the tribune tkndiy konaber 16 1967 jjuimimiimniiiiimiimiimmiiimiimuimmiiuunuhhuiiummimmiiiimimimhm expo as canadas great centennial project may be over but it is still much alive in the minds of montrealers the man in the street is wholeheartedly be hind mayor drapeaus idea of keeping the big show in motion in one form or another having just returned from a trip to montreal we can attest to the great faith and enthusiasm these people have for their dynamic mayor it is said he gets things done because he rules with an iron hand this may be but unless torontos mayor dennison gets a little iron into his operation toronto will continue to present the image of merely an overgrown town in comparison with the vibrant metropolis of montreal expo did a lot for montreal and people in business make no bones about the money they made during the six months now things have slacked off there is no trouble to get a room in any hotel fast trains between mon treal and toronto are running half full despite what ticket sellers may lead one to believe but montrealers are still en thusiastic they believe expo was too good to let die completely and they believe mayor drapeau is just the man to keep it going many thousands of our readers vis ited this great exhibition and can sym pathize with the mayors vision every one wants to see expos site kept as well as some of its structures which can be of no further service to canada and man and his world mayor dra peaus aims are good but will need much planning and consideration to reach maturity only wishful thinking when canadas minister of finance mr sharp calls on business and labor to restrain from higher wages and high er prices he is only indulging in wish ful thinking he has intimated that un less restraint is used he could be forced to increase taxes the thinking on this move would be to remove more money from peoples pockets we see no hope in such a move labor will go on push ing for higher and higher wages no mat ter what mr sharp does more taxes would only mean higher prices than we have already and everyone would suf fer price and wage controls are suggest ed but these are hard to implement as was found out in wartime a much easier period to try such a move than now government could reduce the money supply bringing a government sponsored depression few if any gov ernments would try it people are most concerned today with the money they take home the government takes off the top without any consent of the payer and the payer cannot see that this has anything to do with him the point they miss here is that taxes are part of the cost of liv ing as well as everything else mr sharp is in an unenviable posi tion but should he decide on bump ing taxes say ten per cent he will im mediately find that wages and prices will automatically go up ten per cent and maybe more a far fetched scheme the emergency measures organiza tion of york county or any county for that matter is in our opinion an effec tive working body that could prove a real asset to residents within a defined area should an emergency occur a ser ious fire flood or storm would signal this organization to action immediately and the service would undoubtedly prove a direct benefit to persons so in volved but the emo in york county pos sibly to warrant its annual cost of oper ation allows itself to become part and parcel of a survival scheme shoulda national disaster and we repeat a na tional disaster occur within metro tor onto the program in our opinion is farfetched to the point of being foolish according to mr phil westbury e mo coordinator in the case of a na tional disaster in metro the stouffville district secondary school would be transferred immediately into an oper ating unit for the toronto east general hospital in like manner king city sec ondary school would accommodate toronto western hospital king city senior public school the doctors hos pital dr g williams secondary school aurora st michaels hospital huron heights secondary school the toronto general hospital pickering college the hospital for sick children new market district high school welleslcy hospital and sutton district high school the central hospital on paper it all sounds fine we would suggest however that should a disaster of national gravity occur the confusion created through the mass ex odus of more than one million people would render the situation completely hopeless makes one think whenever members of councils or representatives of ratepayers organiza tions get together the subject of dis cussion invariably turns to the cost of presentday education the same folks who complain about footing the bill for this are the ones who pay 53500 for a new car every other year live in a 25000 home and hold reserve seats in the reds at maple leaf gardens dr morris smith chairman of the whitchurch township school area board produced some very interesting statistics for public consideration he noted that by comparison with smaller areas the per pupil cost in whitchurch was 45 per year less than the provin cial average he said too that the whitchurch budget could be raised an additional 65000 in 1968 and still re main within the ontario average most thoughtprovoking of all was dr smiths observation that in canada twice as much money was spent on liq uor beer and tobacco than on educa tion it tends to make one stop and think the village of markham dedicated its new sculptured cenotaph at an impressive remembrance day service saturday stall photo immmnim im making upatfrstmas u5t6lvemks0me 5u66esti0ns expo still alive in montreal minds reiiuiiiirii i iiiiriiiiiiiirjimiu iiiiiiti iiiiiitii i iiiiiiiiititii iticitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiijiiiiimiiiii ti iiiikititu iititiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiu iiiiniiiiitti niiiniiiiti tiiiiiittittu uiiiiiiniitii hum 1 1 iiuitin iiiitiiiiiitin isucar and spice a day with smiley by bill smiley life do go on always the same and always different bits and pieces make up the patchwork quilt that covers our nakedness and bits and pieces of a typical week end will make up this column im no richer or poorer sadder or happier wiser or otherwiser just a week older with a few more patches some red some black some yellow making a motley kim was badly shaken when a friend of hers a 16yearold girl was killed an hour after she was talking to her the childs neck was broken the boy driv ing didnt have his licence had little ex perience hit an icy patch and couldnt cope one young life snuffed point- lessly uselessly this is hard to take when youre young and my daughter took it hard and its pretty hard for an ordinary muddleheaded man to explain that god is too busy to go running around pre venting every- auto accident and catch ing every little sparrow that falls re gardless of the old hymn nearly cracked up myself on satur day burling happily along the high way when we ran smack into a stretch of wet snow with no warning every body on the brakes thought i was going to mount a volkswagen in front of me decided to go around him ra ther than over took a beautiful four- skid sashay during which two other cars passed me one on each side heart stopped thudding after id passed two cars in the ditch turned to kim whose learning to drive and said coolly did you notice that tech nique for getting out of a skid just turn the wheel into the skid she gave me a long hard look that she has learn ed from her mother and snorted which she has also learned from the same source and its diffcult to prolong that sin ful feeling that youre keeping a mis tress when you go to bed with a wo- letter to the editor dear mr editor first thank you for the privilege of reply and also for deeming my recent sermon on the new reformation of sufficient public interest to be included in the tribune that sermon by the way was sparked by the 450th anniver sary of the protestant reformation be gun by martin luther when he nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in whittenberg germany on october 31 1517 one statement in my sermon has spurred two letters in last weeks issue to mrs oldham i would like to say that when i spoke of fairytale magic conversion i was contrasting the shal low insipid kind of pseudochristian experience where a person says i was saved on such and such a day but fails to add honestly and no thing much has happened since with christian conversion where there is a deliberate decisive crucifying of the old self so that the new self can live in christ theres nothing magical in that but rather hard choice a daily cross and the power of god from the text of my sermon janet ratcliff i think illustrates what i meant when she says in her let ter when i accepted jesus christ into my life it was a reality she will be glad to note that i did quote the complete verse of ii cor 517 however in dealing with the vast changes in progress in the church i took the liberty of suggesting that the old forms the old theology the old structures the old evangelism of the church have passed away but that the new forms theology structures and evangelism have yet to come hopefully through the new reformation which itself will be the result of a new in- depth experience of the power of god and a new concept of the principles of the cross applied to life rev a l borland man and theres a great lump of a daughter sleeping on the floor an air mattress and a sleeping bag two feet from you that air mattress allowed me to de liver one of the last great puns of my life i knew this cute gal on our staff had a mattress we talked about me borrowing it and the other day in the staff room i asked in loud clear tones miss s could we get together on that mattress as all heads swung toward us with fascination i waited to see whether shed slug me or laugh she laughed so did the others but some of the old ducks rather nervously my wife has a nice little apartment but one weekend in it nearly drove me up the curtains there was no place to hide and read or look at yourself in the mirror or cut your toe nails ex cept the bathroom and you can only stay in there so long at home there are all sorts of nooks and crannies for looking at your navel or picking fluff out of your bellybutton well 24 hours of telling her she could pass the year if shed stop worry ing thats like telling niagara it could be a nice little trout stream if it would stop falling and home with kim driving and me twitching and column to write and lessons to prepare and halloween candy to be bought and that fear some washing machine still to be tack led think ill have a snort and go to the coin laundry this week next end of the trip civic politicians in canada havent yet received the message but the hippie movement is dead and while some hippies will continue their farout way of life the great social rebellion of the 1960s has come to an end the decline and fall of hippieland started appropriately in san fran cisco the same freewheeling city which saw their rise and that of the beatniks ten years ago the hippie movement has expired here in the city which bishop james pike says leads all america on alcohol ism suicide drug addiction homosexu ality and divorce and after visiting san francisco re cently i came away convinced the hip- le movement has indeed gone the way of beatniks and bohemians into the limbo of history to be revived only in the music and poetry of whatever social upheaval fomented by americas next generation take roger l 23 orphaned at seven expelled from school at 13 for suggest ing communism was something other than a system run by a bunch of gangsters roger is probably better educated and more intelligent than the average hippie of hashbury a contraction of the street names of the haightashbury intersection hes loyal to hippiedom while frankly admitting he would net recommend it for others he smokes marijuana says he takes lsd about once a week admits some unstable types should not and works when he has to as do most hippies roger is longhaired and bearded reasonably clean defends both hippies high venereal disease rate youre bound to have this with sexual free dom and denies the hippies have shown americas youth the road to drug addiction hippies arent dirty maintains roger theyre just not obsessed with anti- ceptic cleanliness walk on this street with bare feet half an hour and yours will look filthy too high rates of hepatitis and vd have been reported from the haightashbury but a free medical clinic manned by by ray argyle volunteer doctors and nurses had to close because its sponsors could not get funds from any health department or other source it is on this matter of cleanliness that hippies aroused the greatest ire san- francisco cab drivers are no exception and almost universally condemn hip pies as dirty yet the same day i heard such charg es the man responsible for the us war on poverty sargent shriver was blasting this citys over 30s for getting aroused by the unwashed but ignoring the underfed the citys hippies have sometimes- been underfed but not for long be cause theyve either found parttime work or subsisted on daily feedins at golden gate park sponsored by the dig gers a helpthehippies organization but increasingly hippies have been working which may account for the downfall of the movement the death of san franciscos hippie movement is being marked by a take over by pseudohippies winos and va grants as a patrolman put it the tides gone out and the scums left behind most of the characters here now says this police veteran of four years on hippie beat are bums and lay abouts who have no philosophy or aim in life other than to pick up teenage girls hippiedom is dead the society which spawned it has swallowed it up it will survive a while in cities such as toronto but its demise in san fran cisco the city of its birth is a forecast of what is to come in all the outrage over hippie behav iour in canada the social critics and politicians have overlooked the one re deeming feature of hippiedom its iransitory existence here today gone tomorrow and gone with it the con cern over marijuana smoking low mor ality and uncleanllness how widely then has the use of mar ijuana lsd and drugs reached cana dian youth is there a genuine menace or is it a phony controversy well dis cuss this next week established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stousvlile rtlbune limited at 54 main st- stouffville onl tel 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions 400 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member of aut bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association- authorized as second class mail post office dcpt ottawa i domestic frigidity if you enjoy reading letters to ann landers or are a faithful follower of dear abby you and i refer only to the ladies may have read all about the try ing times experienced by many hus bands and wives once the honeymoon is over their appreciation of one an- t other suddenly cools and then freezes like a pair of icicles on the end of an eavestrough they sooner or later break apart and go their separate ways ann and abby have all kinds of gen erous advice to offer some good some bad but seldom indifferent last week a domestic frigidity oc curred at 38 1 rupert avenue that no lovelorn columnist in the whole cotton- pickin world could ever solve our furnace conked out it happened at 330 am on the cold est night of this fall a right elbow jab to the left clavicle interrupted a sound sleep and as wife whispered in a most enquiring voice dont you think its kinda cold in here knowing mrs r a as i think i do when she complains about the cold its got to be abnormally frigid for i swear shes part polar bear it can be a raging blizzard out of the northwest at 30 below and shell sleep with the bedroom window wide open the warning coming from her was reason enough to do a little investigat ing like a groundhog interrupted in the midst of hibernation i stuck my head out from under two sheets and a quilt to sniff the prevailing winds it was calm quiet but cold mrs r a began to list a number of solutions to our heating problem and i proceeded to follow each through to the letter of the law now all i know about fixing furnaces you could put in your left ear im aware that it can be regulated throught he flick of a hall- way thermostat but after that the oil- eater is on its own dont turn on all the lights or the neighbors will wonder whats going on came the commands from the bou doir theres a flashlight in the kitchen cupboard but one of the batteries is missing dont make too much noise or youll wake the kids while youre up turn off that bathroom tap i can hear it leaking dont get all tangled up in the clothesline in the basement make sure all the windows are down and so on and so on the first selfimposed assignment was to read the instructions printed quite plainly for even the most imprac tical minds to comprehend step num ber 1 check fuses it said now the fuse box in our house is located just over the sump hole on occasion when the pump fails to trip automatically we remove the cover check the depth and if necessary start it by hand someone had apparently done this but unfor tunately for me neglected to put the top back on i plunged in pajamas and all right to my knees the resounding splash echoed like a tidal wave are you alright called down my wife im okay nearly drowned but still okay i replied the first fuse i removed was the wrong one the basement lights went out and i couldnt see to put it back in after groping around in the dark i found it checking each and every one nothing wrong there i checked the starting motor it whirred for a few moments and then stopped i started it again and again but the furnace re fused to ignite i gave it a couple of kicks in exasperation but succeeded only in bruising a big toe if theres one thing i hate its ad mitting defeat especially to my wife this time i knew i was licked the kids knew it too they all four of them were up and rompin about as if it was midday they had to run around to keep warm the temperature had dropped to fiftyfive you might just as well go back to bed and cover up with extra blankets i said i cant call a repairman at this hour well get someone first thing in the morning mrs r a was not convinced that all channels of doityourself measures had been explored are you sure you checked yes yes i checked everything maybe we need a whole new motor or a new furnace for that mat ter il could be anything we doubled the kids up wc put three in one bed and the smallest seem ed content to curl up with mom and dad but mom wasnt in a sleeping mood im going down to have a look for myself she said have it your way i replied half resenting the fact that she had suddenly donned the pants in the family i could hear her rummaging around down below and could hardly keep from laughing out loud a lot she knows about fixing furnaces even less than i do so thats about nil just try ing to show me up shame me in front of the family well it wont work well all just have to put up with the cold until morning ten minutes later she rcappearcd her hands were all black and there were even a few smears on her face what in heavens name have you been doing cleaning the thing out i asked trying to sound concerned and hide a smile at the same time i found the trouble she exclaimed in a voice filled with triumph you found what i asked unbelieving i know whats wrong she repeated well what then i asked in a de grading tone were out of oil she said rubbing her hands together with glee i buried my head under the pil low wishing it was all one terrible nightmare i