page 14 the tribune tborsdiy notcabcr 23 1967 make indoor bulbs bloom for christmas by john bradshaw garden editor how would you like a bowl of fragrant snowywhite lowers to grace your christmas dinner table or to en hance the beauty of your living room library or kitch en you can have all this for 200 or less all you need do is go to your nearest garden store and buy some paperwhite narcissus bulbs growing these delightful and eyecatching bulbs in your own home or apartment is just about the easiest gardening job in the world the newest gardener or small child can expect 100 success on the very first try paperwhites are the answer to the wouldbe window gardener who lives in an apartment and is very limited in what can be grown many gardening books and articles still insist that paperwhites must be placed in the dark for a two or three week period in order to have them flower well im happy to report that after conducting numerous trials over the past few years this is not necessary n any way and the best thing to do is to put the bulbs immediately in your sunniest or lightest window this keeps the stems shorter and stockier and helps pre vent them from falling over toward the end of the blooming period on the other hand those placed in the dark for a period as you would daffodils tulips and hyacinths will always produce stems that are too long paperwhites come to our gardens from southern france theyre not hardy like the other daffodils and are discarded after theyve bloomed its unfortunate that the growers of these bulbs in southern france are not too interested in the job and as a result no im provements have been introduced during my memory as with all bulbs to be forced get the highest quality and firmest that are available forcing any bulb into bloom out of season is asking quite a bit from it and you need all the strength and quality that you can ob tain i suggest that you buy at least a dozen paper- whites by starting off three or four bulbs at a time ten days to two weeks apart youll have fresh blooms coming along for a six tu eight week period anyone wishing to make an exciting display over the christmas season could buy 25 to 50 paperwhites and start them off in soil in a seedling flat the bulbs could be moved to suitable containers just as they come into bud however most window gardeners use a shallow bowl eight to ten inches in diameter if should be deep enough to hold sufficient small stones or pebbles so that when the bulbs are set in place on top of them there will be two inches of space between the base of the bulb and the bottom of the bowl this space is needed to allow for good root development ive always encouraged my children to collect pretty stones and pebbles on their summer holidays on var ious trips around the country each year these are added to a growing collection of stones saved especially for forcing paperwhites o f ar asks lower assessment on farm lands lower assessment of farm lands faster depre ciation on concrete silos and larger exemptions from unemployment in surance and the canada pension plan have been asked at the annual con vention of the ontario federaticn of agriculture the requests were in resolutions passed after presentation of the re port of the federations assessment and taxation committee the resolution on land says assessment should be based on its productive capacity rather than on its sale value it notes that equalization factors used in the last two years by the department of munic ipal affairs have been ba sed on land sales in the debate it was pointed out that sale pri ces are often based on speculation about the use of land for purposes oth er than agriculture the resolution calls for a great deal of weight to be given to prevailing rents on landterm leases in assessing land in the resolution on concrete structures the federation calls for faster depreciation at present depreciation allowed on concrete structures is two and a half per cent per year the resolution points out that many con crete structures are obso lete before they are fully depreciated and calls for the rate to be raised to five per cent each year this would cut deprec iation time from 40 years to 20 years the resolution on un employment insurance and the pension plan calls for exemptions from cov erage to be raised to 40 days and 5600 income at present workers dont have to contribute to the programs if they work less than 25 days or make less than 250 and the resolution says these figures are inadequate basic herd tax plan a a wall agricultural represent ative for york county i have had a lot of calls in the last few weeks a- bout the provisions for basic herds in income tax somehow rumors are go ing that the basic herd po licy is going to be discon tinued i have checked with the taxation office in toronto and find that no changes are planned livestock owners can still have their herds put on the basic herd plan basic herd is a method suggested for income tax purposes to enable a far mer to classify his breed ing herd as a capital asset being capital it does not have to be considered as income when a herd is dispersed its good busi ness and the longer an owner has it the better basic herds set up just be fore a sale often arent nearly as helpful as they could have been if the owner had started several years earlier starting a basic herd is nt difficult an applica tion form obtained from the taxation office 36 ad elaide st toronto filled in and sent to the same office will do the job establish course electric power is a cog in the production end of a farm that gets bigger each year it milks cows cools milk takes out the man ure and ventilates the barn it feeds the pigs hens and beef cattle it makes fences warms the floors and provides heat for livestock maternity wards with so many new uses a good knowledge of elec tricity is worthwhile for any farm operator im pleased that the farm de partment of ontario hy dro is putting on a course for farmers this winter there will be a session each tuesday afternoon from january 15 to febru ary 27 in our board room at the newmarket plaza farmers are invited to register at ontario hydro offices in sutton rich mond hill woodbridge or markham set quotas milk producers in york were advised of their new quotas last week the new allotments are 89 of shipments in the quota setting period this is a cut for many of course but most dairymen were afraid that the cut would be more severe if its any consolation to these who lost quota a great many shippers who before had to live with very poor quotas will be better off under the new plan and for the first time in many years all producers now know quite definitely where they stand in selling their milk main parking your money earns on term deposits guaranty trust fdrtty incorporated and uprvittd capital and rvi27qq0goqdeposiu over 400000003 41 yonse s richmond hill telephone ss411ss y premium years ago if you think its hard to find a place to park in stouffville today the same problem prevailed 70 years ago ac cording to this photo thursday was market day in town and folks turned out by the hundreds the build ing on the right is daleys hall now the site of the post office staff photo noted holstein breeder born at victoria square named to agricultural hal of fame the late j j e mc cague of glenafton farms alliston was ad mitted to the canadian ag ricultural hall of fame at the royal winter fair as the hon wm rowe ltgovernor of ontario unveiled the picture of mr mccague in doing so the hon mr rowe said i never met anyone i thought was as good a judge of all types of live stock as jack mccague silver foxes swine sheep horses as well as his good holstein cattle he was a natural genius for selec tion of good animals world famous glenafton holsteins are world famous and have served as foundation stock in many countries john joseph edward mccague was born at victoria square markham town ship in 1898 following graduation from the on tario agricultural college he was an agricultural re presentative in south sim- coe and carleton counties until he went to manage the farm of t p loblaw in the alliston area when mr loblaw died in 1933 j j e mccague bought some of the farm along with his silver foxes and some bred heifers and started his own farm busi ness much of his success as a breeder can be traced to his purchase of mont- vic rag apple marksman a holstein bull which he and c j cerswell beeton ont purchased from the famous herd of t b mac- aulay hudson heights quebec in 1940 marks man broke all records as a sire won the allcanadi an championship seven times and was au-amer- ican aged bull in 1947 received shield j j e mccague was presented with a master breeder shield by the hol- steinfriesian association of canada in 1946 and at various times served find ont how much you may save on car insurance mil kenneth a 5hphrd ih tin box it marltnm telephone 2piifi2 farm mutual atnotrtc lyiruc company torttnin canadian he office chairman of the national live stock records presi dent of the canadian swine breeders associa tion canadian silver fox breeders association the holsteinfriesian associa tion of canada and the dairy farmers of canada he became the first can adian farmer ever to sit in the boardroom of a bank being a director of the bank of toronto now the torontodominion bank from 1945 to 1957 his farm remains in family ownership oper ated as glenafton farms ltd a company in which his sons george and brian hold the interest george is a sod farmer supplying the toronto area and brian manages the farm breeding operations among other things j j e mccague introduced pure bred live stock and certified seed potatoes to the district thus making a great and lasting im provement in the agricul tural economy jack and his herd manager mort butchers each with high est respect for the abili ties of the other made an unbeatable team which brought glenafton to the fore of the show ring his death in 1959 ended the life of one of the most influential breeders of canadian live stock highest priority to protect agricultural land if your blood pressure is high your doctor can help you bring it down and reduce your risk of heart attack the ontario heart foundation advises coronary risk goes up when blood pressure is elevated the premier of ontario says he gives highest pri ority to protecting agri cultural land from disap pearing under the sterile cap of concrete and black top speaking to the annual convention banquet of the ontario federation of ag riculture premier john robarts said the province must get on with the job of controlling the uses to which land is put he says rural munici palities must plan their future the same way ur ban municipalities have to without planning the resources of our province will almost certainly be wasted he said a lot of educa tion is necessary if peo ple are to accept plan ning and the restrictions it will bring if planning is to have any meaning it must in volve a willingness to cast aside what seems true to day in the light of chang- ged conditions of tomor row he said the question is whether we as a people with a huge stake in the future of this province can afford to sacrifice an orderly approach in the development of our land to haphazard individual decisions we still have the op portunity to control our destiny we can still deter mine the best use to be made of our land we can still reverse the tide of pollution to our own mak ing it is not too late but time is running out win at royal claremont several claremont district grow ers won awards for en tries at the royal winter fair frank hendy clare mont rr 1 scored first prizes with entries of on ions and carrots he re ceived the oshawa whole sale limited award for carrots other winners were harold norton ivan nor ton albert hockley and three generations in the dunkeld family dougie 12 his father donald and his grandfather murray big egg profits start with starcross 288 chicks prove it you say tn a five year summary 1961- 1965 of random tests in canada and the united stales the shaver starcross 28s consistently ranked at the top the starcross 2s8 was de signed as a high producer of eggs on a minimum of feed in any environment take a look at these facts and count on big profits income per pullet housed 220 egg yield per year 250260 percentage of large and extra large eggs 84 contact your nearest swift hatchery or dealer w chas jackson goodwood phone stouffviue 6402726 cedarbrae plaza is your phone book listing correct please tell us now before we print the new stouffville directory december 12th christmas store hours cedarbrae stores will be on look up your listing in the current directory if you wish to have it changed call your telephone business office at 2913100 bell canada open until 930 pm monday through fripay saturday until 6 pm for value and quality 40 exciting stores including simpsons dept store to serve you lawrence avenue e at markham rd scarborough bmhw