was late in the day and time would be requir ed to examine every ob jection a decision on whe ther or not the bylaw would be permitted in its present form would be handed down at a later date mrs faye m 1 n t o n stouffville who has gradu ated as a licensed funeral director and will assume this position at the oneill funeral home suggest road limit goodwood ux bridge township has dis cussed the advisability of limiting municipal roads to a load limit of 22000 pounds members were not clear as to whether all or just some of the roads would need to be posted if such restrictions were brought in council lor muirhead expressed the view that the act was sufficiently clear but the balance of council insist ed that a highways de partment representative be brought to council for questioning charged with indecent assault newmarket a 74 year old farmer from be- thesda appeared at new market magistrates court on wednesday charged with the indecent assault of an 8 year old girl the man was remanded to a psychiatric clinic for mental examination whit church township police have received numerous phone calls and com plaints regarding a man seen around young child ren tender 437000 over estimate buttonville school boards are having fin ancial troubles all over recently the trustees of township school area no 2 markham were dismayed to find that the lowest tender for the new senior school at union- ville was 100000 over estimate and it was neces sary to apply for increased debentures this week markham township council considered a similar request for increased debentures approval from the york central district high school board when the lowest bid on the new vocational school in vaughan township was 437000 over estimate the estimated cost of the school to be built on vaughan road a mile west of yonge street was 3000000 originally the board applied for 750000 debentures from the cooperating municipalities now they require 1050000 the question was deferred at markham township on motion of councillor hoover and deputyreeve s j gadsby until there could be a discussion with representatives of other municipalities proficiency award rosemary oconnor and debbie hunt were the joint holders of the proficiency award at the st mark grade 8 presentations staff photo markham township all gravel portions of markham townships con cession or sideroads will bear a 35 mile per hour speed limit if the new by law is approved by the de partment of highways recently council asked that a bylaw be drawn up limiting speeds on north and south gravel roads to 35 mph the bylaw was amended on july 2 to in clude east and west roads as well- deputyreeve s j gads by asked that the reduced speed limit be placed on concession roads because of heavy weekend traffic gravel which was placed on worn portions through the week was scattered on weekends and the work has to be done over again he said at the july 2nd meeting when the bylaw was pre sented for approval reeve stewart rumble said he did not believe weekend traffic should be the cri terion he said north and south arteries are through roads and unless speeds were reduced on sideroads as well problems would arise councillor roman agreed councillor sumner said he thought council was asking for a lot of trouble making all roads 35 mph people are not going to go for a speed limit on an open road he protested the police department will be driven right up the wall they will be swamped with calls asking why arent they out there sodding and atone work are w complete at the new conservation dam on stouffville north boundary water is already rising in the area to be flooded the dam win control the water passing down the stream which runs through the centre of town and will prevent any future flooding as occurred during hurricane hazel staff photo

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