Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 5, 1967, p. 2

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the tr1sune thorajj mobw 5 1967 n d p policies dont impress mr macdonald ndp leader has made another of his pronouncements that does little to impress if properly studied he says his party will legis late price controls of mon opoly firms if it forms the next government there is something that the most socialist of countries has tried to avoid in the first place it is questionable if any pro vincial government has the right to directly control prices this could turn out as a discriminatory tax which would not win the ndp many friends however the big step which mr macdonald nev er mentions is that this sort of control would ne cessitate the government controlling wages and cost of materials is the ndp suggesting then that the government control a mans pay cheque as well maybe he should tell the voters the whole story if he doesnt they may begin to believe that his ideas are only to try and get the votes of the ignorant and the unthink ing a court gone soft we have always had the greatest respect lor court room procedure as prac ticed by magistrates at both richmond hill and newmarket firsttime vis itors to cither location are soon made aware of the strict rules and regulations that have been adopted and enforced to the letter of the law we can recall on one oc casion at newmarket when two girls were sever ely reprimanded because they so much as whispered to one another during the sentencing of an accused to walk in or out of the room while a case is in progress is unheard of ex cept in emergency and the mannerisms of the public police and court officials are of the highest calibre this is the way it should be last week this rigid pol icy was withdrawn and the conduct of the court at richmond hill was trans formed from one of polish ed decorum to one of dis gusting disgrace why be cause a platoon of motor cycle hoodlums a roving group of goodfornothing bums that the daily press has publicized to the point of heroes were slated to appear to face a total of 131 charges the court room was transformed into a threering circus and magistrate s a william son became part of the act what magistrate hollinrakc and pearse had created over the years was torn to shreds in a matter of min utes it was a sickening sight in effect the accused thumbed their noses at jus- ticeone lit up a cigarette others chewed gum they stomped in and out like they owned the place there was even a minor scuffle in the prisoners box nobody said a word at one point the clerk of the court infuriated be yond the point of self- control lashed out verbal ly at one of the accused but he was quickly silenc ed the bikeriders must have surely sneered up their sleeves at a court quivering with excitement anticipation or was it fear we would suggest that if any other citizen not so privileged as these had dared to act in a similar manner he would have been dealt with severely it goes without saying that police officers involv ed in the arrest of these vagabonds were disgusted by the whole affair the press and spectators in the court were awed by it all the public in general should be incensed is it any wonder that these bands of cyclists ride the roads like they rule the world and all the while the court bends the rules to please this hoodlum few one grade 10 girl stand ing motionless among hun dreds watched the cyclists cavort outside the court room building in the pa per they looked bad enough she said but here they look even worse that pretty well summed it up for all of us look after home fires first france has been making a lot of noise about help ing quebec though many doubt france has any in tention of helping anyone but herself however what degaulle should be doing is taking a look at his own domestic situation rather than taking on the role of a meddling old man in other countrys affairs a case in point and the same problem exists to a lesser degree in england is telephone service can adians who are the great est telephone users of tele phones find the french system little short of de plorable sometimes it takes as long as two hours to place a call only a short distance ask any one who has recently been to france about the situation despite degaulle the in adequacies of this system have shown little improve ment over the years the country not only has little service but those in the know say there is little equipment a common market report on country services shows france the poorest off of any country in this regard latest pro nouncement from the gov ernment promises action by 1980 possibly with dcgaulics sudden interest in quebec we should reciprocate by sending over a few tele phone experts from mon treal keeping the game alive its congratulations this week to the stouffville i- ga league baseball cham pions for 1967 the club comprised tot ally of town talent won the title here sunday by beating sunderland four games to one in a best of seven series their loss at sunderland one week previous was the teams only setback in 24 schedule and playoff con tests certainly an envi able record stouffville over the years has been known for its fine baseball teams in this day and age when a clubs operation cannot de pend on fan support an expression of appreciation must be extended to coach roger todd and the iga for their assistance in keeping the sport alive 0ct17 your date with progress -p0na7b- photographs on display at expo mr ron mclcod main street east stouffville looks over his display of in dustrial photographs at expo mr mclcod was one of ten photographers across canada commissioned to illustrate various themes in the canadian government pavilion he is a partner in the commercial photography firm of mclcod and ycc toronto weve been dating for more than j20 years its costin me a fortune sugar and spice my wife a college co ed by bfll smiley if you think its tough trying to get a son or daughter ready for college cool ed out and settled in you should try it with a wife who hasnt been there for 20 years its an exhausting experience emo tionally and financially all the kids want that you should take all their stuff down help unload it press a large sum upon them and disappear back to hick- sville so youll stop embarrassing them in front of their new classmates with momma its not that simple first comes the tremendous decision it self comparable to moses making up his mind to lead the children back to the promised land there are surges of con fidence but they are outweighed by sud den despairs my brain is rusty ill never make it theyve probably lost my files therell be a rule refusing people over 30 the course is most likely a lot harder now ill feel like a fool with all those kids in miniskirts and eyeshadow arid so on you patiently point out that rust can be removed any halfwit can pass fourth year universities never lose any thing except the letter you wrote them last week shes more mature and the course will be a snap hes better look ing now than when she was in third year away back thus bolstered she sends off the ap plication nothing happens fear and frustration mount so father has to write a letter in his inimitable style with force and firmness straight back comes the good word this is the real crisis she cant be lieve it shes accepted its no longer castles in spain and the real panic be gins its ridiculous i cant leave you and kim alone youll burn the house down youll forget to put out the garbage youll die of malnutrition we cant af ford it you cant get along without me and so on this of course is rank cowardlcc she is simply afraid to get her feet wet in the big cold world from which like all housewives she has been sheltered all these years by guess who editors mail sept 29 1967 dear sir please accept my congratulations for the tribunes coverage of the reception honoring our sweetheart beverley boys as a mother and resident of pick ering township i was most pleased to learn that bev was recognized in this way although i do not know her person ally from reading your descriptive writeup and seeing her photo she now seems like the girl next door the tribune is doing a wonderful job in publicizing the youth of the commun ity and the tribute to bev is another feather in your cap as well as the vil lage and township councils from what i have heard bev s de serving of all recognition received not only for her athletic endeavours but also for her exemplary character i feel she is representative of the majority of young people sincerely mrs janet williams pickering kr i looking backward 1950 the prizewinning show team of clydesdales owned by vince baker of altona has been sold to an ottawa buy er for 900 a new rotary pump has been installed at the stouffville reservoir capasls of producing 100 gallons per minute police constable ira rusncll cf stouff ville appeared before council to request a s15 per month salary increase a mo tion favoring the increase was approved brincing mr rusnclls monthlv ge up to 63 so she goes to visit her mother for three days as a sort of a trial run comes home and is a bit dashed to find the house still standing garbage out on schedule lawn cut kitchen tirjy and kim and i living like oriental poten tates she had to save face and go through with it but not before trying one more gambit it was imposible financially there was no way we could manage it father points out that with judicious borrowing we can keep one of the fam ily going to college since hugh is no longer there and in fact has a splendid job laying carpets it might as well be she this produces half a days tears of mingled rage and grief over hughs quitting it also produces a guilty complex she vows that nobody has ever lived as cheaply at college as she will shs going to pig it in a grubby little room all she needs is a sleeping bag card table hot plate and electric kettle shell walk miles to save carfare hitchhike home on weekends hah have you tried to rent a cheap little room lately father took mother to the city and while she registered at the college poured an ale and pored over the classified ads best he could findwas a room share bath and kitch en at 20 a week it wasnt bad but there was a stumb- ling block as usual the other inmates were college girls and the landlady had an iron rule that no men except her own husband were allowed inside the front door she was inflexible so was i id planned to pad down with the old lady the odd weekend saving the price of a hotel room to cut a long story to ribbons the shabby little room first suggested has grown into an apartment furnished and i wouldnt tell my closest friend let alone my banker what the rent is this week next tomorrow its venus by ray argyle ten years ago this week oct 4 1957 the highpitched beep of sput nik i signalled the beginning of a new era of exploration this time of course the exploration was that of space and sputnik i was a meagre 184pound sphere as insignifi cant ten years later as an air rifle pellet is to a heavy cannon when i first heard of the russian suc cess in orbiting a space capsule i guess ed that in ten years time a man would stand on the surface of the moon i was a little on the optimistic side ten years have passed and both the am erican and russian space programs have encountered unexpected difficul ties as they ncared the crucial stage of their lunar goals but there was never doubt that once recovered from the shock of russias success the us would enter into the space race with the grim determination to win what would be the centurys greatest propaganda victory a triumph which still eludes both nations ill fortune dogged the american space effort through much of this decade of the space age the soviets were the first with a man in orbit the flight of yuri gagarin on april 12 1961 was not equalled until the us sent john h glenn three times around the globe feb 20 1962 the russians then scored one smash ing success after another for what at that time seemed a fan tastic 64 orbits the soviets later in 1962 had adrian g nikolaycv aloft for 94 hours and 22 minutes in 1963 a soviet woman cosmonaut valcntina tcrcch- kova became the first and thus far only member of her sex to orbit the earth a few months later the russians had three men up in a single capsule dramatic evidence of soviet liftoff cap ability which only now is beginning to be matched by the us the americans meanwhile were turn ing a stretch of deserted beach and alli gator swamp on the florida coast into one of the worlds two space launch cen tres cape canaveral was to become cape kennedy in 1963 soon to rival the vast and heavily guarded russian cos modromes near lake baikal the americans finally got two men in to orbit with the flight of gemini 3 which took virgil grissom and john young aloft for 17 circuits in 1965 the same year gemini 5 set an eightday en durance record and also in 1965 the first space walks were made initially by russias alexci a leonov and later by major ed white and others tragedy struck the space program in 1966 the americans lost three brave pioneers in a fire in their apollo capsule during a routine onthcground exercise and the soviets a few weeks later suf fered their first admitted space death when their last orbital flight ended in tragedy for the lone astronaut who fail ed to eject from his capsule as it plung ed out of control to earth the deaths brought sober second thoughts to scientists and government officials alike was the exploration of space really worth the cost in money and now in human life that it seemed would have to be paid the answer of course has to be yes the cost is high but we still no more know what we arc buying than did col umbus when he stepped ashore in the new world before any such fanciful flights be come reality however the arduous cost ly job of getting to the moon and then the planets must be finished after lagging behind russia for many years the us now appears to have drawn even in the lunar program while it has forged ahead in other space probes the moon has been photograph ed mars orbited and this week both russian and american space capsules were converging on venus a soviet space extravaganza is being predicted for novembers 50th anniver sary of the russian revolution therell be no lunar landing next month but dont be surprised if the soviets put a man on a roller coaster swing around the moon to mark half a century of communism here on earth wat wriiune established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stouffville tribune limited at si main st stouffvile ont tcl j02101 sirjtle copies 10c subscriptions jtoo per year in canada 600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mail post osce dcpl ottawa i wine fall fever every second september im stricken by fall fever it used to be an annual dis ease but the cure came in the form of four children now its every other year the cause of it all are the chrome- studded beauties now basking in the limelight of public attention at district dealers i need a new car like a hole in the head my 66 pontiac runs as well as the day i drove it oft the patrick lot admit- tcdly after 25000 miles the tires arc a little thinner and the paint shows a few nicks and scratches but for the most part its as good as new still 1 cant get the dealin idea out of my head im no tirekickei when i put my j mind to buying a new buggy 1 mean to j do just that but this year its different so far ive looked over them all the v chev the pontiac the meteor and the 5 rambler im no closer to a decision now than i was two weeks ago the c problem who should come first me or my family neither my wife nor the kids arc thc least bit interested mrs r a can think of a hundred and one tilings we need around the house it doesnt include a new car to grace the driveway shes also a trifle nostalgic i like the one weve got she repeats over and over again dont you remember the night you drove mc to the hospital and a few days later we came home and then there was the trip to the zoo and to santas village and the colors dont please her either she selected the paint scheme for our 66 and they took it off the charts in 67 its still off in 68 she thinks that gm should mix up g a special batch just for us the trouble is how does a husband convince his wife and kids that he j needs a new car when he cant convince fjj himself you think of mounting repair bills that doesnt help you think of higher prices that doesnt help cither you think of a deflated bank account j that hurts even worse 13 thats the dilemma in which i now find myself on the one side a car-buy- x ing fever that knows no cure on the other side a family thats completely immune what is the answer ive got it teach mrs r a to drive and hope that the m initial impact isnt too violent rubber boots purchased for last 33 years international plowing match proved a good investment for this years c markham fair i m while on the subject of the fair few booths in the arena building attracted more attention than the oneman attrac- tion featuring sloulfville magician arthur latcham whats your guess on the 1st prize squash entered by ivan norton of tt greenwood it tipped the scales at 105 i pounds but its not the largest several y seasons ago mr norton produced a 148 pound whopper and there was lex mackenzie going for a whirl on the fcrris wheel just to prove that life begins at 81 the gremlins crept into our column a couple of weeks ago by way of ex planation the revival mentioned in con nection with deputyreeve bill parsons of stouffville should have read rival dont forget its apple butter festi val days at cedar grove this weekend october 7 and 9 a sign in a local real estate office reads for your 1967 centennial project buy a iittlc piece of canada its an age of inflation ten years ago it was common practice for kids to place pennies on c n track to be flat- tencd out by the locomotive on sat urday when the steam train roared through nothing less than quarters would do fashion shows arcnt for men as a matter of fact most males this one in cluded wouldnt know a bustle from a bust this is especially true in a flash back to the gay ninety era and that was our own selfappointed assignment fri- day night the pageant portraits from the past sponsored by the legion la dies auxiliary was presented in the veterans hall stouffville to be honest we had not looked for ward to this chore with any amount of wholehearted exuberance i took along mrs r a for moral support but stilf felt like the proverbial onion in a patch of petunias to my surprise i was able to pin point other mens heads sprinkled throughout the audience the overall crowd was large but should have been larger the truth is they should have been clamoring at the door to get in but they wcrcnt the show warranted a standingroom only attendance although lacking the fashion knowl edge of a monsieur dior it would be safe to say that the gowns were magnifi cent and the models all local ladies and girls were suitably selected for their roles i found myself caught up in the grandeur of the whole affair mrs r a was far from convinced that an evening of girlgazing should come under the physical terminology of m i work you cant win

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